Kim Potter Found Guilty

hese incidents are not common. They are rare.
Not rare enough.

Federal intrusion on state responsibilities is not an effective solution.
the fact that the states aren't solving the problem would indicate they are.

Why do liberals think everything can be solved by the federal government?
Mostly because problems don't get fixed until the feds get involved. Have you met state legislators? They are usually clowns and they get away with their buffooneries because no one really pays that much attention to them.

You have no knowledge of the history of the welfare issue. It absolutely incentivized fathers leaving the home. Originally welfare benefits would not be paid to a family with both parents in the home

Except now they are... and it really depends on which programs you are talking about.

The only program that paid single parents was TANF, which was never a particularly large program. It should also be pointed out that TANF originally only paid WHITE single parents, and wasn't open to black single parents until the 1960s'

Read this ….
I don't read right wing garbage.
So many? Really?

Police have millions of interactions with the public each day. There is a handful of interactions that go South each year.

Which is still too many. the one thing we find out about these incidents is that the officers involved were disasters looking for a place to happen.

Timothy Loehmann was fired from the Independence Police Department for emotional instability, but he was hired by Cleveland and shot Tamir Rice.

Jason Van Dyke had 20 prior complaints of police misconduct (including one where the city had to pay out 375K to a man whose shoulder he dislocated during a traffic stop), but was promoted to an anti-Crime unit when he shot Laquan McDonald 16 times.

Darren Wilson was part of a police department that was disbanded for corruption, but got hired by Ferguson, MO when he shot Mike Brown.

Darren Chauven had numerous complaints of excessive force, including a previous incident where he choked a 14 year old boy, before he choked George Floyd to death.

All of these incidents COULD have been avoided by removing problem officers... but they weren't.
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Yeah thats what Hitler and other psychotic leaders of their day thought too, see what happened to them....And oh by the way motherfucker I got your bitch hanging! But all that said I have no problem with people of color was brought up having people of color around they are the same as everyone else....My problem I have is when a select few think they are owed something because of a different skin color be it black Mexican , white or yellow....Like the last two posters who have replied to my post they are a typical example of I AM OWED IT!
Hitler believed what you believe. We are owed.

Your white ass thinks you're entitled to things because of your skin color even as you'vevbeen given everything. Go back and look st laws that have been passed and legal decisions since this one:


United States Congress, “An act to establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization”
(March 26, 1790).

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That any Alien being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof on application to any common law Court of record in any one of the States wherein he shall have resided for the term of one year at least, and making proof to the satisfaction of such Court that he is a person of good character, and taking the oath or affirmation prescribed by law to support the Constitution of the United States, which Oath or Affirmation such Court shall administer, and the Clerk of such Court shall record such Application, and the proceedings thereon; and thereupon such person shall be considered as a Citizen of the United States. And the children of such person so naturalized, dwelling within the United States, being under the age of twenty one years at the time of such naturalization, shall also be considered as citizens of the United States. And the children of citizens of the United States that may be born beyond Sea, or out of the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural born Citizens: Provided, that the right of citizenship shall not descend to persons whose fathers have never been resident in the United States . . .

Start with this one and then go look at everything else the government at every level gave whites only because they were white until right now. And after you do that shut the fuck up.
They didn't have anything to do with the disintegration of the black family.
Actually they did. Jim Crow did shit like this:

On December 23, 1945, Mr. and Mrs. H. O’Day Short and their 2 little children were burned to death in Fontana California. The description of this was; “A fire of incendiary origions set by persons who did not want them to move into the white community.” Before they were murdered the family was threatened and got no protection from the police. According to the report, the Shorts had no electricity and were using gas lamps at the time they moved in. On the day of the murder while the Shorts were out of the house, people broke in, sprayed the house with a flammable chemical and when the Shorts got home and started lighting their lamps, the house went up in flames.

That's disintegration of a family and it happened a lot during Jim Crow.
The divorce rate with white families isn't because of the welfare state.

Welfare in its early state incentivised fathers to leave the home. I don't know how anyone could argue that generations of welfare did not destroy the black family structure
No, It's generally about domestic violence, alcoholism, drug addiction, or adultery. I guess all these things are better than getting divorced because you are made poor by racist white pieces of shit.

I can. Welfare went on for 30 years before blacks were included. There was a specific program for white women who go fucked and pregnant and the man left her hanging. It was called Aid For Dependant Children. There were no work requirements, no lectures about fatherless white homes or about white mens inability to stop fucking without taking responsibility for their children. The government simply appropriated billions every year and handed it to single white women who had children at home with no daddy present.

The lack of fathers aren't the problem white man. The LACK OF MONEY IS. And thats because of a pay gap whereby black mrn get 80 cents for each dollar a white man gets and a black woman 63 cents. The pay gap is no respector of education, black men get paid less than white men when we have the same qualifications. Everything you say here is incorrect and don't quote me some black idiot who confirms your racism like that changes thijgs. Stop being white trying to tell people whats wrong with blacks. I'm black, I know what the problem is because I face it while those like you are part of it.
If you have to ask you wouldn’t understand the answer.

Anyone who’s not stupid knows the differences in a being a police officer in Los Angeles vs Oshkosh Wisconsin.
Tell me what crimes are happening in LA that are not happening in Oshkosh, WI. You seem to be an expert on the 2, so tell us the difference.

we're seeing a double standard being played out in how the media and the legal system is treating Baldwin. The investigating authority, if there even IS one, is slow to move....invisible you might say. How about Humper Biden and his dealings in Ukraine and on behalf of the Big Guy. And Ashley Biden's diary, at the NYT, are the feds gonna raid NYT, well all i have to say about that is .......BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.

Not even mentioning the four year long coup attempt against the president of the US by a corrupt and politicized FIB (by Obama) and it is still going on.
Again, not few enough. Hey, flown on Pan-Am Airlines recently? Nope. Why not? Because after Lockerby, no one wanted to fly them anymore.

these incidents shouldn't happen at ALL. When they do, people need to be held accountable.
Not the same thing. Obviously people don’t talk back to nor shoot at planes. Police officers will need to draw their guns at times.
So what part of obeying the orders of a police officer is confusing? Back in the day when you were pulled over you obeyed orders or suffered the consequences. Regretfully today the game has changed, it’s become catch me if you can, and if you touch me I’ll sue yer f-ing ass.
Which is still too many. the one thing we find out about these incidents is that the officers involved were disasters looking for a place to happen.

Timothy Loehmann was fired from the Independence Police Department for emotional instability, but he was hired by Cleveland and shot Tamir Rice.

Jason Van Dyke had 20 prior complaints of police misconduct (including one where the city had to pay out 375K to a man whose shoulder he dislocated during a traffic stop), but was promoted to an anti-Crime unit when he shot Laquan McDonald 16 times.

Darren Wilson was part of a police department that was disbanded for corruption, but got hired by Ferguson, MO when he shot Mike Brown.

Darren Chauven had numerous complaints of excessive force, including a previous incident where he choked a 14 year old boy, before he choked George Floyd to death.

All of these incidents COULD have been avoided by removing problem officers... but they weren't.
Four out of tens of millions.

Got it!

How's that defund police movement working?
Actually they did. Jim Crow did shit like this:

On December 23, 1945, Mr. and Mrs. H. O’Day Short and their 2 little children were burned to death in Fontana California. The description of this was; “A fire of incendiary origions set by persons who did not want them to move into the white community.” Before they were murdered the family was threatened and got no protection from the police. According to the report, the Shorts had no electricity and were using gas lamps at the time they moved in. On the day of the murder while the Shorts were out of the house, people broke in, sprayed the house with a flammable chemical and when the Shorts got home and started lighting their lamps, the house went up in flames.

That's disintegration of a family and it happened a lot during Jim Crow.
Untill we get rid of BLM we will never know if cases like this are judged fairly otr does becasue of feer of sistruction and terrorium of a city.
They are not judged fairly they are kangaroo courts....A rush to make some one pay because a person of a different color dies at the hands of police....What I find funny is that say black people can kill each other and its quiet as a church mouse nothing said, why is that? But yet if that same black person dies at the hands of cops or a white person there are riots all over the country..
Not rare enough.

the fact that the states aren't solving the problem would indicate they are.

Mostly because problems don't get fixed until the feds get involved. Have you met state legislators? They are usually clowns and they get away with their buffooneries because no one really pays that much attention to them.

Except now they are... and it really depends on which programs you are talking about.

The only program that paid single parents was TANF, which was never a particularly large program. It should also be pointed out that TANF originally only paid WHITE single parents, and wasn't open to black single parents until the 1960s'

I don't read right wing garbage.

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