Killing Ragheads for Jesus: American Sniper

the only thing better would have been to have Sarah Palin be the sniper while her son was standing next to her on his dog.:mm::poke::rock:

no kidding. the left doesn't have enough to Obsess over evidently. now it's a over movie


things that gives libs fits (off the top of my head)- we should start a thread on this:)

Guns, Christianity, Sarah, GWB, Rush, Ann Coulter, all black conservatives, guns, church, anti-abortion, anti-islam, common sense, less big government,gas guzzlers, hunting, what else?

You forgot the Constitution and freedom in general.
f there was ever a time, previously, where the left was reduced to foaming at the mouth over one man in one movie I'd sure like to be reminded of it.

This shit is getting WAY outta hand
Do you think the left would be reacting differently if Kyle was still alive and defending himself on Fox?

Or if he was a gay atheist Democrat who came out about his hiding it while in the military?

They hate HIM more than they hate what his job was.

Well, they wouldn't complain if the movie was about Bowe Bergdahl.
American Sniper appeals to the patriotism of the average American - which is exactly what angers you of the left.
What angers me is the fact a racist hater like Chris Kyle is elevated to the status of hero because he's good at killing women and kids.

Yes, it looks like he was racist. It also looks like he was barely in control of his actions. But he was a victim too.

Chris Kyle's life was stolen from him by the US military long before another ruined man shot him.

So many soldiers come home unable to function. We read in the news of some becoming mass shooters or have killed only their family members. In order to be able to kill women and children (and men) in a country that never did anything to deserve it, the military teaches them to kill their own compassion, their very humanity.

American Sniper is not about patriotism. Its about one man's ruined life, wrapped in a flag to appeal to the knee jerk element who can't think for themselves.
American Sniper is not about patriotism. Its about one man's ruined life, wrapped in a flag to appeal to the knee jerk element who can't think for themselves.

It's comical that half-wit loony lefties actually believe they can see better than anyone else. I suppose that's where their need to rule others comes from.
What angers me is the fact a racist hater like Chris Kyle is elevated to the status of hero because he's good at killing women and kids.

Ah yes, magic words. Leftist are told that "racist" is a magic word that defeats all thought and intellect. Once uttered, all reason is confounded and the glorious peoples rulers are supreme.

Chris Kyle is an American hero - you hate him because you are on the other side.

Simple as that.
Yes, it looks like he was racist. It also looks like he was barely in control of his actions. But he was a victim too.

Chris Kyle's life was stolen from him by the US military long before another ruined man shot him.

So many soldiers come home unable to function. We read in the news of some becoming mass shooters or have killed only their family members. In order to be able to kill women and children (and men) in a country that never did anything to deserve it, the military teaches them to kill their own compassion, their very humanity.

American Sniper is not about patriotism. Its about one man's ruined life, wrapped in a flag to appeal to the knee jerk element who can't think for themselves.

If only he had joined Osama Bin Laden, you would have praised and embraced him, as would George.

You leftists are one the other side - simple as that. America is your enemy, and the enemy of America is your ally.
What angers me is the fact a racist hater like Chris Kyle is elevated to the status of hero because he's good at killing women and kids.

Ah yes, magic words. Leftist are told that "racist" is a magic word that defeats all thought and intellect. Once uttered, all reason is confounded and the glorious peoples rulers are supreme.

Chris Kyle is an American hero - you hate him because you are on the other side.
Simple as that.

GP has had a lifetime of guilt over his decision to fake a bad back in order to slither away from his military obligation. What he exhibits here is his Golem.


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You morons do know that is was a Democrat controlled congress that authorized the war. You clowns are seriously stupid.

Once again basing their decision off of faulty information provided by a Republican administration. Did you guys even pay attention to the issue at all when it was going down?
Simply not true the President does not control the flow of intelligence to the Congress. Nor does he control the flow of Intelligence to foreign nations. That lie did not wash when it was started and still does not wash.

The president can absolutely promote certain "intelligence" and set the tone of discourse surrounding specific pieces of information.

Need I point to the issue of Benghazi under President Obama?
The Congress is independently briefed by all Intel agencies. The President has NOTHING to do with Foreign Governments intel sources or briefings.
What angers me is the fact a racist hater like Chris Kyle is elevated to the status of hero because he's good at killing women and kids.

Ah yes, magic words. Leftist are told that "racist" is a magic word that defeats all thought and intellect. Once uttered, all reason is confounded and the glorious peoples rulers are supreme.

Chris Kyle is an American hero - you hate him because you are on the other side.

Simple as that.

Actually, it was Chris Kyle who said it.

He did his job but really, there is nothing heroic about shooting people in the back and his life was taken away from him by his own country.

RWs tend to be knee jerk about these things. You worship anti-America slime like Clive Bundy and Ted Nugent or imbeciles like Sarah Palin because, in your wildly paranoid imagination, you perceive some sort of enemy in those who ask questions.
The other side from racist haters, you mean?
Which side are you on?

George, you mindlessly spew "racist hater dupe" at everyone intellectually your superior - which means all but your fellow radical leftists.

You side with anyone who seeks the destruction of America. It isn't that you support Islam, it's just that you share the goal of the destruction of America and crushing the mass of middle class consumers spending their lives chasing a better home, car. job. You seek to punish those who have fared better than you. You with to punish your betters for your own failures.

You are a typical leftist.
Actually, it was Chris Kyle who said it.

He did his job but really, there is nothing heroic about shooting people in the back and his life was taken away from him by his own country.

RWs tend to be knee jerk about these things. You worship anti-America slime like Clive Bundy and Ted Nugent or imbeciles like Sarah Palin because, in your wildly paranoid imagination, you perceive some sort of enemy in those who ask questions.

Who said WHAT pillowbite?

You yap about "paranoid imagination" yet it is you and your fellow Communist George having a melt down because America celebrates the actions of a bonafide hero. This angers you, after all, you hate what America stands for. You hate the middle class and their creature comforts, if only they could suffer what African tribes suffer, then you would be happy.
What angers me is the fact a racist hater like Chris Kyle is elevated to the status of hero because he's good at killing women and kids.

Ah yes, magic words. Leftist are told that "racist" is a magic word that defeats all thought and intellect. Once uttered, all reason is confounded and the glorious peoples rulers are supreme.

Chris Kyle is an American hero - you hate him because you are on the other side.

Simple as that.

Actually, it was Chris Kyle who said it.

He did his job but really, there is nothing heroic about shooting people in the back and his life was taken away from him by his own country.

RWs tend to be knee jerk about these things. You worship anti-America slime like Clive Bundy and Ted Nugent or imbeciles like Sarah Palin because, in your wildly paranoid imagination, you perceive some sort of enemy in those who ask questions.

Funny ... I worship no one but the left's America-hate is as plain as the nose on your avatar's face.
American Sniper appeals to the patriotism of the average American - which is exactly what angers you of the left.
What angers me is the fact a racist hater like Chris Kyle is elevated to the status of hero because he's good at killing women and kids.

Yes, it looks like he was racist. It also looks like he was barely in control of his actions. But he was a victim too.

Chris Kyle's life was stolen from him by the US military long before another ruined man shot him.

So many soldiers come home unable to function. We read in the news of some becoming mass shooters or have killed only their family members. In order to be able to kill women and children (and men) in a country that never did anything to deserve it, the military teaches them to kill their own compassion, their very humanity.

American Sniper is not about patriotism. Its about one man's ruined life, wrapped in a flag to appeal to the knee jerk element who can't think for themselves.

A country that never did anything to deserve it?
Iraq had a ruthless Dictator who invaded another country and had ties to and was working with al Qaeda.
We ran them out of Afghanistan and Iraq and they had become weakened. Until this President who just wants to fulfill a campaign promise rather than protecting our Country by keeping them weak and low in numbers.
They use women and children to blow up not only American troops but anyone who is not a Muslim.
Barely in control of his actions?
He used great control and waited to make sure that the kid was really going to blow up our troops.
He was also saying to himself for the kid not to take up that bazooka and use it.
Lucky for the kid who decided not to do it.
Kyle was in complete control.
Kyle was helping his fellow Veterans who had PTSD and depression when he came back and was killed by one who was unable to function.
That is a failure of our VA system who did not help that soldier who had PTSD.
Kyle took up that slack and was volunteering to help them and he got killed for his good deeds.
American Sniper appeals to the patriotism of the average American - which is exactly what angers you of the left.
What angers me is the fact a racist hater like Chris Kyle is elevated to the status of hero because he's good at killing women and kids.

Obama/Libs are the BEST at killing kids, babies actually; millions a year.
American Sniper appeals to the patriotism of the average American - which is exactly what angers you of the left.
What angers me is the fact a racist hater like Chris Kyle is elevated to the status of hero because he's good at killing women and kids.

He sent them to Allah.
Muslims do that to women and children all the time.
It's one of their favorite things to do.

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