Kristi Noem slams Covid shutdowns, defends South Dakota's record at CPAC

But you didn't quote me.

I quoted your exact words which you have yet to acknowledge you even wrote.

Maybe you didn’t write them?
But you didn't quote me.

I quoted your exact words which you have yet to acknowledge you even wrote.

Maybe you didn’t write them?

Here's your own post, proving you are lying scum:

What how deftly I prove you to be lying low life scum:

"Did I say that, or are you simply trying to wipe the egg off your kisser?

Don't's an improvement.
You did and I quoted you saying it.

Since you are so fond of copying and pasting your responses, I’m guessing you don’t really read them. I’ll quote it again in case you decide to look at this again.

PoliticalChic said:
The 'rich' are Democrats.
The rich are Democrats therefore they aren’t Republicans. "

But you didn't quote me. You simply posted an interpretation of what I said, and lied about me saying it.
"therefore" was your word, as is everything after that words.

Too bad you haven't read Dante....he reserved a place for you in the 8th circle.

8th Circle: FraudPanderers and seducers, flatterers, sorcerers and false prophets, liars, thieves, and Ulysses and Diomedes.

For liars, excusing their own dishonesty involved a certain sorts of contortions.....they may chalk it up to disrespect for the target of the lie, or imagine that the lie is well intentioned, as support for a larger good.

"But in this benevolent self-evaluation by the liar, of the lies he might tell, certain kinds of disadvantage and harm are almost always overlooked. Liars usually weigh only the immediate harm to others from the lie against the benefits they want to achieve. The flaw in such an outlook is that it ignores or underestimates two additional kinds of harm- the harm that lying does to the liars themselves and the harm done to the general level of trust and social cooperation. Both are cumulative; both are hard to reverse.: p. 24

"These risks are increased by the fact that so few lies are solitary ones. It is easy, a wit observed, to tell a lie, but hard to tell only one. The first lie "must be thatched with another or it will rain through." More and more lies may come to be needed; the liar always has more mending to do. And the strains on him become greater each time- many have noted that it takes an excellent memory to keep one's untruths in good repair and disentangles. The sheer energy the liar has to devote to shoring them up is energy that honest people can dispose of freely."

Lying: Moral Choice in Public and Private Life
By Sissela Bokp. 25

Gads, you're nauseating.
But you didn't quote me.

I quoted your exact words which you have yet to acknowledge you even wrote.

Maybe you didn’t write them?
But you didn't quote me.

I quoted your exact words which you have yet to acknowledge you even wrote.

Maybe you didn’t write them?

Here's your own post, proving you are lying scum:

What how deftly I prove you to be lying low life scum:

"Did I say that, or are you simply trying to wipe the egg off your kisser?

Don't's an improvement.
You did and I quoted you saying it.

Since you are so fond of copying and pasting your responses, I’m guessing you don’t really read them. I’ll quote it again in case you decide to look at this again.

PoliticalChic said:
The 'rich' are Democrats.
The rich are Democrats therefore they aren’t Republicans. "

But you didn't quote me. You simply posted an interpretation of what I said, and lied about me saying it.
"therefore" was your word, as is everything after that words.

Too bad you haven't read Dante....he reserved a place for you in the 8th circle.

8th Circle: FraudPanderers and seducers, flatterers, sorcerers and false prophets, liars, thieves, and Ulysses and Diomedes.

For liars, excusing their own dishonesty involved a certain sorts of contortions.....they may chalk it up to disrespect for the target of the lie, or imagine that the lie is well intentioned, as support for a larger good.

"But in this benevolent self-evaluation by the liar, of the lies he might tell, certain kinds of disadvantage and harm are almost always overlooked. Liars usually weigh only the immediate harm to others from the lie against the benefits they want to achieve. The flaw in such an outlook is that it ignores or underestimates two additional kinds of harm- the harm that lying does to the liars themselves and the harm done to the general level of trust and social cooperation. Both are cumulative; both are hard to reverse.: p. 24

"These risks are increased by the fact that so few lies are solitary ones. It is easy, a wit observed, to tell a lie, but hard to tell only one. The first lie "must be thatched with another or it will rain through." More and more lies may come to be needed; the liar always has more mending to do. And the strains on him become greater each time- many have noted that it takes an excellent memory to keep one's untruths in good repair and disentangles. The sheer energy the liar has to devote to shoring them up is energy that honest people can dispose of freely."

Lying: Moral Choice in Public and Private Life
By Sissela Bokp. 25

Gads, you're nauseating.
I quoted your exact words. You should have chosen them better if you disagree with your own post.
So CDC tracing of Covid strains shows that the strain originating in Europe which infected most of the people in the New York City area also was responsible for infecting most of the US...but you don't see the connection between the lockdowns by Cuomo causing wealthy New Yorkers to ride out the pandemic in other locations that WEREN'T locked down as tightly and the subsequent spread of the virus to other parts of the country?
Let me get this straight. You're blaming Cuomo for NewYorker's going to states like FL that were not following COVID protocols as tightly as they should have been? You have yet to prove most NewYorker's fled NY because of Cuomo's actions and not to get out of a densely populated area where COVID spreads more easily.
They fled NY because you couldn't DO anything in the city! Why would anyone stay in a city where you couldn't eat at a restaurant...stores were closed...gyms were closed...when you could go to places where you COULD sit down at a at stores...go to the gym...

I know people with money left New York for Florida because I met them daily! I'm a golf professional here in Florida and our courses were packed with people all summer...something that I've never seen before in the twenty years I've lived here and the majority of them were from New York, New Jersey and Michigan! They were here because life was closer to normal.

You know what? Most of the ones I talked to were in no hurry to return to the way things were. If they can work remotely most of them said they wouldn't return to northern cities and have to deal with the high taxes, high crime, nasty commutes and shitty weather!
And those idiots brought the virus BACK to NY. Thanks
No...actually the virus originated in NYC and was spread to the rest of the country when New Yorkers left to get away from Cuomo's lockdowns! The CDC can track individual strains of the virus and the majority of the country was infected with the NYC/European strain...NOT the Washington State/ China strain! So thanks, Andrew Cuomo! Not only were you the man responsible for the deaths of thousands of New Yorkers in nursing're the idiot responsible for spreading Covid all over the US!
NY managed to avoid the summer surge by proper mitigation. Florida did not. They were "Open for Business" and it rolled across the country thanks to golf and Disney etc,
I live in Florida...I don't have the faintest idea what you're talking about when you claim we had a summer surge that rolled across Florida. We tested more we had more reported cases of Covid but deaths from Covid were down substantially. New York locked down tight yet they STILL had increased levels of the virus. My point was that New Yorkers spread the virus to other areas of the country when they fled the Cuomo and De Blasio over reactions to Covid including Florida!

Golf? I can't think of another activity that was safer than playing golf! You're out're socially distanced...breezes are blowing the air around. I always felt safe on golf courses...going to the supermarket was stressful.
North Dakota has a little over 1400 total deaths.

NY had half that amount in a single day.................but leftwits want to claim Noem was worse than Benito Cuomo. :cuckoo:
Florida schools have been fully opened since last August with no problems.

Meanwhile these filthy ass Blue states with the Democrats owned by the greedy Teacher's Union have the schools either partially or fully closed.
Florida schools have been fully opened since last August with no problems.

Meanwhile these filthy ass Blue states with the Democrats owned by the greedy Teacher's Union have the schools either partially or fully closed.

In Illinois the religious and private schools have been open since August with full schedules including lunch and recess...

No is only the democrat party controlled public schools that are still closed....

You can be against COVID protocols if you are a reckless hack. You just can't complain when your recklessness causes death and economic harm..............and then blame it on someone promoting policies that prevent death and lead to an safer economic recovery.
The only thing causing death and economic harm is Democrap policies, lockdowns and rioting which spreads it like wildfire.
"Potential 2024 presidential hopeful Gov. Kristi Noem defended South Dakota's record on the coronavirus, railing against lockdowns in a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Saturday.

In her lengthy address, Noem argued that government, not the pandemic, “crushed” the reeling U.S. economy."

I realize her kind of delusional blather scores well with the nutbars at CPAC, but the factual record matters to some of us. Though, admittedly, not those in attendance.

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — The Sturgis Rally, an annual motorcycle rally in the Black Hills, was a coronavirus spreader and study of cases in Minnesota shows, a newly released report by the Centers for Disease Control says.

Repubs seemed to have a penchant for holding super spreader events while mocking COVID safety protocols. They are apparently oblivious to the idea such events were counter productive to their stated goal of re-opening the economy. Being in touch with reality not being their bailiwick.

The fact is SD has done much better than the States that imposed draconian lockdowns. So keep spewing your ignorant commie propaganda, most sane folks know better.

Nope....... I have seen 5 years of lies about Trump.
Your capacity for denial is limitless.

I was wrong. It's 26 women, not 25.
Make up your mind.
Did you imagine 26 or just 25?
How many lies was it? 30,000?
How many intelligence agencies did you believe agreed that Russia interfered with our election, 17? Or was it 3 that actually exist?
How about how many scientists agree that Global Warming exists, 2000?
How many COVID deaths were real, 500,000, or 6% of that, which is the more accurate number?
"Potential 2024 presidential hopeful Gov. Kristi Noem defended South Dakota's record on the coronavirus, railing against lockdowns in a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Saturday.

In her lengthy address, Noem argued that government, not the pandemic, “crushed” the reeling U.S. economy."

I realize her kind of delusional blather scores well with the nutbars at CPAC, but the factual record matters to some of us. Though, admittedly, not those in attendance.

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — The Sturgis Rally, an annual motorcycle rally in the Black Hills, was a coronavirus spreader and study of cases in Minnesota shows, a newly released report by the Centers for Disease Control says.

Repubs seemed to have a penchant for holding super spreader events while mocking COVID safety protocols. They are apparently oblivious to the idea such events were counter productive to their stated goal of re-opening the economy. Being in touch with reality not being their bailiwick.
She's 100% correct.
"Potential 2024 presidential hopeful Gov. Kristi Noem defended South Dakota's record on the coronavirus, railing against lockdowns in a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Saturday.

In her lengthy address, Noem argued that government, not the pandemic, “crushed” the reeling U.S. economy."

I realize her kind of delusional blather scores well with the nutbars at CPAC, but the factual record matters to some of us. Though, admittedly, not those in attendance.

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — The Sturgis Rally, an annual motorcycle rally in the Black Hills, was a coronavirus spreader and study of cases in Minnesota shows, a newly released report by the Centers for Disease Control says.

Repubs seemed to have a penchant for holding super spreader events while mocking COVID safety protocols. They are apparently oblivious to the idea such events were counter productive to their stated goal of re-opening the economy. Being in touch with reality not being their bailiwick.
Another "study" that attempted to scare people into obeying the shutdowns blindly! The facts DO matter, Berg and unfortunately for you they don't back up your contention that Noem's decision not to shut down South Dakota's economy was the wrong one...just as Andrew Cuomo's and Gavin Newsome's decision to lock down New York and California didn't keep them from having high Covid numbers while it totally destroyed their economies. The Covid relief bill that liberals in Congress are now passing is in large part designed to keep those two States from going bankrupt...bankrupt because of decisions that their Governors made...decisions that destroyed both States economies.

There is no covid relief bill, it's the palousey payoff. only 9% of the bill has anything to do with covid relief.


You can be against COVID protocols if you are a reckless hack. You just can't complain when your recklessness causes death and economic harm..............and then blame it on someone promoting policies that prevent death and lead to an safer economic recovery.
We can be against the Wuflu protocols because we can see the differing outcomes from the different approaches.

The approach you want is a flaming fucking failure...Just like everything else you moonbats cram down Murica's throat.

BTW, masks don't work for shit.
"Potential 2024 presidential hopeful Gov. Kristi Noem defended South Dakota's record on the coronavirus, railing against lockdowns in a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Saturday.

In her lengthy address, Noem argued that government, not the pandemic, “crushed” the reeling U.S. economy."

I realize her kind of delusional blather scores well with the nutbars at CPAC, but the factual record matters to some of us. Though, admittedly, not those in attendance.

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — The Sturgis Rally, an annual motorcycle rally in the Black Hills, was a coronavirus spreader and study of cases in Minnesota shows, a newly released report by the Centers for Disease Control says.

Repubs seemed to have a penchant for holding super spreader events while mocking COVID safety protocols. They are apparently oblivious to the idea such events were counter productive to their stated goal of re-opening the economy. Being in touch with reality not being their bailiwick.
Another "study" that attempted to scare people into obeying the shutdowns blindly! The facts DO matter, Berg and unfortunately for you they don't back up your contention that Noem's decision not to shut down South Dakota's economy was the wrong one...just as Andrew Cuomo's and Gavin Newsome's decision to lock down New York and California didn't keep them from having high Covid numbers while it totally destroyed their economies. The Covid relief bill that liberals in Congress are now passing is in large part designed to keep those two States from going bankrupt...bankrupt because of decisions that their Governors made...decisions that destroyed both States economies.
Her kind of common sense unnecessarily added to the 500K+ death toll. If her "common sense" had been implemented from the time of the outbreak that number would be closer to 1M. The essential fallacy she is promoting is restrictions hurt the economy when in truth if the restrictions had not been in place the economy would be worse off.

Damn son, stop drinking that wood alcohol.

"Potential 2024 presidential hopeful Gov. Kristi Noem defended South Dakota's record on the coronavirus, railing against lockdowns in a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Saturday.

In her lengthy address, Noem argued that government, not the pandemic, “crushed” the reeling U.S. economy."

I realize her kind of delusional blather scores well with the nutbars at CPAC, but the factual record matters to some of us. Though, admittedly, not those in attendance.

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — The Sturgis Rally, an annual motorcycle rally in the Black Hills, was a coronavirus spreader and study of cases in Minnesota shows, a newly released report by the Centers for Disease Control says.

Repubs seemed to have a penchant for holding super spreader events while mocking COVID safety protocols. They are apparently oblivious to the idea such events were counter productive to their stated goal of re-opening the economy. Being in touch with reality not being their bailiwick.

Noem is an alternative ignorant ****, that should be pole dancing in a biker bar for dollar bills.
North Dakota has a little over 1400 total deaths.

NY had half that amount in a single day.................but leftwits want to claim Noem was worse than Benito Cuomo. :cuckoo:
What's the population of SD stupid?

In spite having a very low population density, SD is rapidly approaching the number of deaths per capita as NY. Noem has been a disaster
North Dakota has a little over 1400 total deaths.

NY had half that amount in a single day.................but leftwits want to claim Noem was worse than Benito Cuomo. :cuckoo:
What's the population of SD stupid?

In spite having a very low population density, SD is rapidly approaching the number of deaths per capita as NY. Noem has been a disaster
"Rapidly approaching".....Yeah, right. :uhoh3:
"Potential 2024 presidential hopeful Gov. Kristi Noem defended South Dakota's record on the coronavirus, railing against lockdowns in a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Saturday.

In her lengthy address, Noem argued that government, not the pandemic, “crushed” the reeling U.S. economy."

I realize her kind of delusional blather scores well with the nutbars at CPAC, but the factual record matters to some of us. Though, admittedly, not those in attendance.

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — The Sturgis Rally, an annual motorcycle rally in the Black Hills, was a coronavirus spreader and study of cases in Minnesota shows, a newly released report by the Centers for Disease Control says.

Repubs seemed to have a penchant for holding super spreader events while mocking COVID safety protocols. They are apparently oblivious to the idea such events were counter productive to their stated goal of re-opening the economy. Being in touch with reality not being their bailiwick.

Noem is an alternative ignorant ****, that should be pole dancing in a biker bar for dollar bills.
Ah, yes...scratch an "enlightened liberal" deep enough and you'll find a woman hating bigot!

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