Kinder, gentler nation....

A kinder and gentler moderate globalist president with such a bland personality that he only lasts one term. The ideal republican? Maybe that's why they hate Trump so much.
One term is alright... He served his country well, and the one term was just another part if his life long service to his country. He was loyal to his wife, his family, and his country. Good job.
For sure George H.W. Bush was loyal to his wife, his family and his Country but he lost the election to a pervert draft dodger. Is that the ideal republican?
He would probably not have lost without Ross Perot being involved... Seems like a nice guy but naive and another Rich Republican... They were saying he was the last good government Republican in other words believed the government could do good. Since then they've only done bad LOL
A kinder and gentler moderate globalist president with such a bland personality that he only lasts one term. The ideal republican? Maybe that's why they hate Trump so much.
One term is alright... He served his country well, and the one term was just another part if his life long service to his country. He was loyal to his wife, his family, and his country. Good job.
For sure George H.W. Bush was loyal to his wife, his family and his Country but he lost the election to a pervert draft dodger. Is that the ideal republican?
No that was the wrong voter class who decided differently about who or what they wanted.

This from the big government statist that is cool with his savoir in the White House using classified information as leverage instead of letting the American people see it.

You are just one big walking contradiction
Well if it's leverage then he's got goods on Mueller...........LOL

Perhaps he declassifies it and it's screws your Collusion theme........


I have said since my first day on this forum that I do not think Trump was guilty of collusion or anything else with Russia. yet you dishonest fucks just keep lying, and lying and lying.

If he has the goods, the right thing to do would have been to release them months ago and put this whole thing to bed. To use them against the Dems makes him just as bad as them...which he is.

The Dems have behaved like a dang mob............this whole thing and investigation is BS...........He will release it when he needs the ammunition against them.

Mueller is a Republican, appointed by another Republican to investigate the former Democrat-turned-phony-Republican Trump.
You've got it all backasswards.
Mueller is tied to the Establishment.................who don't give a shit which party does their bidding........Follow the Comey and find the scum bags............I remember when libs here went Look at the long and dedicated service of these guys...........On how they slaved at the FBI for America and Apple Pie................Utter joke.........they go to the private sector and get paid millions for sitting on their asses.

Then suddenly that company they work for get lucrative contracts installing high dollar equipment at the FBI......They serve themselves and not this country.

I'm the one who has it all ass backwards.........LOL

They fragged Cohen for old tax evasion laundering .......yet the biggest money laundering scheme from HSBC and they didn't charge and try a single person.......Even when the evidence showed Money laundering for Drug Cartels.............

Different rules for the too big to jail folks.............
Gangster Bankers: Too Big to Jail – Rolling Stone
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Because decent, intelligent adults (like this man) know that it's best to in an advanced civilization.

There's no doubt that tribal screaming and banging on things is simple 'n stuff, and it sure beats having to try thinking and reasoning, but many like to think that we can do better, that we can evolve beyond such primitive behaviors.
In honor of GHWB Democrats have declared a 24 hour period of 'civility' and 'national mourning' - to include 24 hours of NOT blaming his son for anything - before returning to their 'new norm' of violent intolerance and rhetoric....

Demon-crats will butter up to anything that separates them from Trump at the moment. To see them going crazy over the Bushes after all the hate they piled on George W or blame they applied to him is utterly hilarious.

Now they are all kissing each other's butt's right out in the public eye. ROTFLMBO.
Because decent, intelligent adults (like this man) know that it's best to in an advanced civilization.

There's no doubt that tribal screaming and banging on things is simple 'n stuff, and it sure beats having to try thinking and reasoning, but many like to think that we can do better, that we can evolve beyond such primitive behaviors.
The hypocrisy of progressives is astonishing....

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