KKKalifornia to Outlaw Boy/Girl Aisles in Stores

pedophillia agenda.

Only very twisted and confused people think it's possible that pedophilia will ever be socially accepted. The vast, vast majority of people do not want grown people to be allowed to have sex with children. That will not change.

Until recently, no one would have ever thought that gays would be allowed to marry, yet here we are.

Pedophillia is widely accepted in Muslim nations.



Part of the reason the Left want Muslims to flood into America.

You think Muslim immigrants stand a chance of warping our culture to the extent that it becomes acceptable for adults to sexually exploit children?
You think Muslim immigrants stand a chance of warping our culture to the extent that it becomes acceptable for adults to sexually exploit children?

Within a couple of years they’ve made incest not just acceptable, but lands you a job as a Congresscritter.

It's my opinion that over the next few decades it will be our culture warping and changing the cultures of more backwards people. Look at how much progress is being made with women's rights in the Middle East of all places. There's no way in hell we're going to move backwards towards third world culture. The opposite will happen. Third world cultures will evolve and change for the better. The Middle East will become more developed, more educated and more stable.

These things ebb and flow. Women in Iran used to dress like Western Women, look at them nw.

Never say never.

pedophillia agenda.

Only very twisted and confused people think it's possible that pedophilia will ever be socially accepted. The vast, vast majority of people do not want grown people to be allowed to have sex with children. That will not change.

Until recently, no one would have ever thought that gays would be allowed to marry, yet here we are.


There is a world of difference between what two consenting adults do and what is done to children.

Though I do have to admit you remind me of my grandpa when he was bitching because we it was now legal for people of different skin colors to get married.
pedophillia agenda.

Only very twisted and confused people think it's possible that pedophilia will ever be socially accepted. The vast, vast majority of people do not want grown people to be allowed to have sex with children. That will not change.

Until recently, no one would have ever thought that gays would be allowed to marry, yet here we are.


There is a world of difference between what two consenting adults do and what is done to children.

Though I do have to admit you remind me of my grandpa when he was bitching because we it was now legal for people of different skin colors to get married.

My point is, is that peoples perceptions do change, and not always for the better. Could pedophilia become mainstream overnight? Probably not. But, what happens is things change slowly. Could the age of consent be lowered, then lowered again? Sure. Things are happening today that no one would have believed even 50 years ago. Nothing would surprise me anymore.

Ignoramus. They elect them to Congress.

If you had to guess how many Americans do you think are fans of incest and don't find it disturbing as fuck?
Every Democrat, shitforbrains. And every Democrat loves pedophillia.

Wasn't Rudy Giuliani married to his second cousin? :eusa_think:

Wasn’t Omar married to her brother? Was his cousin hawt?

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Seems unnecessary, but whatever...

This truly seems to me like something best left to the free market, with government keeping its filthy hands off of it.

If the general public comes to believe that there should not be a distinction between toys intended to appeal to boys, and other toys intended to appeal to girls, then the manufacturers will, of their own accord, cease to advertise them in that way, and stores will cease to arrange them in that way. If the general public believes that boys are going to be interested in different toys than girls are, and if playing to this distinction is what most successfully sells toys, then there is no good reason not to allow manufacturers and sellers to sell their products in a way that reflects this distinction.
Only very twisted and confused people think it's possible that pedophilia will ever be socially accepted. The vast, vast majority of people do not want grown people to be allowed to have sex with children. That will not change.

There undeniably are those striving toward this goal, and successfully getting away with taking steps that slowly bring them closer to it. What do you think the purpose is of the homosexual/transsexual/pedophile agenda being openly and forcibly taught in public schools? What do you think the purpose is behind the “Drag Queen Story Hour” events? Behind the promotion of underage drag queens, such as “Desmond Is Amazing”? And we, as a public, have largely let them get away with these. Once they get us groomed and lulled into being comfortable with these, they'll take some new steps, bringing pedophilia even closer to being legitimized.
Only very twisted and confused people think it's possible that pedophilia will ever be socially accepted. The vast, vast majority of people do not want grown people to be allowed to have sex with children. That will not change.

Think of some of the sickness that we have allowed to take root in our society, than not very long ago, would have been unthinkable.

Twenty years ago, do you think anyone would have believed that a depraved homosexual mockery of marriage would be given legal recognition, and that we'd be forced to recognize it as being in any way comparable to genuine marriage?

Ten years ago, do you think anyone would have believed that mentally- and morally-defective men would be allowed to pretend that they were women, and on that basis, be legally entitled to intrude into women's restrooms, locker rooms, dressing rooms, and such?

Five years ago, would you have believed that homosexuals and transsexuals would be allowed to have their depraved agenda taught to young children in public schools?

Why is it so difficult, then, to believe, that in the not terribly distant future, if we allow our society to continue to deteriorate at this rate, that we won't see sexual relationships between adults and young children legalized and mainstreamed, as such other sick perversions as homosexuality and transsexualism already have been?
You think Muslim immigrants stand a chance of warping our culture to the extent that it becomes acceptable for adults to sexually exploit children?

By themselves, no, absolutely not. I don't think that's even mainstream among Muslims, just among some of the more degenerate cults within Islam. But if it was just Muslim immigrants pushing to legitimate pedophilia in our society, the backlash against them would be so rapid and so massive that our elected officials would either put a quick end to any further Muslim immigration, or else be voted out of office and replaced with those that would.

Our society is rotting from within, not from without. It is degenerate elements among our own that are causing this sickness to fester and spread. Without these internal degenerate elements, we would be able to withstand such influence from outside.
These things ebb and flow. Women in Iran used to dress like Western Women, look at them nw.

Never say never.

That was before President Carter betrayed and abandoned the very best ally that we ever had in that part of the world, the Shah of Iran. Under the Shah, Iran was evolving into a brilliant example for the rest of the Muslim world, demonstrating how traditional Muslim values could be reconciled with the modern world, modern freedoms, and getting along with other countries, even those that were not Islam-based. Had Iran been left to progress in that direction, we'd be living in a very different world, now. I have no doubt that Iran's example and success would have strongly influenced other Islamic nations to evolve in similar directions.

Instead, the Khomeniacs were allowed to overthrow the Shah, and take Iran in the opposite direction, based on the very worst, most degenerate aspects of extreme Islamism. For the first time in modern history, violent terrorists had the resources of a whole, formerly-modern country, at their disposal. From there, they were able to spread their depraved, violent strain of Islamism across most of the Islamic world.

Nearly all of the trouble that we and the rest of the world have had in modern times with Islamist-based terrorism, all is rooted in this one grand event.
Blithering idiots.

A bill set to be considered by the California State Assembly this month would punish large retailers in the state for having separate sections for children's merchandise based only on gender.

AB 2826 would, if passed into law, require any retail department store with 500 or more employees to "maintain undivided areas of its sales floor where, if it sells childcare articles, children’s clothing, or toys, all childcare items, all clothing for children, or all toys, regardless of whether a particular item has traditionally been marketed for either girls or for boys, shall be displayed." Failure to comply would result in a civil penalty of $1,000.

'Let kids be kids': California bill would require stores to feature gender-neutral sections for children's goods
I bet that bill never even makes it to the floor for a vote.
Blithering idiots.

A bill set to be considered by the California State Assembly this month would punish large retailers in the state for having separate sections for children's merchandise based only on gender.

AB 2826 would, if passed into law, require any retail department store with 500 or more employees to "maintain undivided areas of its sales floor where, if it sells childcare articles, children’s clothing, or toys, all childcare items, all clothing for children, or all toys, regardless of whether a particular item has traditionally been marketed for either girls or for boys, shall be displayed." Failure to comply would result in a civil penalty of $1,000.

'Let kids be kids': California bill would require stores to feature gender-neutral sections for children's goods
God will eventually unleash his wrath on the Lawless Homo State of Californication, and any other state that continues to be Lawless and Wicked.
One tard writes a bill and the pseudocon echo chamber makes it sound like a movement. :rolleyes:

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