Kingdom of America!

<snip> But the Crown is constitutionally prohibited from virtually any exercise of authority. <snip>

Another dimocrap with a Grade School understanding of History and government.

WHAT Constitution?

The UK doesn't have a Constitution, knucklehead.
you continue to display your ignorance and partisan stupidity. You are a fool.

F*ck the South, you are dirty Animals, you gave us the Negro issue but complain about it, you gave us war but complain about genocide , you take more welfare but complain about it more.

what exactly is the "negro issue" ? never heard that term used. Are you a racist?

Racism is about the only admirable quality Republicans could possibly have, other than that you're a party of trash.

racism? but you dems have BLM, Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson-Lee, Whoopi some of the most racist groups and people on the planet.

sounds like you are a racist, like your messiah the Kenyan obozo.

I don't support Democrats, either.

I certainly don't support anything politically this country supports.

then why are you here? Leave, go to a country that you can support.
The President gets more power every day. So does the entire federal govt. BEcause we let them. We keep voting for these big govt stooges that dont even have our best interests at heart.
The Supreme Court and their history of activism and hackery is a big problem in that as well.
How do we fix it?
If im not mistaken, the crown has given away most of their power. They dont even own half the assets they used to.

And that's really it right there. The American people are 100% to blame for this mainly because nobody wants to be responsible for their own lives anymore.

You man those born with a silver spoon like Trump?

Maxine Waters (black female) lives in a 4 million dollar mansion, while her constituents live on the sidewalks begging for handouts.

lets call a spade a spade, shall we?

Trump born with a silver spoon , family lives off of taxpayers , as usual , lets call a spade a spade.

Trump and his family live off of his businesses that he built from scratch. You are one of the most ignorant posters on this forum.
Republicans tend to kick, and scream about big government being a pre-text to atrocities, as if giving people healthcare is what causes genocide.

Meanwhile, Republicans tend to tolerate the worst forms of it, such as a massive military, war, and president worship as supreme, which all are far more likely cause genocide.

I don't know where Republicans get such goofy ideas.

nothing in your post is true. you are either ignorant or a partisan hack. Which is it?

All true, Republicans tend to cheer on war, massive military, Trump's supreme authority, Trump's military parade, but then all of a sudden none of that's "a Pretext to Genocide" but rather "Giving people healthcare is a pretext to genocide"

Gee, what a stupid pack of British Hyenas which liter the Southern states.
There is no difference between the two criminal gangs, particularly when it comes to war.

until now. Trump is engaging with our potential enemies to prevent wars. No other president in recent times has had the balls to do that. and both the rinos and dems are getting in his way because they both, for some stupid reason, want more wars and conflicts.
Yes there is some truth to that, yet he appears to want war with Iran. Has imposed sanctions, which is an act of war, on several nations. Attacked Syria based on BS.

He has offered to sit down with the ayatollah, just like he did with Kim and Putin. Its rinos like McCain that want war with Iran. Thank God McCain never became president. As bad as Obama was, McCain might have been worse.
you continue to display your ignorance and partisan stupidity. You are a fool.

F*ck the South, you are dirty Animals, you gave us the Negro issue but complain about it, you gave us war but complain about genocide , you take more welfare but complain about it more.

where do you live? give us the crime stats for your state, city, etc.

I have it listed, you can't read Pawling, NY?

According to Neighborhood scout it's safer than 92% of U.S.A cities, and towns.

Pawling, 12564 Crime Rates and Crime Statistics - NeighborhoodScout

let me guess, you are a member of the teachers union. a far left zealot who has never been out of the county you were born in, but claims to know everything about everyone else.

typical libtardian asshole.

you are a clear candidate for my ignore list. a couple more stupid posts and you will qualify since I don't waste my time on idiots and morons who are incapable of civil debate.

I'm far-right, the actual right wing is authoritarian,racist, nationalistic, anti-abortion, anti-gay etc. etc.

Republicans have been too busy being Left-Wing Liberals, instead.

far right? so you are a skinhead survivalists idiot? You make no sense, please stop wasting our time.
F*ck the South, you are dirty Animals, you gave us the Negro issue but complain about it, you gave us war but complain about genocide , you take more welfare but complain about it more.

what exactly is the "negro issue" ? never heard that term used. Are you a racist?

Racism is about the only admirable quality Republicans could possibly have, other than that you're a party of trash.

racism? but you dems have BLM, Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson-Lee, Whoopi some of the most racist groups and people on the planet.

sounds like you are a racist, like your messiah the Kenyan obozo.

I don't support Democrats, either.

I certainly don't support anything politically this country supports.

then why are you here? Leave, go to a country that you can support.

Why do Republicans insist that healthcare will lead to genocide, but somehow big military, and war won't lead to genocide?

Let's keep the topic there, no?

This is my country, unfortunately.

I wish I was born in a country that made sense, like Poland, Hungary, Czech, or Slovakia.

But, I was born here in America, none the less.
F*ck the South, you are dirty Animals, you gave us the Negro issue but complain about it, you gave us war but complain about genocide , you take more welfare but complain about it more.

where do you live? give us the crime stats for your state, city, etc.

I have it listed, you can't read Pawling, NY?

According to Neighborhood scout it's safer than 92% of U.S.A cities, and towns.

Pawling, 12564 Crime Rates and Crime Statistics - NeighborhoodScout

let me guess, you are a member of the teachers union. a far left zealot who has never been out of the county you were born in, but claims to know everything about everyone else.

typical libtardian asshole.

you are a clear candidate for my ignore list. a couple more stupid posts and you will qualify since I don't waste my time on idiots and morons who are incapable of civil debate.

I'm far-right, the actual right wing is authoritarian,racist, nationalistic, anti-abortion, anti-gay etc. etc.

Republicans have been too busy being Left-Wing Liberals, instead.

far right? so you are a skinhead survivalists idiot? You make no sense, please stop wasting our time.

I happen to believe that in order to stop the dire issues of jobs going to foreigners we must assert control over Corporate clout, to regulate, and or throw the bastards who give American jobs to foreigners behind bars, be it by hiring Illegals, or by outsourcing in mass.

Republicans merely fall short, a far cry from what I'd call patriotic, or sensible.

I'm a Fascist leaning guy, the (True Far-Right)

But, I do happen to make enough sense to only support Authoritarianism where it's needed, as well as to limit massive military budgets, and war.
<snip> But the Crown is constitutionally prohibited from virtually any exercise of authority. <snip>

Another dimocrap with a Grade School understanding of History and government.

WHAT Constitution?

The UK doesn't have a Constitution, knucklehead.

Another moron with a grade school education. The UK does indeed have a constitution. It's just a little more complicated than your simple mind can comprehend.
The President gets more power every day. So does the entire federal govt. BEcause we let them. We keep voting for these big govt stooges that dont even have our best interests at heart.
The Supreme Court and their history of activism and hackery is a big problem in that as well.
How do we fix it?
If im not mistaken, the crown has given away most of their power. They dont even own half the assets they used to.

And that's really it right there. The American people are 100% to blame for this mainly because nobody wants to be responsible for their own lives anymore.

You man those born with a silver spoon like Trump?

Maxine Waters (black female) lives in a 4 million dollar mansion, while her constituents live on the sidewalks begging for handouts.

lets call a spade a spade, shall we?

Trump born with a silver spoon , family lives off of taxpayers , as usual , lets call a spade a spade.

Trump and his family live off of his businesses that he built from scratch. You are one of the most ignorant posters on this forum.

"Trump and his family live off of his businesses that he built from scratch." LMAO!
nothing in your post is true. you are either ignorant or a partisan hack. Which is it?

All true, Republicans tend to cheer on war, massive military, Trump's supreme authority, Trump's military parade, but then all of a sudden none of that's "a Pretext to Genocide" but rather "Giving people healthcare is a pretext to genocide"

Gee, what a stupid pack of British Hyenas which liter the Southern states.
There is no difference between the two criminal gangs, particularly when it comes to war.

until now. Trump is engaging with our potential enemies to prevent wars. No other president in recent times has had the balls to do that. and both the rinos and dems are getting in his way because they both, for some stupid reason, want more wars and conflicts.
Yes there is some truth to that, yet he appears to want war with Iran. Has imposed sanctions, which is an act of war, on several nations. Attacked Syria based on BS.

He has offered to sit down with the ayatollah, just like he did with Kim and Putin. Its rinos like McCain that want war with Iran. Thank God McCain never became president. As bad as Obama was, McCain might have been worse.

Yes, so he rips up the Iran Deal.
The President gets more power every day. So does the entire federal govt. BEcause we let them. We keep voting for these big govt stooges that dont even have our best interests at heart.
The Supreme Court and their history of activism and hackery is a big problem in that as well.
How do we fix it?
If im not mistaken, the crown has given away most of their power. They dont even own half the assets they used to.

And that's really it right there. The American people are 100% to blame for this mainly because nobody wants to be responsible for their own lives anymore.

You man those born with a silver spoon like Trump?

Maxine Waters (black female) lives in a 4 million dollar mansion, while her constituents live on the sidewalks begging for handouts.

lets call a spade a spade, shall we?

Trump born with a silver spoon , family lives off of taxpayers , as usual , lets call a spade a spade.

Trump and his family live off of his businesses that he built from scratch. You are one of the most ignorant posters on this forum.

Yes tell his Dad how he spent 1.3 million of chips and cashed them in and gave the money to Trump, Trump lived off his Daddy's money till he screwed the banks of millions. He lived so far above and beyond his means which means he was broke most of his life.
All true, Republicans tend to cheer on war, massive military, Trump's supreme authority, Trump's military parade, but then all of a sudden none of that's "a Pretext to Genocide" but rather "Giving people healthcare is a pretext to genocide"

Gee, what a stupid pack of British Hyenas which liter the Southern states.
There is no difference between the two criminal gangs, particularly when it comes to war.

until now. Trump is engaging with our potential enemies to prevent wars. No other president in recent times has had the balls to do that. and both the rinos and dems are getting in his way because they both, for some stupid reason, want more wars and conflicts.
Yes there is some truth to that, yet he appears to want war with Iran. Has imposed sanctions, which is an act of war, on several nations. Attacked Syria based on BS.

He has offered to sit down with the ayatollah, just like he did with Kim and Putin. Its rinos like McCain that want war with Iran. Thank God McCain never became president. As bad as Obama was, McCain might have been worse.

Yes, so he rips up the Iran Deal.
I don’t know how anyone in their right mind can be so terribly anti-Trump, and at the same time pro- Obama. It just is so unbelievably illogical.
what exactly is the "negro issue" ? never heard that term used. Are you a racist?

Racism is about the only admirable quality Republicans could possibly have, other than that you're a party of trash.

racism? but you dems have BLM, Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson-Lee, Whoopi some of the most racist groups and people on the planet.

sounds like you are a racist, like your messiah the Kenyan obozo.

I don't support Democrats, either.

I certainly don't support anything politically this country supports.

then why are you here? Leave, go to a country that you can support.

Why do Republicans insist that healthcare will lead to genocide, but somehow big military, and war won't lead to genocide?

Let's keep the topic there, no?

This is my country, unfortunately.

I wish I was born in a country that made sense, like Poland, Hungary, Czech, or Slovakia.

But, I was born here in America, none the less.

no one has said that socialized medicine would lead to genocide. Where did you get that? Whats been said is that socialized medicine would put us even further into national debt and would degrade the quality of healthcare in this country.

also, no one wants war, the best way to prevent war is to be so strong that no one would ever think of attacking you.

I am sorry that you hate this wonderful country. Maybe you should leave.
All true, Republicans tend to cheer on war, massive military, Trump's supreme authority, Trump's military parade, but then all of a sudden none of that's "a Pretext to Genocide" but rather "Giving people healthcare is a pretext to genocide"

Gee, what a stupid pack of British Hyenas which liter the Southern states.
There is no difference between the two criminal gangs, particularly when it comes to war.

until now. Trump is engaging with our potential enemies to prevent wars. No other president in recent times has had the balls to do that. and both the rinos and dems are getting in his way because they both, for some stupid reason, want more wars and conflicts.
Yes there is some truth to that, yet he appears to want war with Iran. Has imposed sanctions, which is an act of war, on several nations. Attacked Syria based on BS.

He has offered to sit down with the ayatollah, just like he did with Kim and Putin. Its rinos like McCain that want war with Iran. Thank God McCain never became president. As bad as Obama was, McCain might have been worse.

Yes, so he rips up the Iran Deal.

Yes, it was a terrible deal, obozo sent Iran billions in cash on pallets, and Iran was allowed to continue developing nuclear weapons. We got nothing and Iran got everything they wanted.
And that's really it right there. The American people are 100% to blame for this mainly because nobody wants to be responsible for their own lives anymore.

You man those born with a silver spoon like Trump?

Maxine Waters (black female) lives in a 4 million dollar mansion, while her constituents live on the sidewalks begging for handouts.

lets call a spade a spade, shall we?

Trump born with a silver spoon , family lives off of taxpayers , as usual , lets call a spade a spade.

Trump and his family live off of his businesses that he built from scratch. You are one of the most ignorant posters on this forum.

Yes tell his Dad how he spent 1.3 million of chips and cashed them in and gave the money to Trump, Trump lived off his Daddy's money till he screwed the banks of millions. He lived so far above and beyond his means which means he was broke most of his life.

His father left him 1 million, he turned it into 2 billion. He has never been broke. Your hate is making you stupid.
Racism is about the only admirable quality Republicans could possibly have, other than that you're a party of trash.

racism? but you dems have BLM, Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson-Lee, Whoopi some of the most racist groups and people on the planet.

sounds like you are a racist, like your messiah the Kenyan obozo.

I don't support Democrats, either.

I certainly don't support anything politically this country supports.

then why are you here? Leave, go to a country that you can support.

Why do Republicans insist that healthcare will lead to genocide, but somehow big military, and war won't lead to genocide?

Let's keep the topic there, no?

This is my country, unfortunately.

I wish I was born in a country that made sense, like Poland, Hungary, Czech, or Slovakia.

But, I was born here in America, none the less.

no one has said that socialized medicine would lead to genocide. Where did you get that? Whats been said is that socialized medicine would put us even further into national debt and would degrade the quality of healthcare in this country.

also, no one wants war, the best way to prevent war is to be so strong that no one would ever think of attacking you.

I am sorry that you hate this wonderful country. Maybe you should leave.

Republicans always talk about big government leading to genocide, they obviously don't mean big military they support, and constantly rage about national healthcare.

So, what else could the bobble-heads be thinking of "Big Government causing genocide"?

Actually, most countries with National healthcare pay less than the U.S.A, as well as tend to live longer.

Yeah, cheaper, and better this way, that must be it.
And that's really it right there. The American people are 100% to blame for this mainly because nobody wants to be responsible for their own lives anymore.

You man those born with a silver spoon like Trump?

Maxine Waters (black female) lives in a 4 million dollar mansion, while her constituents live on the sidewalks begging for handouts.

lets call a spade a spade, shall we?

Trump born with a silver spoon , family lives off of taxpayers , as usual , lets call a spade a spade.

Trump and his family live off of his businesses that he built from scratch. You are one of the most ignorant posters on this forum.

"Trump and his family live off of his businesses that he built from scratch." LMAO!

what do you find funny about that true statement?
racism? but you dems have BLM, Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson-Lee, Whoopi some of the most racist groups and people on the planet.

sounds like you are a racist, like your messiah the Kenyan obozo.

I don't support Democrats, either.

I certainly don't support anything politically this country supports.

then why are you here? Leave, go to a country that you can support.

Why do Republicans insist that healthcare will lead to genocide, but somehow big military, and war won't lead to genocide?

Let's keep the topic there, no?

This is my country, unfortunately.

I wish I was born in a country that made sense, like Poland, Hungary, Czech, or Slovakia.

But, I was born here in America, none the less.

no one has said that socialized medicine would lead to genocide. Where did you get that? Whats been said is that socialized medicine would put us even further into national debt and would degrade the quality of healthcare in this country.

also, no one wants war, the best way to prevent war is to be so strong that no one would ever think of attacking you.

I am sorry that you hate this wonderful country. Maybe you should leave.

Republicans always talk about big government leading to genocide, they obviously don't mean big military they support, and constantly rage about national healthcare.

So, what else could the bobble-heads be thinking of "Big Government causing genocide"?

Actually, most countries with National healthcare pay less than the U.S.A, as well as tend to live longer.

Yeah, cheaper, and better this way, that must be it.

do you understand what the word "genocide" means? I don't think you do. Please look it up.

Which country of 300 million people has better healthcare than the USA? why do Canadians come across the border when they have serious illnesses? Why do rich Europeans and arabs come here when they have serious conditions?
I don't support Democrats, either.

I certainly don't support anything politically this country supports.

then why are you here? Leave, go to a country that you can support.

Why do Republicans insist that healthcare will lead to genocide, but somehow big military, and war won't lead to genocide?

Let's keep the topic there, no?

This is my country, unfortunately.

I wish I was born in a country that made sense, like Poland, Hungary, Czech, or Slovakia.

But, I was born here in America, none the less.

no one has said that socialized medicine would lead to genocide. Where did you get that? Whats been said is that socialized medicine would put us even further into national debt and would degrade the quality of healthcare in this country.

also, no one wants war, the best way to prevent war is to be so strong that no one would ever think of attacking you.

I am sorry that you hate this wonderful country. Maybe you should leave.

Republicans always talk about big government leading to genocide, they obviously don't mean big military they support, and constantly rage about national healthcare.

So, what else could the bobble-heads be thinking of "Big Government causing genocide"?

Actually, most countries with National healthcare pay less than the U.S.A, as well as tend to live longer.

Yeah, cheaper, and better this way, that must be it.

do you understand what the word "genocide" means? I don't think you do. Please look it up.

Which country of 300 million people has better healthcare than the USA? why do Canadians come across the border when they have serious illnesses? Why do rich Europeans and arabs come here when they have serious conditions?

Genocide is conducted usually with public military's, or sometimes para-military's.

Not with public doctors , and nurses in general (A few Nazi doctors, or nurses who killed is an anomaly)

How come most Republicans are more afraid of healthcare, than military then?

Yeah, I didn't think it made much sense, either.

So, yet a lot of people leave the U.S.A so they can afford healthcare.

Why is that?
then why are you here? Leave, go to a country that you can support.

Why do Republicans insist that healthcare will lead to genocide, but somehow big military, and war won't lead to genocide?

Let's keep the topic there, no?

This is my country, unfortunately.

I wish I was born in a country that made sense, like Poland, Hungary, Czech, or Slovakia.

But, I was born here in America, none the less.

no one has said that socialized medicine would lead to genocide. Where did you get that? Whats been said is that socialized medicine would put us even further into national debt and would degrade the quality of healthcare in this country.

also, no one wants war, the best way to prevent war is to be so strong that no one would ever think of attacking you.

I am sorry that you hate this wonderful country. Maybe you should leave.

Republicans always talk about big government leading to genocide, they obviously don't mean big military they support, and constantly rage about national healthcare.

So, what else could the bobble-heads be thinking of "Big Government causing genocide"?

Actually, most countries with National healthcare pay less than the U.S.A, as well as tend to live longer.

Yeah, cheaper, and better this way, that must be it.

do you understand what the word "genocide" means? I don't think you do. Please look it up.

Which country of 300 million people has better healthcare than the USA? why do Canadians come across the border when they have serious illnesses? Why do rich Europeans and arabs come here when they have serious conditions?

Genocide is conducted usually with public military's, or sometimes para-military's.

Not with public doctors , and nurses in general (A few Nazi doctors, or nurses who killed is an anomaly)

How come most Republicans are more afraid of healthcare, than military then?

Yeah, I didn't think it made much sense, either.

So, yet a lot of people leave the U.S.A so they can afford healthcare.

Why is that?

people do not leave the USA to get cheaper healthcare. Where do you get this crap?

you still don't know what genocide means, do you? The Nazis practiced genocide, so did Idi Amin, so does ISIS, Islam teaches genocide.

Please stop using words you don't understand.

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