Krauthammer: Best GOP Field In 35 Years And We're Talking About This "Rodeo clown"

you poor SOROSTARD; even ric o'shea had enough sense to slink away for a moment
You love to scream at the air and you are extremely agressive - for someone who has so little to say. Question: are you brain-damaged?

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oh great, now the herr frankenstatistik is a freak'n brain surgeon
Do you also need brain surgery?

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you poor SOROSTARD; even ric o'shea had enough sense to slink away for a moment
You love to scream at the air and you are extremely agressive - for someone who has so little to say. Question: are you brain-damaged?

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oh great, now the herr frankenstatistik is a freak'n brain surgeon
Do you also need brain surgery?

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YAWN, and you cry alot. we all have our demons
you Progs are a hoot!! so arrogant,and so butthurt when you're losing the argument. you'll stay here and try to make your case all day because your bloated pride is wounded!! lol

get over it dummy. and you're here of course on yet another Republican thread you losers started; because you have nothing to say for or against your your own Donkey Party candidates

go cry
You are still not capable of quoting someone, so I assume you are brain- damaged.

Hey, aren't you the idiot whom g5000 handed his ass to the other day because you claimed that Ronald Reagan was against his 1986 "amnesty" based on some comments of his in the 1984 debates? And then, after having made such an insufferable ass out of yourself on that thread, it ends up that Reagan actually spoke FOR immigration reform in 1984...

Yepp, that was you.

Do you even have the ability to focus on an OP at all, or are you just hopelessly ignorant?


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you poor SOROSTARD; even ric o'shea had enough sense to slink away for a moment
You love to scream at the air and you are extremely agressive - for someone who has so little to say. Question: are you brain-damaged?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
oh great, now the herr frankenstatistik is a freak'n brain surgeon
Do you also need brain surgery?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

YAWN, and you cry alot. we all have our demons

Go take a nap, you sound tired.
you poor SOROSTARD; even ric o'shea had enough sense to slink away for a moment
You love to scream at the air and you are extremely agressive - for someone who has so little to say. Question: are you brain-damaged?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
oh great, now the herr frankenstatistik is a freak'n brain surgeon
Do you also need brain surgery?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

YAWN, and you cry alot. we all have our demons

Go take a nap, you sound tired.

ok thanks for the advice leftard. how did the recall work out?
you Progs are a hoot!! so arrogant,and so butthurt when you're losing the argument. you'll stay here and try to make your case all day because your bloated pride is wounded!! lol

get over it dummy. and you're here of course on yet another Republican thread you losers started; because you have nothing to say for or against your your own Donkey Party candidates

go cry
You are still not capable of quoting someone, so I assume you are brain- damaged.

Hey, aren't you the idiot whom g5000 handed his ass to the other day because you claimed that Ronald Reagan was against his 1986 "amnesty" based on some comments of his in the 1984 debates? And then, after having made such an insufferable ass out of yourself on that thread, it ends up that Reagan actually spoke FOR immigration reform in 1984...

Yepp, that was you.

Do you even have the ability to focus on an OP at all, or are you just hopelessly ignorant?


Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

you Progs are a hoot!! so arrogant,and so butthurt when you're losing the argument. you'll stay here and try to make your case all day because your bloated pride is wounded!! lol

get over it dummy. and you're here of course on yet another Republican thread you losers started; because you have nothing to say for or against your your own Donkey Party candidates

go cry
You are still not capable of quoting someone, so I assume you are brain- damaged.

Hey, aren't you the idiot whom g5000 handed his ass to the other day because you claimed that Ronald Reagan was against his 1986 "amnesty" based on some comments of his in the 1984 debates? And then, after having made such an insufferable ass out of yourself on that thread, it ends up that Reagan actually spoke FOR immigration reform in 1984...

Yepp, that was you.

Do you even have the ability to focus on an OP at all, or are you just hopelessly ignorant?


Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

YAWN' poor loser leftard, must you vicariously have "victories" over me through the posts of others? i'd venture to say you have less in common with g5000 than you think stupid. oh and no he didnt hand me my ass. I said reagan regretted the bill that became a law despite signing it AFTER IT PASSED BOTH CHAMBERS OF CONGRESS. and i backed it up through his statements about it. in the end he may have thought it a worthwhile bill; but it is very well documented Democrats reneged on the enforcement and border security part of the deal

ok dummy. go cry some more ok?
The clueless are on the far right. Trump supports the Iran deal, he supports national health care, he will not have the power to throw out the immigrants; he is not a small government conservative.
The clueless are on the far right. Trump supports the Iran deal, he supports national health care, he will not have the power to throw out the immigrants; he is not a small government conservative.

you're assuming the "far right", whatever that is, supports Trump

what is the "far right" anyway leftard? is it the Tea Party? i havent seen them endorse Trump.

many support Trump on the ILLEGAL immigration (say it with me leftard, illegal, i know you can!) issue because he's basically right
On FOX, George Will and Charles Krauthammer, both arch-Conservatives, came out swinging at Donald Trump, and hard:

Krauthammer on Trump We Have The Best Republican Field In 35 Years And We re Talking About This Rodeo Clown Video RealClearPolitics

(Video at the link, worth 3 minutes of your time)

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: Well, he's tapping in, but he's essentially -- he's done it in a way that the word offensive is too weak. It's an insult. An entire immigrant group. He did not make a distinct between legal and illegal immigrants. That's his entire campaign. All our problems are from Mexico, from China, from Saudi Arabia, and Japan. He will make them pay. But that elevates him to a guy actually with ideas.

These are eruptions, barstool eruptions. And the pity is this. This is the strongest field of Republican candidates in 35 years. You could pick a dozen of them at random and have the strongest cabinet America's had in our lifetime and instead all of our time is spent discussing this rodeo clown...

Trump has decided that our problem is we need essentially an economic declaration of war on Mexico. And that's where all this is headed. Tapping in, yes, but that's not -- politics has to be slightly above tapping in. It's a way to tap in and respond responsibly. He says I'll build a wall and I'll make Mexico pay. I've been supporting building a wall for ten years, but the idea you're going to make Mexico pay is simply absurd, but he likes to tap in and to play on that. That's not serious politics.

George Will was just as hard on Trump over the Immigration stuff.

Your view?

I support Trumps immigration plan. NOT, Rove, Kraut or the mainstream Pub screwups


So you want the Nazi's that Trump hires to round up the illegals and get them out of here, huh? Figures...

PS: does that include Cruz, the Canadian?
Will and Krauthammer early on didn't take Trump seriously. Now they can't admit that they were wrong.
The clueless are on the far right. Trump supports the Iran deal, he supports national health care, he will not have the power to throw out the immigrants; he is not a small government conservative.

you're assuming the "far right", whatever that is, supports Trump

what is the "far right" anyway leftard? is it the Tea Party? i havent seen them endorse Trump.

many support Trump on the ILLEGAL immigration (say it with me leftard, illegal, i know you can!) issue because he's basically right

Sarah Palin Endorses Donald Trump After He Promises To Give Her Power Relevancy
Has Trump made some kind of a deal with Fox or something? It's Trump TV! nearly 24/7 now on Fox. wtf? They can't seem to go 5 minutes without bringing him up. It's as nauseating as the coverage of everything obama for the first few years. Seriously.
On FOX, George Will and Charles Krauthammer, both arch-Conservatives, came out swinging at Donald Trump, and hard:

Krauthammer on Trump We Have The Best Republican Field In 35 Years And We re Talking About This Rodeo Clown Video RealClearPolitics

(Video at the link, worth 3 minutes of your time)

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: Well, he's tapping in, but he's essentially -- he's done it in a way that the word offensive is too weak. It's an insult. An entire immigrant group. He did not make a distinct between legal and illegal immigrants. That's his entire campaign. All our problems are from Mexico, from China, from Saudi Arabia, and Japan. He will make them pay. But that elevates him to a guy actually with ideas.

These are eruptions, barstool eruptions. And the pity is this. This is the strongest field of Republican candidates in 35 years. You could pick a dozen of them at random and have the strongest cabinet America's had in our lifetime and instead all of our time is spent discussing this rodeo clown...

Trump has decided that our problem is we need essentially an economic declaration of war on Mexico. And that's where all this is headed. Tapping in, yes, but that's not -- politics has to be slightly above tapping in. It's a way to tap in and respond responsibly. He says I'll build a wall and I'll make Mexico pay. I've been supporting building a wall for ten years, but the idea you're going to make Mexico pay is simply absurd, but he likes to tap in and to play on that. That's not serious politics.

George Will was just as hard on Trump over the Immigration stuff.

Your view?

These are the participants in the 1980 Republican Presidential primary:

  • Ronald Reagan, Former Governor of California
  • George H. W. Bush, Former CIA director (Texas)
  • John B. Anderson, Representative of Illinois
  • Howard Baker, Senate Minority Leader of Tennessee
  • Phil Crane, Representative of Illinois
  • John Connally, Former Governor of Texas
  • Bob Dole, Senator (Kansas)
  • Ben Fernandez, Former Special Ambassador to Paraguay (California)
  • Governor Harold Stassen, Former of Minnesota
  • Lowell Weicker, Senator of Connecticut
I don't think the 2016 field of candidates is anywhere close to being as talented as the 1980 field was. It was a different time, a different era and the influences today make the process a political mockery. Social media, Fox news, Rush Limbaugh and most importantly today is that the extremity of the Republican base is too influential. In 1980 the candidates would decide which issues were most important, today it's the rabid base that decides which issues the candidates will focus on. You certainly can't say that about the Democratic field, and that's why the majority of Independents will elect another Democrat to succeed President Obama. Americans will never elect a president who follows what their extreme base demands, they're going to elect a president who dictates and pursues the guidelines of their party's political platform.
You think the list of Rs in 1980 is way better than today. I think not. Just as in 1980, most of the R candidates today are big gov progressives. You must learn to ignore the lib MSM and their ridiculous propaganda.

While the R base wants the political class to abide strictly by the Constitution and limit the power of the central government, unlike progressives and Ds, I suppose in some people's 'minds' that is considered extreme today. Yet another indication of how far left the nation has fallen.
On FOX, George Will and Charles Krauthammer, both arch-Conservatives, came out swinging at Donald Trump, and hard:

Krauthammer on Trump We Have The Best Republican Field In 35 Years And We re Talking About This Rodeo Clown Video RealClearPolitics

(Video at the link, worth 3 minutes of your time)

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: Well, he's tapping in, but he's essentially -- he's done it in a way that the word offensive is too weak. It's an insult. An entire immigrant group. He did not make a distinct between legal and illegal immigrants. That's his entire campaign. All our problems are from Mexico, from China, from Saudi Arabia, and Japan. He will make them pay. But that elevates him to a guy actually with ideas.

These are eruptions, barstool eruptions. And the pity is this. This is the strongest field of Republican candidates in 35 years. You could pick a dozen of them at random and have the strongest cabinet America's had in our lifetime and instead all of our time is spent discussing this rodeo clown...

Trump has decided that our problem is we need essentially an economic declaration of war on Mexico. And that's where all this is headed. Tapping in, yes, but that's not -- politics has to be slightly above tapping in. It's a way to tap in and respond responsibly. He says I'll build a wall and I'll make Mexico pay. I've been supporting building a wall for ten years, but the idea you're going to make Mexico pay is simply absurd, but he likes to tap in and to play on that. That's not serious politics.

George Will was just as hard on Trump over the Immigration stuff.

Your view?
Statists. They're just statists. (-:
One thing 'we" (left wing pundits) aren't talking about is the bind democrats will be in if Hillary gets indicted.
On FOX, George Will and Charles Krauthammer, both arch-Conservatives, came out swinging at Donald Trump, and hard:

Krauthammer on Trump We Have The Best Republican Field In 35 Years And We re Talking About This Rodeo Clown Video RealClearPolitics

(Video at the link, worth 3 minutes of your time)

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: Well, he's tapping in, but he's essentially -- he's done it in a way that the word offensive is too weak. It's an insult. An entire immigrant group. He did not make a distinct between legal and illegal immigrants. That's his entire campaign. All our problems are from Mexico, from China, from Saudi Arabia, and Japan. He will make them pay. But that elevates him to a guy actually with ideas.

These are eruptions, barstool eruptions. And the pity is this. This is the strongest field of Republican candidates in 35 years. You could pick a dozen of them at random and have the strongest cabinet America's had in our lifetime and instead all of our time is spent discussing this rodeo clown...

Trump has decided that our problem is we need essentially an economic declaration of war on Mexico. And that's where all this is headed. Tapping in, yes, but that's not -- politics has to be slightly above tapping in. It's a way to tap in and respond responsibly. He says I'll build a wall and I'll make Mexico pay. I've been supporting building a wall for ten years, but the idea you're going to make Mexico pay is simply absurd, but he likes to tap in and to play on that. That's not serious politics.

George Will was just as hard on Trump over the Immigration stuff.

Your view?

I support Trumps immigration plan. NOT, Rove, Kraut or the mainstream Pub screwups


So you want the Nazi's that Trump hires to round up the illegals and get them out of here, huh? Figures...

PS: does that include Cruz, the Canadian?

Oh so anyone wanting illegals out of America is now a Natzi??

Funny only left wing loons like you see it that way. But then of course you could care less how many illegals are in America. More the fool you.

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