Koch brothers endorses.....Hillary Mophead Clinton!!!


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Let me get this straight, the Klan has endorsed Trump, the Koch brothers thinks the Mop will make a great president and this country has gone to hell in a hand basket waiting for black guy to leave office......who's only crime was going to a black church and being born around the time of some white terroist??? Folks, could some one pinch me, cause I know I'm not hearing this shit right.....LOLOLOL
I just did a thread on this. We must have been typing it at the same time.

Sorry mods. But mine had a link.

Tigerred59.....you dumbass are STILL gonna vote this Democrat bitch in huh????? Trump would potentially bring back hundreds of thousands of blue collar jobs....jobs the black community could very much use right now.

But naw naw naw.....Yall wanna remain poor and dependent on that measly welfare check instead of gaining INDEPENDENCE and a WAY OUT of those tough neighborhoods.

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I just did a thread on this. We must have been typing it at the same time.

Sorry mods. But mine had a link.

Tigerred59.....you dumbass are STILL gonna vote this Democrat bitch in huh????? Trump would potentially bring back hundreds of thousands of blue collar jobs....jobs the black community could very much use right now.

But naw naw naw.....Yall wanna remain poor and dependent on that measly welfare check instead of gaining INDEPENDENCE and a WAY OUT of those tough neighborhoods.


You are insane and I mean insane....first off, I'm not a fuckin Hillary fan, but most importantly, you need to pay fuckin attention to facts.....Trump is not, I repeat is not gonna convince Wall Street to fogo billions in profit to bring manufactoring jobs back to this country, its not going to happen and why you dumb shit for brains ass holes can't fatom this bullshit is beyond reason......the guy won't even make his shit here, what the fuck makes you think he's gonna make Wall Street do it? I'm so over you dumb fucks, really I am
I just did a thread on this. We must have been typing it at the same time.

Sorry mods. But mine had a link.

Tigerred59.....you dumbass are STILL gonna vote this Democrat bitch in huh????? Trump would potentially bring back hundreds of thousands of blue collar jobs....jobs the black community could very much use right now.

But naw naw naw.....Yall wanna remain poor and dependent on that measly welfare check instead of gaining INDEPENDENCE and a WAY OUT of those tough neighborhoods.


You are insane and I mean insane....first off, I'm not a fuckin Hillary fan, but most importantly, you need to pay fuckin attention to facts.....Trump is not, I repeat is not gonna convince Wall Street to fogo billions in profit to bring manufactoring jobs back to this country, its not going to happen and why you dumb shit for brains ass holes can't fatom this bullshit is beyond reason......the guy won't even make his shit here, what the fuck makes you think he's gonna make Wall Street do it? I'm so over you dumb fucks, really I am

You obviously haven't listened to his policies.

He's gonna lower corporate taxes. OURS are higher than the ones overseas. So companies flee.
He's gonna put high tariffs on shit made overseas and sent here.

Sooo.....NOW it's cheaper to make shit over there. He wants to change it to make it cheaper to make shit HERE.

It's so simple.

But then again.....Yall would rather have a $500 a month welfare check than a $1500 a month employment check.
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I just did a thread on this. We must have been typing it at the same time.

Sorry mods. But mine had a link.

Tigerred59.....you dumbass are STILL gonna vote this Democrat bitch in huh????? Trump would potentially bring back hundreds of thousands of blue collar jobs....jobs the black community could very much use right now.

But naw naw naw.....Yall wanna remain poor and dependent on that measly welfare check instead of gaining INDEPENDENCE and a WAY OUT of those tough neighborhoods.


You are insane and I mean insane....first off, I'm not a fuckin Hillary fan, but most importantly, you need to pay fuckin attention to facts.....Trump is not, I repeat is not gonna convince Wall Street to fogo billions in profit to bring manufactoring jobs back to this country, its not going to happen and why you dumb shit for brains ass holes can't fatom this bullshit is beyond reason......the guy won't even make his shit here, what the fuck makes you think he's gonna make Wall Street do it? I'm so over you dumb fucks, really I am

You obviously haven't listened to his policies.

He's gonna lower corporate taxes. OURS are higher than the ones overseas. So companies flee.
He's gonna put high tariffs on shit made overseas and sent here.

Sooo.....NOW it's cheaper to make shit over there. He wants to change it to make it cheaper to make shit HERE.

It's so simple.

But then again.....Yall would rather have a $500 a month welfare check than a $1500 a month employment check.

They don't pay fuckin taxes as it is, google the shit....with so many fuckin loop holes they have, they got it made and you know this. And the last thing we need with China or any off shore venue is a tariff war.... you want to destroy what little business we do overseas, let him pull that shit. They have not only our debt in bonds, they hold the future of this country in the palm of their hands and you know this...stop drinking the Trump Kool aid you fuckin idiot and for the last time you old shit for brains fuck, I earn my money the hard way...dealing with you white fucks everyday at work
I just did a thread on this. We must have been typing it at the same time.

Sorry mods. But mine had a link.

Tigerred59.....you dumbass are STILL gonna vote this Democrat bitch in huh????? Trump would potentially bring back hundreds of thousands of blue collar jobs....jobs the black community could very much use right now.

But naw naw naw.....Yall wanna remain poor and dependent on that measly welfare check instead of gaining INDEPENDENCE and a WAY OUT of those tough neighborhoods.


You are insane and I mean insane....first off, I'm not a fuckin Hillary fan, but most importantly, you need to pay fuckin attention to facts.....Trump is not, I repeat is not gonna convince Wall Street to fogo billions in profit to bring manufactoring jobs back to this country, its not going to happen and why you dumb shit for brains ass holes can't fatom this bullshit is beyond reason......the guy won't even make his shit here, what the fuck makes you think he's gonna make Wall Street do it? I'm so over you dumb fucks, really I am

You obviously haven't listened to his policies.

He's gonna lower corporate taxes. OURS are higher than the ones overseas. So companies flee.
He's gonna put high tariffs on shit made overseas and sent here.

Sooo.....NOW it's cheaper to make shit over there. He wants to change it to make it cheaper to make shit HERE.

It's so simple.

But then again.....Yall would rather have a $500 a month welfare check than a $1500 a month employment check.

They don't pay fuckin taxes as it is, google the shit....with so many fuckin loop holes they have, they got it made and you know this. And the last thing we need with China or any off shore venue is a tariff war.... you want to destroy what little business we do overseas, let him pull that shit. They have not only our debt in bonds, they hold the future of this country in the palm of their hands and you know this...stop drinking the Trump Kool aid you fuckin idiot and for the last time you old shit for brains fuck, I earn my money the hard way...dealing with you white fucks everyday at work

They don't pay much in taxes because they make most of their shit overseas!!! The loopholes....Trump KNOWS them and that's part of his policies....IF YOU paid attention....to close them. To bring jobs BACK here.

AND to stop the flow of illegals...aka...excess low skill Hispanic workers who are TAKING JOBS from low skill black workers.

I'm baffled how black folks aren't outraged over their jobs being taken by Hispanic illegal immigrants.

Finally....a tariff war??? China would collapse without us. A tariff war would cripple them.

It could lead to a REAL war. And the United States cannot be matched militarily so no one wants that. We are STILL the bully on the block. Time to act like it.
They don't pay fuckin taxes as it is, google the shit....with so many fuckin loop holes they have, they got it made and you know this. And the last thing we need with China or any off shore venue is a tariff war.... you want to destroy what little business we do overseas, let him pull that shit. They have not only our debt in bonds, they hold the future of this country in the palm of their hands and you know this...stop drinking the Trump Kool aid you fuckin idiot and for the last time you old shit for brains fuck, I earn my money the hard way...dealing with you white fucks everyday at work
RACIST moron. And too dumb to hide it like most racists do

And "the Klan"has endorsed Trump ? Yeah ?

EARTH TO T59. This is 2016. There IS NO "the Klan". What there only is, is a smattering of small widely dispersed groups calling themselves "Klan" of one sort or another, having different policies, and none having the extreme policies of the violent Klan of decades ago. Welcome to the 21st century.

You also know nothing about macroeconomics. China needs us (our huge MARKET). We don't need them. If we had a tariff induced trade war with China, we'd eat their lunch. And we don't owe them the "debt" you may think we do. Have you calculated the debt owed to them with subtracting all the money they have stolen from us in remittances ? (modern day imperialism) If not, you're not ready to start talking about "our debt" Maybe after ALL the FULL calclations are done, we come out with them owing US money.

PS - the RACIST Affirmative Action supporting NAACP supports Hillary Clinton.
I just did a thread on this. We must have been typing it at the same time.

Sorry mods. But mine had a link.

Tigerred59.....you dumbass are STILL gonna vote this Democrat bitch in huh????? Trump would potentially bring back hundreds of thousands of blue collar jobs....jobs the black community could very much use right now.

But naw naw naw.....Yall wanna remain poor and dependent on that measly welfare check instead of gaining INDEPENDENCE and a WAY OUT of those tough neighborhoods.


You are insane and I mean insane....first off, I'm not a fuckin Hillary fan, but most importantly, you need to pay fuckin attention to facts.....Trump is not, I repeat is not gonna convince Wall Street to fogo billions in profit to bring manufactoring jobs back to this country, its not going to happen and why you dumb shit for brains ass holes can't fatom this bullshit is beyond reason......the guy won't even make his shit here, what the fuck makes you think he's gonna make Wall Street do it? I'm so over you dumb fucks, really I am
You wouldn't know a fact if it bit you on your fat ass. If hilliary were black you would support her, you racist whore.

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