Kohain and Levite "genes" are a myth

I find it very interesting how common this gene is in the Caucusas region.

That suggests some validity to the Khazar origin theory.

And if not a Khazar origin theory then that the Khazars and their Caucasian descendants have lots of Jewish blood.

It's called rape.

The Jews raped the Khazars and thats why the Levite gene is so common in the Caucusas region?

That's an interesting new theory. Which scientific or historical journal did you get that from?

Oh, right, you got it from your anus.

Ad hominem...I win.

Some of the Khazars converted to Judaism.
It's called rape.

The Jews raped the Khazars and thats why the Levite gene is so common in the Caucusas region?

That's an interesting new theory. Which scientific or historical journal did you get that from?

Oh, right, you got it from your anus.

Ad hominem...I win.

Some of the Khazars converted to Judaism.
Yep of course there was some conversion, actually the higher ups in the Khazar hierarchy wanted to be Kohens upon conversion. of course was not allowed. The compromise was let some be Levites. In the big scheme of things it doesn't really matter, only to the Jew haters :cuckoo:
Yep of course there was some conversion, actually the higher ups in the Khazar hierarchy wanted to be Kohens upon conversion. of course was not allowed. The compromise was let some be Levites. In the big scheme of things it doesn't really matter, only to the Jew haters :cuckoo:

Another boy who cries wolf.

I didn't invent the data I only repeated it.
An innocent question,

What stands behind "Victory67"?

Just out of healthy curiosity.
Yep of course there was some conversion, actually the higher ups in the Khazar hierarchy wanted to be Kohens upon conversion. of course was not allowed. The compromise was let some be Levites. In the big scheme of things it doesn't really matter, only to the Jew haters :cuckoo:

Another boy who cries wolf.

I didn't invent the data I only repeated it.

You didn't repeat the data, you inserted it into a scenario to fit your agenda.
You still didn't state the all important Jewish organization(s) using this data for their propaganda.
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You didn't repeat the data, you inserted it into a scenario to fit your agenda.
You still didn't state the all important Jewish organization(w) that's using this data for their propaganda.

The data is in the links I provided. I didn't invent the links.

Go read them. Or remain in denial.
Yep of course there was some conversion, actually the higher ups in the Khazar hierarchy wanted to be Kohens upon conversion. of course was not allowed. The compromise was let some be Levites. In the big scheme of things it doesn't really matter, only to the Jew haters :cuckoo:

Another boy who cries wolf.

I didn't invent the data I only repeated it.

The weight of evidence is not in your favor. Repeating incomplete or erroneous "data" does not make it correct. When you are talking about 2000 yrs, there was be some variations, but there are still evidence showing the jews are not just a religion but a people going back thousands of years.
An article from 2010? Newsweek?
Of course all European Jews didn't descend from the Khazers.

Go ahead, call me prick head if you like.
But I'm happily married and your attempts at foreplay have thus far failed.
An article from 2010? Newsweek?
Of course all European Jews didn't descend from the Khazers.

Go ahead, call me prick head if you like.
But I'm happily married and your attempts at foreplay have thus far failed.

was that Directed at Me:confused: I was agreeing with you. Is there a problem?:confused:
oh...The Newsweek was my link it's a good article. I like to use it on occasion
You didn't repeat the data, you inserted it into a scenario to fit your agenda.
You still didn't state the all important Jewish organization(w) that's using this data for their propaganda.

The data is in the links I provided. I didn't invent the links.

Go read them. Or remain in denial.

Stop the Smoke and Mirrors...
You still didn't state the all important Jewish organization(s) using this data for their propaganda.
Why does a zionist bozo have quotes about limited government? Government is what enforces zionist mythology that is fucking up the Earth.
What does ancestry have to do with residence?

It is argued that these two genes are proof of ancestry from Palestine.

But the facts show these two genes are common thousands of miles away from Palestine.

But what you are not saying is that these genes are only present in one distinct group that happens to be the Jews. They are not present in any other group being patriarchal recessive gene.
GOD you are so easy to trounce in matters relating to the Jews and Israel, I wonder why you bother even trying.

The Cohen gene - Key to a prophetic priesthood? - Atlanta Conservative | Examiner.com

Interestingly the study shows that the line goes back 3,300 years to the time of the Exodus, and is present in both Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jewish groups. So in one fell swoop it is proven that the so called European invaders are in actual fact TRUE JEWS and can trace their descendants back 106 Generations and that the Jews have a RIGHT TO PALESTINE GREATER THAN THE ARAB MUSLIMS.
These two genes are not proof of ancestry from Palestine if the genes are very common in places thousands away from Palestine, in non-Jews.

[MENTION=35553]aris2chat[/MENTION], do yourself a favor and don't post genetic studies from 2003 when there are much more recent and thorough studies that tare your studies to shreds.

Just as your link destroys your argument as it states that the gene shows a common ancestor.

Men from this lineage share a common paternal ancestor, which is demonstrated and defined by the presence of the SNP mutation referred to as M267, which was announced in (Cinnioğlu 2004). This haplogroup is found today in significant frequencies in many areas in order near the Middle East, and parts of the Caucasus, Sudan and the Horn of Africa. It is also found in high frequencies in parts of North Africa and amongst Jewish groups, especially those with Cohen surnames. It can also be found much less commonly, but still occasionally in significant amounts, in Europe and as far east as Central Asia and the Indian Subcontinent.

But does not state either that the gene is present in non Jews as a genetic mutation, but is passed on from fathers. So it could be that some people converted out of Judaism, or fathered children on non Jewish females.
"Palestine" "Palestine" Jews are originally from the Mideast, with people added throughout history even your own Wiki link shows Kohanim are originally from the Mideast. as a side note there are plenty of blond Arabs in the region.

What We Can Learn From the Jewish Genome

My link says nothing about the origin of the gene.

Only that it is common all over the Middle East and North Africa.

But it does and it says that it is common to one man. And the argument has always been that the cohen gene shows a Jewish connection to those you deny are real Jews.
I find it very interesting how common this gene is in the Caucusas region.

That suggests some validity to the Khazar origin theory.

And if not a Khazar origin theory then that the Khazars and their Caucasian descendants have lots of Jewish blood.

clutching at straws now to win any point you can, the gene is passed on from father to son and so shows a common ancestry. As the common ancestry of the gazan Palestinians has a mutation that manifests as anaemia and is linked to arabs and shows that many Palestinians are in fact recent migrants to the area

Sickle cell disease in Middle East Arab countries

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