Kim Davis loses again...

The Constitution supports her right to freedom of religion and her job has no right to change the rules midstream and force her to go against her own conscience and her own faith, Dante.
She was not defending Christianity nor was she acting in simpatico with Christianity at all.

I am a Christian and never in my 59 years have I ever heard my minister to admonish homosexuals nor refrain from commerce with them. Rather, he preached as Christ preached: love thy neighbor as you would be loved.

She seeks to twist a beautiful, loving and forgiving faith to seek cover for her bigotry. She is using a beautiful faith to serve an ugly purpose.

So she seeks protection from the judicial system by claiming these acts of bigotry and humiliation are protected rights. She is using a fair and equal system of jurisprudence to perpetuate inequality flaunting it in the face of secular law. All while serving in elated public office.

So she twists both faith and legal obedience just to inflict bigotry and perpetuate hurtful stereotypes and undeserved humiliation.

There is nothing noble here and certainly nothing Christian. How is it she and her supporters can suddenly abandon the principle tenets of Christianity; judge not lest ye be judged, love thy neighbor and don't cast the first stone as you bears sins too? What wicked dogma would included 'except for the Gays'?

Gay citizens are, by in large, just as sober, just as responsible, just as active in community organizations, church groups and philanthropic groups as their straight counterparts. The LGBTcommunity are business owners, neighbors, friends and family members. They serve our nation proudly in our armed forces. They are teachers, doctors, attorneys, and first responders.

By what authority should they be excluded from our system of justice and fairness? Why all the energy to make them less than, shunned and shamed?

You know what ticks me off?

The left keeps renaming things...

I never heard of the word "progressive" till Hillary's first run..

I never heard of "lGBT" till a few month

Why do you guys do it?

You never heard of the word progressive until Hillary's first run? That is a rather common word. lol

See? How old are you?

No leftist commie pinko used that term in the main stream till 2008...

I am 35. I learned it as kid when I studied the 1900's and 1910's as I've always sort of been a history nerd. lol

I am 50...never heard that term till 2008
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She was not defending Christianity nor was she acting in simpatico with Christianity at all.

I am a Christian and never in my 59 years have I ever heard my minister to admonish homosexuals nor refrain from commerce with them. Rather, he preached as Christ preached: love thy neighbor as you would be loved.

She seeks to twist a beautiful, loving and forgiving faith to seek cover for her bigotry. She is using a beautiful faith to serve an ugly purpose.

So she seeks protection from the judicial system by claiming these acts of bigotry and humiliation are protected rights. She is using a fair and equal system of jurisprudence to perpetuate inequality flaunting it in the face of secular law. All while serving in elated public office.

So she twists both faith and legal obedience just to inflict bigotry and perpetuate hurtful stereotypes and undeserved humiliation.

There is nothing noble here and certainly nothing Christian. How is it she and her supporters can suddenly abandon the principle tenets of Christianity; judge not lest ye be judged, love thy neighbor and don't cast the first stone as you bears sins too? What wicked dogma would included 'except for the Gays'?

Gay citizens are, by in large, just as sober, just as responsible, just as active in community organizations, church groups and philanthropic groups as their straight counterparts. The LGBTcommunity are business owners, neighbors, friends and family members. They serve our nation proudly in our armed forces. They are teachers, doctors, attorneys, and first responders.

By what authority should they be excluded from our system of justice and fairness? Why all the energy to make them less than, shunned and shamed?

You know what ticks me off?

The left keeps renaming things...

I never heard of the word "progressive" till Hillary's first run..

I never heard of "lGBT" till a few month

Why do you guys do it?

You never heard of the word progressive until Hillary's first run? That is a rather common word. lol

See? How old are you?

No leftist commie pinko used that term in the main stream till 2008...

I am 35. I learned it as kid when I studied the 1900's and 1910's as I've always sort of been a history nerd. lol

I am 50...never heard that term till 2008

Fair enough. I sort of want to smack your history teachers with a yard stick though. Like the nuns used to do when I was kid. Or still do? Not sure if they still do that shit. lol.
Nope. Not gonna give up. Take this all the way to SC and then ignore their ruling if they rule wrongly again. By then figure legislature will be back in session to either impeach her (doubtful) or fix the laws in Kentucky like North Carolina has and its working.

RE: North Carolina law.

1. The can only refuse to issue marriage license upon written notification and then are precluded from issuing ANY liceness for 6-months.

2. In only applies to Assistant Register of Deeds and deputy register of deed which are hired positions (in other words front office clerks) and does not apply to elected officials which in North Carolina the Register of Deeds is an elected office.

3. Even under a similar law the Rowan County Clerk (and elected position) cannot refuse to issue civil marriage licenses to qualified couples, her deputy clerks could, but not the elected County Clerk.

4. On top of that the law requires that marriage licenses be issued, do even if a deputy clerk refuses the County Clerk (elected position) MUST ensure that licenses are issued and does not hold the type of exemption you think exists.


(b) Every assistant register of deeds and deputy register of deeds has the right to recuse from issuing all lawful marriage licenses under this Chapter based upon any sincerely held religious objection. Such recusal shall be upon notice to the register of deeds and is in effect for at least six months from the time delivered to the register of deeds. The recusing assistant or deputy register may not issue any marriage license until the recusal is rescinded in writing. The register of deeds shall ensure for all applicants for marriage licenses to be issued a license upon satisfaction of the requirements as set forth in Article 2 of this Chapter.

And, how does giving marriage to people that have anal sex make any sense? Who is crazy here? How is this vital or necessary to a healthy republic?

You want County Clerks to ask couples if they have anal sex and reject anyone that does?

Since lesbian's don't' have penis' do they get asked or is the licenses automatic for them?

The supreme court has written law that states that all 50 states must approve of same sex marriage. That's illegal. Laws are passed by the legislative branch.

This isn't rocket science but apparently your rocket don't get off the pad often.
Dear Justice Roberts,

There is an airplane mechanic somewhere in the world that says that what the court decided about gay marriage is illegal. Accordingly, please reverse the court's ruling right away, before you embarrass yourself!
Of course the SCOTUS writes laws.

The Congress role is to collect prizes and kickbacks for winning elections.

And the Presidents job is to issue Executive Orders that supercede any laws written by the Courts whenever he thinks the Court is out of line.

That is not what it says in the Constitution? Laws are written by Congress, enforced by the President and interpreted and reviewed by the Courts? Everything I said earlier was a boatload of insane bulls##t created by angry fools that didn't get their way?

Yeah, right!!
for the sake of both clarity and sanity, the Supreme Court's' ruling opinion on gay marriages was one of upholding the Constitution and striking down unconstitutional laws.

There is NO legal statute written by the SCOTUS or any other court
You do realize this same supreme court that you worship also upheld laws in the past that were overturned:

10 Overturned Supreme Court Cases

And I agree with this from a past ruling that set forth this most recent one:

"The court got it wrong with DOMA. The justices ignored the votes of large, bipartisan majorities in Congress in 1996. It is absurd for the court to suggest that Congress doesn't have the power to define the meaning of words in statutes that Congress itself enacts. This is a serious loss for federalism and democratic self-government. We must work to reverse it -- and to defend the rights of all Americans to make marriage policy."

Oh yea, the source: CNN

Opinion: Supreme Court got it wrong on gay marriage -

The definition of marriage should not be up to the courts, it should be up to the states. The DOMA says so.
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The supreme court has written law that states that all 50 states must approve of same sex marriage. That's illegal. Laws are passed by the legislative branch.

This isn't rocket science but apparently your rocket don't get off the pad often.

I thought The supreme court struck down DOMA as being unconstitutional.

I did not know that they passed a law. Did Obama signed it, or was it Chief Justice Robert?
You do realize this same supreme court that you worship also upheld laws in the past that were overturned:

10 Overturned Supreme Court Cases

And I agree with this from a past ruling that set forth this most recent one:

"The court got it wrong with DOMA. The justices ignored the votes of large, bipartisan majorities in Congress in 1996. It is absurd for the court to suggest that Congress doesn't have the power to define the meaning of words in statutes that Congress itself enacts. This is a serious loss for federalism and democratic self-government. We must work to reverse it -- and to defend the rights of all Americans to make marriage policy."

Oh yea, the source: CNN

Opinion: Supreme Court got it wrong on gay marriage -

The definition of marriage should not be up to the courts, it should be up to the states. The DOMA says so.

In favor of more liberties and freedoms...inclusiveness as opposed to your retrograde ideas
'Here, let me tell you about the love of Christ. But first, I gotta hate on those fags over there. And just cuz I let myself get popped in the pussy by 4 or 5 different men and have affairs and children out of wedlock, it's still my holy deeeyuuuuty to hate those fags. Hallelujah, amen.'

There is no reason to hate any human being, Stat. Telling someone the truth about what the Bible says, what God has to say about the sin of sodomy is not hatred. It is Calvary love. Why would anyone not tell someone who is perishing in a certain sin - the truth about it? Only a coward would hold back the truth while knowing it! No coward will inherit the kingdom of heaven either.

I think homosexual persons already know how you and others like you feel about them. They've already heard it a million times. Frankly, it's not your place to sit in judgment or cast stones or condemn people to hell. Apply your beliefs to your own life and let others do the same.
The Constitution supports her right to freedom of religion and her job has no right to change the rules midstream and force her to go against her own conscience and her own faith, Dante.
She was not defending Christianity nor was she acting in simpatico with Christianity at all.

I am a Christian and never in my 59 years have I ever heard my minister to admonish homosexuals nor refrain from commerce with them. Rather, he preached as Christ preached: love thy neighbor as you would be loved.

She seeks to twist a beautiful, loving and forgiving faith to seek cover for her bigotry. She is using a beautiful faith to serve an ugly purpose.

So she seeks protection from the judicial system by claiming these acts of bigotry and humiliation are protected rights. She is using a fair and equal system of jurisprudence to perpetuate inequality flaunting it in the face of secular law. All while serving in elected public office.

So she twists both faith and legal obedience just to inflict bigotry and perpetuate hurtful stereotypes and undeserved humiliation.

There is nothing noble here and certainly nothing Christian. How is it she and her supporters can suddenly abandon the principle tenets of Christianity; judge not lest ye be judged, love thy neighbor and don't cast the first stone as you bears sins too? What wicked dogma would included 'except for the Gays'?

Gay citizens are, by in large, just as sober, just as responsible, just as active in community organizations, church groups and philanthropic groups as their straight counterparts. The LGBTcommunity are business owners, neighbors, friends and family members. They serve our nation proudly in our armed forces. They are teachers, doctors, attorneys, and first responders.

By what authority should they be excluded from our system of justice and fairness? Why all the energy to make them less than, shunned and shamed?
I am not a Christian. Not in a million years. Men should not lay with other men, yadda yadda. Men having anal sex with each other, women fisting or having cunnilingus, HOW is that even comparable to your parents making YOU? Marriage equity? Jumbo shrimp, An oxymoron if ever.
That's the issue? Individual's private sex lives? What difference does that make in YOUErsnal seclude? By what authority should the American system of jurisprudence b nod to the whims of your personal peccadilloes in or out of the bedroom? Would you have state authority over the bedroom? What manner of Conservatism is this?

Spoooooo you want the state to force me to buy health insurance? What business of theirs?

Yet you ok the state to promote unnatural sex and marriage to spread H.I.V.?

Yea I am going there...
Your health insurance, necessary as it is but resented by you for strictly political reasons, is a matter of public health costs to all Americans.

And HIV is a blood borne virus that does not know the difference between a homosexual or a heterosexual. It is a sexually transmitted disease and is as common as syphillis, anothe STD common among heterosexuals.

As for 'unnatural', that is your interpretation, not the definition given by smarter folks than you and I who have actually studied human sexuality. You argue from anecdote. Is that any way to preserve justice among American citizens?
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