"Krugman: How American Capitalism Fails—and Northern European 'Socialism' Succeeds—at Job Creation"

The board rightards have never traveled to other parts of the world much less out of their state and region, so their mental boarders are very narrow when it comes to other countries and cultures and economic systems. Its all very frightening to them when someone who knows what thy are talking about based on data and facts speaks
It works amazingly well in nordic countries, much better then this shit hole known as America.

No it doesn't. That's why Sweden has been repealing a lot of it.
Yes, and the others are still doing amazingly well, as is sweden, and they're essentially keeping the same core ideas/plan.

After the reign of Obama, Our economy is almost indistinguishable from theirs, so you're comparing apples and apples.

No theirs is quite different. They don't have rampant inequality.
And they have huge tax rates, but surprisingly, holy fucking shit, they have the highest happiness levels, higher wages, better healthcare, and no one bitching about the massive taxes, since they are compensated fairly.
"Happpiness" is a bogus metric that can't be measured objectively. GDP and income can be measured, and all the European welfare states suck when compared to the United States.

You're also lying about no one bitching. I have known a number of people from Europe of over the years, and they all bitch about the taxes. They especially bitch about the price of gasoline, which is almost all taxes over there.

You're just a Gruberized drone of the welfare state.
The top half of Americans are far better off than the top half of any other country on Earth. That is why anyone with ambition and a work ethic wants to live here.
The top half of America is still worse then the top half in most of europe, all first world countries outshine third world hell holes.

Household income - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

They don't need as much income given what is provided by the government.
The top half of Americans are far better off than the top half of any other country on Earth. That is why anyone with ambition and a work ethic wants to live here.
The top half of America is still worse then the top half in most of europe, all first world countries outshine third world hell holes.

Total bullshit.
I'm not referring to only income. Free healthcare? Free college? Amazing maternity leave?
Obviously you haven't gotten the memo that Krugman is a quack. He has made more laughable statements than Ronald McDonald or Bozo the Clown.

Let's just take his example of France. France's GDP growth has been well under 3% for nearly a decade. France's unemployment rate has hovered around 10% for nearly a decade. France's youth unemployment rate has been at least 18% for 11 years now. That's your shining example of socialism in action?

Some day you guys should really start doing some balanced research before you run to post the latest item of liberal propaganda.

For the complete picture about France, see:

France Economy Facts Population GDP Unemployment Business Trade

France Unemployment Rate 1996-2015 Data Chart Calendar Forecast

France Youth Unemployment Rate 1983-2015 Data Chart Calendar
And what does rabbi benefit from. UNION contract.
It will be to easy for rabid to make a different statement but we know the truth.

Krugman How American Capitalism Fails and Northern European Socialism Succeeds at Job Creation Alternet

"Paul Krugman wrote his column this morning in the New York Times from Europe, a place which—conservatives like Paul Ryan would like you to believe—demonstrates the complete failure of the welfare state. That's because, as Krugman points out, "Our political discourse is dominated by reverse Robin-Hoodism — the belief that economic success depends on being nice to the rich, who won’t create jobs if they are heavily taxed, and nasty to ordinary workers, who won’t accept jobs unless they have no alternative."

France, a country that the American media and conservatives particularly love to bash, is having particular success in employment rates. Krugman reports this "startling, little-known fact: French adults in their prime working years (25 to 54) are substantially more likely to have jobs than their U.S. counterparts."

Hmmm. There's a story you won't hear told in the mainstream media."

rest at link
Krugman of course is a fail at everything.
Yes, France has subsidized jobs for middle aged people at the expense of jobs for younger people. The overall UE rate for France is 10.2%. How's that job creation going?

Notice he has a job while you're relegated to posting on obscure message boards. :)

Rabbi works for the Post Office, so your assumption that he doesn't have a job is another colossal fail on your part. Say, since you're posting on this forum, you must not have a job, right?
The top half of Americans are far better off than the top half of any other country on Earth. That is why anyone with ambition and a work ethic wants to live here.
The top half of America is still worse then the top half in most of europe, all first world countries outshine third world hell holes.

Household income - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I'm not referring to only income
Then how are the better off?
No it doesn't. That's why Sweden has been repealing a lot of it.
Yes, and the others are still doing amazingly well, as is sweden, and they're essentially keeping the same core ideas/plan.

After the reign of Obama, Our economy is almost indistinguishable from theirs, so you're comparing apples and apples.

No theirs is quite different. They don't have rampant inequality.
And they have huge tax rates, but surprisingly, holy fucking shit, they have the highest happiness levels, higher wages, better healthcare, and no one bitching about the massive taxes, since they are compensated fairly.
"Happpiness" is a bogus metric that can't be measured objectively. GDP and income can be measured, and all the European welfare states suck when compared to the United States.

You're also lying about no one bitching. I have known a number of people from Europe of over the years, and they all bitch about the taxes. They especially bitch about the price of gasoline, which is almost all taxes over there.

You're just a Gruberized drone of the welfare state.
The majority don't have a vehement hatred of taxes, don't make yourself look stupid. I didn't literally mean no one. LOL. You realize that GDP/income isn't the only basis for these things, you choose to ignore the stuff the government provides the people their. A drone? You're an idiot.
The top half of Americans are far better off than the top half of any other country on Earth. That is why anyone with ambition and a work ethic wants to live here.
The top half of America is still worse then the top half in most of europe, all first world countries outshine third world hell holes.

Total bullshit.
I'm not referring to only income. Free healthcare? Free college? Amazing maternity leave?
It's not free. That's why they pay 60% of their income to the government.
The top half of Americans are far better off than the top half of any other country on Earth. That is why anyone with ambition and a work ethic wants to live here.
The top half of America is still worse then the top half in most of europe, all first world countries outshine third world hell holes.

Household income - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I'm not referring to only income
Then how are the better off?
Free healthcare, education, social programs, wages, labor unions..

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