KKK: Trying To 'Re-Brand' Itself?


Belligerent Drunk
Nov 19, 2010
Richmond VA
KKK: Trying To 'Re-Brand' Itself?


At the Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day, a handful of picketers from controversial hate group the Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) were siphoned off into a corner, as other military family members came to pay their respects.

Members of the hate group have become a ubiquitous presence at funerals in recent years; they can frequently be seen in packs, holding signs emblazoned with “God Hates Fags” or “Thank God For Dead Soldiers.”

But at Arlington last Monday, one group of demonstrators came out to counter-protest the WBC, catching national media attention as they handed out American flags to passersby and denounced the WBC's actions.

They were members of the KKK, the most well-known hate group in American history.

Dennis LaBonte, a self-identified “Imperial Wizard” of the KKK who was present at the counter-protests, told CNN that he is not a “hate-monger” and it’s an “absolute shame” that the WBC pickets at military funerals. A CNN video of the proceedings went viral, leaving many to wonder: what exactly is going on here? Since when does the KKK protest against other hate groups?

“Maybe [Lebonte] was on the way to a peace gardening party and got confused,” Alexandra Petri wrote in the Washington Post after seeing the video. “There must be some reason, because protesting against hatred seems wildly out of character. Maybe they’re going through some sort of midlife crisis.”

Or perhaps the Klan is just hoping to re-brand itself. In two interviews with The Huffington Post this week, National Membership Director for the Ku Klux Klan, LLC Pastor Travis Pierce spoke proudly of the KKK’s newly “positive” message, and said that its objection to the WBC's tactics is nothing new. In fact, he said, the group released a statement months ago deploring WBC’s actions, repudiating its tactics of protesting “the funerals of U.S. soldiers, men and women who die serving our Nation.”

KKK: Trying To 'Re-Brand' Itself?
The KKK hates anyone not white.

The WBC protest so they can file lawsuits against people who hit them.

They still are both scum.

But...without the KKK - Tank and his ilk wouldn't get to post as many youtube vids as they do.
The KKK hates anyone not white.

The WBC protest so they can file lawsuits against people who hit them.

They still are both scum.

But...without the KKK - Tank and his ilk wouldn't get to post as many youtube vids as they do.

I don't like either of them but I would like to see the KKK take out the WBC.
Just for discussion sake...is not Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson representative of the NAACP? Aren't both those men the same as KKK folks, except opposite in color hating?
Just for discussion sake...is not Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson representative of the NAACP? Aren't both those men the same as KKK folks, except opposite in color hating?

Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are a bunch of race hustlers but I wouldn't put them in the same place as the KKK because Jackson and Sharpton have not publicly said they hate whites and want blacks to separate from whites like the KKK have, hell Jackson and Sharpton probably have white girlfriends they mess around with.
Just for discussion sake...is not Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson representative of the NAACP? Aren't both those men the same as KKK folks, except opposite in color hating?

What's the matter with you?

Don't you know that only whites can be racist. :doubt:

Ah, everyone's racist in a way.

But, I doubt Jesse and ole' Al have burnt crosses on any yards, or lynched a man just because they were not the same color as them, eh?
Are skinheads the same thing as KKK?

Isn't the black panther party the same as kkk?

In other words...clubs. White club vs black club.
Just for discussion sake...is not Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson representative of the NAACP? Aren't both those men the same as KKK folks, except opposite in color hating?

Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are a bunch of race hustlers but I wouldn't put them in the same place as the KKK because Jackson and Sharpton have not publicly said they hate whites and want blacks to separate from whites like the KKK have, hell Jackson and Sharpton probably have white girlfriends they mess around with.
That was the black's idea, but Liberia ended up a shithole so now you people don't like to talk about that.
I don't like either of them but I would like to see the KKK take out the WBC.

Sounds like a Saturday Night Live skit.


MOF, please LMK on the MB when SNL on NBC will showing the KKK taking out the WBC so I can LOL. TYVM, TTFN HAGD! BBL...

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Are skinheads the same thing as KKK?

Isn't the black panther party the same as kkk?

In other words...clubs. White club vs black club.

Well the Aryan Nations and the KKK are similar in alot of their views however the Aryans have gotten involved in the drug trade and do alot of business with the Mexicans and Asians, I don't know if the KKK is into that or not. As far as the Panthers and KKK they are similar only in you have to a certain color to join them however the Black Panthers started in self defense, the Panthers never went around setting innocent white peoples houses on fire, burning crosses, lynching them etc. the KKK started after the Civil war and their targets were set on black people, they were not defending anything they were the aggressors. If you watch the movie Panther Huey Newton is approached by some whites who want to join the Panthers he tells them the Panthers is a Black only group but they welcome their support and the Panthers may need some down white people to help them, the KKK would neve respond like that to a black person.
Are skinheads the same thing as KKK?
Only if you're a retard. The are many black skinheads and there always have been.
Wikipedia said:
A skinhead is a member of a subculture that originated among working class youths in the United Kingdom in the 1960s, and then spread to other parts of the world. Named for their close-cropped or shaven heads, the first skinheads were greatly influenced by West Indian (specifically Jamaican) rude boys and British mods,

Most skinheads are a-political.

Yes, there are racist skinheads. There's also SHARP and, a splinter group who left over the more right-leaning politics of some SHARPskins, RASH.

Hell, there's even GASH [Gay Aryan SkinHeads], which is apparently a thing (I, too was surprised when I first heard of this).

You might as ask if all goths, metalheads, or Michael Jackson fans are basically Nazis.
Just for discussion sake...is not Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson representative of the NAACP? Aren't both those men the same as KKK folks, except opposite in color hating?

Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are a bunch of race hustlers but I wouldn't put them in the same place as the KKK because Jackson and Sharpton have not publicly said they hate whites and want blacks to separate from whites like the KKK have, hell Jackson and Sharpton probably have white girlfriends they mess around with.
That was the black's idea, but Liberia ended up a shithole so now you people don't like to talk about that.

It was the idea of black people to be separate from whites? man you are losing your mind you must be on your fifth bottle of Vodka.:cuckoo:
KKK: Trying To 'Re-Brand' Itself?


At the Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day, a handful of picketers from controversial hate group the Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) were siphoned off into a corner, as other military family members came to pay their respects.

Members of the hate group have become a ubiquitous presence at funerals in recent years; they can frequently be seen in packs, holding signs emblazoned with “God Hates Fags” or “Thank God For Dead Soldiers.”

But at Arlington last Monday, one group of demonstrators came out to counter-protest the WBC, catching national media attention as they handed out American flags to passersby and denounced the WBC's actions.

They were members of the KKK, the most well-known hate group in American history.

Dennis LaBonte, a self-identified “Imperial Wizard” of the KKK who was present at the counter-protests, told CNN that he is not a “hate-monger” and it’s an “absolute shame” that the WBC pickets at military funerals. A CNN video of the proceedings went viral, leaving many to wonder: what exactly is going on here? Since when does the KKK protest against other hate groups?

“Maybe [Lebonte] was on the way to a peace gardening party and got confused,” Alexandra Petri wrote in the Washington Post after seeing the video. “There must be some reason, because protesting against hatred seems wildly out of character. Maybe they’re going through some sort of midlife crisis.”

Or perhaps the Klan is just hoping to re-brand itself. In two interviews with The Huffington Post this week, National Membership Director for the Ku Klux Klan, LLC Pastor Travis Pierce spoke proudly of the KKK’s newly “positive” message, and said that its objection to the WBC's tactics is nothing new. In fact, he said, the group released a statement months ago deploring WBC’s actions, repudiating its tactics of protesting “the funerals of U.S. soldiers, men and women who die serving our Nation.”

KKK: Trying To 'Re-Brand' Itself?

Its the special Olympics of hate groups.
KKK: Trying To 'Re-Brand' Itself?


At the Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day, a handful of picketers from controversial hate group the Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) were siphoned off into a corner, as other military family members came to pay their respects.

Members of the hate group have become a ubiquitous presence at funerals in recent years; they can frequently be seen in packs, holding signs emblazoned with “God Hates Fags” or “Thank God For Dead Soldiers.”

But at Arlington last Monday, one group of demonstrators came out to counter-protest the WBC, catching national media attention as they handed out American flags to passersby and denounced the WBC's actions.

They were members of the KKK, the most well-known hate group in American history.

Dennis LaBonte, a self-identified “Imperial Wizard” of the KKK who was present at the counter-protests, told CNN that he is not a “hate-monger” and it’s an “absolute shame” that the WBC pickets at military funerals. A CNN video of the proceedings went viral, leaving many to wonder: what exactly is going on here? Since when does the KKK protest against other hate groups?

“Maybe [Lebonte] was on the way to a peace gardening party and got confused,” Alexandra Petri wrote in the Washington Post after seeing the video. “There must be some reason, because protesting against hatred seems wildly out of character. Maybe they’re going through some sort of midlife crisis.”

Or perhaps the Klan is just hoping to re-brand itself. In two interviews with The Huffington Post this week, National Membership Director for the Ku Klux Klan, LLC Pastor Travis Pierce spoke proudly of the KKK’s newly “positive” message, and said that its objection to the WBC's tactics is nothing new. In fact, he said, the group released a statement months ago deploring WBC’s actions, repudiating its tactics of protesting “the funerals of U.S. soldiers, men and women who die serving our Nation.”

KKK: Trying To 'Re-Brand' Itself?

Its the special Olympics of hate groups.


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