Kristi Noem slams Covid shutdowns, defends South Dakota's record at CPAC

it's simple, the daily number of deaths since 2017 has been 8,000, that count has not increased. So your numbers are bullshit.
What's simple is you are a simple minded rube. Folks like you are responsible for Trump which makes you indirectly responsible for the unnecessary deaths of thousands of Americans as well as massive economic damage to the country. How proud you must be.
my simple mind looks at evidence and the mere fact you have none. I do. You can't even challenge it. that's hilarious.
Repubs seemed to have a penchant for holding super spreader events while mocking COVID safety protocols. They are apparently oblivious to the idea such events were counter productive to their stated goal of re-opening the economy. Being in touch with reality not being their bailiwick.
Such suicidal pacts should be frowned upon by normal folks, of course, but the berserkers' determination to take normal folks out with them is intolerable. Childish petulance predicated upon ignorances is annoying, in any event, but forcing normal folks to share the price of that ignorance is unacceptable.

The public health interest of the United States cannot be sacrificed to willful ignorance.

Mary Mallon, also known as Typhoid Mary, who infected 53 people with typhoid fever, was the first person in the United States identified as an asymptomatic carrier of the disease. Because she persisted in working as a cook, by which she exposed others to the disease, she was twice forcibly quarantined by authorities.
it's simple, the daily number of deaths since 2017 has been 8,000, that count has not increased. So your numbers are bullshit.

Fucking idiot
that's hilarious, But you're the one who thinks a person who died in a car crash and tested positive with a virus died of the virus. Who's the idiot?
Repubs seemed to have a penchant for holding super spreader events while mocking COVID safety protocols. They are apparently oblivious to the idea such events were counter productive to their stated goal of re-opening the economy. Being in touch with reality not being their bailiwick.
Such suicidal pacts should be frowned upon by normal folks, of course, but the berserkers' determination to take normal folks out with them is intolerable. Childish petulance predicated upon ignorances is annoying, in any event, but forcing normal folks to share the price of that ignorance is unacceptable.

The public health interest of the United States cannot be sacrificed to willful ignorance.

Mary Mallon, also known as Typhoid Mary, who infected 53 people with typhoid fever, was the first person in the United States identified as an asymptomatic carrier of the disease. Because she persisted in working as a cook, by which she exposed others to the disease, she was twice forcibly quarantined by authorities.
If I don't care about the virus and wish to attend an event, and others are like minded is our issue, not yours. you wish to stay in and avoid humankind, that's you. stay in. leave me the fk alone asshole. We call folks like you germaphobes.
Such suicidal pacts should be frowned upon by normal folks, of course, but the berserkers' determination to take normal folks out with them is intolerable. Childish petulance predicated upon ignorances is annoying, in any event, but forcing normal folks to share the price of that ignorance is unacceptable.

The public health interest of the United States cannot be sacrificed to willful ignorance.

Only an idiot believes that Covid killed 500K Americans, Berg! 500K Americans died with Covid...but a huge portion of those people died of something else entirely and are listed as a Covid death.
And you "know" this because what...Q told you?
Gee, Lesh...deaths from every OTHER category are way you think people suddenly stopped dying of heart attacks, strokes and cancer? That's laughable. People were listed as "Covid deaths" because they died while having Covid but it wasn't the virus that killed them. Duh?
If I don't care about the virus and wish to attend an event is my issue, not yours. you wish to stay in and avoid humankind, that's you. stay in. leave me the fk alone asshole.

Worthless, parasitic, Gillettized cowards, who choose to hide in their mothers' basements, cowering in fear over a hyperbolized flu bug, should not receive any welfare handouts funded by taxes paid by productive citizens who go out and contribute to society.

“He who will not work, neither shall he eat.”

…and even more so…

“He who will not allow others to work, neither shall he eat.”
Only an idiot believes that Covid killed 500K Americans, Berg! 500K Americans died with Covid...but a huge portion of those people died of something else entirely and are listed as a Covid death.
And you "know" this because what...Q told you?
Gee, Lesh...deaths from every OTHER category are way you think people suddenly stopped dying of heart attacks, strokes and cancer? That's laughable. People were listed as "Covid deaths" because they died while having Covid but it wasn't the virus that killed them. Duh?
None of that makes sense. Deaths are way up. Your claim is that they died from some new influx of heart attacks and cancer?
An increase that no one is talking about?
Repubs seemed to have a penchant for holding super spreader events while mocking COVID safety protocols. They are apparently oblivious to the idea such events were counter productive to their stated goal of re-opening the economy. Being in touch with reality not being their bailiwick.
Such suicidal pacts should be frowned upon by normal folks, of course, but the berserkers' determination to take normal folks out with them is intolerable. Childish petulance predicated upon ignorances is annoying, in any event, but forcing normal folks to share the price of that ignorance is unacceptable.

The public health interest of the United States cannot be sacrificed to willful ignorance.

Mary Mallon, also known as Typhoid Mary, who infected 53 people with typhoid fever, was the first person in the United States identified as an asymptomatic carrier of the disease. Because she persisted in working as a cook, by which she exposed others to the disease, she was twice forcibly quarantined by authorities.
If I don't care about the virus and wish to attend an event, and others are like minded is our issue, not yours. you wish to stay in and avoid humankind, that's you. stay in. leave me the fk alone asshole. We call folks like you germaphobes.
WE call people who spread this killer virus like you ASSHOLES
If I don't care about the virus and wish to attend an event, and others are like minded is our issue, not yours. you wish to stay in and avoid humankind, that's you. stay in. leave me the fk alone asshole. We call folks like you germaphobes.
Some are too prissy to evidence concern for the well-being of their fellow Americans, but should not presume to mince around among them with no regard for their health.

Many view demonstrating concern for the more vulnerable as a patriotic as well as a humanitarian imperative - and one that may be only minimally inconvenient.

If the prissy boys become pissy because they don't like wearing a mask (or pants, for that matter) in public, just have the decency to stay away from the public.

Screen Shot 2021-03-01 at 8.51.25 AM.png

I won't wear a mask or pants!
I just want my goofy red hat!
South Dakota,
800,000 population
1800 covid deaths
No masks, no lockdown

Compared with my state with similar cold weather with small towns, and rural, and small big cities.... and we had mask requirements and lockdown...

1,200,000 population
800 covid deaths
Masking and lockdowns
Worthless, parasitic, Gillettized cowards, who choose to hide in their mothers' basements, cowering in fear over a hyperbolized flu bug, should not receive any welfare handouts funded by taxes paid by productive citizens who go out and contribute to society.
As long as the country is infested with miscreants like yourself who have so lost their capacity for critical thinking they can no longer discern fact from fiction the US will never reach its potential.

I do not accuse Trump of pandemicide in reference to mistakes made by his administration between January 2020—when it generally ignored the outbreak in Wuhan, China—and the summer surge of cases and deaths across the United States. I do not charge pandemicide over Trump’s Feb. 26, 2020, dismissal of the COVID-19 threat as minuscule, claiming, “The level that we’ve had in our country is very low, and those people are getting better, or we think that in almost all cases they’re better or getting. We have a total of 15.” Nor do I charge pandemicide over his repeated insistence that COVID-19 cures were available in the forms of hydroxychloroquine, bleach, ultraviolet light, convalescent plasma therapy, the Regeneron cocktail, oleander extract, or simply warm weather.

And though there is striking evidence that the policies of the four-year Trump administration vastly worsened life expectancy and mortality rates in the United States, contributing to 461,000 excess deaths in 2018 alone, these are matters of callous, ill-considered policies and brutal budget cuts, preceding the virus’s arrival to U.S. shores.

Pandemicide is not the outcome of ill-advised, ignorant, or outright stupid budget actions and health messages. I do not even level the charge over Trump’s denunciation of mask use and opposition to temporary business and school closures to halt the spread of SARS-CoV-2, encouraging people to “liberate” states that were implementing tough lockdown regulations.

Rather, the path of pandemicide was paved in pursuit of the president’s reelection and his relentless, all-consuming post-election campaign to refute his opponent’s victory, claiming election fraud and even theft. Despite the summer surge in COVID-19 infections nationwide, Trump abandoned virtual campaigning in favor of crowded, largely maskless gatherings of his supporters, knowingly risking that each rally would become a superspreader event. According to a study by Stanford University, 18 campaign rallies held between June 20 and Sept. 22, 2020, spawned in excess of 30,000 COVID-19 cases, likely leading to more than 700 deaths. During the same time period, half of Trump’s campaign rallies were followed by COVID-19 surges in the counties in which they took place.

Only an idiot believes that Covid killed 500K Americans, Berg! 500K Americans died with Covid...but a huge portion of those people died of something else entirely and are listed as a Covid death.
And you "know" this because what...Q told you?
Gee, Lesh...deaths from every OTHER category are way you think people suddenly stopped dying of heart attacks, strokes and cancer? That's laughable. People were listed as "Covid deaths" because they died while having Covid but it wasn't the virus that killed them. Duh?
None of that makes sense. Deaths are way up. Your claim is that they died from some new influx of heart attacks and cancer?
An increase that no one is talking about?
they are? then why hasn't the daily number of deaths gone up? Since 2017, 8,000 deaths a day, hasn't gone up. You're mistaken.

What changed was blame it on the covid, have to make it ugly and nasty and everyone fear the stupid.
Worthless, parasitic, Gillettized cowards, who choose to hide in their mothers' basements, cowering in fear over a hyperbolized flu bug, should not receive any welfare handouts funded by taxes paid by productive citizens who go out and contribute to society.
As long as the country is infested with miscreants like yourself who have so lost their capacity for critical thinking they can no longer discern fact from fiction the US will never reach its potential.

I do not accuse Trump of pandemicide in reference to mistakes made by his administration between January 2020—when it generally ignored the outbreak in Wuhan, China—and the summer surge of cases and deaths across the United States. I do not charge pandemicide over Trump’s Feb. 26, 2020, dismissal of the COVID-19 threat as minuscule, claiming, “The level that we’ve had in our country is very low, and those people are getting better, or we think that in almost all cases they’re better or getting. We have a total of 15.” Nor do I charge pandemicide over his repeated insistence that COVID-19 cures were available in the forms of hydroxychloroquine, bleach, ultraviolet light, convalescent plasma therapy, the Regeneron cocktail, oleander extract, or simply warm weather.

And though there is striking evidence that the policies of the four-year Trump administration vastly worsened life expectancy and mortality rates in the United States, contributing to 461,000 excess deaths in 2018 alone, these are matters of callous, ill-considered policies and brutal budget cuts, preceding the virus’s arrival to U.S. shores.

Pandemicide is not the outcome of ill-advised, ignorant, or outright stupid budget actions and health messages. I do not even level the charge over Trump’s denunciation of mask use and opposition to temporary business and school closures to halt the spread of SARS-CoV-2, encouraging people to “liberate” states that were implementing tough lockdown regulations.

Rather, the path of pandemicide was paved in pursuit of the president’s reelection and his relentless, all-consuming post-election campaign to refute his opponent’s victory, claiming election fraud and even theft. Despite the summer surge in COVID-19 infections nationwide, Trump abandoned virtual campaigning in favor of crowded, largely maskless gatherings of his supporters, knowingly risking that each rally would become a superspreader event. According to a study by Stanford University, 18 campaign rallies held between June 20 and Sept. 22, 2020, spawned in excess of 30,000 COVID-19 cases, likely leading to more than 700 deaths. During the same time period, half of Trump’s campaign rallies were followed by COVID-19 surges in the counties in which they took place.

stay in mthr fker, who cares about your life? It seems you don't. you would prefer to sit confined. Well hundreds of million of us say we don't care if we get it. Deal with it. Why does my health matter to you. don't go out. how can I give someone something I don't have and then kill myself by breathing in CO2? dude, you're a loser and a parrot.
South Dakota,
800,000 population
1800 covid deaths
No masks, no lockdown

Compared with my state with similar cold weather with small towns, and rural, and small big cities.... and we had mask requirements and lockdown...

1,200,000 population
800 covid deaths
Masking and lockdowns
nope, those were probable counts. you have no idea how people died. again, why hasn't the daily death count increased during this hoax?

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