Kyle Rittenhouse should be awarded a congressional medal...

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has advanced such legislation and I shall be raising hell with my congress critter if he doesn't co-sponsor it.

Kyle Rittenhouse is one of those unique Americans that stands up against insanity, criminals and walks into chaos in order to establish order.

They’re making a medal for treason?
Deadliest Crotch Greene got her attention grabbing headline of the week so of course you gullible Trump asseaters lap it up.

You assclowns will believe anything.
And at the same triggered your
What? Whether or not you think I’m contradicting myself, my entire argument boils down to what I see as the pointlessness of bringing up irresponsibility on Kyle’s part when it could be just as easily argued that everyone acted irresponsibly. It’s a moot point.

This is also a moot point because nothing they did or did not do precipitated this incident.

Fine. But that still leaves us with the fact that none of this is responsible for Rosenbaum’s, Huber’s or Grosskreutz’s actions.

You may be right about that. But I never claimed he was good and I don’t even think he deserves a medal.

It would be more accurate to say that he would have never been chased if Rosenbaum had behaved like a mature adult.

Most people criticizing Rittenhouse will say that none of these people should have been there but with Rosenbaum, Huber and Grosskreutz, that’s as far as they are willing to go. At some point we have to acknowledge that their own actions got them shot or killed.

First I would ask why you think it’s a stretch. Secondly, I would point out that, even if he said this with no real conviction, it must be pointed out that - for some reason that still escapes me - people are trying to make this about race when it had absolutely nothing to do with race and had absolutely nothing to do with BLM or even the Jacob Blake shooting.

He wasn’t there to protest or counterprotest and it’s not why he was attacked.

There’s no reason to think he would even try to carry a personal weapon on campus.

To sum up, we can talk about irresponsibility until we’re blue in the face and in the larger picture, that may be true.
But if we’re going to go that route then we have to go all the way and consider every preceding event and factor, all the way back to the shooting of Blake. If this had not happened there would have been no riots, thus no looting and burning, thus no reason for folks like Kyle to feel compelled to protect property.

But that is an exercise best left to philosophers.

Having an entire city whose streets are teeming and full of people who should not have been there, we have to focus on specific actions that led to the shootings. Because after all, the riots had been going on for days with no one getting shot. This means that having armed and irresponsible people roaming the streets is no guarantee there will be a shooting.

So again, we have to focus on specific actions and the specific actions responsible for this incident were those by Rosenbaum, Huber, Grosskreutz and to a certain extent, all those involved in chasing and attacking Kyle.
I got you. If it is not strictly against the law, we should not talk about or point out bad behavior, lack of personal or parental responsibility, ethics, child-rearing,God forgive us if we hurt somebody's feeling by point out their asshole moves. You say it really doesn't, but to me, that make you pare of the problem. Look, it upset you for them and even you say, you wouldn't take a kid to a riot, yet, you feebly attempt to put down even the conversation, as personal responsibility is pointless in your stated opinion. So if you set something in motion by your contribution to a situation that can easily see to be problematic especially involving a kid, but did nothing against the law yourself, your golden and can hold your head up high as a fine citizen. Yeah, right. :auiqs.jpg:
Too bad for your narrative - always assuming you ever listen to any facts when you're busy parroting talking points - but Kyle actually went to Kenosha earlier that day to work, then clean grafitti.
Oh, and then he stayed to go to the riot, with adult friends? Reckon he told his dad and grandma, he was picking up his rifle to go to a BLM riot? Which talking point is that on?
Very good. Strange that we see no evidence that the FBI has agreed with your obvious wisdom and targeted these BLM organizers, or their organization.

I can honestly say, right now, that putting you in charge of the FBI, would be an improvement, that I could support.

If part of your agenda would be infiltrating BLM. And thus I assume, Antifa.
You wouldn't want me. Small unit organization experience only. Above that, I've only been a cog in a wheel.
They are not going to say it, but I would be highly surprised if they did not have people on the inside of BLM and ANTIFA. We usually don't find out cool stuff like that until they spill the beans on what they have found, either to leak and embarrass somebody or to prosecute somebody. In the meantime, they are pretty mum, as there are privacy rights/civil rights involved in those kinds of things. If they don't find an actual federal crime, you will never know they are there, but don't think for a second, they won't violate the hell out of somebody or some group rights, to get the information the need to bring an investigation out of the shadows. I bet they are on that, but I could be wrong.
You wouldn't want me. Small unit organization experience only. Above that, I've only been a cog in a wheel.
They are not going to say it, but I would be highly surprised if they did not have people on the inside of BLM and ANTIFA. We usually don't find out cool stuff like that until they spill the beans on what they have found, either to leak and embarrass somebody or to prosecute somebody. In the meantime, they are pretty mum, as there are privacy rights/civil rights involved in those kinds of things. If they don't find an actual federal crime, you will never know they are there, but don't think for a second, they won't violate the hell out of somebody or some group rights, to get the information the need to bring an investigation out of the shadows. I bet they are on that, but I could be wrong.
The problem is that given the way the FBI has been operating for the last decade or so, I don’t expect to ever see the results of any investigation of Antifa or BLM. The FBI has become too politicized by liberal appointees shaping it from a law enforcement agency into a domestic intelligence agency with a liberal agenda. What we will see is an endless stream of investigations into any group that isn’t left wing or that doesn’t fully support a powerful federal government,
The problem is that given the way the FBI has been operating for the last decade or so, I don’t expect to ever see the results of any investigation of Antifa or BLM. The FBI has become too politicized by liberal appointees shaping it from a law enforcement agency into a domestic intelligence agency with a liberal agenda. What we will see is an endless stream of investigations into any group that isn’t left wing or that doesn’t fully support a powerful federal government,
I still like them, overall. They are like the rest of government, or any other stable system, somewhat self-correcting over time. That "over time" thing is the problem. People like you and the politicians you vote for should keep your views out in public and push for change. All government agencies should have their feet held to the fire, continually.

I still like them better than DHS on basic principle and DHS likes me just fine. I just think they should have never been started and stood up.
You wouldn't want me. Small unit organization experience only. Above that, I've only been a cog in a wheel.
They are not going to say it, but I would be highly surprised if they did not have people on the inside of BLM and ANTIFA. We usually don't find out cool stuff like that until they spill the beans on what they have found, either to leak and embarrass somebody or to prosecute somebody. In the meantime, they are pretty mum, as there are privacy rights/civil rights involved in those kinds of things. If they don't find an actual federal crime, you will never know they are there, but don't think for a second, they won't violate the hell out of somebody or some group rights, to get the information the need to bring an investigation out of the shadows. I bet they are on that, but I could be wrong.

Better an incompetent trying to do the right thing, than a competent, trying to do the wrong thing.

Antifa and blm have been rioting and looting and killing for several years now. I think if they were properly targeted, we would have seen some arrests made on the organizers and funding of it by now.

IMO, it seems more likely that they are just not caring about them, because they are too busy chasing w.s., which are supposedly the "major threat".
Better an incompetent trying to do the right thing, than a competent, trying to do the wrong thing.

Antifa and blm have been rioting and looting and killing for several years now. I think if they were properly targeted, we would have seen some arrests made on the organizers and funding of it by now.

IMO, it seems more likely that they are just not caring about them, because they are too busy chasing w.s., which are supposedly the "major threat".
National problem. But so are the white supremacists, the militias, the boogalu bois and other that are better organized and more apt to bring guns to the party than the average BLM. Based on experience, BLM more likely to fund raise, send people to organize locally for what is supposedly a day rally, but often turns into a night riot, but these other groups come highly armed, showing their weapons in public, and scare the crap out of normal people not used to weapons, or people who like to flash them. They are their worst PR. Also, they are the ones that have stormed state houses, inside, plotted to kidnap a governor, and were supported by Trump. I understand you Have to let people demonstrate, to an extent.
I don't even understand why they put up with it after dark. Certainly do not see why they would tolerate supposed autonomous zones. Never knew or will understand why, (if not able to control the situation) they don't request more support through their Governors of National Guard and let them operate. These idiot local and state politicians (especially Governors) do everything wrong, with their law enforcement and their national guard troops if they even let them in to operate. They should be closing down the protests by 4:00 and everybody back off the streets by 5:00 pr earlier if it gets dark earlier. I mean everybody, all BLM, ANTIFA, local supporters, the casually curious, all the militia and any other armed civilians and lock it all down before dark, no people, no cars, nobody, nothing moves. After dark the law enforcement and/or Guard are the friendlies and anybody on the street not in the same uniform, reporting and directly under the control of the authorities are the unfriendlies. No sorting out the good the bad and the ugly after dark, if they are there, they get arrested, as forcefully as necessary. If some get hurt, it won't really matter as not supposed to be there and were told, no exceptions and no rush to process them out, during follow-on protests in the following day or days. If caught out, you don't get to play in the protests until the circus come back to town. It might take weeks to determine if those arrested on the streets after dark are a continuing threat to local order. The only noncombatants are the ones in their homes. I would allow credentialed press, but not mounted in vehicle unless traveling with official escort.
Same roid rage pervert who voted against awarding the Congressional Medal to the Capitol cops who protected her ass on Jan 6th.
Pete was wetting his bed and never understood that medals of honor are for honorable actions and/or valor in war. This little punk is a killer, not honorable and clearly a chicken shit.
Its amazing how many leftists here identify with a child molester!!!
Why is that "amazing"? They endorse every other sort of sexual deviancy. Thirty years ago the concept of a "gay marriage" would have been laughed out of a San Fransicko bath house. It wasn't until 2003 that Taxachusettes allowed queers to adopt children. They have incrementally lowered the bar for what is acceptable behavior now to the point where they have more classifications of sexual deviant classes of Christianity than "victim classes" of white privilege. In whatever orifice functions as a bed wetting leftists "mind" you can stick your pecker in a cup of worms for gratification. You can be "transpecies" and a 40 something male turd that wants to be a six year old girl.

Pete was wetting his bed and never understood that medals of honor are for honorable actions and/or valor in war. This little punk is a killer, not honorable and clearly a chicken shit.
You would have too make great achievements in life to be elevated to the status of "chicken shit", because that actually fertilizes soil. If you could read you know I made a distinction between a CMH and the many other civilian honors congress and the POTUS can award civilians with you insufferably ignorant, vile, sniveling piece of wad of biohazardous waste.


Kyle exterminated criminal vermin like you. Not one single cognizant mammal was harmed by him. The twelve jurors who heard all the facts know it, the rest of us know it, but parasitic worms like you haven't the frontal lobes to recognize it.

You can abort yourself now.

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The problem is that given the way the FBI has been operating for the last decade or so, I don’t expect to ever see the results of any investigation of Antifa or BLM. The FBI has become too politicized by liberal appointees shaping it from a law enforcement agency into a domestic intelligence agency with a liberal agenda. What we will see is an endless stream of investigations into any group that isn’t left wing or that doesn’t fully support a powerful federal government,
Far worse than that.

It's the NKVD that can't oppress an armed population.

If russia was awash with people who had semi-auto handguns, rifles, and billions of rounds of ammo in 1918 the bolsheviks wouldn't be more than a footnote in history. The left has been infiltrating the US government for over 100 years and only got truly emboldened when that meat puppet faggot rolled in with a cult of personality.

The FBI was been controlled by leftist criminals since at least 1992 when they murdered Randy Weaver's wife and children. What they did in Waco TX should have filled a prison with former gov't agents and media apparatchiks.

This is why we don't need TX and several states to secede, we need all the electorally "red" areas to declare independence from "blue" areas and isolate them. We can maintain more than 40 states of the union and declare the democrook states to be rebels once again, because they're clearly promoting slavery to the state.

Yeah, it's not a "plantation owner", it's an oligarchy of government sociopaths. The only difference between the democrook party of the 1860's and the one that exists now, is that the current DNC wants to enslave the entire globe.

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I got you. If it is not strictly against the law, we should not talk about or point out bad behavior, lack of personal or parental responsibility, ethics, child-rearing,God forgive us if we hurt somebody's feeling by point out their asshole moves.

I never suggested we couldn’t talk about these things. I’m saying that these things are not why this happened.

This didn’t happen because Kyle was there and armed, it happened because Rosenbaum allowed himself to get triggered over something stupid and foolishly attacked an armed person.
You say it really doesn't, but to me, that make you pare of the problem.

And suddenly I’m part of the problem because I hold these three people accountable for their actions?
Look, it upset you for them and even you say, you wouldn't take a kid to a riot, yet, you feebly attempt to put down even the conversation, as personal responsibility is pointless in your stated opinion.

I said no such thing. I said that Kyle’s irresponsibility is a moot point (in the context of the shooting) if they were ALL irresponsible.
So if you set something in motion by your contribution to a situation that can easily see to be problematic especially involving a kid, but did nothing against the law yourself, your golden and can hold your head up high as a fine citizen. Yeah, right. :auiqs.jpg:

Rittenhouse set nothing in motion just by being there and being armed. This was set in motion by Rosenbaum’s attack, nothing more.
I never suggested we couldn’t talk about these things. I’m saying that these things are not why this happened.

This didn’t happen because Kyle was there and armed, it happened because Rosenbaum allowed himself to get triggered over something stupid and foolishly attacked an armed person.

And suddenly I’m part of the problem because I hold these three people accountable for their actions?

I said no such thing. I said that Kyle’s irresponsibility is a moot point (in the context of the shooting) if they were ALL irresponsible.

Rittenhouse set nothing in motion just by being there and being armed. This was set in motion by Rosenbaum’s attack, nothing more.
Sure, they are. Pretty hard for a kid to have a weapon in his own home, not even attending a riot and end up having to shoot his way out of something. Everybody knows this, but you. Some of you have been bitching for two days, but I still can't find one single person that would let their kid go with a bunch of adults to a riot, (especially armed with a gun). There seems to be a pattern here, as in it is OK and very responsible and all hunky dory, as long as it isn't your kid. Go figure.
Sure, they are. Pretty hard for a kid to have a weapon in his own home, not even attending a riot and end up having to shoot his way out of something. Everybody knows this, but you. Some of you have been bitching for two days, but I still can't find one single person that would let their kid go with a bunch of adults to a riot, (especially armed with a gun). There seems to be a pattern here, as in it is OK and very responsible and all hunky dory, as long as it isn't your kid. Go figure.

You’re missing the point.

I would not allow my child to go to a riot for fear he might get hurt or killed. What happened with Rittenhouse proves this.

But at the same time, again, this did not happen because Kyle was there, it happened because he was attacked.
You’re missing the point.

I would not allow my child to go to a riot for fear he might get hurt or killed. What happened with Rittenhouse proves this.

But at the same time, again, this did not happen because Kyle was there, it happened because he was attacked.
As long as you don't let your kid go, you won't have to find out if it would have happened sitting in his bedroon, but mot everybody else can predict. Being stuped, irresponsible and placing him at the scene is what started it. for the kid. And, yes, it was wrong.
Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley called him a white supremacist domestic terrorist. Wonkette pegged him as a homicidal maniac. There’s a mad rush to lock him up, due process be damned.

If we don’t fight back against the lawlessness, if we don’t defend this young boy, it may very well be my baby boy that they come for
If you actually care about stopping white supremacy, flippantly throwing that label around is kinda diluting your argument. Maybe focus on another trial happening right now, that of Ahmaud Arbery’s killers

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