Krauthammer Calls Out Cruz and Lee

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Gold Member
Dec 2, 2012
I'M LOVIN' THIS....CRUZ IS SUCH A PHONY P.O.S. BELTWAY WHORE. Please ya'll stupid righties, nominate him for prez in 2016. PLEASE. I'm begging you. LOL!!!!

Charles Krauthammer: Where is Ted Cruz now?
Conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer continued his criticism of Sen. Ted Cruz on Thursday, asking, “Where is he now?”

“How exactly was he going to achieve abolition of Obamacare? Explain that to me. Has he ever explained it? And where is he now?” Krauthammer said on “The Laura Ingraham Show.”

Krauthammer, who has previously hit Cruz (R-Texas) on the strategy of shutdown to defund Obamacare, included Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) in his questioning and said the two went home to “have lunch.”

“I mean his sidekick, Sen. [Mike] Lee said, ‘Oh, we’re past Obamacare. We moved on.’ These are the generals who lead people into the Battle of [the] Little Bighorn and then go home and have lunch and leave the troops out there? Where are they? Where are the generals? What’s their strategy to get abolition of Obamacare?” Krauthammer said.

Krauthammer did emphasize while he is on the ideological side of repealing Obamacare, there was no strategy laid out by Cruz.

“I argued [to repeal Obamacare] in ’09 and ’10. I argued it every week in my writing, on television … all of us were in the trenches. Cruz arrives on the scene and pretends he’s just begun the fight against Obamacare,” Krauthammer said.

He continued, “I’ve been calling this the ‘kamikaze brigade’… ‘the suicide caucus.’ I’m all for charging the barricades, but you’ve got to show me how to penetrate them. … And people are saying Republicans are in retreat. They’re not in retreat, there never was a way to abolish Obamacare now,” Krauthammer said.

Ingraham also expressed her frustration.

“I’m with Cruz in spirit, I like the fact that he’s fighting, but I think we could’ve achieved real victory on the delay and the ‘no Washington’ exemption,” she said.

Ingraham cited a Washington Post story that included conservative Cruz criticism from Grover Norquist.

“I think it was very possible for us to delay the implementation of Obamacare for a year until Cruz came along and crashed and burned,” Norquist told the Post.

Read more: Charles Krauthammer: Where is Ted Cruz now? - Lucy McCalmont -

Did you somehow think he was some hard liner or something? Unlike you, he has the guts to call out people in his own party. Believe it or not, he's right. Some 21 hour speech was not going to kill the bill.

Grats Kraut.
Krauthammer is a truly smart man, but like many others locked in the Beltway for decades, he has no clue, ZERO, what real rank and file Conservatives think. He's too sucked into the GOP Romper Room tic tac toe games to understand.

The GOP is no more a friend to conservative ideals than the DNC. Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and a handful of others have upset the apple cart, and all these puke faced ***** that have been ruining our lives for the last half century are running scared. McCain and Graham are no better than Pelosi and Reid.

Did you somehow think he was some hard liner or something? Unlike you, he has the guts to call out people in his own party. Believe it or not, he's right. Some 21 hour speech was not going to kill the bill.

Grats Kraut.

Excuse me, but when this guy was deriding Obama in 2008 you guys were living and dying by his every utterance. Now that he's decided he doesn't want to be involved with the Party of Stupid, you dismiss him out of hand.

BUt more importantly you are dodging his message. He's calling Cruz a COWARD and Lee, too.
I said it before all this and I will say it again, Cruz will be old history in 2016. A forgotten name. He's a flash in the pan of the Party of No.

Did you somehow think he was some hard liner or something? Unlike you, he has the guts to call out people in his own party. Believe it or not, he's right. Some 21 hour speech was not going to kill the bill.

Grats Kraut.

Excuse me, but when this guy was deriding Obama in 2008 you guys were living and dying by his every utterance. Now that he's decided he doesn't want to be involved with the Party of Stupid, you dismiss him out of hand.

BUt more importantly you are dodging his message. He's calling Cruz a COWARD and Lee, too.

I had no clue who Charles Krauthammer was in 2008. If you were reading carefully, I was complimenting him. Turn stupid mode off for once.
Krauthammer has been known to be wrong at times, this is just one of those times. :up:

So pick up where he is wrong and answer his question: Where the fuck is the straw dog? Where's Billy Sunday when his people lined up at the gates and went to war for him. Answer the question. You can't or you would have.
Krauthammer has been known to be wrong at times, this is just one of those times. :up:

Krauthammer always does the popular thing. He's a freaking panderer.

He's worse than any politician.

Yeah, and Obama?

Krauthammer has been consistent in his criticism of the shutdown. He was steadfastly opposed to it from the beginning.

I know it's hard for dimocraps to understand it, but it's called "integrity".

Get some.

Did you somehow think he was some hard liner or something? Unlike you, he has the guts to call out people in his own party. Believe it or not, he's right. Some 21 hour speech was not going to kill the bill.

Grats Kraut.

Excuse me, but when this guy was deriding Obama in 2008 you guys were living and dying by his every utterance. Now that he's decided he doesn't want to be involved with the Party of Stupid, you dismiss him out of hand.

BUt more importantly you are dodging his message. He's calling Cruz a COWARD and Lee, too.

Your interpretation of the situation is as usual, self serving and completely false.
The Krauthammers speak for the GOP and its thinking, not the Pennywises who have no idea of what America is truly about.
SO what?

are we suppose to care?

well, I tired but nope not happening

funny the NEW HEROES of the left though, Koch brothers now Krauthammer

you can't accuse them of having any standards or integrity, that's for sure
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Krauthammer has been consistent in his criticism of the shutdown. He was steadfastly opposed to it from the beginning.

I wish the far right reactionaries had the integrity as a group to admit it instead of calling him a RINO.

Did you somehow think he was some hard liner or something? Unlike you, he has the guts to call out people in his own party. Believe it or not, he's right. Some 21 hour speech was not going to kill the bill.

Grats Kraut.

Excuse me, but when this guy was deriding Obama in 2008 you guys were living and dying by his every utterance. Now that he's decided he doesn't want to be involved with the Party of Stupid, you dismiss him out of hand.

BUt more importantly you are dodging his message. He's calling Cruz a COWARD and Lee, too.

I had no clue who Charles Krauthammer was in 2008. If you were reading carefully, I was complimenting him. Turn stupid mode off for once.

You said it all in your first line. Krauthammer was summarily against anything remotely unrelated to Bush and McCain. He's always been a fucking Fox puppet, Roger Aile's bitch, but you said you didn't know who he was in 2008 so I guess you weren't paying attention then, either.
So enough about Krauthammer himself, who on the right wants to answer his question???

Tsk, tsk, tsk, Krauthammer is indeed entitled to his opinion. Sometimes I agree with him, sometimes I don't. What a novel idea, disagreement with common goals. I wonder does Krauthammer have a plan?? I'd be curious to hear it.

I will say Cruz should have a grander plan, who's to say he doesn't??
Krauthammer always does the popular thing. He's a freaking panderer.

He's worse than any politician.

Yeah, and Obama?

Krauthammer has been consistent in his criticism of the shutdown. He was steadfastly opposed to it from the beginning.

I know it's hard for dimocraps to understand it, but it's called "integrity".

Get some.

You can't answer Kraut's question either. You are as clueless as they come.
Cruz was hoarding the ink and the airtime before it all went bad. Now he's nowhere to be seen.
Tsk, tsk, tsk, Krauthammer is indeed entitled to his opinion. Sometimes I agree with him, sometimes I don't. What a novel idea, disagreement with common goals. I wonder does Krauthammer have a plan?? I'd be curious to hear it.

I will say Cruz should have a grander plan, who's to say he doesn't??

Yes, here's a novel concept:

You can like a guy and still disagree with him. Krauthammer is by no means perfect.
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