KY Prosecutor offered plea deal to convicted felon if he would implicate Breonna Taylor

Mueller never did any such thing.
Of course he did

squashing manifort for tax evasion was small time stuff

his only value was as a link to trump

There was nothing small time about Manafort’s evasion. It was millions and millions of dollars.

Good lord. The government took control of tens of millions of dollars of property to recoup and you call it small time?
You lied. The officers lied. If they are cleared Louisville will burn.
Your call for extortion is noted. That's how BLM operates.
There is clearly a link between Breonna Taylor and Jemarcus Glover that needs to be

I'm simply stating what will happen. There was a link. She had dated him. There is nothing illegal in that. If there was more than that the prosecutor wouldn't have had to try and manufacture something.

Best line of the article: " We've officially reached the point where drug dealers have more honor than Kentucky law enforcement."

Might not be Current Events, since Breonna Taylor was murdered 6 months ago.

Yeah......did they site proof? You know between the word of a convicted felon and the actual Prosecutor? I am not saying it couldn't have happened, but I am not taking the word of a lifelong scumbag without more than just his say so....

If you weren't such a lazy person you would know the answer to that question. However you're just too down right lazy to read the article provided in the OP.

Since you're too lazy and probably too stupid to actually read the information provided, I'll spoon feed it to you. From the article. Notice the attorney for the commonwealth confirms the plea lie deal but tries to justify it by saying it was just a "draft" document. However as the article says all plea deals are drafts until they're signed.

View attachment 384030

Why not stop showing all of cyberspace just how down right lazy and stupid you are by actually reading the information provided? That way you won't give me and people like me the opportunity to point out just how lazy, stupid and foolish you are.

I don't have all day to read democrat party members of the press........I read the articles I am interested in and let others do the rest......

You are the moron who has the dumb beliefs and ideas....not me.....

I am not the one who is making Saints out of violent rapists, robbers and killers.....

You must be interested in this. You clicked the link, read the OP and replied to it.

A person who isn't interested never would have clicked the link nor would have replied to the thread.

You prove just how down right stupid and lazy you are to all of cyberspace with the post I originally replied to and now this one.

You can't lie your way out of this. If you are going to make a comment about something all intelligent people get all the information provided. Unfortunately you aren't an intelligent person, you're lazy and a liar. It's a typical combination for people like you.

Stop lying.

I clicked on it and that was about the level of my interest you dumb ass....

You are a biden are as stupid as they come..........

You clicked on the thread. You read the thread. You replied to the thread.

That was the level of your interest.

Your reply was so stupid because the information you demanded was right there in the article provided. Every intelligent person would click it to find the answers to their questions. If the answers weren't there, they would do further research.

You didn't do that. All you did was demand proof. Which was right there in the article.

Just stop. Your replies to me about this are just as stupid as the reply I originally responded to. You're only further showing all of cyberspace just how lazy and stupid you are. And what a liar you are.

Intelligent people would just walk away. Honest people would acknowledge their mistake and move on.

Obviously you're not intelligent. Obviously you choose lies over honesty.

Which is typical for people like you.

Carry on.
There was nothing small time about Manafort’s evasion. It was millions and millions of dollars.
It was also a case for the IRS not a Deep State special prosecutor
Because Manafort's crimes go beyond just tax evasion. I support it being prosecuted by whoever finds it. The IRS was too incompetent to find his crimes. I'm glad that the Deep State special prosecutor was there to do so.
I'm simply stating what will happen. There was a link. She had dated him. There is nothing illegal in that. If there was more than that the prosecutor wouldn't have had to try and manufacture something.
Seems like there is evidence that Taylor was holding money for Glover and involved with his drug business
in some way. The persecutor was clearly looking to exploit that relationship without putting in the time and work it would take to develop that lead but it was clearly there.

It's also clear the cops there over reacted but doesn't erase the link and drug dealing Taylor was an accomplice to. Of course she's gone so we have a case that diverges from that point on that should be examined but may not be due to the extortion inherent in BLM riots.
There was nothing small time about Manafort’s evasion. It was millions and millions of dollars.
It was also a case for the IRS not a Deep State special prosecutor
Because Manafort's crimes go beyond just tax evasion. I support it being prosecuted by whoever finds it. The IRS was too incompetent to find his crimes. I'm glad that the Deep State special prosecutor was there to do so.
All they got him for was tax evasion and money laundering

if he were a clintonite he would be a free man today

Best line of the article: " We've officially reached the point where drug dealers have more honor than Kentucky law enforcement."

Might not be Current Events, since Breonna Taylor was murdered 6 months ago.

Yeah......did they site proof? You know between the word of a convicted felon and the actual Prosecutor? I am not saying it couldn't have happened, but I am not taking the word of a lifelong scumbag without more than just his say so....

If you weren't such a lazy person you would know the answer to that question. However you're just too down right lazy to read the article provided in the OP.

Since you're too lazy and probably too stupid to actually read the information provided, I'll spoon feed it to you. From the article. Notice the attorney for the commonwealth confirms the plea lie deal but tries to justify it by saying it was just a "draft" document. However as the article says all plea deals are drafts until they're signed.

View attachment 384030

Why not stop showing all of cyberspace just how down right lazy and stupid you are by actually reading the information provided? That way you won't give me and people like me the opportunity to point out just how lazy, stupid and foolish you are.

I don't have all day to read democrat party members of the press........I read the articles I am interested in and let others do the rest......

You are the moron who has the dumb beliefs and ideas....not me.....

I am not the one who is making Saints out of violent rapists, robbers and killers.....

You must be interested in this. You clicked the link, read the OP and replied to it.

A person who isn't interested never would have clicked the link nor would have replied to the thread.

You prove just how down right stupid and lazy you are to all of cyberspace with the post I originally replied to and now this one.

You can't lie your way out of this. If you are going to make a comment about something all intelligent people get all the information provided. Unfortunately you aren't an intelligent person, you're lazy and a liar. It's a typical combination for people like you.

Stop lying.

I clicked on it and that was about the level of my interest you dumb ass....

You are a biden are as stupid as they come..........

You clicked on the thread. You read the thread. You replied to the thread.

That was the level of your interest.

Your reply was so stupid because the information you demanded was right there in the article provided. Every intelligent person would click it to find the answers to their questions. If the answers weren't there, they would do further research.

You didn't do that. All you did was demand proof. Which was right there in the article.

Just stop. Your replies to me about this are just as stupid as the reply I originally responded to. You're only further showing all of cyberspace just how lazy and stupid you are. And what a liar you are.

Intelligent people would just walk away. Honest people would acknowledge their mistake and move on.

Obviously you're not intelligent. Obviously you choose lies over honesty.

Which is typical for people like you.

Carry on.

You are funny when you are mixing your booze with your meds....just try not to post when you normally post silly crap, but when you are mixing booze and meds you post really, really stupid crap.
There was nothing small time about Manafort’s evasion. It was millions and millions of dollars.
It was also a case for the IRS not a Deep State special prosecutor
Because Manafort's crimes go beyond just tax evasion. I support it being prosecuted by whoever finds it. The IRS was too incompetent to find his crimes. I'm glad that the Deep State special prosecutor was there to do so.
All they got him for was tax evasion and money laundering

if he were a clintonite he would be a free man today
Bank fraud. Witness intimidation.
If it weren’t for Mueller, he’d be a free man. The IRS sure as hell didn’t catch him.
The IRS sure as hell didn’t catch him.
The IRS was not included on the mueller witch hunt team

But if obama had asked them to help overthrow trump I’m sure they would be happy to do it
The IRS sure as hell didn’t catch him.
The IRS was not included on the mueller witch hunt team

But if obama had asked them to help overthrow trump I’m sure they would be happy to do it

The IRS turned over their tax documents from Manafort, but that’s all that was needed of them. Why would you want the IRS to prosecute Manafort when they were too incompetent to figure out he was evading taxes for decades?

Best line of the article: " We've officially reached the point where drug dealers have more honor than Kentucky law enforcement."

Might not be Current Events, since Breonna Taylor was murdered 6 months ago.

Yeah......did they site proof? You know between the word of a convicted felon and the actual Prosecutor? I am not saying it couldn't have happened, but I am not taking the word of a lifelong scumbag without more than just his say so....

If you weren't such a lazy person you would know the answer to that question. However you're just too down right lazy to read the article provided in the OP.

Since you're too lazy and probably too stupid to actually read the information provided, I'll spoon feed it to you. From the article. Notice the attorney for the commonwealth confirms the plea lie deal but tries to justify it by saying it was just a "draft" document. However as the article says all plea deals are drafts until they're signed.

View attachment 384030

Why not stop showing all of cyberspace just how down right lazy and stupid you are by actually reading the information provided? That way you won't give me and people like me the opportunity to point out just how lazy, stupid and foolish you are.

I don't have all day to read democrat party members of the press........I read the articles I am interested in and let others do the rest......

You are the moron who has the dumb beliefs and ideas....not me.....

I am not the one who is making Saints out of violent rapists, robbers and killers.....

You must be interested in this. You clicked the link, read the OP and replied to it.

A person who isn't interested never would have clicked the link nor would have replied to the thread.

You prove just how down right stupid and lazy you are to all of cyberspace with the post I originally replied to and now this one.

You can't lie your way out of this. If you are going to make a comment about something all intelligent people get all the information provided. Unfortunately you aren't an intelligent person, you're lazy and a liar. It's a typical combination for people like you.

Stop lying.

I clicked on it and that was about the level of my interest you dumb ass....

You are a biden are as stupid as they come..........

You clicked on the thread. You read the thread. You replied to the thread.

That was the level of your interest.

Your reply was so stupid because the information you demanded was right there in the article provided. Every intelligent person would click it to find the answers to their questions. If the answers weren't there, they would do further research.

You didn't do that. All you did was demand proof. Which was right there in the article.

Just stop. Your replies to me about this are just as stupid as the reply I originally responded to. You're only further showing all of cyberspace just how lazy and stupid you are. And what a liar you are.

Intelligent people would just walk away. Honest people would acknowledge their mistake and move on.

Obviously you're not intelligent. Obviously you choose lies over honesty.

Which is typical for people like you.

Carry on.

You are funny when you are mixing your booze with your meds....just try not to post when you normally post silly crap, but when you are mixing booze and meds you post really, really stupid crap.

When I read a lie I stop reading.

I'm a cancer patient. Alcohol will make me vomit. The meds I take is Tamoxifen, a pill form of chemo the highest dose. Which is what has trashed my stomach so that not much including alcohol will stay in it. I didn't drink before the cancer and chemo. I don't consume things that don't taste good to me.

Obviously you have a problem with alcohol and drugs since you are projecting on me. Get help for your addictions.

When you start out with such ridiculous garbage I stop reading. There is no need to read beyond the ridiculous lies in the first sentence.

You aren't man or adult or honest enough to acknowledge the fact that you are too lazy to read the information given you. You aren't even adult enough to just walk away. No, your ego and childishness won't allow you to do that so you argue with me using lies and ridiculous garbage.

While you aren't adult enough or honest enough or man enough, I am. Even though I'm a woman.

Reply to this all you want. Rant and rave about this all you want. I won't read or reply to it.

You just aren't worth my time and effort.

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