Krugman: Don't let 1% drag this great nation into economic abyss.

Where do you get that BS? It was recent history. Republicans deregulated under Bush when they held both houses. You know they used reconciliation THREE FUCKING TIMES. What do you think they used it on????

Then they sold houses to anyone who could sign. Not because they were minorities (leave it to Republicans to blame their fucking scams on minorities. Didn't see that coming) but so they could insure bundled mortgages which they sold overseas as securities.
The usual lies from the usual suspects. Unsurprising, since that's all the have to offer. Expecting them to tell the truth (which only identifies them as the guilty party) is far too much to ask of liberal fanatics like little rdean.
Where do you get that BS? It was recent history. Republicans deregulated under Bush when they held both houses. You know they used reconciliation THREE FUCKING TIMES. What do you think they used it on????

Then they sold houses to anyone who could sign. Not because they were minorities (leave it to Republicans to blame their fucking scams on minorities. Didn't see that coming) but so they could insure bundled mortgages which they sold overseas as securities.

Come on fucktards. It was recent history.

the derivative scam explained - Google Search

What the fuck is wrong with these dumbass right wingers??? How come they don't know anything about anything????
^ that CrusaderFrank
Did someone blame minorities for the economic crisis yet?
the banksters and Little-acorn did


wouldn't be so bad repub-voters being such drones EXCEPT for when their deregulation & non-policing of the banksters explodes this great nations economy
CrusaderFrank Toro
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Krugman? You're citing Krugman? Why not cite Bozo the clown?

The 1% haven't buried us in $17 trillion in debt. Most of the 1% have voted for candidates who want to reduce spending and balance the budget. The problem is that the vast majority of the bottom two income groups vote for Democrats.
Krugman? You're citing Krugman? Why not cite Bozo the clown?

The 1% haven't buried us in $17 trillion in debt. Most of the 1% have voted for candidates who want to reduce spending and balance the budget. The problem is that the vast majority of the bottom two income groups vote for Democrats.
Are you talking about the two thirds of the debt Bush and the GOP handed over to Obama or the third from Obama that kept the nation from going under.

Thank God things are getting better. Not because of the GOP, but in spite of them.
Where do you get that BS? It was recent history. Republicans deregulated under Bush when they held both houses. You know they used reconciliation THREE FUCKING TIMES. What do you think they used it on????

Then they sold houses to anyone who could sign. Not because they were minorities (leave it to Republicans to blame their fucking scams on minorities. Didn't see that coming) but so they could insure bundled mortgages which they sold overseas as securities.
The usual lies from the usual suspects. Unsurprising, since that's all the have to offer. Expecting them to tell the truth (which only identifies them as the guilty party) is far too much to ask of liberal fanatics like little rdean.
Where do you get that BS? It was recent history. Republicans deregulated under Bush when they held both houses. You know they used reconciliation THREE FUCKING TIMES. What do you think they used it on????

Then they sold houses to anyone who could sign. Not because they were minorities (leave it to Republicans to blame their fucking scams on minorities. Didn't see that coming) but so they could insure bundled mortgages which they sold overseas as securities.
The usual lies from the usual suspects. Unsurprising, since that's all the have to offer. Expecting them to tell the truth (which only identifies them as the guilty party) is far too much to ask of liberal fanatics like little rdean.
What does it mean when you put up a link that says: The requested page could not be found.
Krugman? You're citing Krugman? Why not cite Bozo the clown?

The 1% haven't buried us in $17 trillion in debt. Most of the 1% have voted for candidates who want to reduce spending and balance the budget. The problem is that the vast majority of the bottom two income groups vote for Democrats.
Are you talking about the two thirds of the debt Bush and the GOP handed over to Obama or the third from Obama that kept the nation from going under.

Thank God things are getting better. Not because of the GOP, but in spite of them.
yeah mikegriffith1

It isn't the filthy rich that are ruining things, its the politicians who cater SOLELY to them that are doing unmitigated damage. When we have people working 40 hours per week getting gov't assistance(which I don't begrudge them), something is vastly wrong.
Of course he knows what he's talking about, he's a :up: Nobel Prize winner in economics :cool-45: CrusaderFrank

8220 Utter folly 8221 Paul Krugman warns that Very Serious elites threaten economic recovery -

SEC needs to keep a close watch on those elites like Romney for instance. Part of his *cough* "blind trust" is in Switzerland isn't it?

You voted for O twice and he's been pumping 80 billion a month for 6 years into wall street...the one percenters. You love it.
You left out the part- "to stave-off a Republican depression." :thup:

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Covetous: showing a very strong desire for something that belongs to someone else, marked by inordinate desire for another's wealth or possessions, liberal, progressive.

Synonyms: coveting, greedy, grabby, moneygrubbing, Democratic party
Covetous: showing a very strong desire for something that belongs to someone else, marked by inordinate desire for another's wealth or possessions, liberal, progressive.

Synonyms: coveting, greedy, grabby, moneygrubbing, Democratic party
shit stain the Wealth Gap has been ever widening to obscene levels thanks to your water-carriers in D.C. (Republicrats)
Covetous: showing a very strong desire for something that belongs to someone else, marked by inordinate desire for another's wealth or possessions, liberal, progressive.

Synonyms: coveting, greedy, grabby, moneygrubbing, Democratic party
shit stain the Wealth Gap has been ever widening to obscene levels thanks to your water-carriers in D.C. (Republicrats)

lol you mad bro or just covetous?

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