Krazy Kamala Harris' new "Rent Relief Act" provides new tax credits to help people pay for housing

Cory Booker's in on this too. what do you think?

Kamala Harris revives tax credit push to help people pay for housing costs

housing costs are crushing the middle class. Over 11 million Americans are spending more than half of their income on housing. That is outrageous.

no one should have to choose between paying the rent or feeding their family.
/---/ Watch rents skyrocket as landlords glob onto easy Gubmint money.
Govt fucks up everything.
if socialism doesn't work explain to me how Crazy Bernie became a millionaire being a socialist. HMMMM?
Seems like a good thing to do.

Not to me. Taxation is not meant to be a tool for social engineering. We grant government the power to tax us so it can finance its legitimate activities. Not so it can use taxes as a carrot/stick to push people around.
Seems like a good thing to do.
/----/ "Seems like a good thing to do."
Maybe people need to settle for what they can afford, or look harder. My parents housed, clothed, and fed a family of ten on a single income. OK, that was long ago. But my daughter has managed to nicely house, clothe, and feed a family of four on a single income. How? By being selective and judicious and not insisting on living beyond their means.
This is crazy nonsense. Tax credits do not mean anything to those who pay no taxes. The outcome will end up being an outright grant. Then you will see what happened to low interest student loans happen to housing. The cost will skyrocket . Rent will go beyond the ability of working people to afford.

Camel toe Harris must be hitting the crack heavier than usual.

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