Kneelers are now trying to change their narrati


Take a Memo:
Apr 21, 2012
Birmingham, AL
I guess one of the advantages to no one really knowing why people are kneeling for the national anthem is that you can simply, willy-nilly, change the narrative to conform to whatever message is popular today. Now that the NFL and various teams are feeling the collective outrage across America, they have started trying to walk this all back... dial it all down a notch.... put some lipstick on that pig in a cop uniform and pretend this wasn't EVER about disrespecting the flag or anthem! Noooo... nothing could be further from the truth! Sugar won't melt in our leftist mouths, we're innocently trying to express our feelings about discrimination and oppression... it's not about the flag or nation at all! Yeah, right!

Then why is it, when the Jaguars and Ravens played in London, the players knelt for the national anthem but stood for "God Save The Queen?" I mean, they openly admitted they stood for "God Save The Queen" because it was the "respectful" thing to do. Well if this isn't about "disrespect" then it shouldn't matter, right? If it's just about drawing attention to your cause, and you are playing in London, it would make more sense to kneel for "God Save The Queen" there than anywhere. So this "after the fact" claim that this has never been about disrespecting the flag or anthem is total bullshit.

I've got several problems with this whole entire thing. First of all, there has never been a clear articulation of what is specifically being protested? Is it "police brutality" in general? Every law enforcement agency in America, to my knowledge, has a department and administrative officials specifically dedicated to investigating allegations of unethical and inappropriate behavior on behalf of officers. All anyone ever has to do is lodge a formal complaint and it will be investigated. You can't just hurl baseless accusations and have them become true just because you show your ass.

The next problem I have is, how does this "issue" pertain to the flag or anthem which are collective symbols and rituals which bind us together as Americans? In a civil society, you do not have the right to arbitrarily change the meaning of traditions we hold collectively just because of your personal feelings. The anthem and flag do not belong to you personally, they belong to everyone who is an American.

And finally, I have a problem understanding what exactly is supposed to be the intended outcome? Are we somehow supposed to establish a new code of law enforcement where blacks (and I guess, Hispanics) are not held accountable for their crimes anymore? Is that what we're trying to accomplish? Or maybe we're supposed to make a law that police officers can't defend themselves when attacked by a minority? Honestly, I don't see any reasonable or rational resolve to the complaint, which I am still unclear about.

What I do know is, a LOT of Americans are really pissed off about multi-millionaire athletes disrespecting our flag and anthem because they feel oppressed. There are a million ways they could choose to affect a change in their communities for the better without shitting on our flag and anthem. Then... after doing so and being resoundingly called out nationwide by the fans... trying to "turn the worm" and change the narrative! IF there is anything lower than the kind of pond scum that disrespects our national symbols, it's a lying bunch of hypocrites who are too cowardly to stand behind what they've done!
No empty seats at the Steelers-Ravens game. At the start the Ravens walked out, locked arms and knelt BEFORE the anthem and they were still booed. The claim by the fake jersey burners that they are only mad about disrespect of the anthem and the flag is exposed as bullshit. These players knelt BEFORE the anthem then all stood DURING the anthem.

Cons you out yourselves at every turn as fakes. You just don't like black men telling the country that the few bad cops that are murdering black men across the country have to be dealth with. And the issue isn't going away, so get used to it.

The stadium is full and the game goes on as usual. All the idiots that burned their NFL gear yeah you showed 'em. Now go mow the yard you have no excuse for the wife now.
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They do want minorities criminals to get kid glove treatment, and then when cops are forced to use deadly force, they want the cops throw to the mob to sate it's blood lust.
These players knelt BEFORE the anthem then all stood DURING the anthem.

Literally PROVING the OP point! Brilliantly done!

Why are they now standing when last week they were kneeling? I didn't think it was about disrespect? Now, suddenly, they've realized it's disrespectful to kneel during the anthem? AGAIN... as stated in the OP... They are trying to change the narrative!

You just don't like black men telling the country that the few bad cops that are murdering black men across the country have to be dealth with. And the issue isn't going away, so get used to it.

Well it DOES look like it's going away because the kneeling during the anthem has stopped and they've started standing for the anthem again. I don't like black men, blue men, green men or any other color men LYING about what's going on and PRETENDING there is a problem that does not exist! But I can live with that.... I draw the line at shitting on the flag and disrespecting the national anthem. That's when I am done with you and I'm not going to listen to what you have to say.
Naw, man, time gone.

They done disrespected the National Anthem and America, which coincidentally gave them the opportunities they've had.


I ain't sheddin' ary a tear.
These players knelt BEFORE the anthem then all stood DURING the anthem.

Literally PROVING the OP point! Brilliantly done!

Why are they now standing when last week they were kneeling? I didn't think it was about disrespect? Now, suddenly, they've realized it's disrespectful to kneel during the anthem? AGAIN... as stated in the OP... They are trying to change the narrative!

You just don't like black men telling the country that the few bad cops that are murdering black men across the country have to be dealth with. And the issue isn't going away, so get used to it.

Well it DOES look like it's going away because the kneeling during the anthem has stopped and they've started standing for the anthem again. I don't like black men, blue men, green men or any other color men LYING about what's going on and PRETENDING there is a problem that does not exist! But I can live with that.... I draw the line at shitting on the flag and disrespecting the national anthem. That's when I am done with you and I'm not going to listen to what you have to say.

If they stand its only because white men , rich elites own the teams and they do not want to sit on the bench. Everyone knows its about racial injustice.
The black men had best behave the white man, never mind most of them were draft dodgers, and tax evaders, the T's of this US.

Watch hockey, most players are white.
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No empty seats at the Steelers-Ravens game. At the start the Ravens walked out, locked arms and knelt BEFORE the anthem and they were still booed. The claim by the fake jersey burners that they are only mad about disrespect of the anthem and the flag is exposed as bullshit. These players knelt BEFORE the anthem then all stood DURING the anthem.

Cons you out yourselves at every turn as fakes. You just don't like black men telling the country that the few bad cops that are murdering black men across the country have to be dealth with. And the issue isn't going away, so get used to it.

The stadium is full and the game goes on as usual. All the idiots that burned their NFL gear yeah you showed 'em. Now go mow the yard you have no excuse for the wife now.
there are over 30 MILLION calls for police assistance--not counting traffic stops
'''According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, in the year 2008 black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58.5% of youth arrests for homicide and 67% for robbery. Black youths were overrepresented in all offense categories except DUI, liquor laws and drunkennes'''
Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia
there are about 950 police shooting deaths--total
the police are doing a great job of NOT shooting blacks
police are NOT chronically murdering blacks......please prove that --prove it
..I just gave you facts on the numbers--please prove otherwise
they are shooting threatening/dangerous CRIMINALS in SELF DEFENSE--not murder ..prove otherwise--because the court system, with much more information than you have, says otherwise.
there will always be problems--humans are not the white TWO, totally innocent WHITE ladies shot by cops
Woman, 73, fatally shot by Florida officer role-playing as ‘bad guy’ during citizen police academy
Minneapolis shooting: Woman calls 911, gets killed by police, source says - CNN
..but there is not a HUGE, chronic problem of blacks being shot by police--even unjustifiably---please prove otherwise
if you can't, please mention it is your OPINION only

blacks MURDER over EIGHT other blacks every DAY!!
you say the cops ''murder''--you just discredit yourself by saying that
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Well their gripe isn't with England. They aren't shooting unarmed black men. The protest is about the treatments if blacks in America.
No empty seats at the Steelers-Ravens game. At the start the Ravens walked out, locked arms and knelt BEFORE the anthem and they were still booed. The claim by the fake jersey burners that they are only mad about disrespect of the anthem and the flag is exposed as bullshit. These players knelt BEFORE the anthem then all stood DURING the anthem.

Cons you out yourselves at every turn as fakes. You just don't like black men telling the country that the few bad cops that are murdering black men across the country have to be dealth with. And the issue isn't going away, so get used to it.

The stadium is full and the game goes on as usual. All the idiots that burned their NFL gear yeah you showed 'em. Now go mow the yard you have no excuse for the wife now.
there are over 30 MILLION calls for police assistance--not counting traffic stops
'''According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, in the year 2008 black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58.5% of youth arrests for homicide and 67% for robbery. Black youths were overrepresented in all offense categories except DUI, liquor laws and drunkennes'''
Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia
there are about 950 police shooting deaths--total
the police are doing a great job of NOT shooting blacks
police are NOT chronically murdering blacks......please prove that --prove it
..I just gave you facts on the numbers--please prove otherwise
they are shooting threatening/dangerous CRIMINALS in SELF DEFENSE--not murder ..prove otherwise--because the court system, with much more information than you have, says otherwise.
there will always be problems--humans are not the white TWO, totally innocent WHITE ladies shot by cops
Woman, 73, fatally shot by Florida officer role-playing as ‘bad guy’ during citizen police academy
Minneapolis shooting: Woman calls 911, gets killed by police, source says - CNN
..but there is not a HUGE, chronic problem of blacks being shot by police--even unjustifiably---please prove otherwise
if you can't, please mention it is your OPINION only

blacks MURDER over EIGHT other blacks every DAY!!
you say the cops ''murder''--you just discredit yourself by saying that

Black kill blacks. Whites kill whites. It's not something unsusual since blacks and whites generally live among their own race so of course the crimes would be committed against their own race.

A black man killing another black man doesn't make it ok for a cop to kill an unarmed black man. Cops pull over black men at an alarming. Driving while black is a thing.
No empty seats at the Steelers-Ravens game. At the start the Ravens walked out, locked arms and knelt BEFORE the anthem and they were still booed. The claim by the fake jersey burners that they are only mad about disrespect of the anthem and the flag is exposed as bullshit. These players knelt BEFORE the anthem then all stood DURING the anthem.

Cons you out yourselves at every turn as fakes. You just don't like black men telling the country that the few bad cops that are murdering black men across the country have to be dealth with. And the issue isn't going away, so get used to it.

The stadium is full and the game goes on as usual. All the idiots that burned their NFL gear yeah you showed 'em. Now go mow the yard you have no excuse for the wife now.
Just saw a video link of the Raven home opener back where the vendors, bathrooms were ...lot's of activity going on....WHILE the Nat'l Anthem was being played. Sad.
These players knelt BEFORE the anthem then all stood DURING the anthem.

Literally PROVING the OP point! Brilliantly done!

Why are they now standing when last week they were kneeling? I didn't think it was about disrespect? Now, suddenly, they've realized it's disrespectful to kneel during the anthem? AGAIN... as stated in the OP... They are trying to change the narrative!

You just don't like black men telling the country that the few bad cops that are murdering black men across the country have to be dealth with. And the issue isn't going away, so get used to it.

Well it DOES look like it's going away because the kneeling during the anthem has stopped and they've started standing for the anthem again. I don't like black men, blue men, green men or any other color men LYING about what's going on and PRETENDING there is a problem that does not exist! But I can live with that.... I draw the line at shitting on the flag and disrespecting the national anthem. That's when I am done with you and I'm not going to listen to what you have to say.

If they stand its only because white men , rich elites own the teams and they do not want to sit on the bench. Everyone knows its about racial injustice.

What racial injustice?
No empty seats at the Steelers-Ravens game. At the start the Ravens walked out, locked arms and knelt BEFORE the anthem and they were still booed. The claim by the fake jersey burners that they are only mad about disrespect of the anthem and the flag is exposed as bullshit. These players knelt BEFORE the anthem then all stood DURING the anthem.

Cons you out yourselves at every turn as fakes. You just don't like black men telling the country that the few bad cops that are murdering black men across the country have to be dealth with. And the issue isn't going away, so get used to it.

The stadium is full and the game goes on as usual. All the idiots that burned their NFL gear yeah you showed 'em. Now go mow the yard you have no excuse for the wife now.
there are over 30 MILLION calls for police assistance--not counting traffic stops
'''According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, in the year 2008 black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58.5% of youth arrests for homicide and 67% for robbery. Black youths were overrepresented in all offense categories except DUI, liquor laws and drunkennes'''
Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia
there are about 950 police shooting deaths--total
the police are doing a great job of NOT shooting blacks
police are NOT chronically murdering blacks......please prove that --prove it
..I just gave you facts on the numbers--please prove otherwise
they are shooting threatening/dangerous CRIMINALS in SELF DEFENSE--not murder ..prove otherwise--because the court system, with much more information than you have, says otherwise.
there will always be problems--humans are not the white TWO, totally innocent WHITE ladies shot by cops
Woman, 73, fatally shot by Florida officer role-playing as ‘bad guy’ during citizen police academy
Minneapolis shooting: Woman calls 911, gets killed by police, source says - CNN
..but there is not a HUGE, chronic problem of blacks being shot by police--even unjustifiably---please prove otherwise
if you can't, please mention it is your OPINION only

blacks MURDER over EIGHT other blacks every DAY!!
you say the cops ''murder''--you just discredit yourself by saying that

Black kill blacks. Whites kill whites. It's not something unsusual since blacks and whites generally live among their own race so of course the crimes would be committed against their own race.

A black man killing another black man doesn't make it ok for a cop to kill an unarmed black man. Cops pull over black men at an alarming. Driving while black is a thing.
but blacks murder at SEVEN times the rate--you agree they have a much bigger problem?
you agree it is very, very rare for a cop to shoot any black--innocent or criminal--compared to how many times blacks murder blacks? and how many times police respond to problems??
so they shouldn't have to fear cops
30 Million calls --how many black men shot?

they are NOT just killing blacks for ANY REASON! they are NOT killing them because of their skin color!!!
but because they are dangerous/a threat/etc criminals!!

now if they are pilling over more blacks--that's a different issue--it's not murdering them
I've gotten pulled over for driving LEGALLY!! yes--I was doing nothing wrong !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am white!!
I just bought a car and hadn't changed the plates yet--but still perfectly legal
if they are being pulled over for legitimate reasons--that's not wrong
'''They get tickets they can't pay, and then they are ticketed over and over for driving with a suspended license or not having insurance.''
"It is in particular a way that people of color and the poor are victimized on a daily basis," Gonzalez Van Cleve said.

you and this article say they are victimized--WRONG--they are not paying the fines--Castile stopped 46 times--why? legal, legitimate violations!
The Driving Life And Death Of Philando Castile

'''Analyses of federal government data by the Pew Research Center find that blacks on average are at least twice as likely as whites to be poor or to be unemployed'''
is it the cops fault blacks can't pay for insurance, licenses, car maintenance, etc???!!??
1. Demographic trends and economic well-being

blacks graduate at lower levels--it's time blacks realized maybe they are, at least , part of the problem--not the cops
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No empty seats at the Steelers-Ravens game. At the start the Ravens walked out, locked arms and knelt BEFORE the anthem and they were still booed. The claim by the fake jersey burners that they are only mad about disrespect of the anthem and the flag is exposed as bullshit. These players knelt BEFORE the anthem then all stood DURING the anthem.

Cons you out yourselves at every turn as fakes. You just don't like black men telling the country that the few bad cops that are murdering black men across the country have to be dealth with. And the issue isn't going away, so get used to it.

The stadium is full and the game goes on as usual. All the idiots that burned their NFL gear yeah you showed 'em. Now go mow the yard you have no excuse for the wife now.
there are over 30 MILLION calls for police assistance--not counting traffic stops
'''According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, in the year 2008 black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58.5% of youth arrests for homicide and 67% for robbery. Black youths were overrepresented in all offense categories except DUI, liquor laws and drunkennes'''
Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia
there are about 950 police shooting deaths--total
the police are doing a great job of NOT shooting blacks
police are NOT chronically murdering blacks......please prove that --prove it
..I just gave you facts on the numbers--please prove otherwise
they are shooting threatening/dangerous CRIMINALS in SELF DEFENSE--not murder ..prove otherwise--because the court system, with much more information than you have, says otherwise.
there will always be problems--humans are not the white TWO, totally innocent WHITE ladies shot by cops
Woman, 73, fatally shot by Florida officer role-playing as ‘bad guy’ during citizen police academy
Minneapolis shooting: Woman calls 911, gets killed by police, source says - CNN
..but there is not a HUGE, chronic problem of blacks being shot by police--even unjustifiably---please prove otherwise
if you can't, please mention it is your OPINION only

blacks MURDER over EIGHT other blacks every DAY!!
you say the cops ''murder''--you just discredit yourself by saying that

Black kill blacks. Whites kill whites. It's not something unsusual since blacks and whites generally live among their own race so of course the crimes would be committed against their own race.

A black man killing another black man doesn't make it ok for a cop to kill an unarmed black man. Cops pull over black men at an alarming. Driving while black is a thing.

Yeah, till they actually looked at the numbers and saw that blacks sped more than whites.

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