Klaus can take lids off!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
So lately, I've been coming home to find whatever jarred/bottled stuff I leave on my counter in the middle of the living room without the lid.

He's always done this with peanut butter...if I leave out the peanut butter he'll grab it and just maw it until the lid comes off, then he will get all the peanut butter out by squishing the plastic container.

But lately he has discovered JAM. Now I have always known he has a sweet tooth...he would rather eat cookies than prime rib...but I figured that things like jam..and syrup...in the containers with the lid on securely would be safe...but no...

He's getting the jars of jam down off the counter and I don't know how he does it, but he manages to get the lid off and then licks down the jam to the point where he can't reach with his tongue...

And yes, syrup too. He had the syrup bottle down, and the little lid off, and all the syrup gone (does he actually chug it? I don't know.)

So today, the only thing on the counter was a can of peas, lol...I came home and there was the can of peas, sadly squashed but still intact, in the middle of the living room floor.

I can't believe he can take off different sized lids!!
I know you'll probably be pissed at me for saying this, but after about the first time that happened I'd put the stuff away in a cupboard so the dog couldn't get it. All that sugar (and fat in peanut butter) is not good for him, as surely you must know.
Sometimes, stuff gets left out. We're an active household with lots of coming and going, and kids, and time constraints.

He weighs 115 lbs, and he has no allergies to pb or to the sugar. He's in good shape and he only gets fed about a cup of food twice daily. The occasional pb & j gorge fest isn't going to hurt him any.

He also occasionally finds a loaf of bread and eats that, if we leave it out. Generally, we don't, but it does happen, and he has a party.

I don't like it to happen because that's our food, but you know, sometimes it does. Life is messy.
I know all about "life is messy," I live with five dogs and seven cats. : )

Only two cups of food a day for a 115 pound dog? Wow, is that enough? Maybe that's why he's looking for food on the counter!

I free feed my dogs...there is always dry food out for them. I decided to do it that way to help minimize their risk for bloat. They're never ravenous so they don't gorge.

I must admit my two rescued minpins get pretty chubby in the winter, although they do slim down in the summer when they get more activity. But my Dobermans remain slim and trim even though the food is always out. They also get a homemade moist food as a dinner treat in addition to the kibble.

I just did an estimate on a dog-food calculator, and a dog the size of yours being fed a dog food with an average calorie count per cup should get closer to five cups of dog food per day.

Why do you feed him so little?
Because that's all he needs.

He weighs 115 lbs which is perfect for him. He isn't a big eater and I don't offer my dogs free choice. I have 3 with widely divergent needs, two of them can get mighty feisty about the food bowl, and I have kids in the house so they are fed separately, 2 x a day.

The amount isn't absolute...if he seems hungry I feed him more but that's about what he will clean up x2 a day. Whether or not it's adequate depends on the feed, the dog, and how much exercise. It's fine for him. Saints have a tendency to bloat, heart and joint diseases, and they can grow too fast when they're young if you feed them too much, and it causes them to have terrible bone pain. He is past the fast growing age and now I have to watch him for excessive weight. I can't tell you how many vets and even strangers congratulate me on his condition. He's energetic and bouncy and he doesn't get up on the counters because he's starving; he gets up on them because he can, and he is a dog so he'll eat what he finds.
Is it your hobby to go around second guessing and giving off the cuff and unwarranted criticism to everybody who posts about their dogs? Or am I a special case? My dogs are fine. I am not in need of assistance determining what to feed them or how to keep house, thanks. When I need help, I'll ask.
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Is it your hobby to go around second guessing and giving off the cuff and unwarranted criticism to everybody who posts about their dogs? Or am I a special case? My dogs are fine. I am not in need of assistance determining what to feed them or how to keep house, thanks. When I need help, I'll ask.

I am an advocate for animals. If I see something I think is wrong, I'll speak up about it. And actually, I just inquired, because normally that is a very low amount of food for a dog that size.

And actually, I'd say my comments to you were pretty mild compared to some of the stuff I see on this forum.
You're a blabber mouth know-nothing, who thinks that his own experience is superior to the experience of others.

Horse owners have a variety of the same thing. People who think that because they have a horse, they are qualified to tell every other horse owner on the planet how they should do things.

They're laughable as well.

Klaus says to take your pretentious idiocy elsewhere:

He can also unlock and open the back sliding glass door; and he can open the front door, too, if it isn't locked.
You're a blabber mouth know-nothing, who thinks that his own experience is superior to the experience of others.

Horse owners have a variety of the same thing. People who think that because they have a horse, they are qualified to tell every other horse owner on the planet how they should do things.

They're laughable as well.

Klaus says to take your pretentious idiocy elsewhere:


Ah, there you go, now you're showing your true colors! That's more like the kind of nastiness I expect on this forum.

People who actually do abuse/neglect animals often have that same kind of self-righteous, belligerant sort of response when people start inquiring about the welfare of their animals. It's a defense mechanism.

And it's almost like you baited for this...telling about your dog stealing food off the counter, then making a point to mention the meager amount you feed the dog...and then bam...you get a bite from someone who cares about animals and you get to indulge in something you really enjoy...being a sharp-tongued bitch.

I won't fall for the bait with you again.
By the way, I do recognize that your point was that he was able to open jars. But it's not good for a dog to eat a signifcant amount of peanut butter (fat) or jelly (sugar). That would happen once at my house and I'd make sure it didn't happen again, for the sake of my dog.
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He can also unlock and open the back sliding glass door; and he can open the front door, too, if it isn't locked.

The Dingo loves to lock me out. She knows how to work the dead bolt and if I don't take her out front with me, will lock it every time.

I've learned to carry my keys.
You're a blabber mouth know-nothing, who thinks that his own experience is superior to the experience of others.

Horse owners have a variety of the same thing. People who think that because they have a horse, they are qualified to tell every other horse owner on the planet how they should do things.

They're laughable as well.

Klaus says to take your pretentious idiocy elsewhere:


Ah, there you go, now you're showing your true colors! That's more like the kind of nastiness I expect on this forum.

People who actually do abuse/neglect animals often have that same kind of self-righteous, belligerant sort of response when people start inquiring about the welfare of their animals. It's a defense mechanism.

And it's almost like you baited for this...telling about your dog stealing food off the counter, then making a point to mention the meager amount you feed the dog...and then bam...you get a bite from someone who cares about animals and you get to indulge in something you really enjoy...being a sharp-tongued bitch.

I won't fall for the bait with you again.

If you haven't guessed it already :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::eusa_whistle:


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If you haven't guessed it already she is mentally unstable :eusa_whistle:

Say, wouldn't you declare anyone who isn't a loyal Obamunist to be "unstable" and in need of rehabilitation through force labor? I think that's the official position of the Khmer Rouge democrats, isn't it?
By the way, I do recognize that your point was that he was able to open jars. But it's not good for a dog to eat a signifcant amount of peanut butter (fat) or jelly (sugar). That would happen once at my house and I'd make sure it didn't happen again, for the sake of my dog.

Good for you!:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Meanwhile, my dog is AOK.

Eating 8 oz of peanut butter and 6 oz of jam once or twice a year isn't isn't going to kill Klaus, I promise you. I've no doubt he's 100x healthier than your fatties.
You're a blabber mouth know-nothing, who thinks that his own experience is superior to the experience of others.

Horse owners have a variety of the same thing. People who think that because they have a horse, they are qualified to tell every other horse owner on the planet how they should do things.

They're laughable as well.

Klaus says to take your pretentious idiocy elsewhere:


Ah, there you go, now you're showing your true colors! That's more like the kind of nastiness I expect on this forum.

People who actually do abuse/neglect animals often have that same kind of self-righteous, belligerant sort of response when people start inquiring about the welfare of their animals. It's a defense mechanism.

And it's almost like you baited for this...telling about your dog stealing food off the counter, then making a point to mention the meager amount you feed the dog...and then bam...you get a bite from someone who cares about animals and you get to indulge in something you really enjoy...being a sharp-tongued bitch.

I won't fall for the bait with you again.

See that you don't, you self-righteous gasbag.
Good for you!:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Meanwhile, my dog is AOK.

Eating 8 oz of peanut butter and 6 oz of jam once or twice a year isn't isn't going to kill Klaus, I promise you. I've no doubt he's 100x healthier than your fatties.

I let the Dingo eat all the Blue Buffalo she wants; she isn't fat.


She spends all day swimming in the pool, so burns lots of calories.
When I just had the two dogs, I did leave food out....and klaus only ate a little bit each day. It was my terrier who got fat. Now with three, the terriers would get immense, and fight, and klaus would probably quit eating altogether if anyone looked funny at him while eating.

He isn't a big eater, he never has been. He likes to eat when nobody is looking..and he eats slowly (usually) and often will stop and lay down and bark a couple of times at his food, then after a while, eat some more.

He also likes to lay down to eat.

I dunno why, he's a fruit loop. I don't mess with success. He's got a sweet tooth, so we protect our cookies. The first jar of jam was a fluke; I thought I'd left the lid off...but when it happened again, I knew that the lid was on, so I figured out what he was doing. The syrup and the can of peas cinched it...

We did the same thing with the doors. At first we were like, wha, someone must've left the door open....then it was, wait a minute, I know that door was shut...then it was like LOCK THE DOOR AND BRACE IT BEFORE KLAUS GETS TO IT!! He was opening latched bedroom doors, the bathroom door, you name it, lol.
When I just had the two dogs, I did leave food out....and klaus only ate a little bit each day. It was my terrier who got fat. Now with three, the terriers would get immense, and fight, and klaus would probably quit eating altogether if anyone looked funny at him while eating.

He isn't a big eater, he never has been. He likes to eat when nobody is looking..and he eats slowly (usually) and often will stop and lay down and bark a couple of times at his food, then after a while, eat some more.

He also likes to lay down to eat.

I dunno why, he's a fruit loop. I don't mess with success. He's got a sweet tooth, so we protect our cookies. The first jar of jam was a fluke; I thought I'd left the lid off...but when it happened again, I knew that the lid was on, so I figured out what he was doing. The syrup and the can of peas cinched it...

We did the same thing with the doors. At first we were like, wha, someone must've left the door open....then it was, wait a minute, I know that door was shut...then it was like LOCK THE DOOR AND BRACE IT BEFORE KLAUS GETS TO IT!! He was opening latched bedroom doors, the bathroom door, you name it, lol.

Yeah, but it was a great excuse to post that picture of Athena holding her dolly..


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