Kim Potter Found Guilty

Did Ashley Babbit deserve to be executed?
I am not familiar with that case. Is that the one where she cut off her husband's penis ? It's totally unrelated to this case, that's the point I was trying to make. I can't voice a personal opinion about a case I know relatively nothing about.
I am not familiar with that case. Is that the one where she cut off her husband's penis ? It's totally unrelated to this case, that's the point I was trying to make. I can't voice a personal opinion about a case I know relatively nothing about.
Okay, wrong Babbitt / Bobbitt. Are you trying to attempting to break in and enter the chamber and threaten everyone within the chamber. Lethal force was allowed. Of course no one deserves to die for any crime to commit, the truth be known. But it happens when you're doing the wrong thing.
Accidents happen. But they didn't even look into the shooting of ashli Babbitt. That guy was patted on the back and made out a hero.
The black cop targetted a woman. AN UNARMED WOMAN. DO YA THINK that she was the only one in that room that these damn cops set up??

I KNOW DC cops!! They're sons of bitches.
She was the one the bullet hit, it could have hit anyone. It was a mob.
The legal definition of recklessness doesn’t appear to embrace or even consider the mistaking of a gun for a taser. In fact: The converse appears to be true.

There is literally no question that she made the tragic horrifying mistake. The question is whether that particular mistake comports with the legal definition of recklessness. I believe it does not.

If a dolt is playing with a loaded gun (especially knowing that it’s loaded and operable) and stupidly and carelessly fires off some rounds while being unconcerned with the prospect that some living people might be hurt in the process, that’s reckless.

By contrast, here, she had to have both a gun and a taser. She didn’t act recklessly. She made a simple mistake. A tragic one for sure. But just a mistake. By pulling the trigger on the gun (under the mistaken Assumption that she was holding her taser), she didn’t have any reason to believe that anyone was being put at risk of grave injury or death. It wasn’t, in that legal sense, “recklessness” as it is defined in Minnesota’s law.

Because we know that in such thorny legal analyses even judges can make mistakes, there are layers of appellate review. Here, I believe the definition of “recklessness” was either given incorrectly OR the jury failed to apply the actual evidence to the law in a legally acceptable fashion.

I don’t get a vote on their appellate bench. So, we will have to wait and see.
Watching the video negligence on her part is demonstrated, with no signs of malice for “faking” her lethal mistake. Her intention was to taz. Unintentional manslaughter seems to be a fair legal call. As others have stated, lethal actions, even unintended ones, have legal consequences for all people in the US.
He was driving his car away from her. Last time I checked that at the very least gets you a trial in the US, not an immediate death sentence and execution.
The problem is that there was a warrant for his arrest.... Waving a weapon while in a car and then fleeing the police on foot. Out on bond for aggravated assault for assaulting a woman by choking her and forcibly taking $820 from under her bra.
Although this had nothing to do with the current incident, it would certainly have an influence on the police officers, who would be understandably nervous. He was out of the car and made a bad decision when the police took out the handcuffs. He got away with running away the first time, and why not again? True that there is no logical explanation for the gun instead of the taser. However, Criminals
invariably find violence when they do bad things.
No, her mistake was pulling him over for an expired tag when no one is getting new tags right now. It was typical Driving while black harassment.

And it’s yet another example of a needless death the consequence of an over-zealous LEO who made the mistake of trying to handcuff Wright while still in the car; all because Wright had an air freshener hanging from his rearview mirror.
Watching the video negligence on her part is demonstrated, with no signs of malice for “faking” her lethal mistake. Her intention was to taz. Unintentional manslaughter seems to be a fair legal call. As others have stated, lethal actions, even unintended ones, have legal consequences for all people in the US.
I guess we'll find out what the judge thinks how bad or unfortunate the situation was when he decides the punishment. I'm hoping he will be lenient. There was no intention to kill. Negligent nurses lose their licenses. She's already lost hers and has to live with this horrible mistake. How much punishment does one need to endure ?
He wasnt given the "luxury" of a trial though, now was he? Executed on the spot.
Wright didn't give his victims any 'luxury' either. One is in a coma and the other lost full use of his leg. Wright also was not about to give the officer hanging out of his car any 'luxury' either. Nor did he give any 'luxury' to the woman who he stole from while holding a gun to her head.

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