Kim Potter Found Guilty

So what? That really didn't justify using lethal force on him.

No, her mistake was pulling him over for an expired tag when no one is getting new tags right now. It was typical Driving while black harassment.
No one is getting new tags right now? Are you an idiot?
White people get pulled over for no tags or minor traffic violations. Stop with the idiotic nonsense “driving while black”. He was driving while having a warrant.
If I was still in a position of authority/responsibility and mistakenly shot someone instead tasing them then I would fully understand and expect being charged with involuntary manslaughter.

VA Code Section 18.2-36 is accidentally killing someone during an unlawful act or improperly performing a lawful act.....It carries a sentence of up to ten years.

Some state laws are better than others in defining what manslaughter is. I believe she was overcharged to cover all the bases but she needs to do some time and as the sentences will run concurrently the guilty verdict was the main thing.

Easy to say when its not you.

Daunte Wright carjacked man weeks before he was killed by cop: lawsuit​

By Priscilla DeGregory and Natalie O'Neill
June 9, 2021 | 2:01pm
The 20-year-old black man who was fatally shot by a Minnesota police officer during a traffic stop in April was allegedly involved in an armed carjacking and violent assault three weeks before he was killed, according to a new lawsuit.
Daunte Wright — who was killed when Officer Kim Potter mistook her gun for a Taser — and an accomplice allegedly jumped 20-year-old Joshua Hodges on March 21 while he was sitting in his car in north Minneapolis, the court papers state.
The other man shot Hodges in his left leg, after which Wright allegedly struck him and stole his wallet and cellphone — leaving him with “face, mouth, and teeth injuries,” the lawsuit claims.
No one is getting new tags right now? Are you an idiot?
White people get pulled over for no tags or minor traffic violations. Stop with the idiotic nonsense “driving while black”. He was driving while having a warrant.
I recently got pulled over for legally passing (dotted lane) a car on a 2 lane road. Apparently I exceeded the speed limt when I passed the car. I kept my hands where he could see them and was respectful. He let me go.........If I had tried to run, I'd be in jail or worse today.
Sounds like you favor extra judicial killing.

Daunte Wright carjacked man weeks before he was killed by cop: lawsuit​

By Priscilla DeGregory and Natalie O'Neill
June 9, 2021 | 2:01pm
The 20-year-old black man who was fatally shot by a Minnesota police officer during a traffic stop in April was allegedly involved in an armed carjacking and violent assault three weeks before he was killed, according to a new lawsuit.
Daunte Wright — who was killed when Officer Kim Potter mistook her gun for a Taser — and an accomplice allegedly jumped 20-year-old Joshua Hodges on March 21 while he was sitting in his car in north Minneapolis, the court papers state.
The other man shot Hodges in his left leg, after which Wright allegedly struck him and stole his wallet and cellphone — leaving him with “face, mouth, and teeth injuries,” the lawsuit claims.

Funny how this guy went into all caps tantrum mode over calling this an extra judicial killing.

...then proceeds to type his little heart out just minutes later to argue why he deserved an extra judicial killing.

You guys don't even know what is going to come out of your mouths next. You're like amoeba...

stimulus/response... stimulus/response
This case was not clear cut, I feel bad for everyone concerned
IMO, anyone that handles firearms long enough is apt to have a negligent discharge. It isn't as simple as the prosecutor tried to say with a by side-by-side comparison of two images, but anyone who's in a high-stress encounter could make such a mistake. That doesn't mean she deserved not to pay the consequences for it though.
Those consequences should also factor in the idiocy of the kid who was trying to run from the cops for no apparent reason. At SOME POINT, people need to learn that every time they encounter a cop, no matter how much they disrespect or even hate them, they are playing with their lives if they try to struggle or flee.
Black folks tend to have more trouble with this concept than most other people, apparently. We hear black parents explaining how they have to have "THE TALK" especially with sons, about the potential dangers they face when stopped by racist cops. I think that "talk" must also make the young men believe that all cops are racist and looking for an excuse to kill them.

My question is, why so many of these guys seem to intentionally push the cop to action? IF the cop is a racist POS, and some definitely are, the worst thing that happens if the suspect keeps his mouth shut and obeys all commands, is that he winds up in a jail cell until the error is sorted. It sucks for happening to anyone but it sucks far worse to get popped and dead over it. Someone needs to invent an easy to carry recording device that literally tracks every word spoken by and around the person holding it. Cams would help but wouldn't necessarily be required.
Wear it and if some cop is playing racist games, record it and bust his/her butt.
If you can get a murder charge for forgetting to set your parking brake on your car before you go into the quicky mart to buy a big gulp, and your car rolls off and kills a pedestrian, you can get a murder charge for accidentally shooting someone when you meant to taze them.

It's not murder in the first degree. It's a lesser charge.
If you were drunk and improperly set that parking brake you might be on the hook for 20 years. DWI manslaughter carries a extra 10 years over regular involuntary manslaughter in Virginia.
Can't see any grounds for appeal.

Yes, a cop actually got held accountable for misconduct. Amazing.

The agrevating factor was that she and her partner pulled Wright over on a pretext. They knew damned well tags were not getting renewed due to Covid, they pulled him over anyway.
So... when he upped the ante by trying to flee, that was her fault, as well? I'm not saying the kid deserved what happened to him but he CERTAINLY played a role in how it went down. Unless you believe she was some kind of hard-core racist looking to kill a young black man.

I don't understand how an appeal would help. She probably needs to do the same thing Chauvin did and ask for Federal time so she can be better protected from those who will kill her if given a chance.
So what? That really didn't justify using lethal force on him.

No, her mistake was pulling him over for an expired tag when no one is getting new tags right now. It was typical Driving while black harassment.

In any state in the union, if you have your tags run by the police, and it comes back you have an outstanding warrant, you're going to get pulled. The expired tags were the probable cause.

There was absolutely zero wrong with the cops pulling him. The fact that they handled it the way they did at first amazed me.

Try that any where in the south, and see what happens. There won't be any trials, and the internal investigation won't take long. No prosecutor would touch it with a ten foot pole.

And if you go back and read my reply, I don't think deadly force was justified. They had him out of the car, in the process of being handcuffed.

That was the sloppiest police work i've seen in a while. In my state you would have went to stopped, to out of the car, to in cuffs, and in the back of the cop car in about 30 seconds.
I feel bad in that this wasn't the kind of malice you saw in other cases, like Chauven, but this is clearly a case where she should have known better.

She got manslaughter instead of murder, she has no record... She's probably going to serve a short sentence.

As opposed to Daunte Wright, who isn't going to get over being dead anytime soon.
Hopefully, she will do the right thing. If not...someone could help her. She should have gargled her service weapon on the spot.
Show me in the law book where he would be on trial for his own death in this circumstance. Get it through your thick skull that regardless of him evading police, the proper punishment is not execution by cop without trial. God you people are idiots.
No, they're copsuckers.
Stopping a fleeing suspect who assaulted police officers with a deadly weapon is actually the police's job, not a crime.
Absolutely agree with one additive: all cops are individuals with different skill sets (following proper training) some will still be more qualified than others.

What type of cops do we want on a local force? Like most people, I’ve known several cops. The range in their professionalism and skill set runs the full gamut. On the high end, an officer who earned several distinctions due to acts of courage and quick thinking. On the low end, a cop (I went to school with) shot his jammed gun trying to clear it inside of the precinct, and almost
shot his foot off hunting. Nothing gets past a small town’s gossip chain. He was also the same cop caught a few days later in the parking lot having sex, but not with his wife. A real winner! lol Now, that guy IS the poster child for unskilled cops.

The definition of a good cop includes the ability to maintain composure under high pressure (I couldn’t do it) including automatically knowing which side the gun is holstered and which side the taser.

She didn’t mean to do it and I feel horrible for her, but the negligence action has a legal consequence, just like it does for everybody else.
I think Chauvin was a sacrificial Lamb for political purposes and I think common sense led the way with Rittenhouse and true justice was done.

However with her, I think they got it right.

It can't be anything other than manslaughter when you shoot and kill someone instead of tasering them. It's a stupid mistake to make and one that's cost someone their life (even if he was a scum bag criminal who should be locked up).

You just can't make them mistakes without consequences. It's negligent. She's lucky they never charged her with murder instead the way things are these days.
Absolutely agree with one additive: all cops are individuals with different skill sets (following proper training) some will still be more qualified than others.

What type of cops do we want on a local force? Like most people, I’ve known several cops. The range in their professionalism and skill set runs the full gamut. On the high end, an officer who earned several distinctions due to acts of courage and quick thinking. On the low end, a cop (I went to school with) shot his jammed gun trying to clear it inside of the precinct, and almost
shot his foot off hunting. Nothing gets past a small town’s gossip chain. He was also the same cop caught a few days later in the parking lot having sex, but not with his wife. A real winner! lol Now, that guy IS the poster child for unskilled cops.

The definition of a good cop includes the ability to maintain composure under high pressure (I couldn’t do it) including automatically knowing which side the gun is holstered and which side the taser.

She didn’t mean to do it and I feel horrible for her, but the negligence action has a legal consequence, just like it does for everybody else.
Was there really any negligence? This reeks of appeasing the mob, it certainly does not appear to be justice.
The charge and the verdict are not fair legal calls. They are understandable. But I approach the analysis from a more technical perspective. The law says what the elements are and how they are defined. If the judge charged the jury correctly (I don’t know what she ultimately charged, although I reviewed their pattern jury instructions and some case law defining the meaning of “recklessness,” etc.), but if she did, the jury evidently didn’t understand it.
I’m not versed on the state laws so will search pertaining to that case. Only going off the cuff here from the video evidence. When I first saw the video and heard her repeat “taser, taser, taser” I honestly thought she was a new cop and later surprised to learn she was not. The nervousness in her voice came across clearly when she was stating these words. It takes an exceptional person to be a skilled cop imo. I’m not claiming that exceptional cops don’t make mistakes when pressured for time, but more training was definitely needed. Especially if that’s true that she never had any training for the taser, that’s totally unacceptable but that’s on the department.
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