Kingdom of America!

The President gets more power every day. So does the entire federal govt. BEcause we let them. We keep voting for these big govt stooges that dont even have our best interests at heart.
The Supreme Court and their history of activism and hackery is a big problem in that as well.
How do we fix it?
If im not mistaken, the crown has given away most of their power. They dont even own half the assets they used to.

And that's really it right there. The American people are 100% to blame for this mainly because nobody wants to be responsible for their own lives anymore.

You man those born with a silver spoon like Trump?
The President gets more power every day. So does the entire federal govt. BEcause we let them. We keep voting for these big govt stooges that dont even have our best interests at heart.
The Supreme Court and their history of activism and hackery is a big problem in that as well.
How do we fix it?
If im not mistaken, the crown has given away most of their power. They dont even own half the assets they used to.

And that's really it right there. The American people are 100% to blame for this mainly because nobody wants to be responsible for their own lives anymore.

You man those born with a silver spoon like Trump?

People from all walks of life, actually. Rich people who want the government to cover their losses and poor schleps like you who want free shit.
Here come the Kings of America. The Wasps of your nightmares. Deny your freedom, question the air you breath, reign in your own postmodernist recreation of the America for which you have no gratitude--only patriotic relativism, and remember, when the buzzy Wasps you've fabricated finally never come for your souls . . .

Wasps stand for "Weathy Anglo-Saxon protestants".

And Iron Maiden stands for head banging awesomeness. Your point being?
The President gets more power every day. So does the entire federal govt. BEcause we let them. We keep voting for these big govt stooges that dont even have our best interests at heart.
The Supreme Court and their history of activism and hackery is a big problem in that as well.
How do we fix it?
If im not mistaken, the crown has given away most of their power. They dont even own half the assets they used to.

And that's really it right there. The American people are 100% to blame for this mainly because nobody wants to be responsible for their own lives anymore.

You man those born with a silver spoon like Trump?

People from all walks of life, actually. Rich people who want the government to cover their losses and poor schleps like you who want free shit.

never got free shit, but people like Trump expects to.
Just take the liberal democrats to Canada with you. leave the normal people of Michigan alone.

No its all or nothing, and Florida can have Devos.

still waiting for you to tell us how the GOP ruined Detroit.

Devos and the housing market bust. Ford.

LOL, dems and libs have controlled the once great city of Detroit for decades. Nice try, but FAIL
Decline of Detroit - Wikipedia

Read a little history of Detroit. The GOP now ruined Flint.

democrats controlled Flint, but the GOP ruined it????????? are you a complete loon?
The President gets more power every day. So does the entire federal govt. BEcause we let them. We keep voting for these big govt stooges that dont even have our best interests at heart.
The Supreme Court and their history of activism and hackery is a big problem in that as well.
How do we fix it?
If im not mistaken, the crown has given away most of their power. They dont even own half the assets they used to.

And that's really it right there. The American people are 100% to blame for this mainly because nobody wants to be responsible for their own lives anymore.

You man those born with a silver spoon like Trump?

People from all walks of life, actually. Rich people who want the government to cover their losses and poor schleps like you who want free shit.

never got free shit, but people like Trump expects to.

are you on drugs?
The President gets more power every day. So does the entire federal govt. BEcause we let them. We keep voting for these big govt stooges that dont even have our best interests at heart.
The Supreme Court and their history of activism and hackery is a big problem in that as well.
How do we fix it?
If im not mistaken, the crown has given away most of their power. They dont even own half the assets they used to.

And that's really it right there. The American people are 100% to blame for this mainly because nobody wants to be responsible for their own lives anymore.

You man those born with a silver spoon like Trump?
It's really fucking dumb to demonize people who are born into a given situation, whether it's rich or poor. It's easy to hate on people who are born into wealth because humans are pre-disposed to feeling envious/jealous, but also a media biased against rich people spends a lot more time telling you about the ones who are irresponsible or reckless or pompous with their money/power. They don't tell you much about the ones who parlay their wealthy upbringing into being successes themselves and giving back to their communities. It doesn't play well for the cause of turning the majority (middle class and poor) against the upper class. It doesn't mean we should kiss anyone's asses, but it also means we should acknowledge that for the most part, people are rich because they're elite in some respect, and usually that's in some type of intelligence. It's certainly not 100% of the time but it's definitely considerably more than 50% of the time. People can learn things from wealthy people and should.

If you think about a rich person and go "fucker has too much money he should give some of it up" then you're the problem, not them. What you should be thinking is "how did that person make their money and how can i and others learn from that so we all can try to get rich as well."
When our country broke away from the British Empire, our founders rejected the idea of creating a monarchy. Instead, they endeavored to create a form of government where the head of state could not easily inflict tyranny upon the people.

In the 250 years since, the President of the United States is more powerful than the British sovereign. Both are heads of state. But the Crown is constitutionally prohibited from virtually any exercise of authority. So did we get it wrong? Are we more Kingdom than the UK?


The USA is an empire. A very aggressive empire. It’s sole purpose is to enrich and empower the ruling class, while increasingly imposing tyranny upon most of it’s citizens.

The grand experiment our Founders founded, has clearly failed.

Here come the Kings of America. The Wasps of your nightmares. Deny your freedom, question the air you breath, reign in your own postmodernist recreation of the America for which you have no gratitude--only patriotic relativism, and remember, when the buzzy Wasps you've fabricated finally never come for your souls . . .

Wasps stand for "Weathy Anglo-Saxon protestants".

WBP = wealthy black protestants. Lots of those today, thanks to Trump's policies.

hint: being successful is not bad, no matter what race you are.
When our country broke away from the British Empire, our founders rejected the idea of creating a monarchy. Instead, they endeavored to create a form of government where the head of state could not easily inflict tyranny upon the people.

In the 250 years since, the President of the United States is more powerful than the British sovereign. Both are heads of state. But the Crown is constitutionally prohibited from virtually any exercise of authority. So did we get it wrong? Are we more Kingdom than the UK?
The President gets more power every day. So does the entire federal govt. BEcause we let them. We keep voting for these big govt stooges that dont even have our best interests at heart.
The Supreme Court and their history of activism and hackery is a big problem in that as well.
How do we fix it?
If im not mistaken, the crown has given away most of their power. They dont even own half the assets they used to.

Republicans tend to kick, and scream about big government being a pre-text to atrocities, as if giving people healthcare is what causes genocide.

Meanwhile, Republicans tend to tolerate the worst forms of it, such as a massive military, war, and president worship as supreme, which all are far more likely cause genocide.

I don't know where Republicans get such goofy ideas.
The President gets more power every day. So does the entire federal govt. BEcause we let them. We keep voting for these big govt stooges that dont even have our best interests at heart.
The Supreme Court and their history of activism and hackery is a big problem in that as well.
How do we fix it?
If im not mistaken, the crown has given away most of their power. They dont even own half the assets they used to.

And that's really it right there. The American people are 100% to blame for this mainly because nobody wants to be responsible for their own lives anymore.

You man those born with a silver spoon like Trump?

Maxine Waters (black female) lives in a 4 million dollar mansion, while her constituents live on the sidewalks begging for handouts.

lets call a spade a spade, shall we?
When our country broke away from the British Empire, our founders rejected the idea of creating a monarchy. Instead, they endeavored to create a form of government where the head of state could not easily inflict tyranny upon the people.

In the 250 years since, the President of the United States is more powerful than the British sovereign. Both are heads of state. But the Crown is constitutionally prohibited from virtually any exercise of authority. So did we get it wrong? Are we more Kingdom than the UK?
The President gets more power every day. So does the entire federal govt. BEcause we let them. We keep voting for these big govt stooges that dont even have our best interests at heart.
The Supreme Court and their history of activism and hackery is a big problem in that as well.
How do we fix it?
If im not mistaken, the crown has given away most of their power. They dont even own half the assets they used to.

Republicans tend to kick, and scream about big government being a pre-text to atrocities, as if giving people healthcare is what causes genocide.

Meanwhile, Republicans tend to tolerate the worst forms of it, such as a massive military, war, and president worship as supreme, which all are far more likely cause genocide.

I don't know where Republicans get such goofy ideas.

nothing in your post is true. you are either ignorant or a partisan hack. Which is it?
When our country broke away from the British Empire, our founders rejected the idea of creating a monarchy. Instead, they endeavored to create a form of government where the head of state could not easily inflict tyranny upon the people.

In the 250 years since, the President of the United States is more powerful than the British sovereign. Both are heads of state. But the Crown is constitutionally prohibited from virtually any exercise of authority. So did we get it wrong? Are we more Kingdom than the UK?


The USA is an empire. A very aggressive empire. It’s sole purpose is to enrich and empower the ruling class, while increasingly imposing tyranny upon most of it’s citizens.

The grand experiment our Founders founded, has clearly failed.

When our country broke away from the British Empire, our founders rejected the idea of creating a monarchy. Instead, they endeavored to create a form of government where the head of state could not easily inflict tyranny upon the people.

In the 250 years since, the President of the United States is more powerful than the British sovereign. Both are heads of state. But the Crown is constitutionally prohibited from virtually any exercise of authority. So did we get it wrong? Are we more Kingdom than the UK?
The President gets more power every day. So does the entire federal govt. BEcause we let them. We keep voting for these big govt stooges that dont even have our best interests at heart.
The Supreme Court and their history of activism and hackery is a big problem in that as well.
How do we fix it?
If im not mistaken, the crown has given away most of their power. They dont even own half the assets they used to.

Republicans tend to kick, and scream about big government being a pre-text to atrocities, as if giving people healthcare is what causes genocide.

Meanwhile, Republicans tend to tolerate the worst forms of it, such as a massive military, war, and president worship as supreme, which all are far more likely cause genocide.

I don't know where Republicans get such goofy ideas.

nothing in your post is true. you are either ignorant or a partisan hack. Which is it?

All true, Republicans tend to cheer on war, massive military, Trump's supreme authority, Trump's military parade, but then all of a sudden none of that's "a Pretext to Genocide" but rather "Giving people healthcare is a pretext to genocide"

Gee, what a stupid pack of British Hyenas which liter the Southern states.
When our country broke away from the British Empire, our founders rejected the idea of creating a monarchy. Instead, they endeavored to create a form of government where the head of state could not easily inflict tyranny upon the people.

In the 250 years since, the President of the United States is more powerful than the British sovereign. Both are heads of state. But the Crown is constitutionally prohibited from virtually any exercise of authority. So did we get it wrong? Are we more Kingdom than the UK?


The USA is an empire. A very aggressive empire. It’s sole purpose is to enrich and empower the ruling class, while increasingly imposing tyranny upon most of it’s citizens.

The grand experiment our Founders founded, has clearly failed.


so we are going to trade barnyard animal droppings? cool.

we have some problems, sure. but the USA is still the best country in the world by far. I have seen many of them and not one comes even close.
When our country broke away from the British Empire, our founders rejected the idea of creating a monarchy. Instead, they endeavored to create a form of government where the head of state could not easily inflict tyranny upon the people.

In the 250 years since, the President of the United States is more powerful than the British sovereign. Both are heads of state. But the Crown is constitutionally prohibited from virtually any exercise of authority. So did we get it wrong? Are we more Kingdom than the UK?
The President gets more power every day. So does the entire federal govt. BEcause we let them. We keep voting for these big govt stooges that dont even have our best interests at heart.
The Supreme Court and their history of activism and hackery is a big problem in that as well.
How do we fix it?
If im not mistaken, the crown has given away most of their power. They dont even own half the assets they used to.

Republicans tend to kick, and scream about big government being a pre-text to atrocities, as if giving people healthcare is what causes genocide.

Meanwhile, Republicans tend to tolerate the worst forms of it, such as a massive military, war, and president worship as supreme, which all are far more likely cause genocide.

I don't know where Republicans get such goofy ideas.

nothing in your post is true. you are either ignorant or a partisan hack. Which is it?

All true, Republicans tend to cheer on war, massive military, Trump's supreme authority, Trump's military parade, but then all of a sudden none of that's "a Pretext to Genocide" but rather "Giving people healthcare is a pretext to genocide"

Gee, what a stupid pack of British Hyenas which liter the Southern states.
There is no difference between the two criminal gangs, particularly when it comes to war.
When our country broke away from the British Empire, our founders rejected the idea of creating a monarchy. Instead, they endeavored to create a form of government where the head of state could not easily inflict tyranny upon the people.

In the 250 years since, the President of the United States is more powerful than the British sovereign. Both are heads of state. But the Crown is constitutionally prohibited from virtually any exercise of authority. So did we get it wrong? Are we more Kingdom than the UK?
The President gets more power every day. So does the entire federal govt. BEcause we let them. We keep voting for these big govt stooges that dont even have our best interests at heart.
The Supreme Court and their history of activism and hackery is a big problem in that as well.
How do we fix it?
If im not mistaken, the crown has given away most of their power. They dont even own half the assets they used to.

Republicans tend to kick, and scream about big government being a pre-text to atrocities, as if giving people healthcare is what causes genocide.

Meanwhile, Republicans tend to tolerate the worst forms of it, such as a massive military, war, and president worship as supreme, which all are far more likely cause genocide.

I don't know where Republicans get such goofy ideas.

nothing in your post is true. you are either ignorant or a partisan hack. Which is it?

All true, Republicans tend to cheer on war, massive military, Trump's supreme authority, Trump's military parade, but then all of a sudden none of that's "a Pretext to Genocide" but rather "Giving people healthcare is a pretext to genocide"

Gee, what a stupid pack of British Hyenas which liter the Southern states.
There is no difference between the two criminal gangs, particularly when it comes to war.

Southerners are violent, and primitive, when the Democrats ruled the South they were a party of war, when the Republicans rule the South they are a party of war.
When our country broke away from the British Empire, our founders rejected the idea of creating a monarchy. Instead, they endeavored to create a form of government where the head of state could not easily inflict tyranny upon the people.

In the 250 years since, the President of the United States is more powerful than the British sovereign. Both are heads of state. But the Crown is constitutionally prohibited from virtually any exercise of authority. So did we get it wrong? Are we more Kingdom than the UK?
The President gets more power every day. So does the entire federal govt. BEcause we let them. We keep voting for these big govt stooges that dont even have our best interests at heart.
The Supreme Court and their history of activism and hackery is a big problem in that as well.
How do we fix it?
If im not mistaken, the crown has given away most of their power. They dont even own half the assets they used to.

Republicans tend to kick, and scream about big government being a pre-text to atrocities, as if giving people healthcare is what causes genocide.

Meanwhile, Republicans tend to tolerate the worst forms of it, such as a massive military, war, and president worship as supreme, which all are far more likely cause genocide.

I don't know where Republicans get such goofy ideas.

nothing in your post is true. you are either ignorant or a partisan hack. Which is it?

All true, Republicans tend to cheer on war, massive military, Trump's supreme authority, Trump's military parade, but then all of a sudden none of that's "a Pretext to Genocide" but rather "Giving people healthcare is a pretext to genocide"

Gee, what a stupid pack of British Hyenas which liter the Southern states.

a strong military is necessary to preserve our freedoms, military spending creates good paying American blue collar jobs building planes, ships, tanks, ammo, uniforms, boots, rations, housing, trucks, etc

Trump has not overreached with his presidential powers, however Obama did constantly and you said nothing about that.

Free healthcare is not "free" someone has to pay the doctors, hospitals, drug companies, etc. The VA is what you get with govt run medicine------------it sucks. The UK NHS has people waiting months for routine procedures, it sucks too.

British hyenas???? WTF?
The President gets more power every day. So does the entire federal govt. BEcause we let them. We keep voting for these big govt stooges that dont even have our best interests at heart.
The Supreme Court and their history of activism and hackery is a big problem in that as well.
How do we fix it?
If im not mistaken, the crown has given away most of their power. They dont even own half the assets they used to.

Republicans tend to kick, and scream about big government being a pre-text to atrocities, as if giving people healthcare is what causes genocide.

Meanwhile, Republicans tend to tolerate the worst forms of it, such as a massive military, war, and president worship as supreme, which all are far more likely cause genocide.

I don't know where Republicans get such goofy ideas.

nothing in your post is true. you are either ignorant or a partisan hack. Which is it?

All true, Republicans tend to cheer on war, massive military, Trump's supreme authority, Trump's military parade, but then all of a sudden none of that's "a Pretext to Genocide" but rather "Giving people healthcare is a pretext to genocide"

Gee, what a stupid pack of British Hyenas which liter the Southern states.
There is no difference between the two criminal gangs, particularly when it comes to war.

Southerners are violent, and primitive, when the Democrats ruled the South they were a party of war, when the Republicans rule the South they are a party of war.

you continue to display your ignorance and partisan stupidity. You are a fool.
When our country broke away from the British Empire, our founders rejected the idea of creating a monarchy. Instead, they endeavored to create a form of government where the head of state could not easily inflict tyranny upon the people.

In the 250 years since, the President of the United States is more powerful than the British sovereign. Both are heads of state. But the Crown is constitutionally prohibited from virtually any exercise of authority. So did we get it wrong? Are we more Kingdom than the UK?
The President gets more power every day. So does the entire federal govt. BEcause we let them. We keep voting for these big govt stooges that dont even have our best interests at heart.
The Supreme Court and their history of activism and hackery is a big problem in that as well.
How do we fix it?
If im not mistaken, the crown has given away most of their power. They dont even own half the assets they used to.

Republicans tend to kick, and scream about big government being a pre-text to atrocities, as if giving people healthcare is what causes genocide.

Meanwhile, Republicans tend to tolerate the worst forms of it, such as a massive military, war, and president worship as supreme, which all are far more likely cause genocide.

I don't know where Republicans get such goofy ideas.

nothing in your post is true. you are either ignorant or a partisan hack. Which is it?

All true, Republicans tend to cheer on war, massive military, Trump's supreme authority, Trump's military parade, but then all of a sudden none of that's "a Pretext to Genocide" but rather "Giving people healthcare is a pretext to genocide"

Gee, what a stupid pack of British Hyenas which liter the Southern states.

a strong military is necessary to preserve our freedoms, military spending creates good paying American blue collar jobs building planes, ships, tanks, ammo, uniforms, boots, rations, housing, trucks, etc

Trump has not overreached with his presidential powers, however Obama did constantly and you said nothing about that.

Free healthcare is not "free" someone has to pay the doctors, hospitals, drug companies, etc. The VA is what you get with govt run medicine------------it sucks. The UK NHS has people waiting months for routine procedures, it sucks too.

British hyenas???? WTF?

It's not government healthcare is not the cause of genocide, big military however is a cause of genocide.

I understand we need a military to defend ourselves.

But, to say we need to spend 48% of the World's military budget is ludicrous.

Furthermore, we've been involved in war, after war, the end result is the U.S.A has become a genocidal country, with 14 - 30 million killed due to the U.S.A policies since WW2.
(About as much as Hitler)

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