Kremlin Evil Dwarf Plays Numerology

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017
On January 25, in the building of the Moscow City Court, the verdict was read out to the former Minister of Defense of the Donetsk People's Republic Igor Strelkov (Girkin).

For discrediting the Russian army, he was sentenced to 4 years in prison.

Strelkov (Girkin) is a Russian nationalist and Putin’s harshest critic. He was arrested by Russian secret police in August 2023 and placed in a cell in which the temperature was unbearably high.

Only after the intervention of certain persons was he transferred to a “normal” ventilated cell.

And this is where the fun begins.

January 25 is the date when Strelkov created the anti-Putin organization “All-Russian National Movement”, also known as "the January 25 Committee".

The verdict was read out at 14:00 (military time) - 2014 is the year when Strelkov and a group of special forces landed in the Donbass and began an armed struggle against the Kyiv regime.

If we continue this conspiracy logic, then the time 14-00 indicates the 2014-th year, that is, the verdict is also addressed to all supporters of the Russian Spring in Donbass, who began to talk about the creation of a non-capitalist social state.

The verdict was read out in the hall under the number 404 - “Country 404” - the name of Ukraine known in the Russian patriotic environment. That is, it turns out that Strelkov was metaphorically condemned as if in Ukraine.

By order of Putin, all field commanders in the Donbass who declared their desire to build a social, non-capitalist state in the Donbass were liquidated.

Igor Strelkov (Girkin) is alive only because he, the bearer of military state secrets, managed to place in reliable places all the information about who from the top Kremlin leadership DIRECTLY authorized a special military operation in the Donbass in 2014.

Putin and his inner circle were warned that if some “accident” happened to Strelkov, this information would automatically be made public and Putin would definitely not be able to avoid a guilty verdict from the international court in The Hague.

As you know, people of abnormally short stature are very vindictive and insidious.

Putin and his entourage are preparing public opinion to declare him... a monarch.

If we take into account that Putin is not autochthonous by origin, this might look funny if it weren’t sad.

However, there are numerous statements by scientists that, starting with “Grand Duke (knjaz) Vladimir,” many Russian sovereigns were not just foreigners, but were of crypto-Jewish origin.

The order to convict Strelkov came personally from Putin.
Putin is fucked up

And in other news
Perhaps in Ukraine such offensive language is accepted in communication, but in America it is not. I hope that the respected moderator will issue a warning to the author of this comment.
Perhaps in Ukraine such offensive language is accepted in communication, but in America it is not. I hope that the respected moderator will issue a warning to the author of this comment.
I must not be him. I think Putin is fucked up also.
Interesting thread though, not sure whether it belongs in European Forum, or conspiracy theory, and lacking any links. but like any good conspiracy theory or propaganda, it has a ring of believability.

Since I am now on the thread, for right or wrong, will defer to other mods, or even call them in, if the thread is reported.

Until then, it is an appealing OP post, true or not.
I must not be him. I think Putin is fucked up also.
Interesting thread though, not sure whether it belongs in European Forum, or conspiracy theory, and lacking any links. but like any good conspiracy theory or propaganda, it has a ring of believability.

Since I am now on the thread, for right or wrong, will defer to other mods, or even call them in, if the thread is reported.

Until then, it is an appealing OP post, true or not.
Such a tone does not honor you, and not only because this is the language of the New York gateway, but also because the statement itself is ABSENT. This dirty expression has so many connotations that I consider its use at the political Forum unacceptable.

As for the SOURCES, this was reported yesterday by ALL world publications and ALL American mass media, which I present below. I am in constant contact with Igor Strelkov’s wife, Miroslava, and therefore I receive first-hand information.

Such a tone does not honor you, and not only because this is the language of the New York gateway, but also because the statement itself is ABSENT. This dirty expression has so many connotations that I consider its use at the political Forum unacceptable.

As for the SOURCES, this was reported yesterday by ALL world publications and ALL American mass media, which I present below. I am in constant contact with Igor Strelkov’s wife, Miroslava, and therefore receive first-hand information. As for foul language, I insist that such dirty language is unworthy of an American citizen and is unacceptable at the Forum.

No seriously. Fuck Putin and anyone who looks like him
I fucking doubt it douchebag

Fuck Putin
If the language of social waste gives you pleasure, then this is a problem of your upbringing and intellectual level.
Foul language is the impotence of thought
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Such a tone does not honor you, and not only because this is the language of the New York gateway, but also because the statement itself is ABSENT. This dirty expression has so many connotations that I consider its use at the political Forum unacceptable.

As for the SOURCES, this was reported yesterday by ALL world publications and ALL American mass media, which I present below. I am in constant contact with Igor Strelkov’s wife, Miroslava, and therefore I receive first-hand information.

Such a tone does not honor you, and not only because this is the language of the New York gateway, but also because the statement itself is ABSENT. This dirty expression has so many connotations that I consider its use at the political Forum unacceptable.

As for the SOURCES, this was reported yesterday by ALL world publications and ALL American mass media, which I present below. I am in constant contact with Igor Strelkov’s wife, Miroslava, and therefore receive first-hand information. As for foul language, I insist that such dirty language is unworthy of an American citizen and is unacceptable at the Forum.

Consider what you like, but I was enlisted for years before OCS, and it shows, as I am kind of on the course side. You'll get used to it, or you won't. Accept it or don't, no difference to me. I am not running for office or applying for jobs.

Hmmmm. On the cnn link about Girkin. He and Putin deserve each other, and I care not what happens to him or with him, as I support Ukraine, not Russia.

Same on the Routers, and Politico. eu.

I liked the Newsweek article, as it gave more background on Girkin, a true scum, who should have already been sentenced to death for his crimes.

Feeling nothing but disdain for Putin or Girkin, if they were both killed tomorrow, it would be a highlight of my life to dance and piss on their graves.

You do not strike me favorably for the company you keep in pin pals. May her husband rot in prison and then in hell. Sooner or later Vlad with join him.
Consider what you like, but I was enlisted for years before OCS, and it shows, as I am kind of on the course side. You'll get used to it, or you won't. Accept it or don't, no difference to me. I am not running for office or applying for jobs.

Hmmmm. On the cnn link about Girkin. He and Putin deserve each other, and I care not what happens to him or with him, as I support Ukraine, not Russia.

Same on the Routers, and Politico. eu.

I liked the Newsweek article, as it gave more background on Girkin, a true scum, who should have already been sentenced to death for his crimes.

Feeling nothing but disdain for Putin or Girkin, if they were both killed tomorrow, it would be a highlight of my life to dance and piss on their graves.

You do not strike me favorably for the company you keep in pin pals. May her husband rot in prison and then in hell. Sooner or later Vlad with join him.
Do you want this military officer to rot in prison, like hundreds of thousands of POW prisoners in the camps of the North and South during the Civil War?

Or like the hundred million native Americans who were destroyed in one way or another by European settlers?

Interesting statement about Putin. I didn’t think that Jews treat each other like this...
Do you want this military officer to rot in prison, like hundreds of thousands of POW prisoners in the camps of the North and South during the Civil War?

Or like the hundred million native Americans who were destroyed in one way or another by European settlers?

Interesting statement about Putin. I didn’t think that Jews treat each other like this...
It would not bother me a bit if he rotted in prison.

What were you thinking, the enemy of my enemy is my friend? No. It is a little more complex than that.

I don't know that many Russians and frankly never wanted to. The only Russians I have ever spent time with were all with or connected to the Russian government. One was a diplomat's daughter, stunningly beautiful and smart as a whip, but I knew instantly not one to be trusted. Another was a Russian traitor, I was supposed to talk to, but after reading his file, I was certain poor Yuri was just a damned spy, or a coward or both and anybody's coward/traitors turned my stomach. I refused and got counseled for it. I was young and idealistic back then, but my own man, as I still am. The other two were much later in my career, a 4 star General over armored forces, and the political officer from the embassy traveling with him. The General, I gained a grudging respect for, within half an hour. We saw eye to eye, as military professionals from different sides. The embassy guy (undoubtedly FSB) I wanted to kick his as within 15 minutes, but I was there to facilitate, coordinate and liaise, not cause an international incident, and he was definitely no diplomat, nor a military professional.

I am a long retired cold warrior and due to experience, think very poorly of Russian government and military personnel in general. You are friends with the wife of convicted international murderer and terrorist.

Like the FSB guy, you and I aren't going to find much common ground. I am not on assignment here.
Such a tone does not honor you, and not only because this is the language of the New York gateway, but also because the statement itself is ABSENT. This dirty expression has so many connotations that I consider its use at the political Forum unacceptable.

As for the SOURCES, this was reported yesterday by ALL world publications and ALL American mass media, which I present below. I am in constant contact with Igor Strelkov’s wife, Miroslava, and therefore I receive first-hand information.

Such a tone does not honor you, and not only because this is the language of the New York gateway, but also because the statement itself is ABSENT. This dirty expression has so many connotations that I consider its use at the political Forum unacceptable.

As for the SOURCES, this was reported yesterday by ALL world publications and ALL American mass media, which I present below. I am in constant contact with Igor Strelkov’s wife, Miroslava, and therefore receive first-hand information. As for foul language, I insist that such dirty language is unworthy of an American citizen and is unacceptable at the Forum.

I wonder where all the Trump lickspittles are who constantly whine about "free speech" yet look away when Trump's man-crush sends people to prison and has them thrown out of windows for speaking out against him.
If the language of social waste gives you pleasure, then this is a problem of your upbringing and intellectual level.
Foul language is the impotence of thought
Dude, all the people saying "Fuck Putin" are on your side.

Fuck Putin. Up the ass.
It would not bother me a bit if he rotted in prison.

What were you thinking, the enemy of my enemy is my friend? No. It is a little more complex than that.

I don't know that many Russians and frankly never wanted to. The only Russians I have ever spent time with were all with or connected to the Russian government. One was a diplomat's daughter, stunningly beautiful and smart as a whip, but I knew instantly not one to be trusted. Another was a Russian traitor, I was supposed to talk to, but after reading his file, I was certain poor Yuri was just a damned spy, or a coward or both and anybody's coward/traitors turned my stomach. I refused and got counseled for it. I was young and idealistic back then, but my own man, as I still am. The other two were much later in my career, a 4 star General over armored forces, and the political officer from the embassy traveling with him. The General, I gained a grudging respect for, within half an hour. We saw eye to eye, as military professionals from different sides. The embassy guy (undoubtedly FSB) I wanted to kick his as within 15 minutes, but I was there to facilitate, coordinate and liaise, not cause an international incident, and he was definitely no diplomat, nor a military professional.

I am a long retired cold warrior and due to experience, think very poorly of Russian government and military personnel in general. You are friends with the wife of convicted international murderer and terrorist.

Like the FSB guy, you and I aren't going to find much common ground. I am not on assignment here.
For you he is an enemy, for me he is a hero of the Russian Spring, who brought liberation to my fellow countrymen from Donbass from the Nazi pseudo-Ukrainian, but, in fact, Kyiv cryptoneozionist regime.

I'm sure, we have much more in common than you think. As for the scoundrels, they are in Kyiv, and in Moscow, and in other capitals of the world. And it is THEY who provoke peoples into wars and conflicts.

I think our correspondence is partly "friendly fire" due to prejudice and misinformation. I also have a very specific military background.

As for Igor Strelkov’s wife and my attitude towards Strelkov himself, I know the Bible well. And it teaches that “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” (Luke 23; John 18-19) ...

I am a political science scientist and journalist, and I have to communicate with different people in order to remain competent and independent of partisan opinions.
For you he is an enemy, for me he is a hero of the Russian Spring, who brought liberation to my fellow countrymen from Donbass from the Nazi pseudo-Ukrainian, but, in fact, Kyiv cryptoneozionist regime.

I'm sure, we have much more in common than you think. As for the scoundrels, they are in Kyiv, and in Moscow, and in other capitals of the world. And it is THEY who provoke peoples into wars and conflicts.

I think our correspondence is partly "friendly fire" due to prejudice and misinformation. I also have a very specific military background.

As for Igor Strelkov’s wife and my attitude towards Strelkov himself, I know the Bible well. And it teaches that “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” (Luke 23; John 18-19) ...

I am a political science scientist and journalist, and I have to communicate with different people in order to remain competent and independent of partisan opinions.
I am not a political scientist or journalist. I figure you for a propaganda troll.
Perhaps in Ukraine such offensive language is accepted in communication, but in America it is not. I hope that the respected moderator will issue a warning to the author of this comment.

These are mainly elderly not bright and poorly educated Americans .
They have no inkling of Russian good manners and correct behaviour .
Ignore . Just naughty little boys up to their naughty tricks
These are mainly elderly not bright and poorly educated Americans .
They have no inkling of Russian good manners and correct behaviour .

Ignore . Just naughty little boys up to their naughty tricks
Alas, most Americans are indoctrinated or for some other reason do not know how to argue. It’s much easier to attach a label to them in one word. Thank you.

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