Koch industries, other CEOs warn employees of layoffs if Obama is reelected


Aug 5, 2012
Koch Industries, other CEOs warn employees of layoffs if Obama is reelected | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Koch Industries, the Wichita, Kan.-based company run by the billionaire Koch brothers, sent a voter information packet to 45,000 employees of its Georgia Pacific subsidiary earlier this month.
In it was a letter, dated Oct. 1, from Koch Industries president Dave Robertson implicitly warning that "many of our more than 50,000 U.S. employees and contractors may suffer the consequences" of voting for President Obama and other Democrats in the 2012 elections, a list of conservative candidates the company's political action committee endorses and a pair of editorials: one, by David Koch, supporting Mitt Romney, and the other, by Charles Koch, condemning Obama.
"While we are typically told before each Presidential election that it is important and historic, I believe the upcoming election will determine what kind of America future generations will inherit," Robertson's letter--first published by InTheseTimes.com--begins. "If we elect candidates who want to spend hundreds of billions in borrowed money on costly new subsidies for a few favored cronies, put unprecedented regulatory burdens on businesses, prevent or delay important new construction projects, and excessively hinder free trade, then many of our more than 50,000 U.S. employees and contractors may suffer the consequences, including higher gasoline prices, runaway inflation, and other ills. This is true regardless of what your political affiliation might be."
Robertson's letter continued:

(In These Times)
To help you engage in the political process, we have enclosed several items in this packet. For most of you, this includes information about voter registration deadlines and early voting options for your state. At the request of many employees, we have also provided a list of candidates in your state that have been supported by Koch companies or by the KOCHPAC, our employee political action committee.
I want to emphasize two things about these lists. First, and most important, we believe any decision about which candidates to support is -- as always -- yours and yours alone, based on the factors that are most important to you. Second, we do not support candidates based on their political affiliation. We evaluate them based on who is the most market-based and willing to support economic freedom for the benefit of society as a whole.
If you are concerned about our economy, our future and enhancing the quality of life for all Americans, then I encourage you to consider the principles of your candidates and not just their party affiliation. It is essential that we are all informed and educated voters. Our future depends on it.
Elections have consequences.

Obama is just crushing the little people.

Just crushing them....
So the Krotch brothers will scale down their business if Obama is reelected? What kind of idiot would buy that? Nope, they'll wind up trying to preserve their wealth by increasing their workers. They make money from the number of people working for them. They spend money when dingleberry trickle downers cut their take home pay.
American workers shouldn't have to put up with threats and intimidation. After all the GOP cares so much for its people. And they sure are showing us
I happen to know a company that is rolling out a new system on, just so happens, November 6th. People are going to have to come in early and stay late. No early voting in this state either.
So the point of the OP was scare tactics and what about the scare tactics from the left? Are those wrong or are they considered acceptable?

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