Krauthammer: Best GOP Field In 35 Years And We're Talking About This "Rodeo clown"

Geez you are busy today.

Both Will and Kraut are NEOCONS...very much like progressives in that they love big statist government.

Naturally both men dislike Trump...even a Hillary lover should see that.
You do know that Drumpf Truck is a "big statist government" crony capitalist, don't you? :woohoo:

“If you can’t get rich dealing with politicians, there’s something wrong with you.”
- Drumpf Truck
Trump won't allow Statist to frame the debate: it's really simply, we either have a country or we do not
Krauthammer is correct, as usual. Trump is a clown. A charlatan. A total RINO. The rest of of the GOP is probably the best lineup I've seen in 3 election cycles.
Geez you are busy today.

Both Will and Kraut are NEOCONS...very much like progressives in that they love big statist government.

Naturally both men dislike Trump...even a Hillary lover should see that.
You do know that Drumpf Truck is a "big statist government" crony capitalist, don't you? :woohoo:

“If you can’t get rich dealing with politicians, there’s something wrong with you.”
- Drumpf Truck
But that only shows he knows how to deal with the STATIST bustards! He's the real deal, I tell you. He's got all the answers, like making Mexico pay the wall and taking out Isis. Really. (-:
You all realize that Trump is a closet Democrat, right? Wait! Forget what I just typed.

And he'll have a Congress that will get the job done right. I do not agree that the current Congress are no hopers. They are limited in what they can do because of a Pres who lacks the ability to work with them. In a year or so the matter will be settled

Then you BURY Obama's desk and wallpaper his office with bills to Veto. Make him use up every bit of ink in Washington, DC with the vetos.

What the Republicans in Congress have shown me in the last year is that they TALK a great game but when the time comes to get on the field, they're nowhere to be found. Seems their opponent's ACE is on the mound today, so nobody wants to step into the batter's box and face him. That's bullship of the highest level so far as I'm concerned.
Donald Trump is a progressive statist. Since the far right is primarily committed to him, either they don't have principles or they don't understand them.
Donald Trump is a progressive statist. Since the far right is primarily committed to him, either they don't have principles or they don't understand them.
It is strange that a big gov progressive like Trump is liked by many on the right. Equally strange is that progressives very much dislike him.

However he has hit some very big hot buttons with many Americans. The problem of illegal immigration and foreign trade.
Donald Trump is a progressive statist. Since the far right is primarily committed to him, either they don't have principles or they don't understand them.
It is strange that a big gov progressive like Trump is liked by many on the right. Equally strange is that progressives very much dislike him.

However he has hit some very big hot buttons with many Americans. The problem of illegal immigration and foreign trade.
And that he will support the Iran deal, thinks the Iraq invasion was a catastrophe, and will try to back door an entrance for national health care.

Folks like Vigilante and Crusader Frank et al are so mad they are giving up their principles to get someone as president who will use Big Government to accomplish some of their goals. They are now progressive statists.
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and this from HuffPo leftard:

Dispelling Myths About the 2012 Election | Samuel Best
The Huffington Post
Nov 12, 2012 - As the exit polls showed, Obama won the popular vote despite losing to Romney handily among independents. Independents preferred ...

Try this on for size, dick. I'd love to see a link to that, dick.

The Myth of the Independent Voter


you poor loser

your butt-buddy says even last year's data is irrelevant

so try again
Dude, that was from 2012, a lot has changed since then. Don't count on a repeat of that in '16. Unemployment is down, the economy is growing steadily, Obamacare is a success and since the Republicans have had control of the House and the Senate they've broke their promise to voters in getting things done and the teatards are fighting in-house with the GOP establishment. On top of that most Americans have a favorable view of Planned Parenthood and the Republicans are trying to defund it. Shall I go on? 2016 is going to really suck for the GOP, and I love it!!

Sent from my 0PCV1 using Tapatalk
and this from HuffPo leftard:

Dispelling Myths About the 2012 Election | Samuel Best
The Huffington Post
Nov 12, 2012 - As the exit polls showed, Obama won the popular vote despite losing to Romney handily among independents. Independents preferred ...

Try this on for size, dick. I'd love to see a link to that, dick.

The Myth of the Independent Voter


you poor loser

your butt-buddy says even last year's data is irrelevant

so try again
Dude, that was from 2012, a lot has changed since then. Don't count on a repeat of that in '16. Unemployment is down, the economy is growing steadily, Obamacare is a success and since the Republicans have had control of the House and the Senate they've broke their promise to voters in getting things done and the teatards are fighting in-house with the GOP establishment. On top of that most Americans have a favorable view of Planned Parenthood and the Republicans are trying to defund it. Shall I go on? 2016 is going to really suck for the GOP, and I love it!!

Sent from my 0PCV1 using Tapatalk
Dems have lost 9000 seats since 2008.
The economy still sucks and is sinking into recession. Check commodity prices and the Dow. Household incomes are flat, household wealth is flat for 90% of the people. Unemployment is high in black communities and for most people, brought down mostly because people have left the workforce.
Wow the Republican Establishment who gave us Juan McCain, Boehner and McConnell are against Trump...shocking

Funny isn't it. They hate the fact that none of the other clowns are getting any traction. You know they are pounding their fists behind closed doors "THIS IS GOING HORRIBLY WRONG!!!!!" "WE HAVE TO MAKE THIS STOP!!!" "TRUMP IS RUINING EVERYTHING FOR US!!!!"

Fuck Krautheimer and the Republican establishment, who made them the voice of the American people? Doing my best Mel Gibson rant impression...."I'd just rather they shut up and BLOW ME!!!!" *heavy breathing* .......*more heavy breathing*
On FOX, George Will and Charles Krauthammer, both arch-Conservatives, came out swinging at Donald Trump, and hard:

Krauthammer on Trump We Have The Best Republican Field In 35 Years And We re Talking About This Rodeo Clown Video RealClearPolitics

(Video at the link, worth 3 minutes of your time)

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: Well, he's tapping in, but he's essentially -- he's done it in a way that the word offensive is too weak. It's an insult. An entire immigrant group. He did not make a distinct between legal and illegal immigrants. That's his entire campaign. All our problems are from Mexico, from China, from Saudi Arabia, and Japan. He will make them pay. But that elevates him to a guy actually with ideas.

These are eruptions, barstool eruptions. And the pity is this. This is the strongest field of Republican candidates in 35 years. You could pick a dozen of them at random and have the strongest cabinet America's had in our lifetime and instead all of our time is spent discussing this rodeo clown...

Trump has decided that our problem is we need essentially an economic declaration of war on Mexico. And that's where all this is headed. Tapping in, yes, but that's not -- politics has to be slightly above tapping in. It's a way to tap in and respond responsibly. He says I'll build a wall and I'll make Mexico pay. I've been supporting building a wall for ten years, but the idea you're going to make Mexico pay is simply absurd, but he likes to tap in and to play on that. That's not serious politics.

George Will was just as hard on Trump over the Immigration stuff.

Your view?

These are the participants in the 1980 Republican Presidential primary:

  • Ronald Reagan, Former Governor of California
  • George H. W. Bush, Former CIA director (Texas)
  • John B. Anderson, Representative of Illinois
  • Howard Baker, Senate Minority Leader of Tennessee
  • Phil Crane, Representative of Illinois
  • John Connally, Former Governor of Texas
  • Bob Dole, Senator (Kansas)
  • Ben Fernandez, Former Special Ambassador to Paraguay (California)
  • Governor Harold Stassen, Former of Minnesota
  • Lowell Weicker, Senator of Connecticut
I don't think the 2016 field of candidates is anywhere close to being as talented as the 1980 field was. It was a different time, a different era and the influences today make the process a political mockery. Social media, Fox news, Rush Limbaugh and most importantly today is that the extremity of the Republican base is too influential. In 1980 the candidates would decide which issues were most important, today it's the rabid base that decides which issues the candidates will focus on. You certainly can't say that about the Democratic field, and that's why the majority of Independents will elect another Democrat to succeed President Obama. Americans will never elect a president who follows what their extreme base demands, they're going to elect a president who dictates and pursues the guidelines of their party's political platform.
Beyond Reagan and Bush it is not that deep
The Republican Party has done absolutely nothing since 2009 to actively address this complaint: "The economy still sucks and is sinking into recession. Check commodity prices and the Dow. Household incomes are flat, household wealth is flat for 90% of the people. Unemployment is high in black communities and for most people, brought down mostly because people have left the workforce."

Absolutely nothing, and the American people know it.
Trump is forcing the GOP to face its own inner demons.

Absolute conservatives are supporting that Progressive Statist in their scores of millions.


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