Kim Davis loses again...

Mlk would have been riding with the gays for equal access to civil marriage had he not lived in that era but this.

Thats quite obvious

So in your mind homos only came along during the Carter years just like the New religion of atheism?


In my mind people were more closed minded back then, and society is evolving for the better and there is a breath of clarity occuring thats pretty nice to be witness to.

I missed the civil rights era, but am happy to have been a party to the end of homophobic douchnaggery.

I have said this many times, gays and lesbians don't bother me, in fact I like t
This fails as a false comparison fallacy, and is comprehensively ignorant as well.

Unlike MLK, Davis was jailed for being in contempt of court, having nothing to do with violating a given law or measure.

So you agree the Supremes legistrated a law from the bench...

No, they checked a law with the constitution.

Like theyrr supposed to.

And it died.

Like it should have.

What law?

They made it up...
Umm...laws against gay marriage were ruled unconstitutional.

Thats not the creation of a law. Its the check of a law versus the constitution.

Aka, their job.

What law?

We all know they legistrated from the bench...

Again I really don't care , But my problem is government officials changing the game at half time.

My problem is when even the folks in California voted against it they lost to the 5 th circuit court..

I totally despise the 5th circuit court .
Your problem is your comprehensive ignorance of the law.
It says, Pending an appeal.
appeal away.

We are a nation of laws, not of people, religious faiths, or gods

If we were a nation that upheld our constitution and the law of the land the Supreme Court would never have been able to get away with overruling the will of the people and voting on a law they had no business voting on in the first place.

The same people who complain about Kim Davis I did not see respond to the duly elected Barack Obama when he ignored the immigration laws, Dante. Why?
Actually, everything Obama did regarding immigration has been within the law, with the exception of the possibility of not giving proper notice to the public on his last move after his state of the union, which is making its way through the courts.....

the other moves he made were all within his power as the head administrator of the various executive branches where it is his duty to prioritize them, authorized and put in to law, by congress....he's in charge via law, I repeat, written by congress...he can prioritize any of the executive branch departments.

and prioritizing immigration with the limited funds that congress gave them to deport illegals, to deport felons and gang members and drug dealers first, BEFORE deporting parents of US Citizens, was within his power...(and the right thing for our nation), at least if you go by what Reagan did, and George h w Bush did, outside of congress with immigration.
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It says, Pending an appeal.
appeal away.

We are a nation of laws, not of people, religious faiths, or gods

If we were a nation that upheld our constitution and the law of the land the Supreme Court would never have been able to get away with overruling the will of the people and voting on a law they had no business voting on in the first place.

The same people who complain about Kim Davis I did not see respond to the duly elected Barack Obama when he ignored the immigration laws, Dante. Why?
Actually, everything Obama did regarding immigration has been within the law, with the exception of the possibility of not giving proper notice to the public on his last move after his state of the union, which is making its way through the courts.....

the other moves he made were all within his power as the head administrator of the various executive branches where it is his duty to prioritize them, authorized and put in to law, by congress....he's in charge via law, I repeat, written by congress...he can prioritize any of the executive branch departments.

and prioritizing immigration with the limited funds that congress gave them to deport illegals, with prioritizing them with these limited funds, to deport felons and gang members and drug dealers first, BEFORE deporting parents of US Citizens, was within his power... at least if you go by what Reagan did, and George h w Bush did, outside of congress with immigration.

‘Sanctuary cities’ defy immigration law - The Boston Globe
Don't bother. Mary believes that only marriage that produce offspring naturally are worthy in our society. You would have better luck trying to convince your cat to support marriage equality.
"Marriage equality"?
Made up terms for a phony concept. What is next, "Alternate Gravity"?

All words are made when you think about.

Nobody cares that you think queers should not be allowed to marry. In the meantime, they continue to marry despite all your foot-stomping and fist shaking as your opinion is as irrelevant to the law today as it was yesterday. You would be wise to remember that.
Boo hoo, what weenie world world are you living in? People that can ACTUALLY have children biologically, THEY are the ones that NEED marriage, you mom and dad, Not your uncle and his male lover that adopted. Sorry, no sale.

Why would I cry? My side won. Gay marriage is the law of the land and they only thing you can do is bitch about it on the Internet. No sale, Indeed.
Kim Davis broke the the law and she went to jail, you won. Yippee-ki-yay. What did you win?
Every American won, including you.

A fundamental, vital, settled, and accepted Constitutional principle was reaffirmed: government may not seek to disadvantage a class of persons through force of law predicated solely on who they are.
We need several amendments to correct the liberal perversion of our Great Christian nation!

An amendment to ban abortion
An amendment t ban same-sex marriage
An amendment to uphold Biblical laws in our courts, thus ending 'creeping sharia' once and for all.

Only until we pass these amendments, America is not a free! We will not have freedom of choice! We will not have freedom to love. And We will definitely not have freedom of religion!!

For all you zealots on this thread, please know (as Davis should well remember) that recent studies have found that divorces among same sex couples are 50% less likely than their heterosexual counterparts (probably because same sex couples have waited for decades for the law to change.)

.....and, as seen in a recent poster,

....and I would add, "except for the religious zealots of his time who wanted him crucified."
It says, Pending an appeal.
appeal away.

We are a nation of laws, not of people, religious faiths, or gods

If we were a nation that upheld our constitution and the law of the land the Supreme Court would never have been able to get away with overruling the will of the people and voting on a law they had no business voting on in the first place.

The same people who complain about Kim Davis I did not see respond to the duly elected Barack Obama when he ignored the immigration laws, Dante. Why?
Actually, everything Obama did regarding immigration has been within the law, with the exception of the possibility of not giving proper notice to the public on his last move after his state of the union, which is making its way through the courts.....

the other moves he made were all within his power as the head administrator of the various executive branches where it is his duty to prioritize them, authorized and put in to law, by congress....he's in charge via law, I repeat, written by congress...he can prioritize any of the executive branch departments.

and prioritizing immigration with the limited funds that congress gave them to deport illegals, with prioritizing them with these limited funds, to deport felons and gang members and drug dealers first, BEFORE deporting parents of US Citizens, was within his power... at least if you go by what Reagan did, and George h w Bush did, outside of congress with immigration.

‘Sanctuary cities’ defy immigration law - The Boston Globe

They do it too is not a very good legal defense.
You read posts and stuff? I am impressed. The next step in liberal ideology. But that might violate liberal groupthink reading what others think.
Did this make sense to anyone?

And, how does giving marriage to people that have anal sex make any sense? Who is crazy here? How is this vital or necessary to a healthy republic?

Straight couples have anal sex, dingbat.

Now be patient, Carla. Mary hadn't had sex since 1955, and she is a little out of touch....

Oh, I forgot that typical Christian sex means no eye contact, missionary position, and lights off.
An amendment to uphold Biblical laws in our courts, thus ending 'creeping sharia' once and for all.

if you had just the other half of your brain functioning, you'd also see what a truly STUPID statement the above is........(what an idiot!!!)
She is a Christian who defended her Constitutional right to her freedom to follow her faith. She's defending her faith and the Constitution as it was written. The Supreme Court had no right to change the laws of the land - permitting same sex marriage. It was not their place.
It says, Pending an appeal.
appeal away.

We are a nation of laws, not of people, religious faiths, or gods

If we were a nation that upheld our constitution and the law of the land the Supreme Court would never have been able to get away with overruling the will of the people and voting on a law they had no business voting on in the first place.

The same people who complain about Kim Davis I did not see respond to the duly elected Barack Obama when he ignored the immigration laws, Dante. Why?
Actually, everything Obama did regarding immigration has been within the law, with the exception of the possibility of not giving proper notice to the public on his last move after his state of the union, which is making its way through the courts.....

the other moves he made were all within his power as the head administrator of the various executive branches where it is his duty to prioritize them, authorized and put in to law, by congress....he's in charge via law, I repeat, written by congress...he can prioritize any of the executive branch departments.

and prioritizing immigration with the limited funds that congress gave them to deport illegals, with prioritizing them with these limited funds, to deport felons and gang members and drug dealers first, BEFORE deporting parents of US Citizens, was within his power... at least if you go by what Reagan did, and George h w Bush did, outside of congress with immigration.

‘Sanctuary cities’ defy immigration law - The Boston Globe

Well, you're "correct"....and as a "good you surely are, YOU should be defending sanctuary cities for placing their sense of morality above common laws.....just as you are defending Kim Davis???
It says, Pending an appeal.
appeal away.

We are a nation of laws, not of people, religious faiths, or gods

If we were a nation that upheld our constitution and the law of the land the Supreme Court would never have been able to get away with overruling the will of the people and voting on a law they had no business voting on in the first place.

The same people who complain about Kim Davis I did not see respond to the duly elected Barack Obama when he ignored the immigration laws, Dante. Why?
Actually, everything Obama did regarding immigration has been within the law, with the exception of the possibility of not giving proper notice to the public on his last move after his state of the union, which is making its way through the courts.....

the other moves he made were all within his power as the head administrator of the various executive branches where it is his duty to prioritize them, authorized and put in to law, by congress....he's in charge via law, I repeat, written by congress...he can prioritize any of the executive branch departments.

and prioritizing immigration with the limited funds that congress gave them to deport illegals, with prioritizing them with these limited funds, to deport felons and gang members and drug dealers first, BEFORE deporting parents of US Citizens, was within his power... at least if you go by what Reagan did, and George h w Bush did, outside of congress with immigration.

‘Sanctuary cities’ defy immigration law - The Boston Globe
Sanctuary cities have been around for decades Jeremiah, if not a half the USA, and thousands of years if you count the biblical reference to them. Sanctuary cities are Biblical Jeremiah.

No other President was asked to change such, and I do not believe for one nanosecond that the Feds can do a damn thing about sanctuary cities...

All sanctuary cities do, is write in to municiple law, that municipal workers can not stop and ask or just ask a person where they come from... municipal employees simply don't ask.......

THAT is the extent of a Sanctuary city. Very similar to the States that have passed legal marijuana laws, the feds can go in to these states and still arrest people, but they don't.

these cities are not stopping the Feds from doing their job...though I would suppose the feds try to stay away from them...but do not know this for certain, so that is speculation.
Oh, I forgot that typical Christian sex means no eye contact, missionary position, and lights off.

Kind of like my own sexual exploits.....when I was 13....... and alone.

(BTW, Carla, since I don't know exactly how to send private messages. I want to thank you for turning me on to this forum so that I could vent a bit.......very grateful.)
Oh, I forgot that typical Christian sex means no eye contact, missionary position, and lights off.

Kind of like my own sexual exploits.....when I was 13....... and alone.

(BTW, Carla, since I don't know exactly how to send private messages. I want to thank you for turning me on to this forum so that I could vent a bit.......very grateful.)

I'm just glad you're here! We needed another voice of reason! :) You can help give Mary L Cobwebs a refresher in sex ed. lol
MDK: you didn't win ANYTHING, A battle, but the war, metaphorically, we shall see. Your parents were hetrosexual, or perhaps you just appeared out of thin air? Hmm. Marriage equivalency is a farce, a delusion. Time will tell, and it always weeds out liars and frauds with mental delusions from fact.
So in your mind homos only came along during the Carter years just like the New religion of atheism?


In my mind people were more closed minded back then, and society is evolving for the better and there is a breath of clarity occuring thats pretty nice to be witness to.

I missed the civil rights era, but am happy to have been a party to the end of homophobic douchnaggery.

I have said this many times, gays and lesbians don't bother me, in fact I like t
So you agree the Supremes legistrated a law from the bench...

No, they checked a law with the constitution.

Like theyrr supposed to.

And it died.

Like it should have.

What law?

They made it up...
Umm...laws against gay marriage were ruled unconstitutional.

Thats not the creation of a law. Its the check of a law versus the constitution.

Aka, their job.

What law?

We all know they legistrated from the bench...

Again I really don't care , But my problem is government officials changing the game at half time.

My problem is when even the folks in California voted against it they lost to the 5 th circuit court..

I totally despise the 5th circuit court .
Your problem is your comprehensive ignorance of the law.

Again what fucking law?

I don't really want to go here .... But I won't I have class

What law?

Name me one law that says a guy can marry another guy or a pineapple?

Again I really don't care, but your argument is lowering the bar...
The Constitution supports her right to freedom of religion and her job has no right to change the rules midstream and force her to go against her own conscience and her own faith, Dante.
She was not defending Christianity nor was she acting in simpatico with Christianity at all.

I am a Christian and never in my 59 years have I ever heard my minister to admonish homosexuals nor refrain from commerce with them. Rather, he preached as Christ preached: love thy neighbor as you would be loved.

She seeks to twist a beautiful, loving and forgiving faith to seek cover for her bigotry. She is using a beautiful faith to serve an ugly purpose.

So she seeks protection from the judicial system by claiming these acts of bigotry and humiliation are protected rights. She is using a fair and equal system of jurisprudence to perpetuate inequality flaunting it in the face of secular law. All while serving in elected public office.

So she twists both faith and legal obedience just to inflict bigotry and perpetuate hurtful stereotypes and undeserved humiliation.

There is nothing noble here and certainly nothing Christian. How is it she and her supporters can suddenly abandon the principle tenets of Christianity; judge not lest ye be judged, love thy neighbor and don't cast the first stone as you bears sins too? What wicked dogma would included 'except for the Gays'?

Gay citizens are, by in large, just as sober, just as responsible, just as active in community organizations, church groups and philanthropic groups as their straight counterparts. The LGBTcommunity are business owners, neighbors, friends and family members. They serve our nation proudly in our armed forces. They are teachers, doctors, attorneys, and first responders.

By what authority should they be excluded from our system of justice and fairness? Why all the energy to make them less than, shunned and shamed?

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