Kurt Schlicter...on the Nuclear Option...that is, ending the Senate's filibuster rule for Gorsuch...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is a great column......Kurt Schlicter is a great conservative voice.....a new Ann Coulter.....

Kurt Schlichter - Nuke ‘Em ‘Til They Glow

Thank you, Harry Reid! You'll never know how much we appreciate you taking time away from your bizarre relationship with your NordicTrack dominatrix to instigate the glorious Reid Rule and thereby surrender the one tool Chuck Schumer and his band of merry losers had to derail the oncoming train that is a yugely conservative SCOTUS. Oh Harry, your corruption and general unpleasantness make it so much sweeter knowing that you will only be remembered, if at all, for allowing Republicans to repopulate the Supreme Court with right-wing justices. Thanks to you, the liberals have squandered their best chance to fundamentally transform America from a constitutional republic into a huggy, libfascist dictatorship.

Oh yes, the Republicans must use the Nuclear Option. Nuke the site from orbit – it’s the only way to be sure that we have at least a couple decades before Chelsea, or whichever other quarter-wit dynastic Democrat cheats its way into the Oval Office, and can eliminate our First, Second, and probably Third Amendment rights.

I really like this part....

With Democrats, the only Constitutional rights that are safe are the ones that appear nowhere in the text, and it is open season on the ones that do. Except for the Fifth Amendment – Democrats love that one.

And some key observations.....

But this is more than just about the filibuster getting filibusted. If we had a political culture that respected and expected a judge’s proper role, then we wouldn't care so much what a nominee to the Supreme Court personally thought because we could be confident his rulings would follow the law and not the DNC talking points. But we don’t, and therefore we can’t.

Somewhere along the line, the left decided that judges were a convenient shortcut to avoid the unpleasant hassle of actually passing laws through the legislative process. To them, the Constitution is not a glorious barrier to government overreach – or, rather, the fact that it is one is a bug, not a feature.

To them, our Constitution is an obstacle to be overcome, and any given law should be applied, if at all, only in the manner most conducive to what liberals want right this minute. Tell me what Democrat appointed a given judge in a political case and I will tell you how he will vote with 99% accuracy. No, I don't have some sort of psychic ability. I just pay attention.

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Democrats made the argument - the declaration - that 'EVERY' judge deserves an up-or-down vote and created the Reid rule to make sure that happened in the future...they did so while THEY were in power.

Now, according to recent articles, only 39 of all of the Democrats are putting their complete partisan hypocrisy on display, showing they only meant THEIR judges deserve up-or-down votes by declaring they intend to deny Gorsuch that vote they claimed ALL judges deserve.

This is priceless - the democrats continue to show the American people who they truly are, that what they say can NEVER be trusted because they say one thing and mean another, constantly lying to the American people.

And they wonder why they have lost over 1,000 political seats / positions in the last 8 years and have suffered 2, back-to-back, 'historic, record-setting' political elections.

Speaking of 'Uber Partisan Game-Playing Liberal Hypocrites":

2013: Chuck Schumer Argued Against 'Obstruction' of Nominees 'No Matter Who's in Power'

"Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, who is leading a filibuster against Judge Neil Gorsuch, called a press conference Wednesday to further his and his fellow Democrat senators’ commitment to blocking President Donald Trump’s SOTUS nominee.

However, during a 2013 press conference,
Schumer took on a different perspective and heartily spoke against the very conduct he and his fellow Democat lawmakers are engaged in, saying Democrats prefer “up-or-down” votes over obstruction, “no matter who’s in power.”


Speaking of one of the 39 lone butt-hurt snowflake Democrats planning on bucking the majority of his party to support a filibuster....

Democratic Party Sen. Jeff Merkley has declared that he is SO butt-hurt and against the Democratic Party's declaration that EVERY Judge deserves an up-or-down vote, supported by the Reid Rule, that if there is a vote held and even if his fellow Democrats vote to appoint Gorsuch as a USSC Justice he will refuse to acknowledge the vote as legitimate and refuse to accept Gorsuch as a legitimate USSC Judge.

...sounds like a PERSONAL PROBLEM, because the moment Gorsuch is confirmed through a vote, if it happens, no one will give a damn what Merkley refuses to accept or not.

Dem senator says if Gorsuch is confirmed to the Supreme Court, his votes won’t be ‘legitimate’

"Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) claimed Thursday that if Judge Neil Gorsuch is confirmed to the Supreme Court, his votes would not be “legitimate.”"

Merkley went on to embarrass himself further by declaring, "confirming Gorsuch to the nation’s highest court would “destroy the integrity of the Senate.”

Ummm....that would be the Democratic Party Senate in which Harry Reid and the Democrats passed the 'Reid Rule' ensuring EVERY judge would get an up-or-down' vote in the future...and that means he is saying that by adhering to the Democrats' Rule that argued / ensured Gorsuch should have such a vote would somehow destroy the Senate.


Dem senator says if Gorsuch is confirmed to the Supreme Court, his votes won’t be ‘legitimate’
Speaking of one of the 39 lone butt-hurt snowflake Democrats planning on bucking the majority of his party to support a filibuster....

Democratic Party Sen. Jeff Merkley has declared that he is SO butt-hurt and against the Democratic Party's declaration that EVERY Judge deserves an up-or-down vote, supported by the Reid Rule, that if there is a vote held and even if his fellow Democrats vote to appoint Gorsuch as a USSC Justice he will refuse to acknowledge the vote as legitimate and refuse to accept Gorsuch as a legitimate USSC Judge.

...sounds like a PERSONAL PROBLEM, because the moment Gorsuch is confirmed through a vote, if it happens, no one will give a damn what Merkley refuses to accept or not.

Dem senator says if Gorsuch is confirmed to the Supreme Court, his votes won’t be ‘legitimate’

"Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) claimed Thursday that if Judge Neil Gorsuch is confirmed to the Supreme Court, his votes would not be “legitimate.”"

Merkley went on to embarrass himself further by declaring, "confirming Gorsuch to the nation’s highest court would “destroy the integrity of the Senate.”

Ummm....that would be the Democratic Party Senate in which Harry Reid and the Democrats passed the 'Reid Rule' ensuring EVERY judge would get an up-or-down' vote in the future...and that means he is saying that by adhering to the Democrats' Rule that argued / ensured Gorsuch should have such a vote would somehow destroy the Senate.

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Dem senator says if Gorsuch is confirmed to the Supreme Court, his votes won’t be ‘legitimate’
That slot should have been filled over a year ago, your entire system of governing is corrupted beyond repair. Only partisanshitheads still cling to the illusion.
The best case scenario for Democrats is for republicans to use the nuclear option. There's absolutely nothing to gain from compromising with the GOP. Tell them to get to 60 or fuck off otherwise.
The best case scenario for Democrats is for republicans to use the nuclear option. There's absolutely nothing to gain from compromising with the GOP. Tell them to get to 60 or fuck off otherwise.

Naaa, they'll use it and we'll say "fuck you" to you.
The best case scenario for Democrats is for republicans to use the nuclear option. There's absolutely nothing to gain from compromising with the GOP. Tell them to get to 60 or fuck off otherwise.

Naaa, they'll use it and we'll say "fuck you" to you.
Yes I hope they use it. That's why I said it's a best case scenario you dumb shit.

Is it lonely there in your dark little Apt old man? You are in for a politically rough few years.
The best case scenario for Democrats is for republicans to use the nuclear option. There's absolutely nothing to gain from compromising with the GOP. Tell them to get to 60 or fuck off otherwise.

Naaa, they'll use it and we'll say "fuck you" to you.
Yes I hope they use it. That's why I said it's a best case scenario you dumb shit.

Is it lonely there in your dark little Apt old man? You are in for a politically rough few years.
From what it looks like so far, not really.
The best case scenario for Democrats is for republicans to use the nuclear option. There's absolutely nothing to gain from compromising with the GOP.

Congratulations on getting it exactly backwards. The filibuster is a one-way street for Democrats to avoid casting up-or-down votes that might hurt them in their next election. Why should the Republicans keep playing along with this charade?
The best case scenario for Democrats is for republicans to use the nuclear option. There's absolutely nothing to gain from compromising with the GOP. Tell them to get to 60 or fuck off otherwise.

Naaa, they'll use it and we'll say "fuck you" to you.
Yes I hope they use it. That's why I said it's a best case scenario you dumb shit.

Is it lonely there in your dark little Apt old man? You are in for a politically rough few years.

I wonder if theoldschool is actually theold-reform-school...

Hummm... food for thought.
So, for a lifetime position as a justice on the Supreme Court of the Land, you don't want the ability to get 60 votes, to bring the nomination to the floor of the Senate?

You want the country to believe that our Justices are not just at all and simply partisan pricks on either side?

Roberts got the 60 votes for cloture, to bring his vote to the floor, Alito got the 60 votes to bring cloture and to bring the vot to the floor, sotomyer got the 60 votes to bring the nomination vote to the floor....etc etc etc

And NOW you all want to change that for SC Justices? That's so short sighted!

You'll regret it....when the Democrats are in power, mark my words!
The best case scenario for Democrats is for republicans to use the nuclear option. There's absolutely nothing to gain from compromising with the GOP.

Congratulations on getting it exactly backwards. The filibuster is a one-way street for Democrats to avoid casting up-or-down votes that might hurt them in their next election. Why should the Republicans keep playing along with this charade?
Sure, whatever. Please call your representatives and tell them to push for the nuclear option.

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