Kyle Rittenhouse chooses Texas A&M, says it's going to be "awesome"

I think it was a pretty dumb idea for him to announce his location. That makes him a target.

Politics might not be a good idea for him. I don’t know anyone who would vote for him, and I’d probably ignore my general rule of not donating to politicians to fund his opponent.
Funny how he didn't notify Texas A & M.
I wish the young man well....I'm sure the dems will do their level best to fuck it up....That's how they roll.
No way he is accepted to A&M. Its a good school, difficult to get into, and he's a low grade out of state moron. Did he even graduate high school?
bro, good luck, enjoy your life

Kyle says he wants to be a lawyer, i wish he'd go into politics instead

Since the fascists in those schools will refuse to admit him, it is good he is going to be a multi-millionaire after he sues whoopi, CNN and the rest of the left wing shitheads who called him a racist.....
I doubt he meets anything close to this.

There are three ways to be admitted to Texas A&M:

  1. Automatically admitted if you live in Texas and are in the top 10% of your class at the time of your application.
  2. Automatically admitted if you complete all of Texas A&M's required coursework, rank in the top 25% of your class at the time of application, and have an SAT score of at least 1300 (Math and Critical Reading) with each component at least 600, or an ACT composite of 30 with at least a 27 in English and Math.
  3. 3. If you don't meet either of the above, but meet the State of Texas Uniform Admission Policy (SAT of at least 1500 total, ACT of at least 18 English, 22 Reading, 22 Mathematics and 23 Science, plus successful completion of recommended high school classes), your application will be reviewed holistically, in other words, your essays, extracurriculars, and other information will all be considered.
Soon Kyle will be one of the riches young men in the USA. Thanks to the dishonest hate the Left spewed at him.
Its a good school, difficult to get into

Yes, I know I am smart. Thank you.


and by the way, getting in is not the hard part.

Staying in is much more difficult.

We actually have grades, unlike the Ivy League "schools".

Yes, I know I am smart. Thank you.


and by the way, getting in is not the hard part.

Staying in is much more difficult.

We actually have grades, unlike the Ivy League "schools".
The Boy graduated summa cum laude from there. :):up:
The Daughter In Law carried the banner at graduation from her school from there. He married up. :mm:
Wife graduated from there too then went to grad at UT. Me? I'm in Sales...
What a dolt. Kyle, you have to be accepted by a university before you say you’re going there. Maybe you should apply to Kenosha Community jr college. It’s more your speed.
he's going to A & M in 2023....he just announced on twitter today...get your facts straight, bro
NBC News

Kyle Rittenhouse claims he's going to Texas A&M. The university begs to differ.​

Do you always believe everything on Twitter sis?
Kyle Rittenhouse and David Hogg are both trending.

Hogg is celebrated for opposing Constitutional rights, while Rittenhouse is vilified for exercising them.

Be more like Kyle.

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