Killing Ragheads for Jesus: American Sniper

American Sniper appeals to the patriotism of the average American - which is exactly what angers you of the left.
What angers me is the fact a racist hater like Chris Kyle is elevated to the status of hero because he's good at killing women and kids.

Obama/Libs are the BEST at killing kids, babies actually; millions a year.

and not think twice about it or blink an eyelash over it. In fact they champion it with the party they belong in. Yet here they are wailing over a sniper killing an enemy in combat. Liberalism really a mental disorder
...Never forget how war makes a few cowards filthy rich...
Chickenshits who weasel out of Air Force basic training after 10 days with a phony bad-back medical discharge should take great care with the word 'coward'.

Personally, I think Dick Cheney was a bona fide bastard and hard-case, and bad for the country.

But you - lacking a place at any table amongst Men - should use great care with such name-calling.
Poor George, he's constantly on the wrong side the issues and his country... and has nothing but disdain for his fellow country men and women.

American Sniper is not about patriotism. Its about one man's ruined life, wrapped in a flag to appeal to the knee jerk element who can't think for themselves.

It's comical that half-wit loony lefties actually believe they can see better than anyone else. I suppose that's where their need to rule others comes from.
It's much easier to get a good view of the world without a dumb tinfoil hat always getting in the way.
American Sniper appeals to the patriotism of the average American - which is exactly what angers you of the left.
What angers me is the fact a racist hater like Chris Kyle is elevated to the status of hero because he's good at killing women and kids.

Yes, it looks like he was racist. It also looks like he was barely in control of his actions. But he was a victim too.

Chris Kyle's life was stolen from him by the US military long before another ruined man shot him.

So many soldiers come home unable to function. We read in the news of some becoming mass shooters or have killed only their family members. In order to be able to kill women and children (and men) in a country that never did anything to deserve it, the military teaches them to kill their own compassion, their very humanity.

American Sniper is not about patriotism. Its about one man's ruined life, wrapped in a flag to appeal to the knee jerk element who can't think for themselves.
Others will jump on this only because it's you saying it.
I was in total agreement up until the final words after the comma. That's where you lose credibility with people
If Chris Kyle had a male partner instead of a family and killed a few Jews he would become a role model to the left.
Kyle isn't responsible for 1400 years of enslavement, rape, and murder that is the Muslim legacy, he is responsible for taking a stand against it.
Kyle is responsible for voluntarily participating in an illegal war, which makes all this hundred-plus kills into murders. He's a perfect example of the useful heroic idiot the rich have been using for centuries to profit from wars of aggression.

There is nothing "illegal" about any of our wars, you just don't like them because they do not support the progressive agenda is all.

Yup. Congress approved them all. Thats something the left just seems to forget about.

Chris Kyle isn't here to defend himself so anyone can say anything they want to say.

He made it into the SEALS which isn't easy and there are many who tried but didn't make it through Hell week.

Takes a special man to become a SEAL. Those guys do things the rest of us can't even imagine.

Anyone who thinks they aren't patriots is a flamming idiiot.

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