Kim Jong Un: Trump Stabilized Region


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified

The Associated Press on Twitter

I’m sure this is somehow someway bad news.
This clearly is code for NK is going to launch it's nukes any moment now.

For decades the uns have openly hated America, openly acted like we were at real war with them, never have they given any credit or thanked us for not letting them starve

so yea, this must be code.
This clearly is code for NK is going to launch it's nukes any moment now.

For decades the uns have openly hated America, openly acted like we were at real war with them, never have they given any credit or thanked us for not letting them starve

so yea, this must be code.
Trump is Kim's bitch.
Trump wants him to denuclearize and he won't.
Compliments make USMB Trumpsters feel giddy, but compliments were not part of the deal.
This clearly is code for NK is going to launch it's nukes any moment now.

For decades the uns have openly hated America, openly acted like we were at real war with them, never have they given any credit or thanked us for not letting them starve

so yea, this must be code.
Trump is Kim's bitch.
Trump wants him to denuclearize and he won't.
Compliments make USMB Trumpsters feel giddy, but compliments were not part of the deal.
Versus Clinton who paid for North Korea to obtain their nukes, shitforbrains.
This clearly is code for NK is going to launch it's nukes any moment now.

For decades the uns have openly hated America, openly acted like we were at real war with them, never have they given any credit or thanked us for not letting them starve

so yea, this must be code.
Trump is Kim's bitch.
Trump wants him to denuclearize and he won't.
Compliments make USMB Trumpsters feel giddy, but compliments were not part of the deal.
you see Kim doing something an Un has never ever done

and yet you can't stop and think for yourself.

recall all the declarations that we would go to war with them?

you were wrong, again.
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The Associated Press on Twitter

I’m sure this is somehow someway bad news.

Oh, that's fucking hilarious. What does Kim want? He's playing Trump all the time. He knows how egomaniacs work, because he's one. He knows all you need to do is make some bullshit lie every so often, and they come running.
another one of Pavlov's pets.

you've been wrong every time, but this time you're right, you just know it, trump can't be right again, it's just not possible that trump is doing a great job b/c my media tells me so.
View attachment 217297

The Associated Press on Twitter

I’m sure this is somehow someway bad news.

Fake news, it has all the earmarks of such. No source, uses the word "reportedly" which we have been told by the Trump sheep is a sign of fake news and it came from a source that the Trump sheep said cannot be trusted.
the AP is fake news now.


That is what you Trump sheep have said in the past
Didn’t the Dims say that NK was going to melt Seoul when Trump made those tweets?

They are such idiots.
This clearly is code for NK is going to launch it's nukes any moment now.

For decades the uns have openly hated America, openly acted like we were at real war with them, never have they given any credit or thanked us for not letting them starve

so yea, this must be code.
Trump is Kim's bitch.
Trump wants him to denuclearize and he won't.
Compliments make USMB Trumpsters feel giddy, but compliments were not part of the deal.
Versus Clinton who paid for North Korea to obtain their nukes, shitforbrains.
No, Bill Clinton did not give North Korea $3 billion

mostly false.
Listening to the Woodward book, you really understand what type of child Trump is. When NK fired it's ICBM that could have reached the US Mainland last year on July 4; it used a mobile launcher which, of course, would make it almost impossible to find and destroy. That by itself is terrifying. What is interesting is that the launcher was Chinese made; China gave it to them. The same China Trump was threatening with tariffs. Can't imagine why they aren't really doing much to help us with North Korea.

China is quietly relaxing its sanctions against North Korea, complicating matters for Trump

What is even more hilarious was that candidate Trump said the following in 2/16:

“I would get China to make that guy disappear in one form or another very quickly,” Trump said on “CBS This Morning.” He didn’t clarify whether disappearing was equivalent to being assassinated but said, “Well, I’ve heard of worse things, frankly.”

“I mean, this guy’s a bad dude, and don’t underestimate him,” Trump said, referring to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, whom he didn’t mention by name. “Any young guy who can take over from his father with all those generals and everybody else that probably want the position, this is not somebody to be underestimated.”

He can't make China do anything and, in fact, his actions have emboldened China to do the opposite.

The administration is a joke.
View attachment 217297

The Associated Press on Twitter

I’m sure this is somehow someway bad news.

Fake news, it has all the earmarks of such. No source, uses the word "reportedly" which we have been told by the Trump sheep is a sign of fake news and it came from a source that the Trump sheep said cannot be trusted.
the AP is fake news now.


That is what you Trump sheep have said in the past
You Leftards gotta hate.
View attachment 217297

The Associated Press on Twitter

I’m sure this is somehow someway bad news.

Fake news, it has all the earmarks of such. No source, uses the word "reportedly" which we have been told by the Trump sheep is a sign of fake news and it came from a source that the Trump sheep said cannot be trusted.
the AP is fake news now.


That is what you Trump sheep have said in the past
You Leftards gotta hate.

I am not hating anything. just going by what you Trump sheep have said in the past. Funny how anonymous sources are not to be trusted, until they say something you agree with and then they are as trustworthy as Jesus himself.

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