Kristi Noem slams Covid shutdowns, defends South Dakota's record at CPAC

DeSantis/Noem 2024.
Good Lord.

Please do that LOL

Much more sane than the current Biden/Harris administration, but it won’t matter. Democrats are going to fix the election with HR1 so they will never lose. Who saw that coming?

One thing about the China Joe/The Ho administration. It has an excellent chance of being even worse than the Obama/China Joe administration.

That is the real reason the worthless Negro endorsed that idiot China Joe. He knew there was an excellent chance of not being considered the worst President of all time.
Gee, what ever happened to all of those accusers once Trump was elected?
They are still out there, still having been sexually violated by Trump.

While there is much focus on the Supreme Court’s order for Donald Trump to release his tax returns to New York prosecutors, his post-presidential legal troubles are by no means limited to his finances.
He also faces the defamation case brought against him by writer E Jean Carroll relating to her accusation that he raped her in the fitting room of a New York department store in the mid-1990s.

Ms Carroll told Reuters that she is looking forward to being there if Mr Trump is deposed in the case.
“I am living for the moment to walk into that room to sit across the table from him,” Ms Carroll said in an interview. “I think of it every day.”

The only thing causing death and economic harm is Democrap policies
So......COVID didn't kill over 500K Americans? More if not for policies recommended by medical experts. The ones many Repubs ignored leading to super-spreader events.

That was just one more political smear attack, Berg! It's what the left DOES these days! You haven't heard from those women in years because it's no longer advantageous to smear Trump with that narrative. No different from the crickets you now hear from women in Justice Kavanaugh's past now that he's no longer in the confirmation process!
"Potential 2024 presidential hopeful Gov. Kristi Noem defended South Dakota's record on the coronavirus, railing against lockdowns in a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Saturday.

In her lengthy address, Noem argued that government, not the pandemic, “crushed” the reeling U.S. economy."

I realize her kind of delusional blather scores well with the nutbars at CPAC, but the factual record matters to some of us. Though, admittedly, not those in attendance.

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — The Sturgis Rally, an annual motorcycle rally in the Black Hills, was a coronavirus spreader and study of cases in Minnesota shows, a newly released report by the Centers for Disease Control says.

Repubs seemed to have a penchant for holding super spreader events while mocking COVID safety protocols. They are apparently oblivious to the idea such events were counter productive to their stated goal of re-opening the economy. Being in touch with reality not being their bailiwick.
I'm so in love with her........Trump/Noem 2024
If Trump ends up not running I hope its her and Desantis .. Dont care in what order
The only thing causing death and economic harm is Democrap policies
So......COVID didn't kill over 500K Americans? More if not for policies recommended by medical experts. The ones many Repubs ignored leading to super-spreader events.

Only an idiot believes that Covid killed 500K Americans, Berg! 500K Americans died with Covid...but a huge portion of those people died of something else entirely and are listed as a Covid death.
Only an idiot believes that Covid killed 500K Americans, Berg! 500K Americans died with Covid...but a huge portion of those people died of something else entirely and are listed as a Covid death.
I eagerly await your proof.
Anyone who believes that the intended purpose of any of the blatantly-illegal and unconstitutional #CoronaHoax2020 shutdowns and restrictions was to protect us from a hyperbolized flu bug is an ignorant, gullible, mindless sheep.
I get the sense you are too far gone down the rabbit hole of right wing bullshit for any chance you'll be tethered to reality again. Good luck.
Only an idiot believes that Covid killed 500K Americans, Berg! 500K Americans died with Covid...but a huge portion of those people died of something else entirely and are listed as a Covid death.
I eagerly await your proof.
it's simple, the daily number of deaths since 2017 has been 8,000, that count has not increased. So your numbers are bullshit.
Only an idiot believes that Covid killed 500K Americans, Berg! 500K Americans died with Covid...but a huge portion of those people died of something else entirely and are listed as a Covid death.
And you "know" this because what...Q told you?
DeSantis/Noem 2024.
Good Lord.

Please do that LOL

Much more sane than the current Biden/Harris administration, but it won’t matter. Democrats are going to fix the election with HR1 so they will never lose. Who saw that coming?

One thing about the China Joe/The Ho administration. It has an excellent chance of being even worse than the Obama/China Joe administration.

That is the real reason the worthless Negro endorsed that idiot China Joe. He knew there was an excellent chance of not being considered the worst President of all time.
You folks are hopelessly brainwashed.

I get the sense you are too far gone down the rabbit hole of right wing bullshit for any chance you'll be tethered to reality again. Good luck.

That from an ignorant fool who has fallen so completely for the #CoronaHoax2020, that he begs government to destroy his freedoms and his prosperity to protect him from a flu bug.

it's simple, the daily number of deaths since 2017 has been 8,000, that count has not increased. So your numbers are bullshit.
What's simple is you are a simple minded rube. Folks like you are responsible for Trump which makes you indirectly responsible for the unnecessary deaths of thousands of Americans as well as massive economic damage to the country. How proud you must be.

You can be against COVID protocols if you are a reckless hack. You just can't complain when your recklessness causes death and economic harm..............and then blame it on someone promoting policies that prevent death and lead to an safer economic recovery.
prove someone killed someone? dude, you sound like a parrot, poly need a cracker?
it's simple, the daily number of deaths since 2017 has been 8,000, that count has not increased. So your numbers are bullshit.

Fucking idiot
so you agree the supposed covid numbers are bullshit. thanks

The CDC thinks using the word Probable is fact.
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