Kyle Rittenhouse should be awarded a congressional medal...

They were trying to disarm the idiot.

Irrelevant. Kyle had no way of knowing they were out to disarm him.

A few facts and observations that apparently have not occurred to Rittenhouse critics:

1.) When Rosenbaum chased and attacked him, he saw a deranged whacko who was enraged that his arson fire was extinguished.

2.) When Huber, Grosskreutz, et al were after him, he did not see a group of concerned citizens, he saw an enraged mob that clearly meant him harm. This is borne out by the fact that one man tried to jump/stomp him in the head and another hit him with a skateboard.

3.) Being the angry mob that they were and given the multiple attempts to injure him, if they had managed to subdue Rittenhouse, they would have stomped his ass into the asphalt. This is what angry mobs do. I know it. You know it.
They weren't Killers like he is.

If he hadn’t shot them first, they might have been. Grosskreutz was armed and had his gun in his hand while attacking Rittenhouse. This thing very well could have gone the other way.
I was unaware of the Congressional Medal of Dumbassery; awarded to punk-ass children who commit manslaughter while carrying out vigilante actions.
Couldn’t we say that Grosskreutz, Huber and the rest were carrying out “vigilante actions”? Did they or did they not attempt on their own to subdue what they saw as an active shooter? And didn’t Grosskreutz do this with his own weapon in his hand?

If we’re going to bandy the word “vigilante” about then let’s be real and call any armed person there that night a vigilante.
This is totally unfair you keep condemning the dead, who cannot defend themselves. The judge wouldn't allow any derogatory information against this child in the courtroom. If you hacked into this kid's online history you'd see that he is a white supremacist and an admire of The proud boys if not an actual member. If these factors were brought out in the courtroom I'm sure we'd have a different verdict because there was intent on his part he didn't have to be there he wanted to be there he wanted to kill people and be some kind of crazy hero for the far-right.

Your dead guy, is the one that choose to move beyond words and to launch a violent attack with the stated intent of murder. Against, as you put it, A CHILD.

You saying w.s. does not change that fact. Even if he WAS a w.s., he would still have the right to defend himself against an attack WITH THE EXPLICTLY STATED GOAL OF MURDER.

That you think he would not, is a terrifying look into what you lefties would do, if you had your way.
Any criticism reserved for the idiots that attacked him and who also should have stayed home?
When it comes to criticism of stupidity, lack of self-discipline, poor upbringing, and criminal behavior, I keep no reserves and don't hold back. The BLM (a worthless, hypocritical, racist organization based on a false, but emotionally catchy marketing motto) rioting assholes should have stayed home, or at least gone home at dark and gotten off the streets.
I also understand (whether true or not) many BLM leaders have traveled for state to state, city to city at these horrific events to speak and rally the crowds at demonstrations. Back in my day, they were called "Outside Agitators" and if I am not mistaken, became targets of FBI investigation for possible prosecution on just about any charge possible, which didn't hurt my feelings a bit.
Did I make my position clear?
Apparently you didn't watch the trial. The bullet struck his back at an angle that showed that he was in a lunging position whereby the bullet entered the back at an extreme angle consistent with his downward lunge. Go back and review the trial.

You do realize that watching the trial and learning facts would interfere with his ability to parrot his talking points like a good minion, right?
And your triggered ass is here crying about it.
Rittenhouse has about as much chance of getting that medal as you do, or I do. Where we differ is I'm smart enough to recognize that while you are an idiot who will believe anything bleated by jackasses like Trump & MTG.
Why do you hate women, misogynist?
I don't. But I do dislike garbage such as MTG. Too bad you're not smart enough to recognize that she's nothing but an attention grabbing moron.

Behold the Trump party consisting of slime like her.
Rittenhouse has about as much chance of getting that medal as you do, or I do. Where we differ is I'm smart enough to recognize that while you are an idiot who will believe anything bleated by jackasses like Trump & MTG.
Hey asshole, where did I state Rittenhouse was getting a medal? Show it now, or be shown to be a liar. Seek professional mental help for that raging TDS.
When it comes to criticism of stupidity, lack of self-discipline, poor upbringing, and criminal behavior, I keep no reserves and don't hold back. The BLM (a worthless, hypocritical, racist organization based on a false, but emotionally catchy marketing motto) rioting assholes should have stayed home, or at least gone home at dark and gotten off the streets.
I also understand (whether true or not) many BLM leaders have traveled for state to state, city to city at these horrific events to speak and rally the crowds at demonstrations. Back in my day, they were called "Outside Agitators" and if I am not mistaken, became targets of FBI investigation for possible prosecution on just about any charge possible, which didn't hurt my feelings a bit.
Did I make my position clear?

Quite clear, yes.

I just don’t understand people putting forth the argument that Kyle should not have been there when in fact, none of them should have been there.

It’s kind of like saying everybody should have been absent that night but Kyle should have been more absent. More so by simple virtue of his having to defend himself from other people who also should have been absent.

Given that no one should have been there, it’s pointless to single out Rittenhouse in this regard.
No. The words to describe EVERYONE who was there that night are: Imbecike, moron, idiot, interloper, etc…
Okay, fine. But you and other Rittenhouse critics keep bringing up the words “vigilante” and “vigilantism”. These words are used in the context of his being armed. Which doesn’t quite wash in light of the fact that others there that night were armed, including one of the guys who attacked him.
Okay, fine. But you and other Rittenhouse critics keep bringing up the words “vigilante” and “vigilantism”. These words are used in the context of his being armed. Which doesn’t quite wash in light of the fact that others there that night were armed, including one of the guys who attacked him.

I have said it before, and I will say it again: "Vigilante" is a term that really only applies when there is a duly-appointed law enforcement body ready, willing, and able to enforce the law. When said body abdicates its responsibilities, there is no longer a social order, and it is ludicrous to suggest that upstanding citizens are required to huddle in their houses in terror, waiting for someone else to finally make them safe.

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