Kindle or Book?

Both. When I read for pleasure it is a book, when I read for tech or law it is electronic
Save the trees for TP and woodworking, buy a kindle paper white :)

I had the one from B Dalton, Nook, I believe. I sold it to Gazelle.

Trees are a renewable resource.

Many of the most pleasurable experiences of my life have been roaming around libraries and book stores, stopping on the sidewide to look through carts full of on sale or used books. Finding or happening upon an English language bookstore in a foreign country. I literally cannot walk past a book store or book stall.

I don't like reading any long passages or pieces on line. I am regularly sent documents of several pages, on line. I always print them out to read them. How lazy can you be to not want to hold up a book?

I like turning pages and am annoyed by scrolling. I like to make notes in the margins. I love beautiful book marks.

I must agree. I live very close to the libarary in my town and I walk there just to see what they have.
I had the one from B Dalton, Nook, I believe. I sold it to Gazelle.

Trees are a renewable resource.

Many of the most pleasurable experiences of my life have been roaming around libraries and book stores, stopping on the sidewide to look through carts full of on sale or used books. Finding or happening upon an English language bookstore in a foreign country. I literally cannot walk past a book store or book stall.

I don't like reading any long passages or pieces on line. I am regularly sent documents of several pages, on line. I always print them out to read them. How lazy can you be to not want to hold up a book?

I like turning pages and am annoyed by scrolling. I like to make notes in the margins. I love beautiful book marks.

I must agree. I live very close to the libarary in my town and I walk there just to see what they have.

There are book stores that have coffee shops. You roam around for an hour or so, buy a book, go to the coffee shop and read it. Lovely experience. Does Kindle dispense double, tall, skinny lattes?
Trees are a renewable resource.

Many of the most pleasurable experiences of my life have been roaming around libraries and book stores, stopping on the sidewide to look through carts full of on sale or used books. Finding or happening upon an English language bookstore in a foreign country. I literally cannot walk past a book store or book stall.

I don't like reading any long passages or pieces on line. I am regularly sent documents of several pages, on line. I always print them out to read them. How lazy can you be to not want to hold up a book?

I like turning pages and am annoyed by scrolling. I like to make notes in the margins. I love beautiful book marks.

I must agree. I live very close to the libarary in my town and I walk there just to see what they have.

There are book stores that have coffee shops. You roam around for an hour or so, buy a book, go to the coffee shop and read it. Lovely experience. Does Kindle dispense double, tall, skinny lattes?

Mine does. Technivorm for the coffee and a Rancilio for the espresso. The only thing I dont do in my kitchen is grow the beans.
Sitting down with the Kindle and an espresso you made from scratch is it's own reward.

Reading being a solitary activity,I would much rather do it at home where I wont be disturbed for hours.
I can appreciate the attraction of a cool book store though,I just dont want to hang out there and read.
I have an extensive library of real books that I can't bring myself to part with. I love each and every one.

But I do love my Kindle. It isn't a Kindle Fire--it is pretty much a reading device only--but I do have limited apps on it to make notes, keep a calendar, address book etc.--and so if I have my Kindle with me, I have all that information readily available. I also have a regular dictionary, a medical encyclopedia, two versions of the Bible, and some other reference material loaded on it as well as fiction and non-fiction books to read. No way I could carry all that with me otherwise.

So I love the Kindle for long hours sitting in doctor's offices or at the hospital waiting for loved ones, while waiting for the novacaine to kick in at the dentist's office, or when we are away from home, traveling, etc.

I am old school. I prefer the tactile feel of a book, turning pages that I can touch. I love books.

Besides, how can an author sign a Kindle?

I have to wonder if you and Two Thumbs have ever actually tried a Kindle? Because what you're saying is exactly the kind of thing my husband and I said before we got our Kindles.

I didn't know what to get my husband for Christmas one year so I got him a Kindle. He disappeared off with it for a while, then came back and said, "I have to get you one of these, also!" I was like, "Okay!" :)

Since then I purchase him a tablet, and I think he's doing quite a bit of reading on that also.

I still like books and sometimes get books as gifts. But I'm always glad to get back to my Kindle after reading a regular book.

There was a time when I never thought I'd say such a thing! :)

I am old school. I prefer the tactile feel of a book, turning pages that I can touch. I love books.

Besides, how can an author sign a Kindle?

I have to wonder if you and Two Thumbs have ever actually tried a Kindle? Because what you're saying is exactly the kind of thing my husband and I said before we got our Kindles.

I didn't know what to get my husband for Christmas one year so I got him a Kindle. He disappeared off with it for a while, then came back and said, "I have to get you one of these, also!" I was like, "Okay!" :)

Since then I purchase him a tablet, and I think he's doing quite a bit of reading on that also.

I still like books and sometimes get books as gifts. But I'm always glad to get back to my Kindle after reading a regular book.

There was a time when I never thought I'd say such a thing! :)

You pretty much nailed it. If you're into reading for the pure joy of entertainment and knowledge? An E reader is the way to go.
If you want to attach some kind of romantic ideal to reading it isn't.

I am old school. I prefer the tactile feel of a book, turning pages that I can touch. I love books.

Besides, how can an author sign a Kindle?

I have to wonder if you and Two Thumbs have ever actually tried a Kindle? Because what you're saying is exactly the kind of thing my husband and I said before we got our Kindles.

I didn't know what to get my husband for Christmas one year so I got him a Kindle. He disappeared off with it for a while, then came back and said, "I have to get you one of these, also!" I was like, "Okay!" :)

Since then I purchase him a tablet, and I think he's doing quite a bit of reading on that also.

I still like books and sometimes get books as gifts. But I'm always glad to get back to my Kindle after reading a regular book.

There was a time when I never thought I'd say such a thing! :)

I bought my wife a Nook. I've tried it. Didn't like it.

I came up old school. My dad was a college English prof, book collector, and he owned a book store. Working in that book store was my first job. I have met authors, my dad was friends with authors, his name and likeness was used in books written by those friends. These connections were made at book signings.

I think Ebooks lend themselves to losing that connection people can make with authors. Again I say, how can an author sign an Ebook?

People like their Kindles, their Nooks. That's fine. They're just not for me. I read for entertainment and knowledge, haven't been to a book signing since my dad died, five years now.

Perhaps this is a way for me to honor the tradition taught to me by him, that I taught my children. Perhaps I just prefer the tactile feel of books and paper.

It's probably a little of both.
First, this is about books, reading and personal preference. There should be no reason for anyone to feel put down or be put down or challenged. It's just personal preference.

For me, I love having my computer. But there my love affair with technology ends. I have a simple cell phone that I use to call people and send messages, and that's it. No Ipod, no notepad, etc. My cell phone is my only phone; I no longer have a land line. I have no interest being any more involved in technology.

I wonder how many people are aware that many of the greastest writers we have known refused to type their novels, plays or poetry after typewriters were invented. They continued to write in long hand because they felt more in touch with the words and ideas on the paper. It's just a feeling, I suppose. But there is no reason to dispute it or try to get someone to change his or her mind about it. People who do a lot of reading must realize how varied and complex the world is and to respect that.
i like the tactile feeling of books. I LOVE antique books! I do like the prices of Ebooks

i have a kindle fire..... but think i will downgrade and get a kindle paper white for just reading. I like the size (smaller and thinner) of the paper white.

the only thing i don't like about reading on the kindle (or maybe ive just not figured it out yet) is that i cant flip back to a page i want to re read quickly. I hate doing the whole back page by page thing.....
i like the tactile feeling of books. I LOVE antique books! I do like the prices of Ebooks

i have a kindle fire..... but think i will downgrade and get a kindle paper white for just reading. I like the size (smaller and thinner) of the paper white.

the only thing i don't like about reading on the kindle (or maybe ive just not figured it out yet) is that i cant flip back to a page i want to re read quickly. I hate doing the whole back page by page thing.....

Yes, this is a very strong point for me. I often flip back through the book to review something I read before because there is a connection to it as I am progressing through the book. I don't mind flipping back through pages, I hate having to scroll back.
i like the tactile feeling of books. I LOVE antique books! I do like the prices of Ebooks

i have a kindle fire..... but think i will downgrade and get a kindle paper white for just reading. I like the size (smaller and thinner) of the paper white.

the only thing i don't like about reading on the kindle (or maybe ive just not figured it out yet) is that i cant flip back to a page i want to re read quickly. I hate doing the whole back page by page thing.....

Yes, this is a very strong point for me. I often flip back through the book to review something I read before because there is a connection to it as I am progressing through the book. I don't mind flipping back through pages, I hate having to scroll back.

in a book i can have my fingers in 3 or 4 places so i can reference back to different things quickly.... i cant do that with a kindle. Im glad its not just me who feels this way.
i like the tactile feeling of books. I LOVE antique books! I do like the prices of Ebooks

i have a kindle fire..... but think i will downgrade and get a kindle paper white for just reading. I like the size (smaller and thinner) of the paper white.

the only thing i don't like about reading on the kindle (or maybe ive just not figured it out yet) is that i cant flip back to a page i want to re read quickly. I hate doing the whole back page by page thing.....

Yes, this is a very strong point for me. I often flip back through the book to review something I read before because there is a connection to it as I am progressing through the book. I don't mind flipping back through pages, I hate having to scroll back.

in a book i can have my fingers in 3 or 4 places so i can reference back to different things quickly.... i cant do that with a kindle. Im glad its not just me who feels this way.

I agree completely. I do exactly the same thing. I like to be able to look at 2 or three pages at once to link ideas from previous pages to what I am currently reading.
Book. Not even close.

Apologies to agent Smith: It's the smell... I feel saturated by it. I can taste their stink and every time I do, I fear that I've somehow been infected by it... and I love that about books.

Why do old books smell? [video] | GrrlScientist | Science |

Plus if you lend a good book and it fails to return, well that's just good karma. If someone ran off with my kindle I would have to give chase.
For business and work, I prefer the real thing. For leisure time, I use the Nook on my iPad.
First, this is about books, reading and personal preference. There should be no reason for anyone to feel put down or be put down or challenged. It's just personal preference.

For me, I love having my computer. But there my love affair with technology ends. I have a simple cell phone that I use to call people and send messages, and that's it. No Ipod, no notepad, etc. My cell phone is my only phone; I no longer have a land line. I have no interest being any more involved in technology.

I wonder how many people are aware that many of the greastest writers we have known refused to type their novels, plays or poetry after typewriters were invented. They continued to write in long hand because they felt more in touch with the words and ideas on the paper. It's just a feeling, I suppose. But there is no reason to dispute it or try to get someone to change his or her mind about it. People who do a lot of reading must realize how varied and complex the world is and to respect that.

You say there should be no reason for anyone to feel put down or be put down or challenged. It's just personal preference. Yet in another post earlier in this thread, you said:

How lazy can you be to not want to hold up a book?
It's a conduit. I will keep mine until it no longer works, then I will get another.

I make a living typing. My hands aren't as strong as they used to be. I don't want to little old lady anyone to death, but for some of us, it's wonderful to dive into our worlds without having to hold something the size of a phone book (Thank you, George R.R. Martin.)
First, this is about books, reading and personal preference. There should be no reason for anyone to feel put down or be put down or challenged. It's just personal preference.

For me, I love having my computer. But there my love affair with technology ends. I have a simple cell phone that I use to call people and send messages, and that's it. No Ipod, no notepad, etc. My cell phone is my only phone; I no longer have a land line. I have no interest being any more involved in technology.

I wonder how many people are aware that many of the greastest writers we have known refused to type their novels, plays or poetry after typewriters were invented. They continued to write in long hand because they felt more in touch with the words and ideas on the paper. It's just a feeling, I suppose. But there is no reason to dispute it or try to get someone to change his or her mind about it. People who do a lot of reading must realize how varied and complex the world is and to respect that.

You say there should be no reason for anyone to feel put down or be put down or challenged. It's just personal preference. Yet in another post earlier in this thread, you said:

How lazy can you be to not want to hold up a book?

It was tongue in cheek. Not a serious comment. I suppose I should have added a smiley face. I do not care at all what anyone else's preference is. I find it very tiresome, however, when someone goes on and on trying to convince me I need this or that technology, or I need to try it, or whatever. Some people are just not interested.
First, this is about books, reading and personal preference. There should be no reason for anyone to feel put down or be put down or challenged. It's just personal preference.

For me, I love having my computer. But there my love affair with technology ends. I have a simple cell phone that I use to call people and send messages, and that's it. No Ipod, no notepad, etc. My cell phone is my only phone; I no longer have a land line. I have no interest being any more involved in technology.

I wonder how many people are aware that many of the greastest writers we have known refused to type their novels, plays or poetry after typewriters were invented. They continued to write in long hand because they felt more in touch with the words and ideas on the paper. It's just a feeling, I suppose. But there is no reason to dispute it or try to get someone to change his or her mind about it. People who do a lot of reading must realize how varied and complex the world is and to respect that.

You say there should be no reason for anyone to feel put down or be put down or challenged. It's just personal preference. Yet in another post earlier in this thread, you said:

How lazy can you be to not want to hold up a book?

It was tongue in cheek. Not a serious comment. I suppose I should have added a smiley face. I do not care at all what anyone else's preference is. I find it very tiresome, however, when someone goes on and on trying to convince me I need this or that technology, or I need to try it, or whatever. Some people are just not interested.

So, Esmeralda, if you were not interested, what prompted you to post in a thread entitled Kindle or Book? And why would it be unusual for folks posting in such a thread to go on and on why they prefer Kindle or a book? :)

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