Kohain and Levite "genes" are a myth

Still waiting to see evidence that the data as to the distribution of the haplotypes mentioned in the OP was biased by an anti-Semitic agenda.

Talk about paranoia.

And I'm still waiting for your list of the organizations using this for Zionist propaganda.
As I stated before, this Gene thing is nothing more than an answer on Jeopardy.
Do you really think I care if I descended directly from Avraham?
I'm a Torah Jew; my religion is not bound by genetics.
You DO know that the Romans were converting to Judaism like wildfire; 20% of the Roman Empire was Jewish.
That's one of the major reasons Constantine decided to pick a non-Commandment based religion.
What does ancestry have to do with residence?

It is argued that these two genes are proof of ancestry from Palestine.

But the facts show these two genes are common thousands of miles away from Palestine.
And the Arab invaders who call themselves Palestinians are identical in every way to the other Arabs such as the Egyptians, Jordanians, and Syrians, so no way no how they have any ancestry to the land. :rofl:
And the Arab invaders who call themselves Palestinians are identical in every way to the other Arabs such as the Egyptians, Jordanians, and Syrians, so no way no how they have any ancestry to the land. :rofl:

The Arabs have much more in common genetically with the other locals of the area, than the invader foreign Israeli Jews.
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And the Arab invaders who call themselves Palestinians are identical in every way to the other Arabs such as the Egyptians, Jordanians, and Syrians, so no way no how they have any ancestry to the land. :rofl:

The Arabs have much more in common genetically with the other locals of the area, than the invader foreign Israeli Jews.
Palestinians are identical in every way to their neighboring Arabs and have less nothing in common to the Jews who can trace their ancestry to their ancient ancestors who lived there.

True story. :cool:
Palestinians are identical in every way to their neighboring Arabs and have less nothing in common to the Jews who can trace their ancestry to their ancient ancestors who lived there.

True story. :cool:

You are a liar. The Jews overall have more in common genetically with Palestinians than any other Gentile group. That's why the Palestinians have the so-called "Jewish" genetic markers more than any other non-Jewish group in the world.
Palestinians are identical in every way to their neighboring Arabs and have less nothing in common to the Jews who can trace their ancestry to their ancient ancestors who lived there.

True story. :cool:

You are a liar. The Jews overall have more in common genetically with Palestinians than any other Gentile group. That's why the Palestinians have the so-called "Jewish" genetic markers more than any other non-Jewish group in the world.
No you are the liar. It's the DIFFERENCES in the genes that separate people not "similarities" if you go by similarities then everybody is related somehow.

Since Palestinians are the same people and identical genetically to the Egyptians, Jordanians, and Syrians, to say that "Palestinians have 'Jewish genetic markers'" means that all Arabs in general have Jewish genetic markers. So what? It's totally meaningless and a lame attempt at somehow creating this fake Arab identity and then tying it to the land.

Jews however, have certain markers that Arabs don't have and that makes them unique and the true ancestors of the ancient Hebrews who lived in ancient Israel.
No you are the liar. It's the DIFFERENCES in the genes that separate people not "similarities" if you go by similarities then everybody is related somehow.

Since Palestinians are the same people and identical genetically to the Egyptians, Jordanians, and Syrians, to say that "Palestinians have 'Jewish genetic markers'" means that all Arabs in general have Jewish genetic markers. So what? It's totally meaningless and a lame attempt at somehow creating this fake Arab identity and then tying it to the land.

Jews however, have certain markers that Arabs don't have and that makes them unique and the true ancestors of the ancient Hebrews who lived in ancient Israel.

No, you are the liar.

The only genetic markers that Jews have that Arabs don't have, are ones that are very common in Eastern Europe, the Caucusas, and northern India. Which obviously have nothing to do with the ancient Israelites.
No you are the liar. It's the DIFFERENCES in the genes that separate people not "similarities" if you go by similarities then everybody is related somehow.

Since Palestinians are the same people and identical genetically to the Egyptians, Jordanians, and Syrians, to say that "Palestinians have 'Jewish genetic markers'" means that all Arabs in general have Jewish genetic markers. So what? It's totally meaningless and a lame attempt at somehow creating this fake Arab identity and then tying it to the land.

Jews however, have certain markers that Arabs don't have and that makes them unique and the true ancestors of the ancient Hebrews who lived in ancient Israel.

No, you are the liar.

The only genetic markers that Jews have that Arabs don't have, are ones that are very common in Eastern Europe, the Caucusas, and northern India. Which obviously have nothing to do with the ancient Israelites.
Bullshiite. Majority of current Israeli population are Jews from Middle eastern countries (or descendants of) who have remained in the region for thousands of years. TheY are descendants of the same Jews who fled the destructions of the first and second temples in Jerusalem thousands of years ago. It has also been proven that these Middle Eastern Jews and the European Ashkenazi Jews do indeed share unique common genes and traits that are exclusive to Jews all over the world, which Arabs and Palestinians do not have.

The Palestinians are recent Arab invaders who's gene's and history is identical to other Arabs. What you are trying to do is relate a bunch of Muslim Arab invaders as descendants of the ancient Jews, and THAT PIG JUST WON'T FLY.
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Bullshiite. Majority of current Israeli population are Jews from Middle eastern countries (or descendants of) who have remained in the region for thousands of years. TheY are descendants of the same Jews who fled the destructions of the first and second temples in Jerusalem thousands of years ago. It has also been proven that these Middle Eastern Jews and the European Ashkenazi Jews do indeed share unique common genes and traits that are exclusive to Jews all over the world, which Arabs and Palestinians do not have.

The Palestinians are recent Arab invaders who's gene's and history is identical to other Arabs. What you are trying to do is relate a bunch of Muslim Arab invaders as descendants of the ancient Jews, and THAT PIG JUST WON'T FLY.

Sorry little baby, but what is known as the "Kohain gene" is extremely common among Palestinians, Bedouin, Jordanians, Assyrians, Maronite Lebanese, and other Levantines.

But you're right about the "Levite gene". This isn't too common among Levantines. Its much more common among people in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and people in northwest India.

As to the Jews from Muslim lands, many of them are Sephardic and don't have ancestors who lived in the area for 2,000 years or more.
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Bullshiite. Majority of current Israeli population are Jews from Middle eastern countries (or descendants of) who have remained in the region for thousands of years. TheY are descendants of the same Jews who fled the destructions of the first and second temples in Jerusalem thousands of years ago. It has also been proven that these Middle Eastern Jews and the European Ashkenazi Jews do indeed share unique common genes and traits that are exclusive to Jews all over the world, which Arabs and Palestinians do not have.

The Palestinians are recent Arab invaders who's gene's and history is identical to other Arabs. What you are trying to do is relate a bunch of Muslim Arab invaders as descendants of the ancient Jews, and THAT PIG JUST WON'T FLY.

Sorry little baby, but what is known as the "Kohain gene" is extremely common among Palestinians, Bedouin, Jordanians, Assyrians, Maronite Lebanese, and other Levantines.

But you're right about the "Levite gene". This isn't too common among Levantines. Its much more common among people in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and people in northwest India.

As to the Jews from Muslim lands, many of them are Sephardic and don't have ancestors who lived in the area for 2,000 years or more.
It's actually called the cohen gene. No matter how you cut and slice it, Palestinians are identical to their neighboring Arabs, who invaded the land recently. They are as related to Jews as Saudi Arabians or Egyptians would be.

It's actually called the cohen gene. No matter how you cut and slice it, Palestinians are identical to their neighboring Arabs, who invaded the land recently. They are as related to Jews as Saudi Arabians or Egyptians would be.


The emergence of Y-chromosome haplogroup J1e among Arabic-speaking populations

There is a so-called "Kohain gene" and a so-called "Levite gene".

You don't know your asshole from your elbow.

Neither of them are unique just to Jews. They are both shared in large numbers by Gentiles either in the Middle East or Europe.

Haplogroup R1a (Y-DNA) - Eupedia
It's actually called the cohen gene. No matter how you cut and slice it, Palestinians are identical to their neighboring Arabs, who invaded the land recently. They are as related to Jews as Saudi Arabians or Egyptians would be.


600 years ago isn't "recently", dumbass.

The genetic evidence proves a relationship between the Jews and Palestinians, as they possess J1E in very high numbers.
It's actually called the cohen gene. No matter how you cut and slice it, Palestinians are identical to their neighboring Arabs, who invaded the land recently. They are as related to Jews as Saudi Arabians or Egyptians would be.


600 years ago isn't "recently", dumbass.

The genetic evidence proves a relationship between the Jews and Palestinians, as they possess J1E in very high numbers.
600 years? This territory was owned by the Ottoman Turks for 600 years up to the early 1900's. Last I checked Arabs were not Turks. The Arabs started invading in the 1800's and 1900's, and it increased exponentially as more and more Jews came. That is a documented fact.

While Jews maintained a presence throughout the millennia.

Again, for the 1000th time, Palestinians are no different that their neighboring Arabs. Period end of story.
educate yourself a little:

Origin and identity of the so-called Palestinians

Palestinians are the newest of all the peoples on the face of the Earth, and began to exist in a single day by a kind of supernatural phenomenon that is unique in the whole history of mankind, as it is witnessed by Walid Shoebat, a former PLO terrorist that acknowledged the lie he was fighting for and the truth he was fighting against:

“Why is it that on June 4th 1967 I was a Jordanian and overnight I became a Palestinian?”
“We did not particularly mind Jordanian rule. The teaching of the destruction of Israel was a definite part of the curriculum, but we considered ourselves Jordanian until the Jews returned to Jerusalem. Then all of the sudden we were Palestinians - they removed the star from the Jordanian flag and all at once we had a Palestinian flag”.
“When I finally realized the lies and myths I was taught, it is my duty as a righteous person to speak out”.

This declaration by a true "Palestinian" should have some significance for a sincerely neutral observer. Indeed, there is no such a thing like a Palestinian people, or a Palestinian culture, or a Palestinian language, or a Palestinian history. There has never been any Palestinian state, neither any Palestinian archaeological find nor coinage. The present-day "Palestinians" are an Arab people, with Arab culture, Arabic language and Arab history. They have their own Arab states from where they came into the Land of Israel about one century ago to contrast the Jewish immigration. That is the historical truth. They were Jordanians (another recent British invention, as there has never been any people known as "Jordanians"), and after the Six-Day War in which Israel utterly defeated the coalition of nine Arab states and took legitimate possession of Judea and Samaria, the Arab dwellers in those regions underwent a kind of anthropological miracle and discovered that they were Palestinians - something they did not know the day before. Of course, these people having a new identity had to build themselves a history, namely, had to steal some others' history, and the only way that the victims of the theft would not complain is if those victims do no longer exist. Therefore, the Palestinian leaders claimed two contradictory lineages from ancient peoples that inhabited in the Land of Israel: the Canaanites and the Philistines. Let us consider both of them before going on with the Palestinian issue.

The Canaanites:

The Canaanites are historically acknowledged as the first inhabitants of the Land of Israel, before the Hebrews settled there. Indeed, the correct geographic name of the Land of Israel is Canaan, not "Palestine" (a Roman invention, as we will see later). They were composed by different tribes, that may be distinguished in two main groups: the Northern or Coastland Canaanites and the Southern or Mountain Canaanites.
·The Northern Canaanites settled along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea from the southeastern side of the Gulf of Iskenderun to the proximities of the Gulf of Hayfa. Their main cities were Tzur, Tzidon, Gebal (Byblos), Arvad, Ugarit, and are better known in history by their Greek name Phoenicians, but they called themselves "Kana'ana" or "Kinachnu". They did not found any unified kingdom but were organized in self-ruled cities, and were not a warlike people but rather skilful traders, seafarers and builders. Their language was adopted from their Semitic neighbours, the Arameans, and was closely related to Hebrew (not to Arabic!). Phoenicians and Israelites did not need interpreters to understand each other. They followed the same destiny of ancient Israel and fell under Assyrian rule, then Babylonian, Persian, Macedonian, Seleucian and Roman. Throughout their history the Phoenicians intermarried with different peoples that dwelled in their land, mainly Greeks and Armenians. During the Islamic expansion they were Arabized, yet, never completely assimilated, and their present-day state is Lebanon, erroneously regarded as an "Arab" country, a label that the Lebanese people reject. Unlike the Arab states, Lebanon has a western democratic-style official name, "Lebanese Republic", without the essential adjective "Arab" that is required in the denominations of every Arab state. The only mention of the term Arabic in the Lebanese constitution refers to the official language of the state, which does not mean that the Lebanese people are Arabs in the same way as the official language of the United States is English but this does not qualify the Americans as British.
The so-called Palestinians are not Lebanese (although some of them came from Syrian-occupied Lebanon), therefore they are not Phoenicians (Northern Canaanites). Actually, in Lebanon they are "refugees" and are not identified with the local people.
·The Southern Canaanites dwelled in the mountain region from the Golan southwards, on both sides of the Yarden and along the Mediterranean coast from the Gulf of Hayfa to Yafo, that is the Biblical Canaan. They were composed by various tribes of different stocks: besides the proper Canaanites (Phoenicians), there were Amorites, Hittites and Hurrian peoples like the Yevusites, Hivvites and Horites, all of them assimilated into the Aramean-Canaanite context. They never constituted an unified, organized state but kept within the tribal alliance system.
When the first Hebrews arrived in Canaan they shared the land but did not intermarry, as it was an interdiction for Avraham's family to marry the Canaanites. Nevertheless, eleven of the twelve sons of Yakov married Canaanite women (the other son married an Egyptian), and since then, the Tribes of Israel began to mix with the local inhabitants. After the Exodus, when the Israelites conquered the Land, there were some wars between them and the Canaanites throughout the period of the Sofetim (Judges), and were definitively subdued by King David. By that time, most Canaanites were married to Israelites, others voluntarily accepted Torah becoming Israelites, others joined up in the Israelite or Judahite army. Actually, the Canaanites are seldom mentioned during the Kings' period, usually in reference to their heathen customs introduced among the Israelites, but no longer as a distinguishable people, because they were indeed assimilated into the Israelite nation. When the Assyrians overran the Kingdom of Israel, they did not leave any Canaanite aside, as they had all become Israelites by that time. The same happened when the Babylonians overthrew the Kingdom of Judah.
Therefore, the only people that can trace back a lineage to the ancient Canaanites are the Jews, not the Palestinians, as Canaanites did not exist any longer after the 8th century b.c.e. and they were not annihilated but assimilated into the Jewish people.
Conclusion: the Palestinians cannot claim any descent from the ancient Canaanites - if so, why not to pretend also the Syrian "occupied territories", namely, Lebanon? Why do they not speak the language of the ancient Canaanites, that was Hebrew? Because they are NOT Canaanites at all!

The Philistines:

It is from the term "Philistines" that the name "Palestinians" has been taken. Actually, the ancient Philistines and modern Palestinians have something in common: both are invaders from other lands! That is precisely the meaning of their name, that is not an ethnic denomination but an adjective applied to them: Peleshet, from the verb "pelesh", "dividers", "penetrators" or "invaders". The Philistines were a confederation of non-Semitic peoples coming from Crete, the Aegean Islands and Asia Minor, also known as "Sea Peoples". The main tribes were Tzekelesh, Shardana, Akhaiusha, Danauna, Tzakara, Masa or Meshuesh, Uashesh, Teresh or Tursha, Keshesh or Karkisha, Lukka and Labu. The original homeland of the group that ruled the Philistine federation, namely the "Pelesati", was the island of Crete. When the Minoic civilization collapsed, also the Minoic culture disappeared from Crete, as invaders from Greece took control of the island. These ancient Cretans arrived in Southern Canaan and were known as "Peleshtim" by Hebrews and Canaanites (that became allied to fight the invaders). They also invaded Egypt and were defeated by Pharaoh Ramose III in the 12th century b.c.e. The Philistines were organized in city-states, being the most important the Pentapolis: Gaza, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Gath and Ekron, and their territory was close to the Mediterranean coast, a little longer and broader than the present-day "Gaza Strip" - not the whole Judah, they never reached Hevron, Jerusalem or Yericho!
Those Sea Peoples that invaded Egypt were expelled towards other Mediterranean lands and did not evolve into any Arab people, but disappeared as distinguishable groups in Roman times. Those dwelling in Canaan were defeated by King David and reduced to insignificance, the best warriors among them were chosen as David's bodyguard. The remaining Philistines still dwelling in Gaza were subdued by Sargon II of Assyria and after that time, they disappeared definitively from history. They are no longer mentioned since the return of the Jewish exiles from Babylon.
Conclusion: there is not one single person in the world who may be able to prove Philistine lineage, yet, if Palestinians insist, they have to recognize themselves as invaders in Israel, and then they must ask Greece to return them back the Isle of Crete! The Philistines are extinct and claims to alleged links with them are utterly false as they are historically impossible to establish. In any case, claiming a Philistine heritage is idle because it cannot legitimate any land in which they were foreign occupants and not native dwellers. Philistines were not Arabs, and the only feature in common between both peoples is that in Israel they should be regarded as invaders, Philistines from the sea and Arabs from the wilderness. They do not want Jerusalem because it is their city, which is not and never has been, they simply want to take her from the Jews, to whom she has belonged for three thousand years. The Philistines wanted to take from Israelites the Holy Ark of the Covenant, modern so-called Palestinians want to take from them the Holy City of the Covenant.

The Palestinians: No, they are not any ancient people, but claim to be. They were born in a single day, after a war that lasted six days in 1967 c.e. If they were true Canaanites, they would speak Hebrew and demand from Syria to give them back their occupied homeland in Lebanon, but they are not. If they were Philistines, they would claim back the Isle of Crete from Greece and would recognize that they have nothing to do with the Land of Israel, and would ask excuses to Israel for having stolen the Ark of the Covenant.

The land called "Palestine"

In the 2nd century c.e., the last attempt of the Jews to achieve independence from the Roman Empire ended with the well-known event of Masada, that is historically documented and universally recognized as the fact that determined the Jewish Diaspora in a definitive way. The Land where these things happened was until then the province known as Judæa , and there is no mention of any place called "Palestine" before that time. The Roman emperor Hadrian was utterly upset with the Jewish Nation and wanted to erase the name of Israel and Judah from the face of the Earth, so that there would be no memory of the country that belonged to that rebel people. He decided to replace the denomination of that Roman province and resorted to ancient history in order to find a name that might appear appropriate, and found that an extinct people that was unknown in Roman times, called "Philistines", was once dwelling in that area and were enemies of the Israelites. Therefore, according to Latin spelling, he invented the new name: "Palæstina", a name that would be also hateful for the Jews as it reminded them their old foes. He did so with the explicit purpose of effacing any trace of Jewish history. Ancient Romans, as well as modern Palestinians, have fulfilled the Hebrew Scriptures Prophecy that declares: "They lay crafty plans against Your People... they say: ‘come, let us wipe them out as a nation; let the name of Israel be remembered no more'." - Tehilim 83:3-4 (Psalm 83:3-4). They failed, as Israel is still alive. Any honest person would recognize that there is no mention of the name Palestina in history before the Romans renamed the province of Judea, that such name does not occur in any ancient document, is not written in the Bible, neither in the Hebrew Scriptures nor in the Christian Testament, not even in Assyrian, Persian, Macedonian, Ptolemaic, Seleucian or other Greek sources, and that not any "Palestinian" people has ever been mentioned, not even by the Romans that invented the term. If "Palestinians" allegedly are the historic inhabitants of the Holy Land, why did they not fight for independence from Roman occupation as Jews did? How is it possible that not a single Palestinian leader heading for a revolt against the Roman invaders is mentioned in any historic record? Why there is not any Palestinian rebel group mentioned, as for example the Jewish Zealots? Why every historic document mentions the Jews as the native inhabitants, and the Greeks, Romans and others as foreigners dwelling in Judea, but not any Palestinian people, neither as native nor as foreigner? What is more, there is no reference to any Palestinian people in the qur'an (koran), although muslims claim that their prophet was once in Jerusalem (an event that is not mentioned in the koran either). It appears evident that he did not meet any Palestinian in his whole life, nor his successors did either. Caliph Salahuddin al-Ayyub (Saladin), knew the Jews and kindly invited them to settle in Jerusalem, that he recognized as their Homeland, but he did not know any Palestinian... To claim that Palestinians are the original people of Eretz Yisrael is not only against secular history but also against Islamic history!
The name "Falastin" that Arabs today use for "Palestine" is not an Arabic name, but adopted and adapted from the Latin Palæstina . How can an Arab people have a western name instead of one in their own language? Because the use of the term "Palestinian" for an Arab group is only a modern political creation without any historic or ethnic grounds, and did not indicate any people before 1967.
The facts remain that the Palestinians are almost genetic brothers to the Jewish people. They are the closest genetically of any non-Jewish population, to the Jews.

The Palestinians possess the "Kohain gene" in higher rates than any other Gentile group.

If the Palestinians were a tribe of people living in Africa who practised Judaism-like cultural things, they would be brought to Israel due to their genes.
The facts remain that the Palestinians are almost genetic brothers to the Jewish people. They are the closest genetically of any non-Jewish population, to the Jews.

The Palestinians possess the "Kohain gene" in higher rates than any other Gentile group.

If the Palestinians were a tribe of people living in Africa who practised Judaism-like cultural things, they would be brought to Israel due to their genes.
Ha ha ha. Are you saying that Egyptians, Jordanians and Syrians are genetic "brothers" to the Jewish people? Ho ho ho. The Palestinians do not possess the Cohen gene. It is unique to Jews only. You is Funny!
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Ha ha ha. Are you saying that Egyptians, Jordanians and Syrians are genetic "brothers" to the Jewish people? Ho ho ho. The Palestinians do not possess the Cohen gene. It is unique to Jews only. You is funny!

You're a lying fool. A lying Zionist fool. The percentage of Palestinians that have the Kohain gene is 33%. Jordanians is 49%. Negev Bedouin is 64%. Syrian Sunnis from Hama is 44%.

Haplogroup J-M267 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And only 46% of Kohain Jews have the "Kohain gene".
Ha ha ha. Are you saying that Egyptians, Jordanians and Syrians are genetic "brothers" to the Jewish people? Ho ho ho. The Palestinians do not possess the Cohen gene. It is unique to Jews only. You is funny!

You're a lying fool. A lying Zionist fool. The percentage of Palestinians that have the Kohain gene is 33%. Jordanians is 49%. Negev Bedouin is 64%. Syrian Sunnis from Hama is 44%.

Haplogroup J-M267 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And only 46% of Kohain Jews have the "Kohain gene".
Meaningless drivel. People in Caucasus have higher frequency of this gene 80% and 90% than the Arabs. There goes your European Jews are Khazar converts theory.

You see with every bullshit you post, more holes are punched into your idiotic theories.

The Caucasus has areas of both high and low J-M267 frequency. The J-M267 in the Caucasus is also notable because most of it is not within the J-P58 subclade.
Population Sample size Total J-M267 J-M267(xP58) J-P58 [collapse] Publication
Avars 115 59.0% 58.0% 1.0% Balanovsky 2011
Dargins 101 70.0% 69.0% 1.0% Balanovsky 2011
Kubachi 65 99.0% 99.0% 0.0% Balanovsky 2011
Kaitak 33 85.0% 85.0% 0.0% Balanovsky 2011
Lezghins 81 44.4% 44.4% 0.0% Balanovsky 2011
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Does a CMH prove Cohen ancestry?[edit]

One source of early confusion was a widespread popular notion that only Cohens or only Jews could have the Cohen Modal Haplotype. It is now clear that this is not the case. The Cohen Modal Haplotype (CMH), whilst notably frequent amongst Cohens, is also far from unusual in the general populations of haplogroups J1 and J2 with no particular link to the Cohen ancestry. These haplogroups occur widely throughout the Middle East and beyond

Y-chromosomal Aaron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Meaningless drivel. People in Caucasus have higher frequency of this gene 80% and 90% than the Arabs. There goes your European Jews are Khazar converts theory.

You see with every bullshit you post, more holes are punched into your idiotic theories.

The Caucasus has areas of both high and low J-M267 frequency. The J-M267 in the Caucasus is also notable because most of it is not within the J-P58 subclade.
Population Sample size Total J-M267 J-M267(xP58) J-P58 [collapse] Publication
Avars 115 59.0% 58.0% 1.0% Balanovsky 2011
Dargins 101 70.0% 69.0% 1.0% Balanovsky 2011
Kubachi 65 99.0% 99.0% 0.0% Balanovsky 2011
Kaitak 33 85.0% 85.0% 0.0% Balanovsky 2011
Lezghins 81 44.4% 44.4% 0.0% Balanovsky 2011

You stupid Zionist pig, this is the LEVITE gene!!!! Not the Kohain gene.

When did Israelis become such morons?

And by the way, if the highest percentage of people with the Levite gene live in the Caucasus, that suggests that the origin of the Levitz were the Khazars whow were a Caucasus people.
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