Kirsten Gillibrand Wants Gov't to Decide How Many Painkillers You're Allowed to Get

Of course, when it comes to abortion she'll be the first to say that's a decision best left to a woman and her doctor, not the government.

Kirsten Gillibrand Wants Gov't to Decide How Many Painkillers You're Allowed to Get

70,000 Americans died because of drug overdoses last year, most of which were prescribed by unscrupulous pill pushers who make their money poisoning people.

Billions of taxpayer dollars are being lost due to this crisis and life expectancy in the USA is dropping. Damn skippy the government needs to get a handle on the over prescription of pharmaceutical poison.
Of course, when it comes to abortion she'll be the first to say that's a decision best left to a woman and her doctor, not the government.

Kirsten Gillibrand Wants Gov't to Decide How Many Painkillers You're Allowed to Get

70,000 Americans died because of drug overdoses last year, most of which were prescribed by unscrupulous pill pushers who make their money poisoning people.

And making people needlessly suffer because of other's lack of self control isn't the answer either. It's an extreme knee-jerk reaction that doesn't address the root cause of the problem.
There’s so many quack doctors out there and the government needs to do a better job of trying to regulate what is going on. That is not to say they should be making decisions for doctors
Of course, when it comes to abortion she'll be the first to say that's a decision best left to a woman and her doctor, not the government.

Kirsten Gillibrand Wants Gov't to Decide How Many Painkillers You're Allowed to Get

70,000 Americans died because of drug overdoses last year, most of which were prescribed by unscrupulous pill pushers who make their money poisoning people.

Billions of taxpayer dollars are being lost due to this crisis and life expectancy in the USA is dropping. Damn skippy the government needs to get a handle on the over prescription of pharmaceutical poison.
How about getting the doctors who are overprescribing. Get to the source, don't threaten real needs for real patients.
Of course, when it comes to abortion she'll be the first to say that's a decision best left to a woman and her doctor, not the government.

Kirsten Gillibrand Wants Gov't to Decide How Many Painkillers You're Allowed to Get
/---/ Kristen deliverying some fresh veggies.
Of course, when it comes to abortion she'll be the first to say that's a decision best left to a woman and her doctor, not the government.

Kirsten Gillibrand Wants Gov't to Decide How Many Painkillers You're Allowed to Get

70,000 Americans died because of drug overdoses last year, most of which were prescribed by unscrupulous pill pushers who make their money poisoning people.

And making people needlessly suffer because of other's lack of self control isn't the answer either. It's an extreme knee-jerk reaction that doesn't address the root cause of the problem.

Drug addiction is not a "lack of self control".

Millions of Americans are addicted to drugs or alcohol, 70,000 people dying every year, and

What Percentage of the Population Struggles with Addiction? The Answer May Surprise You

I'm sorry you're going to be inconvenienced about your pain killers. Maybe you should be rallying and chanting to "Stop Opioid abuse" instead of "Build that wall".
Of course, when it comes to abortion she'll be the first to say that's a decision best left to a woman and her doctor, not the government.

Kirsten Gillibrand Wants Gov't to Decide How Many Painkillers You're Allowed to Get

70,000 Americans died because of drug overdoses last year, most of which were prescribed by unscrupulous pill pushers who make their money poisoning people.

And making people needlessly suffer because of other's lack of self control isn't the answer either. It's an extreme knee-jerk reaction that doesn't address the root cause of the problem.

Drug addiction is not a "lack of self control".

Millions of Americans are addicted to drugs or alcohol, 70,000 people dying every year, and

What Percentage of the Population Struggles with Addiction? The Answer May Surprise You

I'm sorry you're going to be inconvenienced about your pain killers. Maybe you should be rallying and chanting to "Stop Opioid abuse" instead of "Build that wall".

So because a segment of people have suffer from diseases everyone has to be affected?

Crack down on the doctors who are abusing their privileges.
Of course, when it comes to abortion she'll be the first to say that's a decision best left to a woman and her doctor, not the government.

Kirsten Gillibrand Wants Gov't to Decide How Many Painkillers You're Allowed to Get

70,000 Americans died because of drug overdoses last year, most of which were prescribed by unscrupulous pill pushers who make their money poisoning people.

Billions of taxpayer dollars are being lost due to this crisis and life expectancy in the USA is dropping. Damn skippy the government needs to get a handle on the over prescription of pharmaceutical poison.
50m fetuses have been aborted. But im sure thats up to the individual, right hack?
Customer broke his wrist. All they will give is extra strength Advil which doesn't touch the pain.
Of course, when it comes to abortion she'll be the first to say that's a decision best left to a woman and her doctor, not the government.

Kirsten Gillibrand Wants Gov't to Decide How Many Painkillers You're Allowed to Get

70,000 Americans died because of drug overdoses last year, most of which were prescribed by unscrupulous pill pushers who make their money poisoning people.

Billions of taxpayer dollars are being lost due to this crisis and life expectancy in the USA is dropping. Damn skippy the government needs to get a handle on the over prescription of pharmaceutical poison.
/----/ Isn't over prescribing already illegal? Just another law that won't be enforced - but dang it - it'll make libtards feel good about themselves. And that's all that matters.

Of course, when it comes to abortion she'll be the first to say that's a decision best left to a woman and her doctor, not the government.

Kirsten Gillibrand Wants Gov't to Decide How Many Painkillers You're Allowed to Get

70,000 Americans died because of drug overdoses last year, most of which were prescribed by unscrupulous pill pushers who make their money poisoning people.

Billions of taxpayer dollars are being lost due to this crisis and life expectancy in the USA is dropping. Damn skippy the government needs to get a handle on the over prescription of pharmaceutical poison.
Save us from ourselves.
Drug addiction is not a "lack of self control".

That's exactly what it is by very definition

Millions of Americans are addicted to drugs or alcohol, 70,000 people dying every year, and

What Percentage of the Population Struggles with Addiction? The Answer May Surprise You

I'm sorry you're going to be inconvenienced about your pain killers. Maybe you should be rallying and chanting to "Stop Opioid abuse" instead of "Build that wall".

Maybe you should give your condolences to cancer patients and others with ailments causing them to suffer from chronic pain, twat waffle. Let me know when you get your medical license and then maybe I'll give a shit about your uninformed opinion.
Of course, when it comes to abortion she'll be the first to say that's a decision best left to a woman and her doctor, not the government.

Kirsten Gillibrand Wants Gov't to Decide How Many Painkillers You're Allowed to Get

70,000 Americans died because of drug overdoses last year, most of which were prescribed by unscrupulous pill pushers who make their money poisoning people.

Billions of taxpayer dollars are being lost due to this crisis and life expectancy in the USA is dropping. Damn skippy the government needs to get a handle on the over prescription of pharmaceutical poison.

Millions of unborn babies that are aborted and killed every year. Again, your tears fall on deaf ears.
Kirsten Gillibrand Wants Gov't to Decide How Many Painkillers You're Allowed to Get

Nanny statists gotta do what nanny statists do, demand the power to control every one else’ life.
Of course, when it comes to abortion she'll be the first to say that's a decision best left to a woman and her doctor, not the government.

Kirsten Gillibrand Wants Gov't to Decide How Many Painkillers You're Allowed to Get

70,000 Americans died because of drug overdoses last year, most of which were prescribed by unscrupulous pill pushers who make their money poisoning people.

And making people needlessly suffer because of other's lack of self control isn't the answer either. It's an extreme knee-jerk reaction that doesn't address the root cause of the problem.

Drug addiction is not a "lack of self control".

Millions of Americans are addicted to drugs or alcohol, 70,000 people dying every year, and

What Percentage of the Population Struggles with Addiction? The Answer May Surprise You

I'm sorry you're going to be inconvenienced about your pain killers. Maybe you should be rallying and chanting to "Stop Opioid abuse" instead of "Build that wall".

So because a segment of people have suffer from diseases everyone has to be affected?

Crack down on the doctors who are abusing their privileges.

The only proposal she has made is that patients can’t obtain more than a one week supply of their meds at a time. That’s not limiting the amount being prescribed, but it is limiting the amount they can buy.

With 24 million addicts, the amount of investigatory staff and resources needed to police the doctors and pharmaceutical companies would be enormous.

Limiting amounts of drugs being dispensed is a common sense move which will have an immediate impact. So of course conservatives oppose it.
Of course, when it comes to abortion she'll be the first to say that's a decision best left to a woman and her doctor, not the government.

Kirsten Gillibrand Wants Gov't to Decide How Many Painkillers You're Allowed to Get

70,000 Americans died because of drug overdoses last year, most of which were prescribed by unscrupulous pill pushers who make their money poisoning people.

And making people needlessly suffer because of other's lack of self control isn't the answer either. It's an extreme knee-jerk reaction that doesn't address the root cause of the problem.
It's not a lack of self-control when meds are improperly dispensed and create addicts, which is really the issue. We have laws/regulations concerning when docs can prescribe morphine and other "naturally occurring" opiates. The pharma succeeded in creating synthetic heroin .. literally. I don't think anyone contends the AMA properly self-regulated.

We appear to be stricter with Adderall an Ritalin

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