Koch brothers fire back at Obama


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010

Oil magnates Charles and David Koch are firing back at President Obama's reelection campaign over a fundraising letter tying Mitt Romney to their business interests.

In an open letter addressed to campaign manager Jim Messina, president of government & public affairs for Koch industries Philip Ellender accuses the Obama campaign of sending an "irresponsible and misleading letter" to supporters.

"If the President’s campaign has some principled disagreement with the arguments we are making publicly about the staggering debt the President and previous administrations have imposed on the country, the regulations that are stifling business growth and innovation, the increasing intrusion of government into nearly every aspect of American life, we would be eager to hear them," Ellender writes.

"But it is an abuse of the President’s position and does a disservice to our nation for the President and his campaign to criticize private citizens simply for the act of engaging in their constitutional right of free speech about important matters of public policy. The implication in that sort of attack is obvious: dare to criticize the President’s policies and you will be singled out and personally maligned by the President and his campaign in an effort to chill free speech and squelch dissent," he writes.

"It is understandable that the President and his campaign may be 'tired of hearing' that many Americans would rather not see the president re-elected. However, the inference is that you would prefer that citizens who disagree with the President and his policies refrain from voicing their own viewpoint. Clearly, that’s not the way a free society should operate

Koch brothers fire back at Obama - POLITICO.com
Are the poor widdle billionaires crying about their political activities having some blowback for once? America finally knows who they are and are not that endeared to their plight of having to pay taxes and not being able to pollute as much as they want to, lousy birchers deserve their bad press and crappy public image.
The good news is that REAL Americans are so damn dumb to be fooled by Koch's buying the election. I read other forums and what I'm reading is that people are boycotting the UN-American Koch's products and their ANTI-American labor practices.

No, not just unions but rather the crapping on workers who have no recourse.

Just the kind of thing the rw's love.
The good news is that REAL Americans are so damn dumb to be fooled by Koch's buying the election. I read other forums and what I'm reading is that people are boycotting the UN-American Koch's products and their ANTI-American labor practices.

No, not just unions but rather the crapping on workers who have no recourse.

Just the kind of thing the rw's love.

All you libs sound the same, clueless clones, Obama loves idiots like you. The Koch brothers are patriots who love their country, unlike too many of you libs. They don't haft to speak out, but they fear for the direction of our country.
Are the poor widdle billionaires crying about their political activities having some blowback for once? America finally knows who they are and are not that endeared to their plight of having to pay taxes and not being able to pollute as much as they want to, lousy birchers deserve their bad press and crappy public image.
Yeah....How dare they speak up, rather than take their bullying from a loutish Chicago punk like good little victims?
The good news is that REAL Americans are so damn dumb to be fooled by Koch's buying the election. I read other forums and what I'm reading is that people are boycotting the UN-American Koch's products and their ANTI-American labor practices.

No, not just unions but rather the crapping on workers who have no recourse.

Just the kind of thing the rw's love.

All you libs sound the same, clueless clones, Obama loves idiots like you. The Koch brothers are patriots who love their country, unlike too many of you libs. They don't haft to speak out, but they fear for the direction of our country.

It is comical to see how the lefties react. They hate on the billionaire Koch brothers for their wealth and uhhh..."trying to buy elections", yet if George Soros, Warren Buffett or other leftist billionaire ilk like that were to ever have a colonoscopy, these same lefties would be the polyps found the furthest up their asses.
Are the poor widdle billionaires crying about their political activities having some blowback for once? America finally knows who they are and are not that endeared to their plight of having to pay taxes and not being able to pollute as much as they want to, lousy birchers deserve their bad press and crappy public image.
Yeah....How dare they speak up, rather than take their bullying from a loutish Chicago punk like good little victims?

Why is is "speaking up" when they're attacking Obama, but "bullying" when Obama attacks them?
Are the poor widdle billionaires crying about their political activities having some blowback for once? America finally knows who they are and are not that endeared to their plight of having to pay taxes and not being able to pollute as much as they want to, lousy birchers deserve their bad press and crappy public image.
Yeah....How dare they speak up, rather than take their bullying from a loutish Chicago punk like good little victims?
The Koch brothers love MONEY. They have the right to spend their billions as they please; some Americans will not want politicians they own running the country however.

"But it is an abuse of the President’s position and does a disservice to our nation for the President and his campaign to criticize private citizens simply for the act of engaging in their constitutional right of free speech about important matters of public policy. The implication in that sort of attack is obvious: dare to criticize the President’s policies and you will be singled out and personally maligned by the President and his campaign in an effort to chill free speech and squelch dissent," he writes.

What a couple of whiners. Er, Koch Brothers? See that bolded part? That's what Obama is doing too you fucking numbskulls...
The good news is that REAL Americans are so damn dumb to be fooled by Koch's buying the election. I read other forums and what I'm reading is that people are boycotting the UN-American Koch's products and their ANTI-American labor practices.

No, not just unions but rather the crapping on workers who have no recourse.

Just the kind of thing the rw's love.

All you libs sound the same, clueless clones, Obama loves idiots like you. The Koch brothers are patriots who love their country, unlike too many of you libs. They don't haft to speak out, but they fear for the direction of our country.

idiots like you are the koch brothers dream
Are the poor widdle billionaires crying about their political activities having some blowback for once? America finally knows who they are and are not that endeared to their plight of having to pay taxes and not being able to pollute as much as they want to, lousy birchers deserve their bad press and crappy public image.
Yeah....How dare they speak up, rather than take their bullying from a loutish Chicago punk like good little victims?

Boo hoo....
Are the poor widdle billionaires crying about their political activities having some blowback for once? America finally knows who they are and are not that endeared to their plight of having to pay taxes and not being able to pollute as much as they want to, lousy birchers deserve their bad press and crappy public image.
Yeah....How dare they speak up, rather than take their bullying from a loutish Chicago punk like good little victims?

Why is is "speaking up" when they're attacking Obama, but "bullying" when Obama attacks them?


Its that simple.

Funny the left attacks anyone in disagreement and cries incessantly when the shoe is on the other foot.

Are all of you pussies to the core?
Are the poor widdle billionaires crying about their political activities having some blowback for once? America finally knows who they are and are not that endeared to their plight of having to pay taxes and not being able to pollute as much as they want to, lousy birchers deserve their bad press and crappy public image.
Yeah....How dare they speak up, rather than take their bullying from a loutish Chicago punk like good little victims?

They can speak up all they want but their days of being able to use vast sums of money to influence policy and buy elections while being able to remain virtually unknown are over. They made themselves public figures in our politics and they had better be able to take the consequences including being identified with the #1 problem in our politics, corporate money buying politicians. Their claims of wounded dignity and soiled reputation are comical coming from them, they brought it on themselves the day they set out to change our country to suit their bircher fantasies.
Yeah....How dare they speak up, rather than take their bullying from a loutish Chicago punk like good little victims?

Why is is "speaking up" when they're attacking Obama, but "bullying" when Obama attacks them?


Its that simple.

Funny the left attacks anyone in disagreement and cries incessantly when the shoe is on the other foot.

Are all of you pussies to the core?

you got that backwards. the thin skinned losers are the rightwingnut toons.
Yeah....How dare they speak up, rather than take their bullying from a loutish Chicago punk like good little victims?

Why is is "speaking up" when they're attacking Obama, but "bullying" when Obama attacks them?


Its that simple.

Funny the left attacks anyone in disagreement and cries incessantly when the shoe is on the other foot.

Are all of you pussies to the core?

So, when someone becomes President, they lose their right to free speech, because of their "position"?

Anyone can attack anyone. That's what "freedom of speech" means.
Are the poor widdle billionaires crying about their political activities having some blowback for once? America finally knows who they are and are not that endeared to their plight of having to pay taxes and not being able to pollute as much as they want to, lousy birchers deserve their bad press and crappy public image.
Yeah....How dare they speak up, rather than take their bullying from a loutish Chicago punk like good little victims?

Why is is "speaking up" when they're attacking Obama, but "bullying" when Obama attacks them?
Who started talking the shit?...The Shit-talker-in-chief, that's who....And that's the difference.
Are the poor widdle billionaires crying about their political activities having some blowback for once? America finally knows who they are and are not that endeared to their plight of having to pay taxes and not being able to pollute as much as they want to, lousy birchers deserve their bad press and crappy public image.
Yeah....How dare they speak up, rather than take their bullying from a loutish Chicago punk like good little victims?

Why is is "speaking up" when they're attacking Obama, but "bullying" when Obama attacks them?

because it offends them to their core when you stand up to them. it's a nice little rightwingnut trick... attributing their actions to their opponents.
The good news is that REAL Americans are so damn dumb to be fooled by Koch's buying the election. I read other forums and what I'm reading is that people are boycotting the UN-American Koch's products and their ANTI-American labor practices.

No, not just unions but rather the crapping on workers who have no recourse.

Just the kind of thing the rw's love.

All you libs sound the same, clueless clones, Obama loves idiots like you. The Koch brothers are patriots who love their country, unlike too many of you libs. They don't haft to speak out, but they fear for the direction of our country.

idiots like you are the koch brothers dream

Brilliant..Did you quote the MSNBC talking points yet today? Learn to think for yourself
I know it's hard for liberals.
Why is is "speaking up" when they're attacking Obama, but "bullying" when Obama attacks them?


Its that simple.

Funny the left attacks anyone in disagreement and cries incessantly when the shoe is on the other foot.

Are all of you pussies to the core?

you got that backwards. the thin skinned losers are the rightwingnut toons.

LOL Thats why any disagreement labeled us RACISTS RIGHT?

And wanting fiscal discipline terrorists.

Do you even read what you type?
Yeah....How dare they speak up, rather than take their bullying from a loutish Chicago punk like good little victims?

Why is is "speaking up" when they're attacking Obama, but "bullying" when Obama attacks them?
Who started talking the shit?...The Shit-talker-in-chief, that's who....And that's the difference.

Obama didn't "start" anything. Everyone in politics has been "talking shit" about each other since the dawn of society.

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