Kim Davis loses again...

You've got a liberal supreme court and it still barely slid by 5-4. I suspect the next president will have an R by his name and will put in a couple of conservative justices who will repeal this ruling.

One huge issue with the supreme court? It can overrule itself. It's chaos.

What happened to DOMA?
Sonia Sotomayor, Associate Justice, was nominated by President Barack Obama and took her seat in August 2009. She was nominated by President H.W. Bush to the U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, and served on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.

Do you even have a clue?
If gays are allowed to marry, what will become of the towel "his" and "her" embroidery industry? Think of the jobs that will be lost!

But think of the industry that could be created......For example, I could start a website where a male homosexual couple could GIVE one and RECEIVE one towel from a female gay couple.....:biggrin:
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She is a Christian who defended her Constitutional right to her freedom to follow her faith. She's defending her faith and the Constitution as it was written. The Supreme Court had no right to change the laws of the land - permitting same sex marriage. It was not their place.

Really? Where in the bible does Jesus say that the gays can't marry? She's NOT following the christian faith. She and some so called christians just made up what she is following.

The part where she claims she talks with god just proves she is bat shit crazy. If it is true that she talks with god then where are the audio recordings? Where are the video recordings? Unless she is lying of course. Would a christian lie about such a thing? That's all they do is lie.

Jesus Christ is the Word in Genesis 1:26, Huggy.

It is written:

Genesis 1:26 - 28:

26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
What does this mean? It means that Jesus Christ - the Word was with God in the beginning and that they made man in God's image and after God's likeness. He created them male and female. And God blessed Adam and Eve and said unto them, Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it...........
God created a woman for man. Not a man for man. Not a woman for a woman. He created one man and then he created one woman for that man. He created Adam and Eve. A man and a woman.

A man and a man cannot be fruitful and multiply.
A woman and a woman cannot be fruitful and multiply.
Only a man and a woman can be fruitful and multiply.
Why? Because God never intended for a man to lie with a man or a woman with a woman. It is an abomination unto God, Huggy.

26, 27 and 28 don't mention jesus.

Just the wordage "subdue it" proves that even if you didn't believe in sky fairies, which I don't, that the bible is nonsense. We are lest than the dust on a flea on a dog. Literally a billion, or more like many trillion times smaller. If anything it suggests that your god is a faggot because mankind has had queers among it's midst as long as we have been alive, certainly as long as recorded history. The Romans had butt boys servicing the homo gladiators long before the Jews started writing their so called scripture.

The TRUTH is that you and your idiot Kim Davis are full of shit. I agree that homos are disgusting. I think you and Kim are disgusting. Jews and christians are disgusting. You think you are special because some ancient jew hustlers and some christian hustlers gave you permission to take over the planet?

Here is a clue for you Sherlock. This planet was never theirs to give dominion over.

People like you just stole everything you could get your hands on just like you took this country from the Native Americans. Just like the Europeans stole South America and the Caribbean and Mexico from the people living there long before our precious ancestors showed up on boats.

The TRUTH is that you and your kind are just insane thieves and many of you were already homos long before you dreamt up your precious god and jesus.
This graphic tells it all:


And here is the actual document denying her injunction:




Discuss. Is Kim Davis smart enough to know when to give up and simply be a human being?
Kim Davis doesn't have a clue. Liberty Council is footing the bill and making the decisions. When her backers drop this, that will be the end of Kim Davis and this will be just one of many failed attempts to block gay marriage.

That's what this is really about: to continue efforts to deny gay Americans their civil rights, having nothing to do with 'religious liberty.'
I can't believe that some right wing dingbats on here are comparing Davis' jailing to MLK's....

Davis was jailed for FAILING a court order to perform her stated duties as a county clerk.

MLK was jailed for not complying with Bull Connor's request (and receipt) of a court injunction that prohibited even lawful assembly....which MLK, with a thousand followers, did anyway.

Davis' [in]acctions were a breach in her oath....MLK's actions were FULLY constitutional in the civil right for a lawful assembly.
Did this make sense to anyone?

And, how does giving marriage to people that have anal sex make any sense? Who is crazy here? How is this vital or necessary to a healthy republic?
How does the form of fucking sex they have act as a check against getting married?

Do straight people have to prove they have sex or something?


Don't bother. Mary believes that only marriage that produce offspring naturally are worthy in our society. You would have better luck trying to convince your cat to support marriage equality.

My cat DOES support marriage equality!

How purrrrogressive!
Lol !!!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
We need several amendments to correct the liberal perversion of our Great Christian nation!

An amendment to ban abortion
An amendment t ban same-sex marriage
An amendment to uphold Biblical laws in our courts, thus ending 'creeping sharia' once and for all.

Only until we pass these amendments, America is not a free! We will not have freedom of choice! We will not have freedom to love. And We will definitely not have freedom of religion!!

We also need an amendment forcing the missionary position, but making all sex illegal on Sundays! And a requirement that every successfully completed boink guarantee a puppy in the puppy-mill (white puppies preferred). Oh, and separate food and water bowls for black puppies, too!!!!

Yeah, that's the ticket!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
The Constitution supports her right to freedom of religion and her job has no right to change the rules midstream and force her to go against her own conscience and her own faith, Dante.
She was not defending Christianity nor was she acting in simpatico with Christianity at all.

I am a Christian and never in my 59 years have I ever heard my minister to admonish homosexuals nor refrain from commerce with them. Rather, he preached as Christ preached: love thy neighbor as you would be loved.

She seeks to twist a beautiful, loving and forgiving faith to seek cover for her bigotry. She is using a beautiful faith to serve an ugly purpose.

So she seeks protection from the judicial system by claiming these acts of bigotry and humiliation are protected rights. She is using a fair and equal system of jurisprudence to perpetuate inequality flaunting it in the face of secular law. All while serving in elated public office.

So she twists both faith and legal obedience just to inflict bigotry and perpetuate hurtful stereotypes and undeserved humiliation.

There is nothing noble here and certainly nothing Christian. How is it she and her supporters can suddenly abandon the principle tenets of Christianity; judge not lest ye be judged, love thy neighbor and don't cast the first stone as you bears sins too? What wicked dogma would included 'except for the Gays'?

Gay citizens are, by in large, just as sober, just as responsible, just as active in community organizations, church groups and philanthropic groups as their straight counterparts. The LGBTcommunity are business owners, neighbors, friends and family members. They serve our nation proudly in our armed forces. They are teachers, doctors, attorneys, and first responders.

By what authority should they be excluded from our system of justice and fairness? Why all the energy to make them less than, shunned and shamed?

You know what ticks me off?

The left keeps renaming things...

I never heard of the word "progressive" till Hillary's first run..

I never heard of "lGBT" till a few month

Why do you guys do it?

No one is 'renaming' anything.
We need several amendments to correct the liberal perversion of our Great Christian nation!

An amendment to ban abortion
An amendment t ban same-sex marriage
An amendment to uphold Biblical laws in our courts, thus ending 'creeping sharia' once and for all.

Only until we pass these amendments, America is not a free! We will not have freedom of choice! We will not have freedom to love. And We will definitely not have freedom of religion!!


Indeed, We want to be just as free as Iran

Huckabee/Duggar 2016!

We need several amendments to correct the liberal perversion of our Great Christian nation!

An amendment to ban abortion
An amendment t ban same-sex marriage
An amendment to uphold Biblical laws in our courts, thus ending 'creeping sharia' once and for all.

Only until we pass these amendments, America is not a free! We will not have freedom of choice! We will not have freedom to love. And We will definitely not have freedom of religion!!


Indeed, We want to be just as free as Iran

Huckabee/Duggar 2016!

HUCKABEE/DEEZ NUTS 2016, we can have Santorum be the house speaker!
And then there is this:

Davis’ Religious Beliefs Are Substantially Burdened By Gov. Beshear’s SSM Mandate. Supreme Court and Sixth Circuit precedent, along with post-Obergefell pending legislation in Kentucky and the undisputed evidentiary record on this appeal, support the conclusion that Davis’ religious beliefs are substantially burdened by Gov. Beshear’s SSM Mandate forcing her to authorize SSM licenses.

Davis indisputably holds sincere religious beliefs about marriage and her inability to issue SSM licenses is motivated by those convictions. VTC, ¶¶ 17-18.

In her belief, marriage is the sacred union of a man and a woman, only. VTC, ¶ 17. The prescribed marriage license form required under Gov. Beshear’s SSM Mandate provides no opportunity for the religious objector (Davis) not to participate in endorsement and approval of SSM.

The specific form uses the word “marriage” at Kentucky marriage law cannot be interpreted without also considering and applying the Kentucky RFRA. Case: 15-5961 Document: 25-1 Filed: 09/07/2015 Page: 9 (9 of 82) 8 six different places, requires Davis’ name to be on the license at two different places (at least) for any license issued in Rowan County, Kentucky, and also requires her to authorize the “join[ing] together in the state of matrimony” a proposed union that she cannot approve. VTC, ¶ 11, and Exs. A, D.

But Davis cannot authorize a union of two persons which, in her sincerely-held belief, is not marriage. VTC, ¶¶ 17-18. Gov. Beshear has flatly rejected Davis’ request for religious exemption. In his view, Davis must either comply with his SSM Mandate, or resign from office. VTC, ¶¶ 28, 36. On Gov. Beshear’s own initiative, the KDLA prepared a revised marriage form in response to his SSM Mandate, which was then distributed to county clerks for them to begin using immediately, without exception, per Gov. Beshear’s directive. VTC, ¶¶ 25-26, and Ex. C.

see link for further information.

If her beliefs mean so much to her, how could she ever give a marriage license to a person who has ever mastubated? Had multiple divorces? Children out of wedlock? :eek:

Sure sounds like USDA Grade-A cherry-picking to me. Leviticus for thee, but not for me!

Of course it is. We gays know that. The baker that won't bake a wedding cake for a committed gay couple but will bake one for a "divorce party", a stem cell research party and a pagan party.

Of course they're cherry picking...they are not Christians, they're anti gay bigots using their religion to bash gays. Jesus would not approve.
The Constitution supports her right to freedom of religion and her job has no right to change the rules midstream and force her to go against her own conscience and her own faith, Dante.
She was not defending Christianity nor was she acting in simpatico with Christianity at all.

I am a Christian and never in my 59 years have I ever heard my minister to admonish homosexuals nor refrain from commerce with them. Rather, he preached as Christ preached: love thy neighbor as you would be loved.

She seeks to twist a beautiful, loving and forgiving faith to seek cover for her bigotry. She is using a beautiful faith to serve an ugly purpose.

So she seeks protection from the judicial system by claiming these acts of bigotry and humiliation are protected rights. She is using a fair and equal system of jurisprudence to perpetuate inequality flaunting it in the face of secular law. All while serving in elected public office.

So she twists both faith and legal obedience just to inflict bigotry and perpetuate hurtful stereotypes and undeserved humiliation.

There is nothing noble here and certainly nothing Christian. How is it she and her supporters can suddenly abandon the principle tenets of Christianity; judge not lest ye be judged, love thy neighbor and don't cast the first stone as you bears sins too? What wicked dogma would included 'except for the Gays'?

Gay citizens are, by in large, just as sober, just as responsible, just as active in community organizations, church groups and philanthropic groups as their straight counterparts. The LGBTcommunity are business owners, neighbors, friends and family members. They serve our nation proudly in our armed forces. They are teachers, doctors, attorneys, and first responders.

By what authority should they be excluded from our system of justice and fairness? Why all the energy to make them less than, shunned and shamed?
I am not a Christian. Not in a million years. Men should not lay with other men, yadda yadda. Men having anal sex with each other, women fisting or having cunnilingus, HOW is that even comparable to your parents making YOU? Marriage equity? Jumbo shrimp, An oxymoron if ever.
That's the issue? Individual's private sex lives? What difference does that make in YOUErsnal seclude? By what authority should the American system of jurisprudence b nod to the whims of your personal peccadilloes in or out of the bedroom? Would you have state authority over the bedroom? What manner of Conservatism is this?

Spoooooo you want the state to force me to buy health insurance? What business of theirs?

They pay the bill when you can't.

Yet you ok the state to promote unnatural sex and marriage to spread H.I.V.?

Yea I am going there...

Of course you're "going there", you're a bigoted moron and "there" is where bigoted morons go. The state is not "promoting" anything by issuing marriage licenses any more than they are "promoting" anything when issuing drivers or liquor licenses.

Both anal and oral sex is performed regularly by straight people. I'm sorry you've not found this to be true in your personal experience...perhaps that's why you're a hateful bigot.
The supreme court has written law that states that all 50 states must approve of same sex marriage. That's illegal. Laws are passed by the legislative branch.

This isn't rocket science but apparently your rocket don't get off the pad often.

No, that's not what happened. What actually happened was laws that were passed were found to be unconstitutional. No law was created, bad law as struck down. Glad we could clear you up on this issue...since it's not rocket science and all.
in the big picture Kim Davis is a winner and non-Christians are the losers who will be very very sorry they did not choose life and Christ when they had the chance!

I want to "believe in God" and that perhaps that each of us have a judgment day when we atone for our inhumanity and unkindness to others ... but I don't believe in the wrathful God that you portray or the Bible you proclaim to be God's word. I don't believe your threat that a wrathful God will punish me with the eternal fires of hell because I believe all people should be treated respectfully and equally in the eyes of our secular law. I don't want to throw stones at homosexual persons ... I don't want to join any "religious" group that believes in the oppression of other groups of people based on something so trivial as sexual orientation. If God exists and is our infallible Creator, then he created all of us. Thus, homosexual persons are His beloved children the same as heterosexual persons are his beloved children. Who is truly the "winner"? Perhaps, if you truly believe in a wrathful God, then you should re-evaluate who among us "will be very very sorry" for the oppression one's fellow man.
The Constitution supports her right to freedom of religion and her job has no right to change the rules midstream and force her to go against her own conscience and her own faith, Dante.
She was not defending Christianity nor was she acting in simpatico with Christianity at all.

I am a Christian and never in my 59 years have I ever heard my minister to admonish homosexuals nor refrain from commerce with them. Rather, he preached as Christ preached: love thy neighbor as you would be loved.

She seeks to twist a beautiful, loving and forgiving faith to seek cover for her bigotry. She is using a beautiful faith to serve an ugly purpose.

So she seeks protection from the judicial system by claiming these acts of bigotry and humiliation are protected rights. She is using a fair and equal system of jurisprudence to perpetuate inequality flaunting it in the face of secular law. All while serving in elected public office.

So she twists both faith and legal obedience just to inflict bigotry and perpetuate hurtful stereotypes and undeserved humiliation.

There is nothing noble here and certainly nothing Christian. How is it she and her supporters can suddenly abandon the principle tenets of Christianity; judge not lest ye be judged, love thy neighbor and don't cast the first stone as you bears sins too? What wicked dogma would included 'except for the Gays'?

Gay citizens are, by in large, just as sober, just as responsible, just as active in community organizations, church groups and philanthropic groups as their straight counterparts. The LGBTcommunity are business owners, neighbors, friends and family members. They serve our nation proudly in our armed forces. They are teachers, doctors, attorneys, and first responders.

By what authority should they be excluded from our system of justice and fairness? Why all the energy to make them less than, shunned and shamed?

Now that was refreshing!!! Thank you!
in the big picture Kim Davis is a winner and non-Christians are the losers who will be very very sorry they did not choose life and Christ when they had the chance!
That Christians seek to compel conformity based on fear, threats, and intimidation renders their faith devoid of merit.
They want Christian Sharia in the US.

I agree with you and so does Bill Maher:

Bill Maher: When Kim Davis uses God’s ‘rule book’ to deny same-sex marriage, it’s the same as ‘Sharia law’

“If you say, as Kim Davis and her ilk, and Ted Cruz and all those people say that actually ‘I can ignore the rule of man because the rule book of God said’ — then you are Iran. Then you are Saudi Arabia. Then you are Sharia law,” Maher explained.
I have to disagree on the whole bringing up her divorcees as a vehicle to attack her position. She is a saved woman so using her past transgressions against her now is pretty cheap.

But the fact that she issues licenses to other "sinners" without care is fair game.

She addressed the other "sinners" in her courtroom testimony on Plaintiffs' motion for a preliminary injunction. She testified, "That is between them [the "sinners"] and God." So why doesn't she apply that logic to same-sex couples [if she believes they are "sinners" in God's eye]? Hypocrisy. Furthermore, the Bible teaches that you shouldn't criticize the speck in someone else's eye while ignoring the plank in your own eye.

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