KING Biden

30+ executive orders in just over a week.

What the hell. Why even bother with a legislative branch?

This shit has to be curbed wouldn't you agree?

Agree. We need to add some teeth to the constitution to get rid of the EO's, War Powers Act, the party leaders shutting down any votes or floor debates. I remember you were against them under Trump too...unlike a lot of your fellow conservatives. Nice consistency.
But u are only saying that because u are in the position of power. This nation has moved massively left. Everyone who is not a Prog Socialist voter is a klan member or a nazi.
Actually, Biden is looking more and more like this:

30+ executive orders in just over a week.

What the hell. Why even bother with a legislative branch?

This shit has to be curbed wouldn't you agree?

Agree. We need to add some teeth to the constitution to get rid of the EO's, War Powers Act, the party leaders shutting down any votes or floor debates. I remember you were against them under Trump too...unlike a lot of your fellow conservatives. Nice consistency.
No teeth are needed. The Constitution is clear.

It is? Cool..what part covers Executive Orders and the War Powers Act?
It doesnt. Thats the point.


So where in the Constitution is the penalty for doing unconstitutional acts either by the White House or by Congress who is complicit in letting the chief executive do whatever he wants to do?
Sleepy Joe is Jack Rabbit Joe now, off to the races to overturn the EO's of his predecessor, huh? Not a job for the legislative branch. Everybody knows it takes and arm and a leg and a few months to get anything done over there. I'm sure he will slow down and work at their pace as soon as they are ready.
30+ executive orders in just over a week.

What the hell. Why even bother with a legislative branch?

This shit has to be curbed wouldn't you agree?

Agree. We need to add some teeth to the constitution to get rid of the EO's, War Powers Act, the party leaders shutting down any votes or floor debates. I remember you were against them under Trump too...unlike a lot of your fellow conservatives. Nice consistency.
But u are only saying that because u are in the position of power. This nation has moved massively left. Everyone who is not a Prog Socialist voter is a klan member or a nazi.

Perhaps stop holding white power events...that could help change your image.
30+ executive orders in just over a week.

What the hell. Why even bother with a legislative branch?

This shit has to be curbed wouldn't you agree?

Agree. We need to add some teeth to the constitution to get rid of the EO's, War Powers Act, the party leaders shutting down any votes or floor debates. I remember you were against them under Trump too...unlike a lot of your fellow conservatives. Nice consistency.
No teeth are needed. The Constitution is clear.

It is? Cool..what part covers Executive Orders and the War Powers Act?
It doesnt. Thats the point.


So where in the Constitution is the penalty for doing unconstitutional acts either by the White House or by Congress who is complicit in letting the chief executive do whatever he wants to do?
They break their oaths
Fourteenth Amendment
  • Section 3
    No Person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.
Not if it helps.
Said by a lying asshole who claims to own a mason company when all of us who hang out with him on Thursday nights are well aware that he drove a truck with a drum......and he didnt clean the drum properly and it ceased......but that was he put it...."not my fault"
We know who you are....and the funny thing know who I am....
30+ executive orders in just over a week.

What the hell. Why even bother with a legislative branch?

This shit has to be curbed wouldn't you agree?

Agree. We need to add some teeth to the constitution to get rid of the EO's, War Powers Act, the party leaders shutting down any votes or floor debates. I remember you were against them under Trump too...unlike a lot of your fellow conservatives. Nice consistency.
But u are only saying that because u are in the position of power. This nation has moved massively left. Everyone who is not a Prog Socialist voter is a klan member or a nazi.

Perhaps stop holding white power events...that could help change your image.
It only seems that way because of the propaganda.
30+ executive orders in just over a week.

What the hell. Why even bother with a legislative branch?

This shit has to be curbed wouldn't you agree?

Agree. We need to add some teeth to the constitution to get rid of the EO's, War Powers Act, the party leaders shutting down any votes or floor debates. I remember you were against them under Trump too...unlike a lot of your fellow conservatives. Nice consistency.
No teeth are needed. The Constitution is clear.

It is? Cool..what part covers Executive Orders and the War Powers Act?
It doesnt. Thats the point.


So where in the Constitution is the penalty for doing unconstitutional acts either by the White House or by Congress who is complicit in letting the chief executive do whatever he wants to do?
They break their oaths
Fourteenth Amendment
  • Section 3
    No Person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

Had to see where executive orders fall under "insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof".
All President Biden is signing EOs that cancel or modify Trump's EOs.

It takes an EO to cancel an EO.

Having said that, unlike Trump, Biden knows that to have permanence you need to have legislation. Expect a big push in the coming months to legislate these changes.

The question is whether Mitch O'Connell will be an obstructor or will he negotiate.

I don't know if Mitch will risk losing the filibuster if he can reach deals with the Democrats.
Not if it helps.

It only helps the DNC.

Can't think of one that helps America.
I can but then again I am not blinded by myopic thoughts for party affiliation or fanaticism. George Washington to Biden have used the EO, as long as it is not abused and it has a power check with the Supreme Court and Congress.

I can but then again I am not blinded by myopic thoughts for party affiliation or fanaticism.


you've sure fooled me.

I notice you didn't list any that benefit America, tho you said you could.
Why hasn't everyone put MG on Ignore?
Feelings hurt! Feelings hurt!
Welcome to Ignore.
30+ executive orders in just over a week.

What the hell. Why even bother with a legislative branch?

This shit has to be curbed wouldn't you agree?

Agree. We need to add some teeth to the constitution to get rid of the EO's, War Powers Act, the party leaders shutting down any votes or floor debates. I remember you were against them under Trump too...unlike a lot of your fellow conservatives. Nice consistency.
But u are only saying that because u are in the position of power. This nation has moved massively left. Everyone who is not a Prog Socialist voter is a klan member or a nazi.

Perhaps stop holding white power events...that could help change your image.
It only seems that way because of the propaganda.

So the tiki torch march in the middle of the night while shouting Nazi slogans in Charlottesville was supposed to be a family friendly event with clowns, jugglers, and rides for the kiddies?
30+ executive orders in just over a week.

What the hell. Why even bother with a legislative branch?

This shit has to be curbed wouldn't you agree?

Agree. We need to add some teeth to the constitution to get rid of the EO's, War Powers Act, the party leaders shutting down any votes or floor debates. I remember you were against them under Trump too...unlike a lot of your fellow conservatives. Nice consistency.
No teeth are needed. The Constitution is clear.

It is? Cool..what part covers Executive Orders and the War Powers Act?
It doesnt. Thats the point.


So where in the Constitution is the penalty for doing unconstitutional acts either by the White House or by Congress who is complicit in letting the chief executive do whatever he wants to do?
They break their oaths
Fourteenth Amendment
  • Section 3
    No Person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

Had to see where executive orders fall under "insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof".
When congress or the president do unconstitutional actions, they break their oath. That would be rebellion.
30+ executive orders in just over a week.

What the hell. Why even bother with a legislative branch?

This shit has to be curbed wouldn't you agree?

I'm thinking about listing the EOs, they're essentially any of:
Pro-global con-USA
Puts U.S. business & employees on unemployment
Ended what Trump had in action, such as the wall
30+ executive orders in just over a week.

What the hell. Why even bother with a legislative branch?

This shit has to be curbed wouldn't you agree?

Agree. We need to add some teeth to the constitution to get rid of the EO's, War Powers Act, the party leaders shutting down any votes or floor debates. I remember you were against them under Trump too...unlike a lot of your fellow conservatives. Nice consistency.
No teeth are needed. The Constitution is clear.

It is? Cool..what part covers Executive Orders and the War Powers Act?
It doesnt. Thats the point.


So where in the Constitution is the penalty for doing unconstitutional acts either by the White House or by Congress who is complicit in letting the chief executive do whatever he wants to do?
They break their oaths
Fourteenth Amendment
  • Section 3
    No Person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

Had to see where executive orders fall under "insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof".
When congress or the president do unconstitutional actions, they break their oath. That would be rebellion.

That is your interpretation..."rebellion"

Please show me a definition of rebellion that includes breaking an oath.
30+ executive orders in just over a week.

What the hell. Why even bother with a legislative branch?

This shit has to be curbed wouldn't you agree?

Takes a lot to undo the Trump Train Wreck
You have all three branches so do it properly. This shit is stupid. Next up the next president recinds these 30 and adds 40 more?

When does the merry go round stop?

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