Krugman: Don't let 1% drag this great nation into economic abyss.

Covetous: showing a very strong desire for something that belongs to someone else, marked by inordinate desire for another's wealth or possessions, liberal, progressive.

Synonyms: coveting, greedy, grabby, moneygrubbing, Democratic party
shit stain the Wealth Gap has been ever widening to obscene levels thanks to your water-carriers in D.C. (Republicrats)

And yet after 6 years Obama and massive stimulus, sorry.... massive dumping of trillions of dollars on the top 1% that gap only seems to be growing quicker.
Covetous: showing a very strong desire for something that belongs to someone else, marked by inordinate desire for another's wealth or possessions, liberal, progressive.

Synonyms: coveting, greedy, grabby, moneygrubbing, Democratic party
shit stain the Wealth Gap has been ever widening to obscene levels thanks to your water-carriers in D.C. (Republicrats)

lol you mad bro or just covetous?
good non-rebuttal. :thup: I'm done with ^ this one.
Covetous: showing a very strong desire for something that belongs to someone else, marked by inordinate desire for another's wealth or possessions, liberal, progressive.

Synonyms: coveting, greedy, grabby, moneygrubbing, Democratic party
shit stain the Wealth Gap has been ever widening to obscene levels thanks to your water-carriers in D.C. (Republicrats)

lol you mad bro or just covetous?
good non-rebuttal. :thup: I'm done with ^ this one.

Maybe you wealth gap clowns will tell us what you want vs just bitching and complaining all the time. What will calm your covetous rage?
Covetous: showing a very strong desire for something that belongs to someone else, marked by inordinate desire for another's wealth or possessions, liberal, progressive.

Synonyms: coveting, greedy, grabby, moneygrubbing, Democratic party
shit stain the Wealth Gap has been ever widening to obscene levels thanks to your water-carriers in D.C. (Republicrats)

lol you mad bro or just covetous?
good non-rebuttal. :thup: I'm done with ^ this one.

Maybe you wealth gap clowns will tell us what you want vs just bitching and complaining all the time. What will calm your covetous rage?
you're clueless son. I don't have time nor the patience to respond to low-info, types such as yourself.
Covetous: showing a very strong desire for something that belongs to someone else, marked by inordinate desire for another's wealth or possessions, liberal, progressive.

Synonyms: coveting, greedy, grabby, moneygrubbing, Democratic party
shit stain the Wealth Gap has been ever widening to obscene levels thanks to your water-carriers in D.C. (Republicrats)

lol you mad bro or just covetous?
good non-rebuttal. :thup: I'm done with ^ this one.

Maybe you wealth gap clowns will tell us what you want vs just bitching and complaining all the time. What will calm your covetous rage?
you're clueless son. I don't have time nor the patience to respond to low-info, types such as yourself.

I guess you can't answer a simple question. Anyone else, wealth gap okay what do you want to do about it? Dot Com apparently just wants to bitch about something, like a lot of liberals.
Are you finished? It was covered in the linked articles shit stain. Please leave the discussion to adults Mkay. Thanks :)
Are you finished? It was covered in the linked articles shit stain. Please leave the discussion to adults Mkay. Thanks :)

Now I'm curious, when you run around calling people "shit stain" among other things does that make you feel better about yourself or something? Do you have some pent up rage or hatred you are venting? Self worth issues? Something is going on there.
Of course he knows what he's talking about, he's a :up: Nobel Prize winner in economics :cool-45: CrusaderFrank

8220 Utter folly 8221 Paul Krugman warns that Very Serious elites threaten economic recovery -

SEC needs to keep a close watch on those elites like Romney for instance. Part of his *cough* "blind trust" is in Switzerland isn't it?

You voted for O twice and he's been pumping 80 billion a month for 6 years into wall street...the one percenters. You love it.

So that's the excuse now. Lol. You guys are a hoot.
Are you finished? It was covered in the linked articles shit stain. Please leave the discussion to adults Mkay. Thanks :)

Now I'm curious, when you run around calling people "shit stain" among other things does that make you feel better about yourself or something? Do you have some pent up rage or hatred you are venting? Self worth issues? Something is going on there.
I call people that who clog-up my threads by virtue of making comments that show they didn't read the OP :banghead:
Are you finished? It was covered in the linked articles shit stain. Please leave the discussion to adults Mkay. Thanks :)

Now I'm curious, when you run around calling people "shit stain" among other things does that make you feel better about yourself or something? Do you have some pent up rage or hatred you are venting? Self worth issues? Something is going on there.
I call people that who clog-up my threads by virtue of making comments that show they didn't read the OP :banghead:

Wasn't it you who threw "wealth gap" on the table for discussion then refused to discuss it? lol Return when you are less unhinged.
Thats rich considering I don't vote. :eusa_eh: Anything else to add?

Yes. You have no right to complain then, as you are part of the problem.
I'm part of the problem for not voting for the lesser of two evils? :eusa_eh: Mkay. Whatever you say :blahblah:

You're part of the problem for stupidly thinking there are only two candidates to vote for.

More than 50% of the voting population of this great nation 'sat the last one out' as well for obvious reasons. I refuse to legitimize a corrupt system that presently only serves its top donors thanks, in most part to Repubs who champion putting the gov't up for sale to the highest bidder. The Dem's aint much better.

And just the imagine the change that could happen if you and that 50% went out and supported the independent candidate or the Libertarian candidate or the Green candidate or all the other third party candidates who run. They'd be winning in landslides all across the country.

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