Kohain and Levite "genes" are a myth

The Babylonian, Greek and Roman conquests resulted in millions of Jews, including members of the Tribe of Levi, being sent into exile.
Where do you think they were sent? The U.S.?
They were dispersed throughout Asia and Europe.
Many, like the Moranos, converted and/or assimilated under threat of torture and death.
A very high percentage did extremely well and were promoted to positions of authority.

One thing is for sure, they spread their genes like wildfire.
I can imagine non-Jews desiring Jews because of their education and hygiene.

The shame...
The Yid genes dispersed into the Islamic population has had little to no impact on the Islamic people who refuse to behave like humans.
Without sarcasm, I can imagine the agony of Avraham, Yitzchaz and Yaakov watching their genetic progeny having no regard for human life.

It also reinforces a point many Jew haters miss...
It is NOT the gene that makes you JewISH, it's the Torah and it's Heritage.
Jew haters have very little to go with, can't blame them.

It's what you call dealing with a bad hand.
Too bad nobody can refute the evidence presented in the OP.

All we do have is a lot of whining.
It's time for these so called Palestinians to stop bullshitting the world and just admit that they are Arab invaders out to conquer land that doesn't belong to them, just like the rest of the Arabs who invaded and pillaged lands throughout history.

Just like a Holocaust denier you lie about history.

Stop lying and accept the facts about Jewish genetics being nothing special, you AshkeNAZI
Ya right, you claim Arabs Muslims are the real Jews and I'm the Holocaust denier.

This is the Muslim version replacement theology, except they aren't doing it with theology. Muslims learned well from their Nazi ancestors. :cuckoo: Ha ha ha.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage
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Too bad nobody can refute the evidence presented in the OP.

All we do have is a lot of whining.

If you refuse to answer my question regarding what you consider to be valid historical sources, I can only presume you are a revisionist of history and thus bear no validity in regards to ANY historical discussion.
Too bad nobody can refute the evidence presented in the OP.

All we do have is a lot of whining.
I already refuted, in fact I blew a big hole in it by showing the anomaly with the Caucasus region, which shows a higher percentage of said genes you kept attributing to Arabs having. Keep up, you're way to slow for me.
Zionists love to tell us that the so-called Kohain gene and so-called Levite gene are proof that these Jews are direct descendants of ancient Hebrews from Palestine.


Yo Mohammad;

What if there was a holocaust?
I have a question for you Nazis.

What would you do if you found out tomorrow that the holocaust, the holocaust that you deny, was real?

How would your life be affected?

I know this is a difficult concept for many of you to contemplate, so I'm asking you to think outside the box and put yourself into a hypothetical alternate universe where it turns out your love of Hitler is in vain.

I'm sure you can do it.
Now the trolls think I deny the Holocaust.

I never have. This thread really bothers some Israelis huh?
So you ARE a revisionist.
I bet you refuse to read any truthful source regarding the Roman Conquest of Israel and it's MASSIVE Jewish population.

Are you going to get back to the topic?

My question would answer end the thread in one post.
Go ahead, give a straight answer to my question and then hunt your Islam sites for another thread topic.
Its very stupid to use J1E as proof of being an Israelite.

The gene is all over the Middle East. The Yemenites have it at a higher rate than the Jews!!!!
Its very stupid to use J1E as proof of being an Israelite.

The gene is all over the Middle East. The Yemenites have it at a higher rate than the Jews!!!!

There's a bunch of Yemenites who are Jews.

Keep it up.
The Kohain and Levite "genes" are clearly not evidence of Israelite ancestry.
Now the trolls think I deny the Holocaust.

I never have. This thread really bothers some Israelis huh?

Not bright enough to recognize your own post.... :thup:

Do you want to discuss the Kohain and Levite genes?

Do you know that all Kohains are Levites but not all Levites are Kohains?
We just did, people in the Caucasus have higher frequency of the same genes.

The Palestinians are shit outta luck on this one.

Whats your next false claim?

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