Krauthammer Calls Out Cruz and Lee

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Tsk, tsk, tsk, Krauthammer is indeed entitled to his opinion. Sometimes I agree with him, sometimes I don't. What a novel idea, disagreement with common goals. I wonder does Krauthammer have a plan?? I'd be curious to hear it.

I will say Cruz should have a grander plan, who's to say he doesn't??

Krauthammer is a columnist, not running for office. Sorry I have to explain things like this on this board.

If Cruz had a new plan he would be out there with it. Mike Lee is hiding too. Probably behind Jim Demint's skirt.
this is some him at his BEST

[ame=]Krauthammer: If terrorists shut down coal power industry it's an act of war. Obama does it by fiat. - YouTube[/ame]

Charles Krauthammer: 'President Zero' good name for Obama.

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Tsk, tsk, tsk, Krauthammer is indeed entitled to his opinion. Sometimes I agree with him, sometimes I don't. What a novel idea, disagreement with common goals. I wonder does Krauthammer have a plan?? I'd be curious to hear it.

I will say Cruz should have a grander plan, who's to say he doesn't??

The only plan Cruz needs to have is to show the American People that "We tried".

Had we done nothing, when obamacare flops, not if -- When..... People would have said, "Well, where was the Republican Party? You were saying for years that obamacare was an abortion but what did you do about it?"

Now we can say, "We tried to stop it and got beat up for it. Where were YOU during the fight?"

That's all that matters here. EVERYBODY knew from the beginning that there was no chance of stopping obamacare. None.

But now we can say, "We tried"

Here's O'Reilly's Talking Points from lst night (I think, I missed it)

Worth watching.

And to you dimocraps? Take a look. It might do you some good to see honesty in Journalism for a change

Some good news for the country? | Fox News Video

And I disagree with O'Reilly about 40% of the time.
Krauthammer has been consistent in his criticism of the shutdown. He was steadfastly opposed to it from the beginning.

I wish the far right reactionaries had the integrity as a group to admit it instead of calling him a RINO.

Kraut was for Obama Care before he was against it. Kraut has never hidden the fact that he's a rino. Kraut is one of those compassionate conservatives, always has been. He doesn't want to abolish Obama Care, he wants to fix it. He's a member of the socialist wing of the republican caucus. He has no love for the tea party push, nor Obama. His love is for MASSIVE GOVERNMENT. This attack by establishment re-pubs is them taking a shot at burying the tea party movement in the republican party. They want to make sure that when they get the WH back it's with an establishment owned republican.
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Krauthammer has been consistent in his criticism of the shutdown. He was steadfastly opposed to it from the beginning.

I wish the far right reactionaries had the integrity as a group to admit it instead of calling him a RINO.

Kraut was for Obama Care before he was against it. Kraut has never hidden the fact that he's a rino. Kraut is one of those compassionate conservatives, always has been. He doesn't want to abolish Obama Care, he wants to fix it. He's a member of the socialist wing of the republican caucus.

I am for a Compulsory participation in Health Insurance for every person in this Country.

I'm sick and tired of Billy Bob refusing to buy Health Insurance because it might interfere with his plans to buy loud pipes or a window-shaking stereo for his raggedy-assed Camaro.

Then, when he wraps the piece of shit around a telephone pole and gets carried to the Hospital, $250,000 of Hospital and Doctor bills get cost-shifted onto the rest of the people who DO buy Health Insurance.

I am hardly a RINO.


Like I told people in here from the beginning and like I've told everybody from the beginning...

obamacare is a good idea, it's just that it was created by dimocraps.

And dimocraps are the stupidest motherfuckers on Earth.

Just look at the abortion it's become.

It's called reality.

Did you somehow think he was some hard liner or something? Unlike you, he has the guts to call out people in his own party. Believe it or not, he's right. Some 21 hour speech was not going to kill the bill.

Grats Kraut.

Excuse me, but when this guy was deriding Obama in 2008 you guys were living and dying by his every utterance. Now that he's decided he doesn't want to be involved with the Party of Stupid, you dismiss him out of hand.

BUt more importantly you are dodging his message. He's calling Cruz a COWARD and Lee, too.

Your interpretation of the situation is as usual, self serving and completely false.

Wow, I am completely bowled over by your counter-argument. ...I am humbled by your knowledge and wisdom.
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