Kingdom of America!

We are a Republic and the FF wanted the states to have the power. Not a Federal government.

The FF's would turn over in their graves if they ever saw the size of the Federal Government.

We are no longer a Democratic Republic.
We are a Plutocratic Corporatocracy

when being in congress became a career rather than a temporary sacrifice, the federal government was destined to grow into the oppressive monstrosity that it is today.

I am aware of our history. Maybe MI should join Canada, and we can take our water and roads and bridges with us. Would you have a problem with that?

Just take the liberal democrats to Canada with you. leave the normal people of Michigan alone.

No its all or nothing, and Florida can have Devos.

still waiting for you to tell us how the GOP ruined Detroit.

Devos and the housing market bust. Ford.

I am aware of our history. Maybe MI should join Canada, and we can take our water and roads and bridges with us. Would you have a problem with that?

Just take the liberal democrats to Canada with you. leave the normal people of Michigan alone.

No its all or nothing, and Florida can have Devos.

still waiting for you to tell us how the GOP ruined Detroit.

Devos and the housing market bust. Ford.

LOL, dems and libs have controlled the once great city of Detroit for decades. Nice try, but FAIL
I am aware of our history. Maybe MI should join Canada, and we can take our water and roads and bridges with us. Would you have a problem with that?

Just take the liberal democrats to Canada with you. leave the normal people of Michigan alone.

No its all or nothing, and Florida can have Devos.

still waiting for you to tell us how the GOP ruined Detroit.

Devos and the housing market bust. Ford.

LOL, dems and libs have controlled the once great city of Detroit for decades. Nice try, but FAIL
Decline of Detroit - Wikipedia

Read a little history of Detroit. The GOP now ruined Flint.
We are a Republic and the FF wanted the states to have the power. Not a Federal government.

The FF's would turn over in their graves if they ever saw the size of the Federal Government.

So why do we have a Fed Government?
It's only intended to do things that state governments can't. Most notable of those is national defense and diplomacy. But once politicians figured out they could bribe people with their own money and people would be stupid enough to go along with it, more and more power has been pushed up to the federal government.
When our country broke away from the British Empire, our founders rejected the idea of creating a monarchy. Instead, they endeavored to create a form of government where the head of state could not easily inflict tyranny upon the people.

In the 250 years since, the President of the United States is more powerful than the British sovereign. Both are heads of state. But the Crown is constitutionally prohibited from virtually any exercise of authority. So did we get it wrong? Are we more Kingdom than the UK?

Nice morning cup of hyperventilation? Did you grind the beans yourself. Tell me true, on your drive into the office how many 25mm cannon cataphracted emplacement checkpoints stopped you and demanded, "Papers, please?" How many armed high altitude unmanned drones scanned your vehicle for contraband, Hellfire AGMs spooling up? How soon after posting this thread did armored and armed men kick down your door? Were you coerced into writing it by threat of bodily injury?

Wake up, take a deep breath . . . ah . . . American freedom.

When our country broke away from the British Empire, our founders rejected the idea of creating a monarchy. Instead, they endeavored to create a form of government where the head of state could not easily inflict tyranny upon the people.

In the 250 years since, the President of the United States is more powerful than the British sovereign. Both are heads of state. But the Crown is constitutionally prohibited from virtually any exercise of authority. So did we get it wrong? Are we more Kingdom than the UK?

Nice morning cup of hyperventilation? Did you grind the beans yourself. Tell me true, on your drive into the office how many 25mm cannon cataphracted emplacement checkpoints stopped you and demanded, "Papers, please?" How many armed high altitude unmanned drones scanned your vehicle for contraband, Hellfire AGMs spooling up? How soon after posting this thread did armored and armed men kick down your door? Were you coerced into writing it by threat of bodily injury?

Wake up, take a deep breath . . . ah . . . American freedom.


Are you drunk?
"Mystery lifted on Queen's powers"
Mystery lifted on Queen's powers

She is quite powerful.

If you had bothered to read your own link you would see that the royal prerogative is in the hands of ministers, not the Sovereign.

Feel free to keep looking stupid.

Full list of those powers

Domestic Affairs

The appointment and dismissal of ministers;

The summoning, prorogation and dissolution of Parliament;

Royal assent to bills;

The appointment and regulation of the civil service;

The commissioning of officers in the armed forces;

Directing the disposition of the armed forces in the UK;

Appointment of Queen's Counsel;

Issue and withdrawal of passports;

Prerogative of mercy. (Used to apply in capital punishment cases. Still used, eg to remedy errors in sentence calculation)

Granting honours;

Creation of corporations by Charter;

Foreign Affairs

The making of treaties;

Declaration of war;

Deployment of armed forces overseas;

Recognition of foreign states;

Accreditation and reception of diplomats.

Since you’re here…
When our country broke away from the British Empire, our founders rejected the idea of creating a monarchy. Instead, they endeavored to create a form of government where the head of state could not easily inflict tyranny upon the people.

In the 250 years since, the President of the United States is more powerful than the British sovereign. Both are heads of state. But the Crown is constitutionally prohibited from virtually any exercise of authority. So did we get it wrong? Are we more Kingdom than the UK?


The USA is an empire. A very aggressive empire. It’s sole purpose is to enrich and empower the ruling class, while increasingly imposing tyranny upon most of it’s citizens.

The grand experiment our Founders founded, has clearly failed.
When our country broke away from the British Empire, our founders rejected the idea of creating a monarchy. Instead, they endeavored to create a form of government where the head of state could not easily inflict tyranny upon the people.

In the 250 years since, the President of the United States is more powerful than the British sovereign. Both are heads of state. But the Crown is constitutionally prohibited from virtually any exercise of authority. So did we get it wrong? Are we more Kingdom than the UK?

Nice morning cup of hyperventilation? Did you grind the beans yourself. Tell me true, on your drive into the office how many 25mm cannon cataphracted emplacement checkpoints stopped you and demanded, "Papers, please?" How many armed high altitude unmanned drones scanned your vehicle for contraband, Hellfire AGMs spooling up? How soon after posting this thread did armored and armed men kick down your door? Were you coerced into writing it by threat of bodily injury?

Wake up, take a deep breath . . . ah . . . American freedom.


Are you drunk?

On American freedom . . . every single day.
"Mystery lifted on Queen's powers"
Mystery lifted on Queen's powers

She is quite powerful.

If you had bothered to read your own link you would see that the royal prerogative is in the hands of ministers, not the Sovereign.

Feel free to keep looking stupid.

Full list of those powers

Domestic Affairs

The appointment and dismissal of ministers;

The summoning, prorogation and dissolution of Parliament;

Royal assent to bills;

The appointment and regulation of the civil service;

The commissioning of officers in the armed forces;

Directing the disposition of the armed forces in the UK;

Appointment of Queen's Counsel;

Issue and withdrawal of passports;

Prerogative of mercy. (Used to apply in capital punishment cases. Still used, eg to remedy errors in sentence calculation)

Granting honours;

Creation of corporations by Charter;

Foreign Affairs

The making of treaties;

Declaration of war;

Deployment of armed forces overseas;

Recognition of foreign states;

Accreditation and reception of diplomats.

Since you’re here…

All powers in the hands of ministers, not the Sovereign.
The "Founding Fathers" (where were the mothers?) never foresaw the nuclear age, never foresaw an America so grotesquely rich, never foresaw racial equality...
They were only men, not super human.
They had some great ideas.
The made some big mistakes.
They are not a source of wisdom for the world we know.
When our country broke away from the British Empire, our founders rejected the idea of creating a monarchy. Instead, they endeavored to create a form of government where the head of state could not easily inflict tyranny upon the people.

In the 250 years since, the President of the United States is more powerful than the British sovereign. Both are heads of state. But the Crown is constitutionally prohibited from virtually any exercise of authority. So did we get it wrong? Are we more Kingdom than the UK?


The USA is an empire. A very aggressive empire. It’s sole purpose is to enrich and empower the ruling class, while increasingly imposing tyranny upon most of it’s citizens.

The grand experiment our Founders founded, has clearly failed.

Its called greed.
The "Founding Fathers" (where were the mothers?) never foresaw the nuclear age, never foresaw an America so grotesquely rich, never foresaw racial equality...
They were only men, not super human.
They had some great ideas.
The made some big mistakes.
They are not a source of wisdom for the world we know.

They were wealthy, that is what Wasps really means.
Here come the Kings of America. The Wasps of your nightmares. Deny your freedom, question the air you breath, reign in your own postmodernist recreation of the America for which you have no gratitude--only patriotic relativism, and remember, when the buzzy Wasps you've fabricated finally never come for your souls . . .

They are not a source of wisdom for the world we know.
That couldn't be any more wrong. Their vision for how government should operate is the best vision anyone has ever come up with to date. The problem is not their wisdom, it's that human nature works against their wisdom.
The President gets more power every day. So does the entire federal govt. BEcause we let them. We keep voting for these big govt stooges that dont even have our best interests at heart.
The Supreme Court and their history of activism and hackery is a big problem in that as well.
How do we fix it?
If im not mistaken, the crown has given away most of their power. They dont even own half the assets they used to.

And that's really it right there. The American people are 100% to blame for this mainly because nobody wants to be responsible for their own lives anymore.
Here come the Kings of America. The Wasps of your nightmares. Deny your freedom, question the air you breath, reign in your own postmodernist recreation of the America for which you have no gratitude--only patriotic relativism, and remember, when the buzzy Wasps you've fabricated finally never come for your souls . . .

Wasps stand for "Weathy Anglo-Saxon protestants".

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