Kristi Noem scores again! No more CRT in South Dakota colleges

Banks are businesses, they do "risk analyses" to be sure that the money they lend will be repaid. Their algorithms don't just look at race, they look at credit history, wages, and tons of other data before deciding on who qualifies for a loan or mortgage.

CRT is "racism", teaching it needs to be stopped. Or, if you really want to keep CRT, we can do that and go retro, you decide which you prefer.
CRT is only taught in attorney's school, they need to know about races.

Seems you have no problem teaching about slavery and the KKK.
CRT is only taught in attorney's school, they need to know about races.

Seems you have no problem teaching about slavery and the KKK.
imo the CRT tenet of the US being founded on slavery is as easily debunked as notions that whites are somehow morally superior and Jews naturally devious and "money hungry." But it's great fodder for voters who think their shit is being stolen with affirm action.
It has been explained here 1,000 times. Are you back to it's a conspiracy theory?

And 1000 times you have yet to give a definition that only a rumpster accepts because your rumpster handlers told you to. History isn't good or bad. It's history. You can't just remove the bad and keep the good and then try and explain how anyone ended up like they did. The closest thing I can come up with to explain this is the Daughters of the Confederacy along with the KKK.
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CRT is a derivative of the communist/Marxist subversion method known as "critical theory," developed by the Frankfurt school, a bunch of communist shit twinkle-toed cocksuckers trying to erode western culture to install communism.

Anymore dumbfuck, bullshit questions?

You're a bunch of fucking communists. We are going to exterminate your ilk.

And you still have not given a definition of CRT. Guess you need to burn a Cross on my front lawn to make your point.
And you still have not given a definition of CRT. Guess you need to burn a Cross on my front lawn to make your point.
What a troll.

You're incapable of using Google?

Someone even posted the Wiki link for you.

Do your homework, then get back to us.
imo the CRT tenet of the US being founded on slavery is as easily debunked as notions that whites are somehow morally superior and Jews naturally devious and "money hungry." But it's great fodder for voters who think their shit is being stolen with affirm action.
Affrimative action is blatant discrimination based upon race. So yea, it is in fact stealing.
Affrimative action is blatant discrimination based upon race. So yea, it is in fact stealing.
That's a different topic though.

How to say it - reparation is different from revenge.
Keep your eye on this woman.

Kristi Noem was the first governor to outlaw transgender sports in her state.

Now she just signed a bill prohibiting the teaching of CRT and any other racist ideology in South Dakota colleges.

Her state stayed open during Covid, too. And prospered because of it

She's presidential material, even though she needs more foreign policy experience. Her domestic policy is great, though. I predict an exploratory committee for the 2024 race
Why is this government censorship in higher ed good? Are so afraid of people learning to think for themselves you have to censor free speech?
..attempting to stifle the critical thinking skills of her young adult residents to further her political agenda.

Boy, the songs Glen Miller played..
You sure said it.

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