KY Prosecutor offered plea deal to convicted felon if he would implicate Breonna Taylor

Best line of the article: " We've officially reached the point where drug dealers have more honor than Kentucky law enforcement."

Might not be Current Events, since Breonna Taylor was murdered 6 months ago.
She was a point man for drug dealers and had someone set up to be murdered.. are you on crack!!? She wasn’t innocent

YOu have any evidence for those claims?
How is that any different from the robert mueller witch hunt against president trump?

Ummmm....because President Trump is still alive?
So when we die all crimes are forgiven?

thats not how it works

No, it is not. But if Breonna Taylor was a criminal the evidence would have been produced long before now.

The convicted felon could have taken the deal. Who would have been hurt? But he chose to show a little integrity. Pity the KY prosecutor can't do the same.
pity the fool---you---where do you come up with this stuff? she was a criminal

What crime is she guilty of?
read the warrant dick. but of course you wont believe it because of your affiliation with the idiots that need to twist the TRUTH to suit your demoncrat party

Best line of the article: " We've officially reached the point where drug dealers have more honor than Kentucky law enforcement."

Might not be Current Events, since Breonna Taylor was murdered 6 months ago.
thats nothing,,,'in cali and oregon they want it to be OK for adults to have sex with little kids,,,

the worlds gone fucking nuts,,,

you also shouldnt lump all LE with this one DA,,,

I am not lumping anyone with anyone. I am discussing this specific case, and the implications.

Best line of the article: " We've officially reached the point where drug dealers have more honor than Kentucky law enforcement."

Might not be Current Events, since Breonna Taylor was murdered 6 months ago.
She was a point man for drug dealers and had someone set up to be murdered.. are you on crack!!? She wasn’t innocent

YOu have any evidence for those claims?
Seriously. Yea the perk is telling you
Kind of getting off-topic so I'll just say this: Did any of the actions of the police and courts in this case prevent anyone from finding and using drugs? The whole thing was a useless exercise in authoritarianism. Nothing was accomplished. A woman is dead, another street level criminal goes back to jail and you people get to tell yourselves you did something about America's drug problem.
If perfection is the standard then the drug laws are a failure

but by the same standard all our laws are failures since people do defy the law

Best line of the article: " We've officially reached the point where drug dealers have more honor than Kentucky law enforcement."

Might not be Current Events, since Breonna Taylor was murdered 6 months ago.
thats nothing,,,'in cali and oregon they want it to be OK for adults to have sex with little kids,,,

the worlds gone fucking nuts,,,

you also shouldnt lump all LE with this one DA,,,

I am not lumping anyone with anyone. I am discussing this specific case, and the implications.
you said "kentucky law enforcement" when its one DA,,,

which is it??all of them or one of them??
We've officially reached the point where drug dealers have more honor than Kentucky law enforcement
It's been that way for a long time now.
Prosecutors are wheeling and dealing, and a grand jury indictment is not required to prosecute a felony in a state which is in rebellion against the United States, e.g., Washington.
SECTION 25 PROSECUTION BY INFORMATION. Offenses heretofore required to be prosecuted by indictment may be prosecuted by information, or by indictment, as shall be prescribed by law.
SECTION 26 GRAND JURY. No grand jury shall be drawn or summoned in any county, except the superior judge thereof shall so order.
The Dimocrats do that every day in New York; what is your point?
Oh I don't know, maybe that the cops screwed up. That the cops murdered an innocent woman. Or that the KY prosecutor is scrambling to protect the cops from paying for what they did?
Thats just standard day to day stuff for Dimocrats.

Again, what is your point? Disband the entire Democratic party?

My original point is to illustrate how the system works to protect the corrupt.

But now it is also to show how people want it to be about party politics. Do you think it is only democrats who work so hard to protect cops?

Personally, I think this is a perfect illustration of why we are in the mess we are in. Rather than condemn the KY prosecutor for what he tried to do, you want to make it about one political party.

Where is the idea of a Democrat protecting the cops here coming from?

From the fact that the prosecutor tried to get a convicted felon to lie about Breonna Taylor's involvement, to smear her name.
no, not your opinion, just the facts
It could also mean he isn't as "corrupt" as you folks claim he could also mean that Obama is just more brilliant and powerful than your cult leader....
It could also mean what I said

which is that obama and his Deep State henchmen are covering their own asses
Trump's wife wasn't murdered in her sleep....and last I checked, Breonna's husband didn't appoint the head of the police that kicked his door in and gunned down his wife -- and he didn't appoint the head of the justice department that signed off on the whole thing happening...
Now you are jumping to side issues

Mueller put pressure on people to implicate trump in their alleged crimes

the same as this prosecutor is doing with a drug dealer/associate of taylor

As a brother, Biffy boy is very familiar with how The System works.
When someone can't address the facts -- always resort to some racism.....

but yes....I have a best friend who is a District Atty and 3 relatives who are police officers -- including a cousin who is currently a police chief...

But I am sure that isn't what you meant by being familiar with the system....

Let me know when you can address the facts or you can keep deflecting like a bitch
you should take your own advice

Best line of the article: " We've officially reached the point where drug dealers have more honor than Kentucky law enforcement."

Might not be Current Events, since Breonna Taylor was murdered 6 months ago.
She was a point man for drug dealers and had someone set up to be murdered.. are you on crack!!? She wasn’t innocent

YOu have any evidence for those claims?

Best line of the article: " We've officially reached the point where drug dealers have more honor than Kentucky law enforcement."

Might not be Current Events, since Breonna Taylor was murdered 6 months ago.


Those police have a lot of nerve.

If what they did wasn't illegal it should be and they should face the fullest extent of the law.

No one should be able to do such a thing.

Best line of the article: " We've officially reached the point where drug dealers have more honor than Kentucky law enforcement."

Might not be Current Events, since Breonna Taylor was murdered 6 months ago.


Those police have a lot of nerve.

If what they did wasn't illegal it should be and they should face the fullest extent of the law.

No one should be able to do such a thing.
She had someone killed.. does his black life not matter!? Wtf is wrong with you ppl
because they made a mistake and raided the wrong location
It was the right location but wrong timing since no drugs were there at the time

but the warrant was legal

The warrant was legal. But they were looking for someone who was already in jail at the time they served the warrant.

And who is to say there would have been drugs there at any other time?

Best line of the article: " We've officially reached the point where drug dealers have more honor than Kentucky law enforcement."

Might not be Current Events, since Breonna Taylor was murdered 6 months ago.


Those police have a lot of nerve.

If what they did wasn't illegal it should be and they should face the fullest extent of the law.

No one should be able to do such a thing.
She had someone killed.. does his black life not matter!? Wtf is wrong with you ppl

Once again, do you have a link to that?

Best line of the article: " We've officially reached the point where drug dealers have more honor than Kentucky law enforcement."

Might not be Current Events, since Breonna Taylor was murdered 6 months ago.
It’s under investigation.. Are you saying the police are frivolous investigating a murder she was Involved in?


Those police have a lot of nerve.

If what they did wasn't illegal it should be and they should face the fullest extent of the law.

No one should be able to do such a thing.
She had someone killed.. does his black life not matter!? Wtf is wrong with you ppl

Once again, do you have a link to that?

Best line of the article: " We've officially reached the point where drug dealers have more honor than Kentucky law enforcement."

Might not be Current Events, since Breonna Taylor was murdered 6 months ago.


Those police have a lot of nerve.

If what they did wasn't illegal it should be and they should face the fullest extent of the law.

No one should be able to do such a thing.
She had someone killed.. does his black life not matter!? Wtf is wrong with you ppl

Once again, do you have a link to that?
Breonna Taylor Summary-Redacted1
because they made a mistake and raided the wrong location
It was the right location but wrong timing since no drugs were there at the time

but the warrant was legal

The warrant was legal. But they were looking for someone who was already in jail at the time they served the warrant.

And who is to say there would have been drugs there at any other time?

It was permitted based upon the officer lying to get it.
because they made a mistake and raided the wrong location
It was the right location but wrong timing since no drugs were there at the time

but the warrant was legal

The warrant was legal. But they were looking for someone who was already in jail at the time they served the warrant.

And who is to say there would have been drugs there at any other time?

It was permitted based upon the officer lying to get it.

Best line of the article: " We've officially reached the point where drug dealers have more honor than Kentucky law enforcement."

Might not be Current Events, since Breonna Taylor was murdered 6 months ago.
It’s under investigation.. Are you saying the police are frivolous investigating a murder she was Involved in?


Those police have a lot of nerve.

If what they did wasn't illegal it should be and they should face the fullest extent of the law.

No one should be able to do such a thing.
She had someone killed.. does his black life not matter!? Wtf is wrong with you ppl

Once again, do you have a link to that?

Best line of the article: " We've officially reached the point where drug dealers have more honor than Kentucky law enforcement."

Might not be Current Events, since Breonna Taylor was murdered 6 months ago.


Those police have a lot of nerve.

If what they did wasn't illegal it should be and they should face the fullest extent of the law.

No one should be able to do such a thing.
She had someone killed.. does his black life not matter!? Wtf is wrong with you ppl

Once again, do you have a link to that?
Breonna Taylor Summary-Redacted1

Best line of the article: " We've officially reached the point where drug dealers have more honor than Kentucky law enforcement."

Might not be Current Events, since Breonna Taylor was murdered 6 months ago.
It’s under investigation.. Are you saying the police are frivolous investigating a murder she was Involved in?


Those police have a lot of nerve.

If what they did wasn't illegal it should be and they should face the fullest extent of the law.

No one should be able to do such a thing.
She had someone killed.. does his black life not matter!? Wtf is wrong with you ppl

Once again, do you have a link to that?

Best line of the article: " We've officially reached the point where drug dealers have more honor than Kentucky law enforcement."

Might not be Current Events, since Breonna Taylor was murdered 6 months ago.


Those police have a lot of nerve.

If what they did wasn't illegal it should be and they should face the fullest extent of the law.

No one should be able to do such a thing.
She had someone killed.. does his black life not matter!? Wtf is wrong with you ppl

Once again, do you have a link to that?
Breonna Taylor Summary-Redacted1

So her boyfriend, at the time, borrowed her car. She did not know the victim, but her boyfriend did.

That makes her guilty of shitty taste in men, and that is all. The report is from 2016. She was not prosecuted at all.

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