Krugman: Don't let 1% drag this great nation into economic abyss.

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
All this jealousy and envy towards the "one percent" and yet you whiners can't get to the voting booth fast enough to keep electing them to run your country as long as they have D next to their name. :lol:

Maybe that's why I don't take your bullshit seriously.
Krugman: Don't let 1% drag this great nation into economic abyss.

They already did that.

They did it by suing banks for not giving as many mortgage loans to minorities as the liberals thought they should. Eventually one court ruled in their favor, despite the fact that a greater percentage of those minorities default on their loans than non-minorities.

So banks and other lenders started giving more and more loans to minorities, even though they had a history of not paying them back. It was easier than spending $millions on lawsuits that they might lose, once one court ruled the wrong way.

Then the 1% made it worse by announcing the government (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) would buy up all those risky "sub-prime" loans, so the original lenders wouldn't have to take the risk any more. This freed up the lenders to give lots of loans to people they never would minority or otherwise) in ordinary circumstances, whom they were fairly sure would never pay them back. Govt-backed groups FNMA and FHMC bought up zillions of them, and the govt became the owner of tons of bad loans.

But the lenders were still stuck with some of the risky loans, so they started selling them to each other, bundled with some good loans as a disguise.

Then when house prices suddenly went down ("the real-estate bubble burst") and left lots of people owing more than their house was now worth, many of the ones who couldn't pay anyway, started walking away. And lenders found themselves holding lots off worthless paper that no one was going to pay off. They foreclosed on some, but the houses weren't worth what was owed on them, and everything came crashing down.

In case you were wondering, the 1% who did this, were DEMOCRAT POLITICIANS.

Too late, Krugman. The disaster you are "warning" us about, already happened some years ago... thanks to your own policies.
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Krugman: Don't let 1% drag this great nation into economic abyss.

They already did that.

They did it by suing banks for not giving as many mortgage loans to minorities as the liberals thought they should. Eventually one court ruled in their favor, despite the fact that a greater percentage of those minorities default on their loans than non-minorities.

So banks and other lenders started giving more and more loans to minorities, even though they had a history of not paying them back. It was easier than spending $millions on lawsuits that they might lose, once one court ruled the wrong way.

Then the 1% made it worse by announcing the government (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) would buy up all those risky "sub-prime" loans, so the original lenders wouldn't have to take the risk any more. This freed up the lenders to give lots of loans to people they never would minority or otherwise) in ordinary circumstances, whom they were fairly sure would never pay them back. Govt-backed groups FNMA and FHMC bought up zillions of them, and the govt became the owner of tons of bad loans.

But the lenders were still stuck with some of the risky loans, so they started selling them to each other, bundled with some good loans as a disguise.

Then when house prices suddenly went down ("the real-estate bubble burst") and left lots of people owing more than their house was now worth, many of the ones who couldn't pay anyway, started walking away. And lenders found themselves holding lots off worthless paper that no one was going to pay off. They foreclosed on some, but the houses weren't worth what was owed on them, and everything came crashing down.

In case you were wondering, the 1% who did this, were DEMOCRAT POLITICIANS.

Too late, Krugman. The disaster you are "warning" us about, already happened some years ago... thanks to your own policies.

And it looks like we are about to do this all over again...
All this jealousy and envy towards the "one percent" and yet you whiners can't get to the voting booth fast enough to keep electing them to run your country as long as they have D next to their name. :lol:

Maybe that's why I don't take your bullshit seriously.
Thats rich considering I don't vote. :eusa_eh: Anything else to add? As a matter of fact, < 50% of eligible voters cast a ballot in the last election.

Voter turnout for 2014 midterms worst in 72 years - Yahoo News

(The 1% are non-partisan as well BTW :eusa_shhh:. )
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Krugman: Don't let 1% drag this great nation into economic abyss.

They already did that.

They did it by suing banks for not giving as many mortgage loans to minorities as the liberals thought they should. Eventually one court ruled in their favor, despite the fact that a greater percentage of those minorities default on their loans than non-minorities.

So banks and other lenders started giving more and more loans to minorities, even though they had a history of not paying them back. It was easier than spending $millions on lawsuits that they might lose, once one court ruled the wrong way.

Then the 1% made it worse by announcing the government (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) would buy up all those risky "sub-prime" loans, so the original lenders wouldn't have to take the risk any more. This freed up the lenders to give lots of loans to people they never would minority or otherwise) in ordinary circumstances, whom they were fairly sure would never pay them back. Govt-backed groups FNMA and FHMC bought up zillions of them, and the govt became the owner of tons of bad loans.

But the lenders were still stuck with some of the risky loans, so they started selling them to each other, bundled with some good loans as a disguise.

Then when house prices suddenly went down ("the real-estate bubble burst") and left lots of people owing more than their house was now worth, many of the ones who couldn't pay anyway, started walking away. And lenders found themselves holding lots off worthless paper that no one was going to pay off. They foreclosed on some, but the houses weren't worth what was owed on them, and everything came crashing down.

In case you were wondering, the 1% who did this, were DEMOCRAT POLITICIANS.

Too late, Krugman. The disaster you are "warning" us about, already happened some years ago... thanks to your own policies.

And it looks like we are about to do this all over again...
Money is an addiction...
Krugman: Don't let 1% drag this great nation into economic abyss.

They already did that.

They did it by suing banks for not giving as many mortgage loans to minorities as the liberals thought they should. Eventually one court ruled in their favor, despite the fact that a greater percentage of those minorities default on their loans than non-minorities.

So banks and other lenders started giving more and more loans to minorities, even though they had a history of not paying them back. It was easier than spending $millions on lawsuits that they might lose, once one court ruled the wrong way.

Then the 1% made it worse by announcing the government (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) would buy up all those risky "sub-prime" loans, so the original lenders wouldn't have to take the risk any more. This freed up the lenders to give lots of loans to people they never would minority or otherwise) in ordinary circumstances, whom they were fairly sure would never pay them back. Govt-backed groups FNMA and FHMC bought up zillions of them, and the govt became the owner of tons of bad loans.

But the lenders were still stuck with some of the risky loans, so they started selling them to each other, bundled with some good loans as a disguise.

Then when house prices suddenly went down ("the real-estate bubble burst") and left lots of people owing more than their house was now worth, many of the ones who couldn't pay anyway, started walking away. And lenders found themselves holding lots off worthless paper that no one was going to pay off. They foreclosed on some, but the houses weren't worth what was owed on them, and everything came crashing down.

In case you were wondering, the 1% who did this, were DEMOCRAT POLITICIANS.

Too late, Krugman. The disaster you are "warning" us about, already happened some years ago... thanks to your own policies.

And it looks like we are about to do this all over again...
Money is an addiction...

Only for democrat politicians....
Krugman: Don't let 1% drag this great nation into economic abyss.

They already did that.

They did it by suing banks for not giving as many mortgage loans to minorities as the liberals thought they should. Eventually one court ruled in their favor, despite the fact that a greater percentage of those minorities default on their loans than non-minorities.

So banks and other lenders started giving more and more loans to minorities, even though they had a history of not paying them back. It was easier than spending $millions on lawsuits that they might lose, once one court ruled the wrong way.

Then the 1% made it worse by announcing the government (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) would buy up all those risky "sub-prime" loans, so the original lenders wouldn't have to take the risk any more. This freed up the lenders to give lots of loans to people they never would minority or otherwise) in ordinary circumstances, whom they were fairly sure would never pay them back. Govt-backed groups FNMA and FHMC bought up zillions of them, and the govt became the owner of tons of bad loans.

But the lenders were still stuck with some of the risky loans, so they started selling them to each other, bundled with some good loans as a disguise.

Then when house prices suddenly went down ("the real-estate bubble burst") and left lots of people owing more than their house was now worth, many of the ones who couldn't pay anyway, started walking away. And lenders found themselves holding lots off worthless paper that no one was going to pay off. They foreclosed on some, but the houses weren't worth what was owed on them, and everything came crashing down.

In case you were wondering, the 1% who did this, were DEMOCRAT POLITICIANS.

Too late, Krugman. The disaster you are "warning" us about, already happened some years ago... thanks to your own policies.

And it looks like we are about to do this all over again...
Money is an addiction...

Only for democrat politicians....
Have you kicked the habit?
Thats rich considering I don't vote. :eusa_eh: Anything else to add?

Yes. You have no right to complain then, as you are part of the problem.
I'm part of the problem for not voting for the lesser of two evils? :eusa_eh: Mkay. Whatever you say :blahblah:

More than 50% of the voting population of this great nation 'sat the last one out' as well for obvious reasons. I refuse to legitimize a corrupt system that presently only serves its top donors thanks, in most part to Repubs who champion putting the gov't up for sale to the highest bidder. The Dem's aint much better.
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Thats rich considering I don't vote. :eusa_eh: Anything else to add?

Yes. You have no right to complain then, as you are part of the problem.
I'm part of the problem for not voting for the lesser of two evils. :eusa_eh: Mkay. Whatever you say :blahblah:More than 50% of the voting population sat the last one out as well. I refuse to legitimize a corrupt system that presently only serves its top donors thanks, in most part to Repubs who champion putting the gov't up for sale to the highest bidder. The Dem's aint much better.

yes, staying home helps the worse of two evils. thats how we got two terms of obozo.
Krugman: Don't let 1% drag this great nation into economic abyss.

They already did that.

They did it by suing banks for not giving as many mortgage loans to minorities as the liberals thought they should. Eventually one court ruled in their favor, despite the fact that a greater percentage of those minorities default on their loans than non-minorities.

So banks and other lenders started giving more and more loans to minorities, even though they had a history of not paying them back. It was easier than spending $millions on lawsuits that they might lose, once one court ruled the wrong way.

Then the 1% made it worse by announcing the government (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) would buy up all those risky "sub-prime" loans, so the original lenders wouldn't have to take the risk any more. This freed up the lenders to give lots of loans to people they never would minority or otherwise) in ordinary circumstances, whom they were fairly sure would never pay them back. Govt-backed groups FNMA and FHMC bought up zillions of them, and the govt became the owner of tons of bad loans.

But the lenders were still stuck with some of the risky loans, so they started selling them to each other, bundled with some good loans as a disguise.

Then when house prices suddenly went down ("the real-estate bubble burst") and left lots of people owing more than their house was now worth, many of the ones who couldn't pay anyway, started walking away. And lenders found themselves holding lots off worthless paper that no one was going to pay off. They foreclosed on some, but the houses weren't worth what was owed on them, and everything came crashing down.

In case you were wondering, the 1% who did this, were DEMOCRAT POLITICIANS.

Too late, Krugman. The disaster you are "warning" us about, already happened some years ago... thanks to your own policies.
Where do you get that BS? It was recent history. Republicans deregulated under Bush when they held both houses. You know they used reconciliation THREE FUCKING TIMES. What do you think they used it on????

Then they sold houses to anyone who could sign. Not because they were minorities (leave it to Republicans to blame their fucking scams on minorities. Didn't see that coming) but so they could insure bundled mortgages which they sold overseas as securities.

Come on fucktards. It was recent history.

the derivative scam explained - Google Search

What the fuck is wrong with these dumbass right wingers??? How come they don't know anything about anything????

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