Kim Davis loses again...

I forgive mary : )

This lady was like 45 already when elvis was sinfully gyrating his hips and she wanted it blurred on her television.
You read posts and stuff? I am impressed. The next step in liberal ideology. But that might violate liberal groupthink reading what others think.
Did this make sense to anyone?

And, how does giving marriage to people that have anal sex make any sense? Who is crazy here? How is this vital or necessary to a healthy republic?
How does the form of fucking sex they have act as a check against getting married?

Do straight people have to prove they have sex or something?


Don't bother. Mary believes that only marriage that produce offspring naturally are worthy in our society. You would have better luck trying to convince your cat to support marriage equality.
"Marriage equality"?
Made up terms for a phony concept. What is next, "Alternate Gravity"?

All words are made up when you think about it.

Nobody cares that you think queers should not be allowed to marry. In the meantime, they continue to marry despite all your foot-stomping and fist shaking as your opinion is as irrelevant to the law today as it was yesterday. You would be wise to remember that.
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Did this make sense to anyone?

And, how does giving marriage to people that have anal sex make any sense? Who is crazy here? How is this vital or necessary to a healthy republic?
How does the form of fucking sex they have act as a check against getting married?

Do straight people have to prove they have sex or something?


Don't bother. Mary believes that only marriage that produce offspring naturally are worthy in our society. You would have better luck trying to convince your cat to support marriage equality.

My cat DOES support marriage equality!

How purrrrogressive!

MLK got thrown in jail for violating perfectly valid laws, too. The point is whether those laws are ethical or moral, or benefit society. Marriage equality? No. Gays may need protection, but this is overc reach and then some.
Mlk would have been riding with the gays for equal access to civil marriage had he not lived in that era but this.

Thats quite obvious

So in your mind homos only came along during the Carter years just like the New religion of atheism?


In my mind people were more closed minded back then, and society is evolving for the better and there is a breath of clarity occuring thats pretty nice to be witness to.

I missed the civil rights era, but am happy to have been a party to the end of homophobic douchnaggery.

I have said this many times, gays and lesbians don't bother me, in fact I like t
MLK got thrown in jail for violating perfectly valid laws, too. The point is whether those laws are ethical or moral, or benefit society. Marriage equality? No. Gays may need protection, but this is over reach and then some.
This fails as a false comparison fallacy, and is comprehensively ignorant as well.

Unlike MLK, Davis was jailed for being in contempt of court, having nothing to do with violating a given law or measure.

So you agree the Supremes legistrated a law from the bench...

No, they checked a law with the constitution.

Like theyrr supposed to.

And it died.

Like it should have.

What law?

They made it up...
Umm...laws against gay marriage were ruled unconstitutional.

Thats not the creation of a law. Its the check of a law versus the constitution.

Aka, their job.

What law?

We all know they legistrated from the bench...

Again I really don't care , But my problem is government officials changing the game at half time.

My problem is when even the folks in California voted against it they lost to the 5 th circuit court..

I totally despise the 5th circuit court .
I forgive mary : )

This lady was like 45 already when elvis was sinfully gyrating his hips and she wanted it blurred on her television.

My grandmother is 85 years old and danced her ass off at my wedding. Now that I think of it...I had quite a bit of elderly folks at my reception. lol.
Mlk would have been riding with the gays for equal access to civil marriage had he not lived in that era but this.

Thats quite obvious

So in your mind homos only came along during the Carter years just like the New religion of atheism?


In my mind people were more closed minded back then, and society is evolving for the better and there is a breath of clarity occuring thats pretty nice to be witness to.

I missed the civil rights era, but am happy to have been a party to the end of homophobic douchnaggery.

I have said this many times, gays and lesbians don't bother me, in fact I like t
This fails as a false comparison fallacy, and is comprehensively ignorant as well.

Unlike MLK, Davis was jailed for being in contempt of court, having nothing to do with violating a given law or measure.

So you agree the Supremes legistrated a law from the bench...

No, they checked a law with the constitution.

Like theyrr supposed to.

And it died.

Like it should have.

What law?

They made it up...
Umm...laws against gay marriage were ruled unconstitutional.

Thats not the creation of a law. Its the check of a law versus the constitution.

Aka, their job.

What law?

We all know they legistrated from the bench...

Again I really don't care , But my problem is government officials changing the game at half time.

My problem is when even the folks in California voted against it they lost to the 5 th circuit court..

I totally despise the 5th circuit court .
Just because you buy the rhetoric that the SCOTUS created a new law, doesnt make it true.

You know that, right? Dont be so fucking gullible.

The case was checking state bans on gay marriage versus the constitution, and the bans were ruled unconstitutional.

That doesnt create a new law, it checks an (in MANY States) existing law and rules it unconstitutional.

Jesus. You can google all this, bro.

Thank you....I asked pretty much the same question to zealots in another thread (without the excellent accompanying graphic of yours).......They ALL assured me that they would back a Muslim for his stance.......but, I'm sure they had all their limbs and digits crossed when they typed that lie.
I forgive mary : )

This lady was like 45 already when elvis was sinfully gyrating his hips and she wanted it blurred on her television.

My grandmother is 85 years old and danced her ass off at my wedding. Now that I think of it...I had quite a bit of elderly folks at my reception. lol.
I love my gram, shes awesome.
Did this make sense to anyone?

And, how does giving marriage to people that have anal sex make any sense? Who is crazy here? How is this vital or necessary to a healthy republic?
How does the form of fucking sex they have act as a check against getting married?

Do straight people have to prove they have sex or something?


Don't bother. Mary believes that only marriage that produce offspring naturally are worthy in our society. You would have better luck trying to convince your cat to support marriage equality.
"Marriage equality"?
Made up terms for a phony concept. What is next, "Alternate Gravity"?

All words are made when you think about.

Nobody cares that you think queers should not be allowed to marry. In the meantime, they continue to marry despite all your foot-stomping and fist shaking as your opinion is as irrelevant to the law today as it was yesterday. You would be wise to remember that.
Boo hoo, what weenie world world are you living in? People that can ACTUALLY have children biologically, THEY are the ones that NEED marriage, you mom and dad, Not your uncle and his male lover that adopted. Sorry, no sale.
And, how does giving marriage to people that have anal sex make any sense? Who is crazy here? How is this vital or necessary to a healthy republic?
How does the form of fucking sex they have act as a check against getting married?

Do straight people have to prove they have sex or something?


Don't bother. Mary believes that only marriage that produce offspring naturally are worthy in our society. You would have better luck trying to convince your cat to support marriage equality.
"Marriage equality"?
Made up terms for a phony concept. What is next, "Alternate Gravity"?

All words are made when you think about.

Nobody cares that you think queers should not be allowed to marry. In the meantime, they continue to marry despite all your foot-stomping and fist shaking as your opinion is as irrelevant to the law today as it was yesterday. You would be wise to remember that.
Boo hoo, what weenie world world are you living in? People that can ACTUALLY have children biologically, THEY are the ones that NEED marriage, you mom and dad, Not your uncle and his male lover that adopted. Sorry, no sale.
Umm..cellibut and sterile couples should be banned from marriage? Lololol

Telk us more, Ethel
And, how does giving marriage to people that have anal sex make any sense? Who is crazy here? How is this vital or necessary to a healthy republic?
How does the form of fucking sex they have act as a check against getting married?

Do straight people have to prove they have sex or something?


Don't bother. Mary believes that only marriage that produce offspring naturally are worthy in our society. You would have better luck trying to convince your cat to support marriage equality.
"Marriage equality"?
Made up terms for a phony concept. What is next, "Alternate Gravity"?

All words are made when you think about.

Nobody cares that you think queers should not be allowed to marry. In the meantime, they continue to marry despite all your foot-stomping and fist shaking as your opinion is as irrelevant to the law today as it was yesterday. You would be wise to remember that.
Boo hoo, what weenie world world are you living in? People that can ACTUALLY have children biologically, THEY are the ones that NEED marriage, you mom and dad, Not your uncle and his male lover that adopted. Sorry, no sale.

Why would I cry? My side won. Gay marriage is the law of the land and they only thing you can do is bitch about it on the Internet. No sale, Indeed.
What law?

We all know they legistrated from the bench...

Again I really don't care , But my problem is government officials changing the game at half time.

My problem is when even the folks in California voted against it they lost to the 5 th circuit court..

I totally despise the 5th circuit court .

Well, courts do NOT "legiSTRATE" as you stated, from the bench......You may believe they did but, then, you are an, as other zealots on this thread alone have encouraged me to do........I "forgive" your stupidity.
How does the form of fucking sex they have act as a check against getting married?

Do straight people have to prove they have sex or something?


Don't bother. Mary believes that only marriage that produce offspring naturally are worthy in our society. You would have better luck trying to convince your cat to support marriage equality.
"Marriage equality"?
Made up terms for a phony concept. What is next, "Alternate Gravity"?

All words are made when you think about.

Nobody cares that you think queers should not be allowed to marry. In the meantime, they continue to marry despite all your foot-stomping and fist shaking as your opinion is as irrelevant to the law today as it was yesterday. You would be wise to remember that.
Boo hoo, what weenie world world are you living in? People that can ACTUALLY have children biologically, THEY are the ones that NEED marriage, you mom and dad, Not your uncle and his male lover that adopted. Sorry, no sale.

Why would I cry? My side won. Gay marriage is the law of the land and they only thing you can do is bitch about it on the Internet. No sale, Indeed.
Kim Davis broke the the law and she went to jail, you won. Yippee-ki-yay. What did you win?
You guys know that we can't have fun like this forever, don't you? I mean, just like the Civil Rights struggle of the 1950's and 1960's, the extreme Right will one day accept it as a lost cause.

So, enjoy it while they still are in denial!
THEY are the ones that NEED marriage, you mom and dad, Not your uncle and his male lover that adopted. Sorry, no sale.

Wrong !!!! Marriage is usually secularly defined as the "union between two people"....and NOT for the sole purpose of procreation......
Don't bother. Mary believes that only marriage that produce offspring naturally are worthy in our society. You would have better luck trying to convince your cat to support marriage equality.
"Marriage equality"?
Made up terms for a phony concept. What is next, "Alternate Gravity"?

All words are made when you think about.

Nobody cares that you think queers should not be allowed to marry. In the meantime, they continue to marry despite all your foot-stomping and fist shaking as your opinion is as irrelevant to the law today as it was yesterday. You would be wise to remember that.
Boo hoo, what weenie world world are you living in? People that can ACTUALLY have children biologically, THEY are the ones that NEED marriage, you mom and dad, Not your uncle and his male lover that adopted. Sorry, no sale.

Why would I cry? My side won. Gay marriage is the law of the land and they only thing you can do is bitch about it on the Internet. No sale, Indeed.
Kim Davis broke the the law and she went to jail, you won. Yippee-ki-yay. What did you win?

I won the marriage equality fight and your side lost. Get over it, or don't. Either way I really don't care.
THEY are the ones that NEED marriage, you mom and dad, Not your uncle and his male lover that adopted. Sorry, no sale.

Wrong !!!! Marriage is usually secularly defined as the "union between two people"....and NOT for the sole purpose of procreation......
Please. Lets not drag this out and split hairs. We all know what marriage is about.

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