Krugman: contemporary repub Party full of con men

Dot Com

Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA

Specifically- Rubio & Ryan


On the first point, just look at the policy ideas coming from the presidential candidates, even establishment favorites like Marco Rubio, the most likely nominee given Jeb Bush’s fatal lack of charisma. The Times’s Josh Barro has dubbed Mr. Rubio’s tax proposal the “puppies and rainbows” plan, consisting of trillions in giveaways with not a hint of how to pay for them — just the assertion that growth would somehow make it all good.

And Paul Ryan played and in many ways still plays that role, but only on TV, not in real life. The truth is that his budget proposals have always been a ludicrous mess of magic asterisks: assertions that trillions will be saved through spending cuts to be specified later, that trillions more will be raised by closing unnamed tax loopholes. Or as the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center put it, they’re full of “mystery meat.”

There is a gross lie of omission in that Krugman article, as well as the Barro story he cites.

What neither of them is telling you is that Rubio's tax plan includes reductions of business tax expenditures. That's hardly giving them "puppies and rainbows". In fact, it is the exact opposite. It is the taking away of government gifts.

It is exactly as I have been saying for a long time. Eliminate tax expenditures, and you can lower tax rates.

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