Killing Ragheads for Jesus: American Sniper

If Chris Kyle had a male partner instead of a family and killed a few Jews he would become a role model to the left.

Chris Hedges has covered war zones from central America to Bosnia to Palestine, and Iraq for most of his life. His take on Chris Kyle isn't flattering:

"Kyle was given the nickname 'Legend.'

"He got a tattoo of a Crusader cross on his arm. 'I wanted everyone to know I was a Christian.

"I had it put in red, for blood.

"I hated the damn savages I’d been fighting,' he wrote. 'I always will.'

"Following a day of sniping, after killing perhaps as many as six people, he would go back to his barracks to spent his time smoking Cuban Romeo y Julieta No. 3 cigars and 'playing video games, watching porn and working out.'

"On leave, something omitted in the movie, he was frequently arrested for drunken bar fights. He dismissed politicians, hated the press and disdained superior officers, exalting only the comradeship of warriors.

"His memoir glorifies white, 'Christian' supremacy and war.

"It is an angry tirade directed against anyone who questions the military’s elite, professional killers."

Chris Kyle: American psychopath.

Chris Hedges Killing Ragheads for Jesus - Chris Hedges -Truthdig

At least he killed people who were fighting. Unlike Islamic terrorists who target women and children who are universally unarmed.
But Islamic terrorists aren't targeting women and children on the opposite side of the planet, are they?
"A total of 4,491 U.S. service members were killed in Iraq between 2003 and 2014.[1]"
Casualties of the Iraq War - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I think George is a robot. Turn him and he goes on and on and on and on with nothing

Chris Hedges has covered war zones from central America to Bosnia to Palestine, and Iraq for most of his life. His take on Chris Kyle isn't flattering:

"Kyle was given the nickname 'Legend.'

"He got a tattoo of a Crusader cross on his arm. 'I wanted everyone to know I was a Christian.

"I had it put in red, for blood.

"I hated the damn savages I’d been fighting,' he wrote. 'I always will.'

"Following a day of sniping, after killing perhaps as many as six people, he would go back to his barracks to spent his time smoking Cuban Romeo y Julieta No. 3 cigars and 'playing video games, watching porn and working out.'

"On leave, something omitted in the movie, he was frequently arrested for drunken bar fights. He dismissed politicians, hated the press and disdained superior officers, exalting only the comradeship of warriors.

"His memoir glorifies white, 'Christian' supremacy and war.

"It is an angry tirade directed against anyone who questions the military’s elite, professional killers."

Chris Kyle: American psychopath.

Chris Hedges Killing Ragheads for Jesus - Chris Hedges -Truthdig

Instead of singling out individuals who're good at their jobs, even if it's killing, how about we come down on war itself instead of individuals?
I think they use the same reason as US on that, Collateral Damage... Neither side can claim they are better in Iraq on treatment of the civilian population. Starting a war is a war crime too.
Starting a war is technically the supreme war crime
"The International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, which followed World War II, called the waging of aggressive war 'essentially an evil initiate a war of not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime, differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.'"
War of aggression - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I think they use the same reason as US on that, Collateral Damage... Neither side can claim they are better in Iraq on treatment of the civilian population. Starting a war is a war crime too.
Starting a war is technically the supreme war crime
"The International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, which followed World War II, called the waging of aggressive war 'essentially an evil initiate a war of not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime, differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.'"
War of aggression - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Stop it!!

My sides are killing me from laughing so hard!!

You should take that comedy routine on a world wide tour, you'd get millions of laughs and get rich all at the same time.

Chris Hedges has covered war zones from central America to Bosnia to Palestine, and Iraq for most of his life. His take on Chris Kyle isn't flattering:

"Kyle was given the nickname 'Legend.'

"He got a tattoo of a Crusader cross on his arm. 'I wanted everyone to know I was a Christian.

"I had it put in red, for blood.

"I hated the damn savages I’d been fighting,' he wrote. 'I always will.'

"Following a day of sniping, after killing perhaps as many as six people, he would go back to his barracks to spent his time smoking Cuban Romeo y Julieta No. 3 cigars and 'playing video games, watching porn and working out.'

"On leave, something omitted in the movie, he was frequently arrested for drunken bar fights. He dismissed politicians, hated the press and disdained superior officers, exalting only the comradeship of warriors.

"His memoir glorifies white, 'Christian' supremacy and war.

"It is an angry tirade directed against anyone who questions the military’s elite, professional killers."

Chris Kyle: American psychopath.

Chris Hedges Killing Ragheads for Jesus - Chris Hedges -Truthdig

Instead of singling out individuals who're good at their jobs, even if it's killing, how about we come down on war itself instead of individuals?
War itself exists to make a few individuals filthy rich by the mass murder, maiming, displacement and incarceration of millions of innocent civilians; a death tax of 100% on all war related profits after the first civilian's death would go a long way to ending war. Make national defense a non-profit enterprise, in other words.

Chris Hedges has covered war zones from central America to Bosnia to Palestine, and Iraq for most of his life. His take on Chris Kyle isn't flattering:

"Kyle was given the nickname 'Legend.'

"He got a tattoo of a Crusader cross on his arm. 'I wanted everyone to know I was a Christian.

"I had it put in red, for blood.

"I hated the damn savages I’d been fighting,' he wrote. 'I always will.'

"Following a day of sniping, after killing perhaps as many as six people, he would go back to his barracks to spent his time smoking Cuban Romeo y Julieta No. 3 cigars and 'playing video games, watching porn and working out.'

"On leave, something omitted in the movie, he was frequently arrested for drunken bar fights. He dismissed politicians, hated the press and disdained superior officers, exalting only the comradeship of warriors.

"His memoir glorifies white, 'Christian' supremacy and war.

"It is an angry tirade directed against anyone who questions the military’s elite, professional killers."

Chris Kyle: American psychopath.

Chris Hedges Killing Ragheads for Jesus - Chris Hedges -Truthdig

Instead of singling out individuals who're good at their jobs, even if it's killing, how about we come down on war itself instead of individuals?
War itself exists to make a few individuals filthy rich by the mass murder, maiming, displacement and incarceration of millions of innocent civilians; a death tax of 100% on all war related profits after the first civilian's death would go a long way to ending war. Make national defense a non-profit enterprise, in other words.


Chris Hedges has covered war zones from central America to Bosnia to Palestine, and Iraq for most of his life. His take on Chris Kyle isn't flattering:

"Kyle was given the nickname 'Legend.'

"He got a tattoo of a Crusader cross on his arm. 'I wanted everyone to know I was a Christian.

"I had it put in red, for blood.

"I hated the damn savages I’d been fighting,' he wrote. 'I always will.'

"Following a day of sniping, after killing perhaps as many as six people, he would go back to his barracks to spent his time smoking Cuban Romeo y Julieta No. 3 cigars and 'playing video games, watching porn and working out.'

"On leave, something omitted in the movie, he was frequently arrested for drunken bar fights. He dismissed politicians, hated the press and disdained superior officers, exalting only the comradeship of warriors.

"His memoir glorifies white, 'Christian' supremacy and war.

"It is an angry tirade directed against anyone who questions the military’s elite, professional killers."

Chris Kyle: American psychopath.

Chris Hedges Killing Ragheads for Jesus - Chris Hedges -Truthdig

Instead of singling out individuals who're good at their jobs, even if it's killing, how about we come down on war itself instead of individuals?
War itself exists to make a few individuals filthy rich by the mass murder, maiming, displacement and incarceration of millions of innocent civilians; a death tax of 100% on all war related profits after the first civilian's death would go a long way to ending war. Make national defense a non-profit enterprise, in other words.

While what the USA is doing with its' military is tantamount to a war crime, I think it's not war in the historic sense. And judging it by historical standards of war isn't proper. The USA is more like a gang with first-strike capability invading neighboring gangs' turf and shooting up the place. We haven't fought a proper war for quite some time. It's not a war in the proper sense if the majority of your side's soldiers are fighting non-soldier patriots who took up arms only after you invaded their country.
The USA is more like a gang with first-strike capability invading neighboring gangs' turf and shooting up the place. We haven't fought a proper war for quite some time. It's not a war in the proper sense if the majority of your side's soldiers are fighting non-soldier patriots who took up arms only after you invaded their country.
In every country the US has invaded since WWII we've seen civil war erupt in opposition to our presence. Korea, South Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq all contained a population of patriots unwilling to bow before bombs, and US elites exploit that by deploying their "useful psychopaths" to "bring democracy" to the "savages." And, of course, a few elites add to their already vast fortunes built from wars they don't fight in and debt they inflict on those who do.
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The poor progressive communists still drooling incoherently over Iraq and every other illegal , oppressive, imperialist, capitalist, expanionist, corporatist, resource stealing, occupying, aggressive wars that we ummmm "start".
Mean, terrorist , bullies that we are eh COMRADES....
"For committing this crime, (crime against peace) the Nuremberg Tribunal sentenced a number of persons responsible for starting World War II. One consequence of this is that nations who are starting an armed conflict must now argue that they are either exercising the right of self-defense, the right of collective defense, or - it seems - the enforcement of the criminal law of jus cogens.

"It has made formal declaration of war uncommon after 1945.

"During the trial, the chief American prosecutor, Robert H. Jackson, stated:

"'To initiate a war of aggression, therefore, is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.'"

War of aggression - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Lets hope terrorists never hit GP's neighborhood because if they did he's be a pissing wreck waiting for the military he detests to come save his sorry ass.
The security council does not get to determine what is "legal" in terms of warfare. We are supposed to expect an act is determined "legal" or not by vote? Or in the case of the UNSC, one dissent with veto?

Nobody in the world would be able to do anything if legality is left up to a committee
The UN Charter was signed and ratified by the US Senate, giving it full force of law. After we invaded and occupied Korea in 1945 and the Korean people rose up to resist, the US managed to coerce a UNSC Resolution authorizing the "defense" of South Korea in 1950. If the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World won't live up to its treaty obligations, who will?
can't help but laugh. In one post you managed to call him a racist, and a hater, and a murderer. Now, why isn't Obama a 'racist, hating murderer of women and children' I ask? Has he not killed innocent civilians with his drone strikes?
Obama is a mass murderer without Kyle's physical courage, and so are many others in the US government.
The security council does not get to determine what is "legal" in terms of warfare. We are supposed to expect an act is determined "legal" or not by vote? Or in the case of the UNSC, one dissent with veto?

Nobody in the world would be able to do anything if legality is left up to a committee
The UN Charter was signed and ratified by the US Senate, giving it full force of law. After we invaded and occupied Korea in 1945 and the Korean people rose up to resist, the US managed to coerce a UNSC Resolution authorizing the "defense" of South Korea in 1950. If the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World won't live up to its treaty obligations, who will?

As I said earlier, the UN charter is vague, and to this day the UN has not ruled that the Iraq War is or was illegal.

So get over it.
So many soldiers come home unable to function. We read in the news of some becoming mass shooters or have killed only their family members. In order to be able to kill women and children (and men) in a country that never did anything to deserve it, the military teaches them to kill their own compassion, their very humanity
That's a good example of how war privatizes the profits and socializes its costs. If those who profit the most from war were required to pay for the treatment of wounded souls like Kyle and hundreds of thousands of others, war could be taxed into extinction in less than a generation. Republicans AND Democrats in DC will send their own children to invade and occupy Mexico before they will allow for profit wars to disappear, IMHO.
"Ragheads." If you're in open desert and your heat-related death is a possibility you'll pee-soak your pants and wrap it around your head to stay cool. Calling desert dwelling people ragheads reveals an ignorance that's hypocritical.

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