Krazy Kamala Harris compares ICE officers to the KKK. she really wants to be president. good luck!



So how many do you want to adopt and pay for out of your own pocket?

Here's the reality, while philosophically I agree with what you're saying, if we start harboring all of these kids and giving sanctuary to all the adults making their way here in these caravans, when does it end? If they know they are home free when they get here and we'll give them food, housing, and education all paid for courtesy of the American taxpayers then you can expect wave after wave after wave of migrants coming here for the same thing.

We cannot import the entire Third World. There have to be limits and standards.
Well, consider this. Lets say, yay, ICE was successful, they got rid of all of the illegals.

But now we have tens of thousands of them sitting around back at base camp with nothing to do.

Now what? Do we think theyre just gonna end ICE? Probably not, weve spent hundreds of billions on it infrastructurally, plus, you know, that's their job now, they have mortgages and bills to pay, the yneed their jobs.

Seems to me they'd be looking for something to do. Not only that, I'm sure our overlords would be wanting to find something for them to do in order to justify the spending. What's next, then? Door to door searches?
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When I saw the thread, I suspected that basquebromance was making things up. So I saw the clip via his Twitter link.
And the only one who mentioned a parallel between the KKK and ICE was the right wing fellow being interviewed by Kamala. (Kamala didn't mention the KKK or compared ICE to anyone).

It was confirmed that basquebromance spread fake news on USMB.
When I saw the thread, I suspected that basquebromance was making things up. So I saw the clip via his Twitter link.
And the only one who mentioned a parallel between the KKK and ICE was the right wing fellow being interviewed by Kamala. (Kamala didn't mention the KKK or compared ICE to anyone).
And her question was whether ICE is being used in a way to intimidate people of Hispanic descent who are legally here.
The question is "which KKK?"

Is it the KKK of David Duke, which was "bad," or the KKK of Dem Robert Byrd, which must have been "good" since the Dems love Byrd....

Harris was questioning ICE nominee Ronald Vitiello about comments he made in 2015 comparing the Democratic Party to the KKK.

Kamala Harris Compares ICE to the KKK

Two stupid comments doesn’t make a smart one
Her comment wasn't stupid. The ICE nominee made the comparison. She asked him if ICE was used to intimidate people legally in the US
Faced with a fake thread headline, bendog lowers the bar from "KKK" to "Stupid".
The question is "which KKK?"

Is it the KKK of David Duke, which was "bad," or the KKK of Dem Robert Byrd, which must have been "good" since the Dems love Byrd....

Neither, because Kamala made no comparisons. Watch the clip.
Harris was questioning ICE nominee Ronald Vitiello about comments he made in 2015 comparing the Democratic Party to the KKK.

Kamala Harris Compares ICE to the KKK

Two stupid comments doesn’t make a smart one
Her comment wasn't stupid. The ICE nominee made the comparison. She asked him if ICE was used to intimidate people legally in the US
Faced with a fake thread headline, bendog lowers the bar from "KKK" to "Stupid".
I just think that its an important question whether the actions of ICE have intimidated people lawfully in the US. And I suspect the answer is yes.

But I'm not saying I would oppose a law that would require something like the IRS verifying ever new hire paying payroll taxes has legal status. And I don't necessarily oppose voter ID. I oppose any voter ID that makes it more difficult to vote that to cash a payroll check or get a library card or check to see if you're Soc Sec check was correctly direct deposited.

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